Erry’s story part 5 : Overgrowth


It was at this dark place again. A small single soul was floating in the darkness and was sleeping, coated in a soft blue light. The girl didn’t know that she was there, in fact she didn’t even know that she died… Again. This girl in this world of the living, was known as a ‘tiny’, she was a bit less than 3 cm in height and in her previous ‘life’, was probably being ‘used’ again… Her lives where filled with just pain, no hope to survive… all because of the humans.

It was something natural for the humans… the ‘Tinies’ where just some small living toys and sometimes, even their own food. It was a ‘law of nature’ and except to the small people themselves, every human ‘accepted’ this fact. But something that they didn’t know well, was that among the small ones, there was a ‘special’ gifted girl… Erry. This white haired tiny was known as a ‘witch’ amongst her own people, all because her white hair color was known to be a symbol of disaster but no one really remembered why…

Erry had something within her own body and soul… that she could ‘come back’ from the land of the dead and wake up in a new time and place. It was something she could probably be proud of… If she wasn’t always losing her memory in the process. She would just remembering some small details from her previous lives, but never a ‘full life’ to the end. For now, she wasn’t back to life yet… Her small soul was in this place of darkness… Waiting for the right time. She was sleeping peacefully… but her mind was tired… She had died already countless times before, always trying her best to survive but failing every time, until now. Erry lost her own sister some day some time ago… The very girl who took care of her during all of her childhood moments… All before being eaten by some cruel human girl in front of Erry’s eyes… It was the first time where Erry’s heart had broken… But also the time where a tiny seed took its place within her young heart… The seed of the Hatred…

Every time Erry died… Every time Erry was in despair… to see her very own life end, this ‘seed’ was growing… She was hating the humans more and more… but wasn’t showing anything, probably because she had to live on her own and never really had a friend to talk about all of this.

In her previous life, Erry managed to save a young tiny girl… the girl was a bit younger than Erry and feared her at first… but with time the two of them got along well… Until an ‘accident’ had happened. A human girl known as a ‘Micro Hunter’ had found them… and not caring for the two small girl’s lives, ate the young one in front of Erry’s very eyes… But it wasn’t the end…! This human girl lifted her shirt and placed Erry against her growling belly… forcing the small white haired girl to hear her friend being digested ALIVE but also couldn’t do anything about it…

Erry was hearing those cries… those screams on the other side of this thick skin… But still had tried to talk to her… to calm her… But also, she begged the human girl to eat her too so the young girl wouldn’t die alone. The Hunter refused… enjoying this torture… it was just a ‘game’ for her after all… And soon enough the young girl within her stomach, stopped moving entirely… leaving Erry all alone… Erry was screaming… her friend just died like her own sister, she could feel her heart rip asunder… Another deep scar that would be in her tired body… Erry almost lost her sanity… but in the end, it ended, she the same place as her friend… joining her in the ‘flesh’, inside of this cruel human girl.

When Erry ‘ vanished’ from the world of the living in pain… she appeared in this place again… but even if her ‘power’ just erased Erry’s friend’s existence from her mind, her hatred stayed there, buried deep… feeding her hatred towards the humans even more! Erry’s body was now slowly fading from this existence… she was about to come back to life again. Erry’s back started to glow… this blue wing symbol upon her back giving her all of this power, was shining… but something was different this time… The white light coating her small body faded… as a deep black texture started to replace it… Soon, Erry was completely surrounded by this darkness and with a small flash of her ‘symbol’ on her back, Erry vanished from this place utterly…

An island somewhere in the middle of the sea… it was almost at the end of the night, as the sun would soon shine again to break into a dawn… A sleeping girl was here… She wasn’t wearing anything and had a head full of bright white hair… Her chest was moving a bit with her breathing and her body had some shivers from the cold weather… Erry was now brought back to life. “Hmmm…” moaned Erry as she was slowly opening her eyes… coughing a bit… far away she was looking at the sun light, but couldn’t see much around her… Feeling something ‘weird’ against her body… when she moved to sit down, the ‘ground’ collapsed with a strange noise… like as if she were breaking up. Erry gasped… moving her hand away from this strange texture… wondering what it was. Erry managed to stand… feeling this same weird ground underneath her feet, she took one step and almost fell forwards, her arms in front of her to prevent her hurting her body, then landed on something that was just like sand… Erry could hear a now so many distant noises… Putting her hands upon her ears, she was near a sea but nowhere that she knew…

The sun rose still more in the early morning… Erry looking at her ankles, feeling the light creep up her limbs… she was looking at the sun… but had a small shiver… was the sun looking ‘closer’…? Erry shook her head… “I’m a tiny… I must be dreaming again…” Erry was thinking, but put her hands on the sides of her head… letting out a tiny cry… she wasn’t remembering anything and was now wondering how she’d gotten here… “Huuh… What’s happening…” but Erry couldn’t think anymore… Her feet now in the ‘sunlight’ she was looking down… and was looking at this texture from before… It was like a green carpet… but something was different… Erry crouched and put a shivering hand down onto the ground… before picking up a small thing… that was looking like a small plant… Erry’s eyes opened wide… as she let fall, the small thing towards the ground!…

“A… Tree…?!” Erry was shivering as she took some step back… breaking even more of those small plants with her feet… “What’s happening… What is this…?” Erry shivered… more and more of her body was getting covered in sunlight… she was now looking at some small creatures running in what looked like a forest below her body and between her two feet… Erry shook her head again… slapping softly her cheeks… and blinked… “I’m not dreaming…” she had a shiver… Wrapping her chest with her arms… she took some steps to the sand… pulling off the ground some tiny trees between her toes again… she tried to be as careful as possible…

“I’m… Taller…?” Erry said with a shiver… The sun now fully upon her body… she sat on the ground… looking at those trees that were so gigantic before, back when she was a micro girl… and that she could now hold with her very hands… Looking around her, she was feeling her belly rumble… what was she supposed to feed on now…? Looking at the trees, the fruits were entirely way too small for her… “I don’t need to think about this now…” Erry said, as she put a hand on her belly and stood up once again… now walking on the sandy texture.

Erry was walking slowly… taking some small steps, as she was feeling really shy but also confused… Her head was still hurting her when she was trying to remember… she knew that she was a micro girl but now… how did she grow this big? Taking more steps, Erry was now looking at something a bit far but that she could reach soon. In her mind she didn’t know if it was a dream… or if what she was feeling was real! The sand texture under her feet, the sun warming her skin… way ‘closer’ than she remembered it before. She was now getting closer… hoping to find answers to all of her questions…

It was another morning in this city… nothing really big ever happened here and it was a peaceful harbor town. The sun was still rising so people were slowly waking up. It was also the beginning of the weekend so people were just enjoying their days off… In the street, some shops were opening and there were already some families walking in the streets, but even if this city looked ‘beautiful’ for any human, a small group of young ones were also active at this time… Wearing a special ’emblem’ on their chest it was known as a worldwide ‘club’ but their activities were a bit special too… they were the ‘Micro Hunters’. One of them, a black haired girl was already checking her ‘traps’… having a small purse on her side where some tiny ‘shapes’ could be seen against it. She had already 5 of them… teasing them while she caught the small helpless ones… but it was one of her favorites ‘games’… The girl was now walking onto main street, her Hunter emblem on her chest making her proud of what she was doing here, sometimes they were even paid to catch some micro people… and she was skilled enough to honor some contracts like this even if she was only 16 years old. Passing by a TV store, she stopped to walk… some of the people were in front of it… some of them asking some pretty weird questions… The girl was wondering what they were watching and soon approached from in front of the store too… now watching what looked like an emergency report…

“Yes… We’re getting closer to this ‘thing’…! From what we can see, it’s like a young human girl but… She’s very tall!!” said a reporter… She was in a helicopter with some TV crewmen… It was the scoop of her life as a news anchor, but also, she was fearing what she was looking at… “Yes… She’s really… A giantess! Something we never have seen before! Let’s see if we can get a bit closer to her, talk with her…” the woman said, as the pilot was getting closer with the flying metallic object… Looking from his point of view, at all of the giant girl in front her and him… noticing her eyes filled with fear and confusion… “But… She’s just a child…?”

