SizeCon 2016 feedback !

Hello !

I just came back from the SizeCon and whew… I’m exhausted but well, I should write this. It will be a long article so if you want to read it be sure to have maybe some time ahead 😀

Sooo first let’s go back some months ago when I first learned about the project. At this time I was really amazed about a convention like this but well… USA is at the other side of the world but I really wanted to go there, not only for the convention but also to visit many things around (and I’ll be there until tuesday 27 😉 ) So yeah… I did it and I decided to get there.

Then the Kickstarted project started, it didn’t worked in the end but we knew that we could have much people interested so it was decided to book a smaller place. Of course we had many people not wanting it to happen and well… I still wonder why since they wouldn’t be going there so why do they care about stuff like this ? Some rules were decided from the start :

  • Respect anyone you meet
  • Don’t take any picture without permission

And they were respected. Because even if we were a lot there well… people stayed serious to the end and the whole event was really enjoyable 😉

About the place, it was located between the 6 and the 5 avenue in NYC and well… we managed to sell every ticket to fill the place (125 people !!)

So yes let’s start. Yesterday I had some time during the afternoon after a visit and since I was near the ‘place’… why not give some help to prepare everything 😀


(the main stage)

We had two ‘rooms’. The first one with the ‘main stage’, the ‘wonderland room’ where people could talk freely about different subjects, the artist alley where you could meet many different artists doing many things ! (picures / writing / collage / videos and more !)

And the other room was the ‘panel room’ where we had many different panels with many subjects 🙂


So well.. yesterday we started to set everything up 🙂


(some trapped tinies :D)



(do you want some tea ? :D)


(that’s one BIG ticket :D)


(The different badges based on people’s preferences)

And after the full ‘setup’ was prepared… it was already this morning at 9 for the last things to do before the ‘start’ at 10 AM 🙂


(the program with the different things to know and the panel/activities list 🙂 )

So yeah, the stuff you already know that I brought… as it worked well since I don’t have much of those remaining haha :3 I was placed between ‘Giantessfan comics‘ people that brought the latest issues of their different series. I was really amazed to be able to read the latest chapter of ‘a weekend alone’ before its release 😀 and on the other side was people from ‘Hamptons comic book show‘ that brought a LOT of old comics all size related !!


(my stand before the event 🙂 )

And it finally started… 🙂


(I got a badge from Jitensha since I was doing the’ Vore panel’ with her on the afternoon)

About the day it was wow… amazing. Many people coming to talk (it was a nice way to practice my english haha xD) and MANY fans of my work… I didn’t knew that I had so many of them !! I could give some pictures and badges and people really loved Erry haha 😀 I was just so proud to see some people wear the badge of this tiny girl of mine :3

Then the panels started, the first one that was on the main stage was about the ‘size’ in culture with many movies shown related to this, I also discovered some I didn’t even knew 😀

I met some amazing people in the artist alley that I’ll talk about later and it was really interesting to talk with different artists I only knew as ‘nicknames‘ on the internet !

I could also present a small ‘video’ showing many of my works and I could talk a bit about my game project and different other things 😉


Then the ‘panel’ I’ve been working on… I did some things like this before but it was my very first time in english and it turned out really well ! It was fun to do something like this with people like Jitensha and MissKaneda and the people were really into sharing their own experiences too !

Then the day moved on… I could assist to the ‘dark side’ panel then could see the ‘show’ before the end of the event.

I know that some people just saw this whole event as some ‘porn con’ but it wasn’t. People were really nice to talk with and really open to many subjects and not only talking about adult stuff… in fact many artists had ‘safe stuff’ and a file containing the ‘naughty’.

We were 125 today, it could be a small number but still… it was a thing I really wanted to be at… and it happened for the first time ! It was a really excellent experience to live and the first of its kind too. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do another one if there’s one planned next year but I’ll do my best to support it again ! It was just amazing to see so many people open to talk with !!

Special thanks :

  • Jitensha and Bryan for making this ‘dream’ a reality ! (and the many goodies I got too !! 😀 )
  • MissKaneda for the moderation on our panel
  • J’Yubari and all the staff from Giantessfan comics that was there, it was really fun to talk with you guys !!
  • Footphan from twitter for all the tips about the US and many other things haha 😀
  • Milkybody For the AMAZING picture he did of Erry (I’ll scan it when I’ll get back in France so you’ll have it in a better quality) Be sure to read his own review of the event right here !IMG_4742
  • Taedis for the really good talk we had and for the unexpected gift I got… I’ll be sure to read it !! 😀IMG_4746
  • Saftkeur from Eka’s portal, it was really nice to talk with you !! And I didn’t expected to meet someone from the portal as well ! 🙂
  • And the maaaaaany people I met too, you were ALL AMAZING !!!

And that’s all for now… I really hope that there will be another event like this next year (and if I could make it again ! :D) and thanks a lot for making this dream a reality, I’ll be sure to remember this !!!

See you soon for more !!