Erry was hearing some strange noises… some big ‘insects’ coming to her head… she never saw something like this even when she was a small girl… “No… Leave me alone…!” Yelled Erry, with a shivering voice… now moving her arms to scare those ‘insects’… One of her hands ‘slapping’ the air near one of them that was sent away, spinning… Erry’s legs were shaking… “Stop… Go away…!” Erry yelled again as one of her hands moved once more, and slapped one of those bugs… Erry now looking at it falling with a strange noise… before exploding on the ground…? “What are those…?” Erry asked aloud, as she was looking at the small flame on the ground… before raising her head again… looking at the last ‘bug’ flying away… before resuming her walk.

“Oh my god… She…” Said the woman from before… having a scared expression on television, but she couldn’t stay calm… “She… she just slapped two of our helicopters like some flies…” The woman had now tears in the eyes “We’re… going back to the city… we can’t stay aside this dangerous thing… Mel over.” The woman threw her microphone to the ground… “Damn… we almost died there…! And she’s just a child…! She didn’t even know what she was doing!” The reporter was shivering on her seat… trying to calm her spirit, her hand went inside of her vest… reaching for a small package. Opening it there was probably just one remaining but it was a way to calm down for her… Turning the package upside down, she let a micro girl fall on her open hand. Not really caring about her small cries… she picked her between her two shivering fingers and opening her mouth, she tossed the small screaming girl inside before swallowing her almost immediately… “I never expected to see something like this… is she from the ‘forbidden land’…?” the reporter said, before feeling something. The small girl within her throat was resisting and managed to stop her descent. The woman swallowed again and the small screaming bulge went down again… Mel let out a small sigh… Feeling already relaxed… before having a gasp… “No…” Her face becoming white… realizing that the small ‘candy girl’ she just ate could be herself for this giant girl outside… Mel was now shivering in fear… what could happen to all the humans if this giantess found their city…?

The sun was now higher in the sky and Erry could see really far by now. Some trees were up to her ankles, but she hadn’t any problem walking… Sometimes just stopping to see if she hadn’t walked onto any small creature. Erry stretched her arms… now walking a bit faster as she started to see some shapes not that far from before… They didn’t look like a natural formation. The ground was now feeling better under her feet… she didn’t need to walk on any more small trees, and was now in a big plain, but due to her size, she couldn’t feel the soft grass underneath her feet. Erry was looking at the sky… some ‘giant’ birds from before were now just some tiny creatures… Erry giggled… it was a bit strange to walk like this for her but she wasn’t fearing anything today… the ‘outside world’ being just… small for her.

Suddenly a strange noise echoed below… Erry bowed her head to see and lifted her feet… seeing a small destroyed thing that looked like a small house “Ho… No… I…” she took a step back, looked at the small destroyed building… moving the small parts with her hands… hoping that there wasn’t any victim and she didn’t found any. “Phew… ” Erry sighed as she was now watching a small thing ‘running’ onto the ground, trying to get away from her. Standing up again Erry was looking at it closely… but it was fast and she started to walk faster… wanting to know what was this small creature.

“No… She’s getting closer!!” a young girl said… looking at her older sister that was driving her car… Looking from the back window and shivering from fear… The other girl was driving fast “Don’t look at her!!” She was lucky to have seen this on TV… so the two sisters could escape before this giant girl reached their house “Si… Sis… She… Broke our house…?” said the small girl as she was looking at her sister… before staring back at the giant girl… “Stay calm… we’re faster than her and we’ll be safe soon!” Answered the older sister… her eyes focused on the road even if she took some peeks in the mirror…

Erry was now almost running… her feet making the ground shake where they landed… she was extending her arm… She almost caught this small running creature… but soon could feel something… Her feet hit a rock and she was now falling forwards…! “NO…!! She’s falling on us !!! ” screamed the young girl in the car… her sister turning her head… looking a the giant silhouette, Erry’s shadow, looming over them… getting ever closer… “Shit…” the older sister said… and with a loud noise… Erry fell to the ground… her hand crushing the small car, in one, horrible noise…

“Aaaahhh…” Erry moaned as she sat on the ground… her hand going to check her ankle… Wearing a small bruise but nothing serious now, Erry gasped “Ho… No…” As she raised her other hand… Looking at the small metallic ‘bug’… “What was this…?” before noticing the small bodies crushed inside… Erry let a tear out… “Hu… Humans…?” As she was now holding the small broken car with her hands… Erry wasn’t moving… but in her mind… she was ‘hearing’ a voice… “Leave them… You can’t do much for them anymore.” Erry nodded… it was right. Putting the small car on the ground, she got up and took some steps…and turned to see behind her… looking at the small crushed thing… before she started to walk again…

“Jamie for the news…” A brown haired woman said on the TV screen “We just got our team back and they don’t want to talk about this… we could understand why of course but… Ah… We just got more information… The giant girl is getting closer to our city… and a house was just destroyed. We must inform every citizen to let let all of your neighbors know, the mayor is preparing an escape plan from the city if this ‘girl’ gets too close. Please evacuate in calm and orderly manner, and do not panic, please. We’ll be giving more instructions as soon as we possibly can…” The young hunter was still looking at the screen… before taking her phone. “Mom… Did you see this…? Yes… Yes… I’ll be going to the port as soon as I get her to the office… Yes mom… I’ll be careful.” Before hanging up… The young Micro Hunter started to walk rapidly towards the city… hearing already some people waking up in shock… she wanted to get her sister and escape the town with their mother as soon as she could…

Erry was now closer… taking a few more steps she was now in a vast plain again with some trees… looking around there wasn’t anybody else but herself at this size… Thinking again about the two small sisters she crushed before, Erry shook her head… it was an accident… she never wanted any of this and… It wasn’t probably real after all… Erry was now hearing some noises she never heard before like some sirens… taking more steps she would be near the human city within some minutes…

“Kill her!” Yelled a middle aged man… He was in an office with many people around that were all scared… “Mr. Wallace we don’t have such…” another man said, but the first one yelled again interrupting him, “She’s a monster and she’s getting closer to the city!! We can’t let her get any closer!!” The man took back his breath… He had a city to protect and many people where counting on him… “What about the escape plan…? Do we have enough boats for everyone?” Asked the mayor. “About this…” Another woman said in the audience “With all the tourists during this time we don’t have enough space for everyone and the closer city is…” The man raised his hand “Too far away… Damn… what is she doing here…? The ‘Forbidden land’ is so far from here… how could we have missed her and never seen this monster before?!” A young man opened the room’s door and went inside in panic… “Ma… Mayor…!” The first man raised an eyebrow… Looking angry “We’re in an important meeting… Come back later.” But the other man shook his head… “The girl… she’s… She’s here…!”

Erry was now in front of the city… noticing many people looking at her from different buildings she was feeling shy then covered her breasts and her sex with her hands… when she was a micro girl… sometimes she hadn’t much to wear and it was the same for all the tiny people… but they had to live like this. Erry was taking a step… hearing many screams from all around her… she was feeling weird… When she was a tiny one she would be the one to scream… but today, it wasn’t the same situation. Looking down, Erry did her best to walk carefully… not wanting to crush anyone even if some cars got turned upside-down due to vibrations from her giant steps… “What is this place…?” Asked Erry… looking all around her… she noticed a loud voice soon enough… atop of a building…

Little girl that got bigger...

“Yes you…! Come closer! Can you understand me ?” A woman said with a megaphone. Erry took one step closer then was facing the small woman “Yes I understand you but… where am I… and what I’m doing here…?” Asked Erry, the woman was feeling confused “Well… we would be the ones asking you this… we’re on the North Island and you’re in the main city of it… what are your… Intentions, if I may ask this…?” Erry was feeling shy… a light blush appearing on her cheeks “I don’t know… I woke up there and… I don’t know what happened before… I… I don’t want to hurt anyone… even if…” The woman on the roof talked again “Yes… We saw this… It was an accident right…? Due to your… size, it could be hard to get used to your gigantic body…” The woman gasped… Erry’s belly was now rumbling… Erry blushing even more “I’m sorry… I didn’t find anything to eat…” The woman had a shiver… taking her megaphone again she did her best to stay calm… “Do… Don’t worry about this… If we give you some food well… would you mind getting a bit out of the city…? I’m sorry to say this but you’re scaring everyone…” Erry nodded… “Yes I understand… I didn’t wanted to scare anyone… I’m just so confused about this… but don’t worry about the food too… I’m sure I’ll find something…” Answered Erry. The woman smiled… feeling that the giant girl in front of her wasn’t dangerous after all… “Ho no, no… please… we have plenty of things…! I’m sure that we could find you some trucks to fill with many things around…! we have lots of meat… Pastries and even some tinies…! I’m sure you could enjoy this…!”

Erry’s eyes narrowed… “What did you just say…?” She had now a strange voice… making the woman a bit uncomfortable “Well… You won’t see them at your size but… they’re just like us, but they’re our food. Besides they’re really delicious I’m sure you’ll enjoy this…!” But Erry had now a cold stare… “Ho… yes I remember… you’re all humans right…?” Erry was looking all around “You’re the humans that decided that it was ‘fun’ to do right?…” Erry said… making the woman even more confused “Err… Miss…? Is something bothering you…?” Making the woman shiver… thinking that she said maybe something wrong…

“Yes. I do remember now… sorry to ask you this but… what do you enjoy so much about them…?” Erry had now a cold voice… The small woman shivering in fear… “We… We-we… Well… It was always like this you know… they were always our food…” Erry had a giggle… Then picked the girl up by the hips with two fingers… holding her now in front of her face “So basically… because you can do this… you’re enjoying them as your toys… your food…? Just because they can’t protect themselves… and because they’re so easy to catch…?” The woman was fearing for her life… her hands trying to escape Erry’s grip she started to cry… “No… Stop this…! Let me go… Monster!!” The small woman screamed before realizing what she just said…

“Monster… Witch… Whatever…” I’ve been called with so many different ‘names’ but no one cared for my real name… but you know what…?” Erry sighed “You’re actually monsters… all of you… but now I am starting to understand why I woke up at this size…” Inside of Erry’s head, another voice was talking to her… a voice telling her to kill this tiny ‘human’… to drop her on the ground and step on her body… to toss her like a piece of trash… but Erry wasn’t listening to this ‘voice’, for now. Erry was sure to get a grip onto the small screaming woman and walked ‘deeper’ into the city… not really caring on what she was walking on this time around, crushing things under her feet, even as many cars as she could, and even some small panicking people… Erry was now facing a building with a large screen on it… “So… looks like I see this again…”

The screen was displaying something Erry hated… something she feared and knew how much the humans loved this… It was a preview of the next ‘Eat your tiny’ show. Erry placed the small woman in front of the screen “See…? Do you really think the small ones like this…? And well… do you feel different from them NOW?!” The small woman was shivering… realizing how small she was for this girl… just as tiny as a small person for a human… she had to choose her words wisely… “But… but you and me… are humans right…?” Erry laughed… before in a fast move, hitting the screen and the building with her fist that started to collapse… “Sorry miss ‘human’… I’m really sorry… but even if I’m at this size now… I was a Tiny before… My life was a living NIGHTMARE EVERYDAY !!! But now… Now… I can finally give you back all of this…” The small woman shivered even more… looking at the building easily having been destroyed… with many other people inside of it. Erry’s face was getting closer. the small woman was screaming… and had a strong shiver when she saw Erry’s mouth opening wide in front of her… “No… No… It’s inhuman… Stop…” Erry laughed again… Her breath hitting the small woman “Inhuman…? But I’m not human !!! And I’m just doing what you’re always doing to the small ones! Do you know just how many people begged for their lives when you just ate them?!!! I’m sure you NEVER cared for this right…?! It was a natural thing for HUMANS to do! So in the end… I’m not the ‘inhuman’ one… but all of you…” Erry looked angry… tears of rage coming out of her eyes “I’m… Hungry, and tired of this… Farewell…” The small woman wanted to scream again… but her small cry was cut short by Erry tossing the small woman into her mouth and closing her lips on top of her…

Erry could feel a shiver running onto all of her body… the small woman was ‘inside’ of her… at her complete mercy… Erry was ‘tasting’ this small one… playing with the tiny body with her tongue… hearing her tiny screams… It was too much… but Erry’s eyes opened again… she wanted more… knowing that she could take her revenge against humanity, today was making her moan… Feeling a deep bliss… she started to raise her head back… lifting her tongue within her mouth… hearing the small woman screaming but also some humans that were now looking at the ‘action’ from their windows… Erry took a deep breath… and tilting her head all the way back, she swallowed the small woman down…

Erry stayed here… her mouth opened in awe… feeling this small woman traveling deeper and deeper inside of her body… Feeling for the first time what humans always did to the small ones… Erry had a shiver… “Ha… Haha… Hahaha…! I… I did it…!” Erry started to have a strange laugh… now feeling the small woman ‘landing’ with a splash inside of her stomach “Feeling bad now… Tiny one…?!” Erry was mocking the woman… just like the humans always teased the small ones before. “Don’t worry… You’ll be turned into nothing soon…” Erry said with a truly cold voice, as she was now looking at the people in the buildings nearby… They were all screaming and yelling at her… Erry only heard many ‘hard’ words… ‘Monster… Giant bitch… Cruel girl…’ but she just ignored them… until she turned to face all of those people “Think about yourself first… don’t you think you have better things to do than yelling at me now…?” As with a fast move of her leg, Erry kicked into the building that collapsed easily by the burden of the blunt forced pushed against it… burying all of those people within like a stone grave… Erry turned and did the same to another building… her laughter getting more maniacal by the moment…

“Yessss…! Kill them…!!! All of them !!” The same voice was yelling out in Erry’s mind… and the white haired girl was currently listening to it… walking in the small city again, extending her arms on the side to ‘slap’ some other buildings, with of course, many other humans inside… She was now walking carefully… but in fact was ‘aiming’ where she was stepping… feeling many things break under her bare feet… small houses… cars… and people… Erry didn’t really care anymore… her hatred now ‘controlling’ her. She was now near the center of the city… leaving behind her only broken buildings and screams of fear in her wake… Then stopped before a small building… a wide ‘evil’ smile appeared upon her face…

The black haired Hunter was still running… her sister might be in danger and she could hear so many horrible noises around… Hearing each building fall… the giant girl could be near but she had to go there… Her sister could be crushed under a building too…! Taking a small side street, the hunter girl had a strong shiver… and fell on her back when a giant foot landed almost on top of her…! “Oowww…” The girl moaned as she stood up… looking to the sky, as she was right under the giant girl but wasn’t noticed yet… though she had a strong chill go down her spine… when she saw that Erry stopped to walk in front of this special place… where the micro hunter’s sister resided…

“Hehe… Looks like I found something nice here~” Erry said while giggling… Looking at the small building… that was ‘wearing’ a specific emblem on it… A Micro Hunter’s base. Erry slowly raised her feet… and placed it above the small shelter… then started to move it down… ready to crush this horrible ‘club’ under her feet once and for all… “S… Stop!!” A tiny voice suddenly yelled out. Erry frowned and looked down… it was a young girl looking at her. “What do you want?” Asked Erry… her feet moving in circles around the tiny girl… “My… My sister is inside…! You… wanted to kill her, with everyone…?!” The black haired girl asked… noticing another smile onto Erry’s face. “Yes, I want to kill all of them… because of the ‘path’ they choose… I wonder how many people died because of them…” The human girl shivered… looking at Erry’s toe tracing a circle on the ground all around her, she had to answer carefully…

“But… She’s just a bit younger than me and I’m only 16…! Please don’t destroy her… our future !” The small girl cried out… Erry raised an eyebrow. “Well… Do you know that… actually I lost my older sister… and it was a human girl that ATE HER?! I won’t go back… You both choose this way of living… and I won’t forgive you.” The small girl then screamed… and started to run towards the building “Sally…! SALLY !!! Get out now !!!” But Erry sighed… and let her foot fall on the building entrance at once… destroying any way to escape. The small hunter screamed again… Now hitting Erry’s feet with her small fists “Let her go…! Let her go… you monster…!!” Erry giggled at this last answer… “Hmpf… All the same.” Said Erry as she spit right onto the small hunter… Now ‘glued’ in her saliva… “Don’t move and… Enjoy what you love to do…” Said Erry as with a small move of her hand, she crouched and ripped away the roof of the building.

“4… 5… 6. That will be enough I guess…” Erry said as she was now looking at the small humans inside… Mostly young ones wanting to enjoy the ‘game’ of hunting the small people. Erry’s hand went inside and she started to pick them up easily between her fingers… placing them on her other hand… “Gah… Ahhh… SALLY…!” The small huntress screamed, still glued onto the ground… trying to escape Erry’s spit… Once the building was empty, Erry raised her leg back then kicked hard into the building… Shattering it to pieces that ‘exploded’ against two other ones behind… Also breaking them easily. Erry giggled as she was looking at the small people running on her hand… preventing them to escape with her thumb… Opening her hand above her mouth to tease the small ones… some of them were crying… and within them was a younger girl with black hair. “Ho… You’re the ‘sister’ I guess… don’t worry I’ll keep you for the end…” Said Erry with a naughty smile… now looking at all of them… “Sooo… Let me see how many ‘tinies’ did you catch today… but first put them down here.” Erry put her other hand aside to collect all the small bags… Once they were all there, Erry placed them carefully on the ground… allowing the trapped tiny people to escape… scared of this even more giant girl… Erry looked back at the people on her hand… approaching her face closer… “So yes… How much did you catch…? Who is today’s best Hunter…?” Some of the small ones couldn’t talk… Scared of this girl’s face, so gigantic for them… Her voice being so loud for their small bodies… a young girl approached… Probably one of the club’s ‘leaders’… “I got 8 of them today…” Erry smiled… “You’re very courageous… Well… Congratulations.” Said Erry as with a fast move of her hand she picked be girl and sent her to her mouth… swallowing her almost immediately… Making the other hunters scream… Looking at the small screaming bulge containing their ‘leader’ going down on Erry’s throat… Erry had a cold stare… “Afraid…? But that’s what you do to the small ones…”

The micro hunter on the ground coughed… hearing Erry swallowing her leader scared her… and the worst was that her own sister was still in Erry’s hand…! “Gah… Nh… Sto…p!” Erry looked down… and the micro hunter opened her eyes wide… between Erry’s lips was a small leg moving… Before Erry sucked it and swallowed another one of her friends… Erry was looking at the small girl covered with her saliva… “Enjoying what you see…? I guess not… but I’m not done yet… ” Erry said as she took 3 of the 4 remaining and put them in her mouth… Playing with them and hearing their small cries… Erry looked ‘happy’… Even if she was taking some people’s lives… and soon she swallowed them… one by one… until a loud scream echoed… It was the last girl on Erry’s hand… “No… No… NOOOOO !!!! Stop this !!!!” Erry was looking at her… Frowning… “Why…? Did you stop when all of them begged you…? Besides…” Erry crouched and picked the small Micro Hunter up… holding her on her other hand… the first one finally noticing her sister… “Sis…? Sis!!!” The small girl managed to sit… her body was still coated by Erry’s spit… but looked immediately on the side “Sally… Are you alright…?” Erry was looking at the two small sisters giggling… “What a nice family reunion… too bad that it won’t last long!…” The two girls then turned their heads only to look into Erry’s eyes… the giant girl closing her fingers so she couldn’t move, she took a step and turned back… her butt approaching the small broken base and the houses around… until with a loud noise, Erry sat on the ground… crushing everything under her butt cheeks easily… she let out a small laugh “Haha… Looks like your houses aren’t really hard to break…” Erry said as she rested her back onto some buildings behind… making them move with her weight… Erry placed the older of the girls on her onto her right breast… and with a smile raised her hand to her mouth, moving it along with her head to make the small Sally slide on the hand and land straight into Erry’s maw…

“SALLY !!!” The girl on Erry’s breast screamed… The other small girl shivering on Erry’s tongue… her body coated by Erry’s warm saliva… Erry had a giggle and closed her teeth in front of the small one… now looking at her ‘captive’ on her breast… “Pleasure my body…” As Erry giggled… Moving her left hand to her other breast… the small girl had a shiver… “Ne… Never…! ” Erry giggled louder… before opening her mouth wide… showing the small girl within… The giant girl was now drooling on her… before closing her teeth again “Obey.”. The small hunter hated this… but she wanted to help her sister so bad… she was now walking towards Erry’s nipple… her eyes empty… feeling Erry’s body shivering under her small steps…

Erry giggled… This ‘power’ she had now against humanity was so incredible for her… Erry grabbed her breast and had a soft moan… Looking at her other breast she was observing the other tiny girl… trying to rub her hands onto the small pink bit of flesh… Erry moaned again… She closed her eyes for a bit… Feeling this tiny girl fighting against her giant tongue within her mouth… She could hear her scream when she was pressing her between her giant teeth… not crushing her but now wanting to hear more of her small pleas… Erry’s head soon ‘fell’ back and hit a small building that fell behind… hearing some screams from the people living in it, before breaking on the ground… It was so good…! Having these girl’s lives at her mercy, gave her chills… her toes started to curl… ‘Digging’ into the road… Erry had a strong shiver of pleasure… this tiny girl’s rubs were perfect but it was almost there… she was almost at the top of her pleasure… it just needed a ‘little extra’… and Erry had it right….. there…


The small hunter on Erry’s breast let out a scream… she was looking at the bulge on Erry’s throat, going down… with her screaming sister inside! “No… NO !!! What have you done… SALLY !!!” Erry giggled and moved a bit… making the small girl fall onto her belly. “AAAAHHHH!! Noooo!!!” The small hunter screamed while she was hearing a loud growling below her… and someone’s voice screaming from under the skin… Her sister’s voice. “No… No… It can’t be happening… Sally…!” The girl looked at Erry “Spit her out !!” Erry frowned “No.” The small girl screamed again “SPIT HER OUT NOW !! SHE’S MY SISTER !!!” Erry sighed… “So what…? Look at your chest tiny one… this emblem you’re so proud about… do you really think the world needed people like you…?” The small girl shivered… Hearing her sister screaming loudly under her feet… she was probably being digested alive… “Eat me. Do whatever you want giant monster but… I don’t want my younger sister to die alone! Come on and DO IT!!!” Erry giggled… Picking up the young girl between two fingers and placing her hand in front of her face “Heh… you’re courageous to ask me to kill you… but you know what…? My sister died ALONE and I don’t really want you to join her… but maybe you could do something else…” The small girl had a shiver… “No… What do you mean… Don’t let my sister die like this…! She doesn’t deserved this!!” Erry had a sad expression… “You’re right… no one deserves to die like this… but as you made this choice to become a hunter… I made this choice to punish you… now do your best.” Erry said as she was now sitting against the buildings on her back… another one of them falling behind… Erry’s hand went in front of her lower ‘lips’… “You know Hunter… As tinies we can’t really think about having children because of you… because we’re not sure we could give life to another one before being caught and… because we don’t really want to give such a ‘world’ to our children… Look at me… I’m just 15 but… at least you could make me feel good…” Erry was now opening her vagina lips with her other hand and pressed the small girl against her wet skin… The hunter girl was screaming from fear… trying to escape, she could only feel more chills from Erry’s body… Erry moved her hand a bit and with a smooth move, ‘inserted’ the small girl within…

Erry let out a loud moan… her body shivering everywhere she extended one leg and kicked into some houses… breaking them from the impact… “Hooo yes… Make me feel good…~” Moaned Erry as she inserted a finger inside of her sex too… feeling the small body of the girl. Erry started to move… Her body shivering more… her other arm punching into a nearby building and caught some people with her fingers… Erry placed them on her breast and put her hand above them… Pressing the small humans against her skin… A small drip of drool was going out of her mouth… fingering herself faster, feeling the small girl within her and the tiny ones on her breast almost suffocating from the pressure… Erry moaned louder… This moan echoing in all of the city… “Yes… Yessss haaaaa…. Haaaahhhh.” She was reaching the top of her pleasure again… inserting her finger fully within her vagina, Erry pushed the small girl deeper within her and with a loud shivering cry, started to release some juices… Her hand grabbing hard onto her breast… breaking all of the people that were here, Erry’s butt started to raise… Her toes ‘digging’ into the ground again… a ‘wave’ of heat went onto all of her body…

“Haaa… HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH !!!” Erry screamed as she started to cum… Her juices pouring out of her sex, flowing into the streets fast… hitting some people with a high ‘wave’, Erry could feel the small girl that was within her, fall… The girl had already ‘drowned’… but if she was still alive the fall wouldn’t have spared her… Erry’s lower body soon ‘fell’ too… Her sex ‘wrapping’ the tiny lifeless body up, still cumming on it… Erry removed the hand from her breast… ‘Cleaning’ it from all of the tiny bodies that got crushed on it… “Hoooo… ~” Erry moaned… slowly coming down from her ‘heavens’… She was looking at the small girl on the ground, covered by her juices, also not feeling the other girl moving within her stomach anymore… “Bah… You’re not different from us in the end…”. The white haired girl stood up and stretched her body… taking a few steps, she turned to see this girl a last time before resuming her walk…

Mel the reporter girl was in a room with the rest of the helicopter staff… she was looking at the screen displaying what Erry was doing… One of the staff member started to talk, “They’re really courageous to hide in this building to film her… ” Mel nodded slowly… “I never expected that she would become this ‘crazy’… she looked so… ‘Innocent’, when we were near her…” The girl as another crew member said, taking his cup of coffee… “I can’t really believe that she was one of those micro people… they’re not supposed to grow this tall after all… ” Mel nodded again and looked in her pocket for her small package from before… Empty. “I feel I could understand her a bit though… for her we’re just like… tinies for us. After all… look at what we do with them…” Mel was showing the small package “I’m used to eat one when I’m getting stressed… it was just something ‘natural’ for me but when I think about this now… she’s doing exactly what we’re doing with the tinies…” Suddenly the door opened, it was one of the TV staff members, “The mayor finished to prepare the escape plan! We all have to go to the harbor immediately since there won’t be enough boats for everyone!!” Everyone that was in the room stood up… Mel was looking at the screen and couldn’t help but to whisper something as she closed the door behind them “Poor little girl…”

The staff was now going down the stairs, heading to the parking lot. They were lucky enough to find a car tall enough for all of them but one of them wasn’t going inside… “Mel…! What are you doing?! She’s getting near and we don’t have time!!!” The woman stayed here and looked at the people she worked with “I’m sorry but… I have something I need to do. Please go without me.” Another man from the staff started to talk too “Mel… Are you sure about this…? She’s getting closer and… You could be killed.” Mel shook her head “I’ll stay.” The man nodded then closed the door before the car started to move… Leaving the woman alone. After two minutes, Mel could hear some loud noises… Erry’s steps were coming nearer. Moving to the stairs again, Mel was now in the building entrance and could see the street near… Opening the door, she dashed outside and wished that she would be alright…

“Hey monster!!” Yelled a voice on a nearby building. Erry turned her head to look at an angry looking man. “What do you want…?” Asked Erry with clenched teeth… The man had a smile, knowing he got her attention “You’re having fun miss…? Do you know that you’re destroying my city…?” Erry sighed… “So what…? I can’t really tell that it’s looking like a city from this height…” The man looked angrier “Joking heh…? Do you know how many people you killed with your ‘games’…?” Erry sighed again “To tell you the truth… I don’t really care.” The man started to yell… “Oh I see…! You’re the ‘giant goddess’ and you want only to unleash tour wrath on us right…?! Do you know how much of your ‘own people’ you killed too?! Since I assume that you were a small girl right?” Erry took a step back… blinking twice… she hadn’t thought of this before… the man kept attacking. “Yes… You’re just a child after all… a stupid kid that doesn’t understand responsibility!!” Erry frowned… “Do you know that even if you say this… my own people didn’t love me either…?! I was alone from the start! And because of why…? Because of this stupid white hair!! It was a stupid legend among us but now that you mention it… I don’t really care about it anymore…” The mayor was surprised… but didn’t know how to answer to Erry, another woman coming near him and let out a small word while looking at the giant girl in front of them… “Mayor… the boats are ready to go…” The man looked at her… Then at Erry… “Tell them to go… Now.” Erry heard the two people talk but didn’t understand… “What are you talking about…? You’re planning to escape from me now…?” The mayor smiled “It’s not like we could try anything against you after all… but at least they’ll be safe.” Erry had an angry stare, “Tell me where they are.” The mayor closed his eyes “No… There won’t be another massacre for today.” Erry yelled “I’m here to teach the humanity its place and you’re just… Escaping…? Do you really think that I’ll let them go freely?!” The mayor laughed… “As I thought… You’re just a stupid child…” Erry let out an angry scream… and wrapped the building with her arms… Squeezing it hard… “I may be a child… but I’m now tall enough to deal with Humans…” The mayor didn’t look so ‘strong’ this time… Erry was looking at him… until she squeezed harder on the building until it broke to the ground… the small man and woman falling along… Erry was looking at the small ruins on the ground and spit upon them “As if you could understand everything I lived until now…” Erry said as she resumed her walk…

She was now walking in the city streets again… feeling the same small cars breaking under her feet. Erry was thinking of the humans about to escape… She didn’t want to spare any of them… punching on the side and breaking another building… she was walking faster… looking at a small woman in front of her, Erry smiled… Raising her feet above her and putting it down she stopped… “Why don’t you try to escape…?” The small woman was shivering… Erry was still looking at the small girl’s face between her toes “I said… Why don’t you run…? You want to die so badly…? Or do you think that I’m some god too…?” The small woman shook her head… Before talking “If you want to kill me… Do it.” Erry frowned… a bit surprised… she put her feet back onto the ground. The woman sighed in relief before looking at the giant girl again, Erry asked her “You’re trying to save them too…? Those people escaping the city…?” The small woman shook her head again in answer “I know that if you wanted to get them I wouldn’t be much of an obstacle after all… I just wanted to talk a bit with you if possible.” Mel said. with a ‘hidden’ shiver in her voice… looking at this absolutely, giant girl, in front of her…

Erry crouched… and put her hand on the ground upside down, ‘inviting’ the small woman to climb on. Mel was now looking at Erry’s fingers… so tall for her, but she gulped and started to walk near them, finally to ‘climb’ them. Mel was now walking on Erry’s palm… she was amazed that even if she was so big, Erry’s skin was still so smooth. “You’re fascinating you know… I know that you’re hiding your fear… but don’t worry… I don’t plan to hurt you.” Erry said as she was carefully putting her other hand below the one that was holding Mel… the small woman sat on the soft texture “I don’t know if you’re aware of this but… I’m a journalist, but I don’t do this for my work… I want to… well understand this ‘situation’…” Erry was looking at her from above “So do I…” Mel gulped again… she was feeling she had to make the first step… “Mind if… I ask your name please…? My name is Melany but you could call me Mel.” Erry had an unexpected reaction… and had a shiver on her body… “I… I… You…” Erry looked on the sides… before putting her two giant blue eyes on the small woman again who was a bit confused by this reaction. “Are you… Alright miss…?” Asked Mel.

“It’s been… Months… No… Years… that someone actually asked my name…” Erry blinked her eyes that let out tears… “I never expected that someone actually… cared, about who I am…” Erry shivered… taking a look around her she started to breath loudly… “Oh my god… what have I done…” Erry let out some tears again… and looked at the woman… “I’ve… Became… A monster…” Mel put her hands on her mouth… Actually being ‘hit’ right into her feelings… She was listening carefully to the girl… not wanting her to feel mad or betrayed… “My… My name is… Erry but… I don’t deserve to be called like this anymore Mel… Just look at what I’ve…” Erry stopped… Then looked at all the damage she had done… Then she took a step back… Inside of her head, the same voice from before was back, yelling loudly “Kill her.” Erry was looking at this small woman just at the center of her palm… But didn’t try anything yet… “KILL HER.” The same voice came again… Mel wasn’t understanding, the giant girl was looking confused… “Kill her… Now. She’s no different from all the ones we destroyed Erry.” Erry shook her head… refusing to listen to this voice anymore she took another step back… but as her feet landed on the ground… It was actually a small house that got crushed… “Haaaah…?!” Erry let out as she moved away and raised her feet from the small damaged house, Erry didn’t see another building behind her that she had hit with her hips… feeling it collapsing, Erry let out another cry… tears pouring out of her eyes. she moved her hands against her chest, making Mel scream from surprise… The small woman now pressed against Erry’s heart… Erry shivered… taking some steps forwards… looking at the two small buildings again… it was now too much for her… “Well done… Now why don’t you destroy more of those…?” Erry’s mind was filled with this voice telling her to kill more people… but the giant girl was realizing what she had done… “No… Noooo!!” As she started to run… doing her best to dodge every building and avoid any small things that could be on the ground… She couldn’t help but to hit some buildings on her way out… letting out a scared cry every time… Against her chest was still the small woman that was coughing from the pressure… feeling Erry’s heart beating in front of her, she knew that the young giantess was in panic… but couldn’t help her now… And because of the pressure onto all of her body, Mel coughed before she closed her eyes and passed out…

Erry was crying… now running in the same forest she had been in before, she was coughing from running too much. Now walking and taking back her breath she was crying loudly… and fell onto her butt… crushing some trees below her as she landed on the ground. Feeling something in her hand she opened it slowly… to discover a small woman lying… “No… No… Did I… Killed her…?” Erry let out a tear that fell onto the small one… making her shiver… Erry gasped and was now looking at the tiny woman ‘waking up’… “Where… Where am…” Suddenly the small woman ‘froze’… realizing that she was still onto Erry’s hand but immediately spoke “Erry…? Are you alright…?” The giant girl had a shiver again… not really used to being called by her name, she bowed her head… “No… I can’t think that I could face anyone now… my hands are covered by blood after all…” The small woman sat back onto Erry’s palm “I could understand you Erry… I heard about your sister and all about your life… that makes me think about mine too. You know… I’m also living on my own and even if I have friends… I’m alone when I come back to my house. Erry I… I can’t give birth to a child… something that has to do with my body, but because of this I’ve been rejected many times… and I feel close to you because of this… Because that… We’re two girls living alone in this world…” Erry blushed… her expression now looking sad… Mel started to talk again “Erry… You’re not a monster… to be really honest with you… I… used to eat small people. But today I learned something… That we abused the tiny ones because they were weak… They were weak and we were strong and taller than them… we could end their lives so easily if we wanted and today you… showed us the same. I can understand the reasons that made you act like this but… not everyone is worth being hated in the world…” Mel let out some tears. “I decided to present myself to you… because I can tell how much you’ve suffered by the past and even now too… and because of this…” Mel removed her vest… and removed her clothes until she got naked in front of Erry… now putting her knees on the soft ground then putting her head down too… “Please forgive Humanity… Do whatever you want with me… destroy my body if you want… crush me… hate me from all of your heart’s content since I have nothing to lose but… please spare the remaining humans… I beg you…”

Erry was looking at this small woman… So small but… So strong too. Slowly approaching her head to the small girl, Mel whispered again, her head still on the soft ground… “Yes you can eat me… it could calm your anger…” But Mel wasn’t feeling Erry’s mouth… but her two giant lips actually kissing her small body…! “Erry…?” The white haired girl was blushing… not saying everything, just looking at Mel… “T… Tha… Nnk… You…” Erry said as she resumed to cry… “I’m sorry… I’M SORRY…!! I never wanted something like this to happen…! I was blinded by this… Size…! I’m sorry for everything…!” Mel raised her head… “Don’t worry Erry… I know what you feel… and to tell you the truth… If I had a girl… I would have loved if it was you…” Erry gasped… tears now rolling onto her cheeks… she wasn’t noticing that something was appearing on her back… a small symbol made of a blue flame that looked like a wing… a strong warm wave filling her gigantic body… that started to glow from the inside… Erry had a smile, still holding the small woman in her hands… Something was happening… Erry’s body started to shrink down… still holding Mel… Erry had her eyes closed while Mel was witnessing this ‘change’… Her body filled with the same warmth but not wanting to disturb what was happening… Soon enough, Erry had the size of a human girl of her age, Mel couldn’t resist but to give a hug to. The young girl who didn’t really know what happiness was… and with a last glow on her body, Erry was now at her 3cm size at the feet of the human woman.

Inside of Mel’s mind was a weird feeling… she knew how much destruction Erry had caused in the city and if she wanted, she could just step on her and finish this… but she erased this feeling from her mind immediately, something else building up inside of her… Mel crouched down and picked up her body carefully, the now small Erry, and sat her in her hand. “I guess I have what I deserved after all, I won’t be dangerous anymore like this.” Erry said, while she was looking at this human woman that became a giant for her small self. Mel had a warm smile “Erry… As I told you I… Won’t change back to my old self and I took enough of tiny ones’ lives too… I don’t know how everything started today and I won’t even probably learn why all of this happened… but what I see now is a tiny helpless girl sitting on my hand…” Mel had a shiver… Looking deeply at Erry “I won’t come back on my decision from before and if you wanted… I would like to take care of you… so you… We… Wouldn’t feel alone again…” Erry slowly nodded… “Thank you… I… I still have to ‘come back’ from all of this but… Yes… I would love to be at your side even if I’m just a small bug…” Mel blushed… as she put her hand with Erry on her heart… “You’re much more than this Erry… You’re the one who finally gave me a reason to live… someone I searched many years for…” Mel was feeling Erry crying… placing carefully her other hand on the small girl she was now humming a soft song… Hearing a single word from the tiny crying girl that made her let out tears too… a word she knew that she wouldn’t hear forever… “Mo… Mom…”

“I won’t allow this.” A cold voice suddenly said from all around them… Mel shivered “What… Who is this ?!” The voice talked again “I’m not talking to you… Pawn.” While a strong ‘wind’ started to surround Mel who fall on the ground… Without Erry in her hands anymore… The small girl was now ‘flying’… Looking all around her she wasn’t understanding what was happening… “Aaaaahhhh!!!” Erry suddenly screamed… As something started to pour out of her skin… It wasn’t blood but much more something like a liquid made of pure darkness… “Aaahhh…!!! AAAAAHHH !!!” Erry screamed again… Mel tried to stand up to catch the girl, just got sent back falling onto the ground… she couldn’t do anything… Erry’s body wasn’t moving much more now… she was still trapped by this strange wind while more of this liquid was pouring out of her… and soon Erry started to cough, the ‘liquid’ coming now outside of her mouth and from her eyes instead of her tears…

“Hhhhrrrkkkk…!!” The small girl made as a noise, as the last drops of this strange thing were exiting her small mouth… and started to come together right in front of Erry. The white haired girl’s eyes focused on the liquid that started to take another ‘shape’. Erry was feeling tired… her whole body feeling heavy and hurt from before, it was like the ‘time’ itself slowed down around her… Looking at Mel trying to move but in a really slow motion, Erry focused her eyes again on the strange shape that was starting to look like a girl’s body… Made of darkness


“So we finally meet.” A loud voice said in Erry’s mind… The girl in front of her now ‘looking’ at her with white eyes while her body was covered by an aura like a pitch black night. Erry had a shiver… looking at all of this girl’s details… she could feel fear slowly building up deep within her… because the girl in front of Erry was looking like exactly like her. “Who… Who are you…?” Asked Erry with a shivering voice. The other girl still having her deep white eyes focused on Erry “You could call me… Enaelle if you want, but I don’t really care about this too… The question is… Why did you stop? Wasn’t this fun to destroy those humans…? ” Erry stayed silent… the other girl started to talk again “So…? You stopped because of this… Woman right here…?” Enaelle was pointing to Mel then snapped her fingers… The whole ‘reality’ around the two girls started to wear some ‘cracks’… Erry gasped “What… What is this??” The cracks were getting taller… Nothing but darkness appearing from those… Erry was looking at the human girl trying to save Erry with her hand… “Pathetic.” The dark girl said while she snapped her fingers again… Shattering the ‘reality’ around Erry and her… Erry screaming as the human woman that was in front of her ‘broke’ too… leaving the girls in a place made only of darkness.

“You killed her!!!” Erry screamed, making the other girl giggle. “You see, when you let hate fill your hear Erry… think about what you can do…” Erry was confused, “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ?! You… You just killed Mel…” Enaelle smiled… “Sorry to tell you this but… It was just a game… this world… those people… weren’t real. I wanted to show you what you could do if you decided to use your powers wisely… But…” Enaelle now had a cold stare, “You chose to become friendly with a human… Really…? After all they did to you…?” Erry had a shiver “What are you talking about…? They never did something to me…?!” Enaelle giggled “Erry… Erry… Tell me… Do you think that you’re alive right now…? Is that place something you went already…?” Erry shivered.. Looking around “Were… Are we ?” Enaelle was looking a bit surprised “You’re dead Erry… A human killed you… Again. Don’t you remember…?” Erry put her hands on her head… not remembering anything “I… Died…?” Enaelle nodded “Yes… But this… Erelle is preventing you to remember anything I guess… Hmpf… Fine. I’ll show her what it is to lose her own flesh…” Erry was looking confused… Her head was burning… she wanted to know… but was now surrounded by ‘pictures’… some small moving pictures showing herself dying… Being crushed… Being eaten… Being used as just a toy… “N… No…! I can’t believe this…” Erry closed her eyes. “So you don’t remember any of this?… But I do… You created me Erry you know… because of all of this despair and hatred… You couldn’t bear any more suffering and decided to get rid of it… And I got ‘created’ by this…” Erry was opening her eyes… More pictures turning around her… Showing herself dying hundreds…No… Thousands of times… Erry hearing all of those versions of her screams… She put her hands on her ears… “Stop it… Pl… Ease…”

Enaelle was laughing… “I can help you Erry… And I will do it… Just accept my help then I’ll make you disappear… And everything will be over.” All the pictures vanished… Leaving in front if Erry a giant girl made of darkness… “I’m like this because of you Erry… All of those lives where you died alone… From despair… Let me end this now and forever.” Enaelle said as she picked up the girl with two fingers… Erry’s body not moving just like as she was dead ‘inside’… Enaelle started to laugh “See Erelle…? I won!! Your stupid world won’t change…! All those humans will stay the same and even a hundred thousands of tries won’t be enough…! It’s over… It’s all over… and I’ll now be enjoying this tiny girl of yours…” Said Enaelle as she put Erry in front of her mouth… Opening it and showing her maw made of darkness too… Erry wasn’t moving anymore… Her mind broken, she was about to give up… And disappear within her own darkness… No one would or could save her now…

Enaelle giggled… Feeling the small Erry on her tongue… She was tasting her fear… Humming from her taste… She closed her lips and leaved Erry in the darkness of her mouth… “Give up.” As she started to raise her tongue… Feeling the small broken Erry sliding to her throat… Once inside of her body, Erry would disappear forever… Along with all of Erelle’s hopes. Erry wasn’t resisting… And closed her eyes… “Everything is alright… Let met rest…” She was now about to be swallowed by her own despair… A small flash appeared in her mind… A long lost memory… Erry’s eyes opening… “A…ya…?” Enaelle heard this… And moved faster… About to swallow Erry… “Aya… AYA !!!” Yelled Erry… Now moving fast… She dodged the tongue that would have sent her down… And ran to the giant mouth’s opening… Now hitting the giant teeth of darkness with her fists “Let me go…! I can’t give up…! I WON’T GIVE UP…!! I promised to her!!! ” yelled Erry as she was remembering more memories from the life with her older sister… Enaelle looked pissed of… Then tilted her head back… “I wanted to go easy on you… But you don’t leave me that choice… Die… Forever… No one will help you.” Enaelle didn’t smile anymore… And with a fast move, had forced Erry to ‘fall’ down and get swallowed up the small girl… “I did it… Everything’s over now…!!” Yelled Enaelle as a small glowing bulge was going down her throat…

Erry was screaming… She was surrounded by dark muscles pressing her from all sides… Making her scream even more… she was going deeper and in her mind knew that she would disappear for real this time and wouldn’t be able to save herself… Erry started to cry… tears pouring out of her eyes… that she closed… ready to vanish in the darkness… Enaelle was laughing… she was finally victorious… and the very girl that created her was slowly going down within own her body… soon to be absorbed by the darkness… Erry hadn’t any will to fight back remaining… But soon was feeling something strange… did she stop going down…?

A single glow in front of Enaelle that surprised the girl made of darkness formed, she gasped… Two hands of light came out from the void and were grabbing onto Enaelle’s neck, making the girl of darkness cough… Behind the two hands of light started to appear arms… elbows… a whole body made of light… a young looking girl but with blue eyes that saw thousands of years… behind her appeared two wings made of light… While the girl opened her eyes, a crown made of the same light appeared onto her forehead… her angry eyes now looking deeply onto Enaelle… As she pressed even more onto the dark girl’s neck… “Spit her out.”

Enaelle coughed… still feeling Erry inside of her throat… she tried to swallow again… but the small girl wasn’t going down anymore… She was trying to remove the other girl’s hands with her own but couldn’t do anything… This ‘angel’ was strong… “Spit her out… Now.” Said the girl again… Her deep blue eyes focused onto the small bulge… Enaelle coughed again… feeling the girl’s grip getting stronger onto her neck made her gasp… Inside of the dark girl’s throat, Erry was feeling really weird… something strange was happening… She could hear a girl’s voice before… some weird noises were now echoing around Erry… The giant girl ‘surrounding’ her was coughing… and something was coming near her too… Erry screamed as a dark ‘liquid’ went from below her body and pushed up upwards with the ‘stream’… Erry had her eyes closed… surrounded by this strange ‘water’ that was going up.. she could hear Enaelle scream all around her… and when Erry opened her eyes, she was up into her mouth again… going out fast… and was now outside… her small body now floating again in the darkness… still coated by this dark liquid…

“It’s… been a long time… ‘mother’…” Enaelle said to the other girl.. who finally had removed her hands… but still having her cold stare on her. “Enaelle… so you finally ‘came out’ I see…” The woman said… Enaelle laughed… “You should thank Erry for this… all this pain and suffering… all those things she had to endure because of YOU… ERELLE !!” The angel took her breath and said a single word… “SILENCE !” that made Enaelle ‘freeze’… “How did you came back Erelle… you’re supposed to be dead am I right…?” The other girl looked at Erry then at Enaelle again “I was… When I ‘created’ her I was supposed to vanish forever… But… Erry is way more powerful than I was… and she managed somehow to ‘call me back’…” Erry was looking confused… looking at this girl that knew her… she had white hair too, but longer…. And those crown and wings of light… Erry stayed silent… wanting to know more…

“Hmpf… looks like I won’t be able to kill her today then…” Enaelle said while looking at Erry… Erelle starting to talk again “No… I won’t let you hurt my… child. Now… begone…!” Erelle raised her hand… making the girl of darkness scream loudly… her body shattering away… “It’s… not over… yet !!” Enaelle screamed as her body finished to vanish… leaving now the two girls by themselves. Erelle moved a bit closer… then looked down at Erry… “I’m sorry Erry…” Erry was confused… she heard things that she didn’t expect… Was this giant angel her… Her mother…? Erry wanted to cry again… but could feel Erelle’s hand taking her… making the tiny girl sit in the spot of warmth within Erelle’s hand… With her other hand, Erelle removed the small drops of darkness still attached to Erry’s body and brushed her hair with a finger… Erry had so many questions… she HAD to ask it… “Are you… my…?” Erelle moved her hand again… a soft light making Erry fall asleep immediately… “I’m really sorry Erry… but I can’t let you know this… Not yet…” and with another glow in Erelle’s hand… she was now ‘reading’ the inside of Erry’s mind… Looking at this ‘nightmare’ Enaelle created for her… feeling all of Erry’s sadness and guilt… Erelle closed her eyes… “You my child… The girl that managed to bring me back… I’ll grant you this wish… and… I’m sorry for this too…” Erelle then said a word from an ancient time… A single word of power that immediately erased Erry’s memory… just like when she came back to life all the previous times… Erelle also erased her own self from Erry’s memories… leaving this question to be answered later… “Yes my child…” Erelle then said another word… Looking into the world of the ‘living’… looking for someone that she found easily… It was a woman ‘not supposed’ to exist before… about to give life to a child… The woman was in pain… But her child would be there soon… This woman wasn’t remembering what happened to her before but had a sort of dream… and had a ‘promise’ to keep… After some time… the doctor put her child on her chest… The woman smiling to her new born girl… The soft smile of a woman who always wanted to be a mother… “Hello and… welcome… Erry…” Erelle smiled… whispering a soft sentence… “My Erry ‘asked’ this… I wish you the best for your life… Mel…”


Erelle then started to glow… her body getting smaller… she was now about Erry’s size but taller than her… taking her own daughter in her arms… warming her young body against her… “It’s been so long I hadn’t seen you Erry… I’ll be sure to… watch over you from now on… But for now… you need to rest…” Erelle said as she hugged the sleeping girl… Her two wings of light ‘closing’ on the two girls… until the next time Erry would be called back to the world of the living… For another Life…

End of part 5.