Annie and Erry Part 17.5

She was going down… Surrounded by many strange noises she loved to ‘listen’ now many times… It wasn’t a scary place because it was where she wanted to be now. Her small body was being taken care of with all of the love she deserved… And was happy that she could ‘do this’ again today…

Soon, the pressure all around her disappeared as she fell into a new place. She was in a warm and wide room… That she visited already in the past. She could hear her lover all around her… Wanting to know if the small girl was alright. Of course the small one knew that she would feel some pain… But in the end would become ‘one’ with the one she loved more than life itself… Then layed on the side, wanting to ‘feel’ her lover more… As she closed her eyes… Telling to her lover how much she cherished her. Today again, Annetta asked to her lover Erry to eat her whole and alive.

The two girls met so long ago now… Erry was a ‘tiny’ and Annetta a human girl. They were both living in a world where the humans are ‘used’ to eating the small ones, it was something that humanity always did… Not considering the tiny lives they were stealing every time, who cared about a small toy’s fate after all?

For Erry it was different… Atop of her almost 3cm she was lost in this city so big for her… Until she met the human girl in a park one day… This human girl was different and took care of the tiny girl. At the end of the day, Erry’s life was filled with so much love she never had before… And knowing that her tiny life could easily be taken, she decided to give ‘herself’ to Annetta. The human girl understood those feelings and accepted Erry within her body… It wasn’t like what the other humans were used to do, it was a love, proof between the two girls more than just a game, where the tiny girl would cry and beg for her life to be spared. And soon Erry was no more… Fully dissolved and being taken care of by the human girl’s digestive system, she became one with Annetta’s body. Giving this human girl everything her tiny body could give and was now a part of her.

But the story didn’t ended here… A miracle occurred.  Erry could come back to life due to a strange ‘power’ she’d learned about later. Aside from this, Erry could now ‘grow’ to a human size… And gave the same ‘power’ to the girl she loved. They met many times after all of this… Erry asking the human girl to eat her small body many times… To become more and more a part of her lover.

Then one day, Annetta asked Erry the same. She wanted to ‘try’ this… But also wanted to feel closer to her. Erry didn’t want to at first… A bit scared that she would never see her now tiny lover again, though however, accepted in the end. The next day, Annetta was ‘reformed’ by Erry’s power… And the two girls were now together again. As days… Months passed, their bond became so strong that they decided to live to each others side… Forever.

And this day was one of those where Annetta wanted to be submissive to her lover… Erry did her very best to give all the pleasure Annetta had needed and even more… Finally asking for Annetta’s permission, the now small human girl accepted… And got swallowed whole by the white haired girl.

The soft rhythm of Erry’s body was now rocking slowly as the tiny Annetta sank within her… The ‘giant’ Erry humming the song both girls shared until Annetta fell ‘asleep’ inside… Leaving the tiny body to be ‘used’ by Erry’s own. Until the next morning where the two girls would see each other again…

Some time after all of this, the ‘miracle’ occurred again… In a dark place a, small flame had appeared.  It was a deep blue flame but not burning anything around and soon the flame emitted a white light before vanishing into the darkness… Leaving a small sleeping girl on the ground. “Hmmm…” Moaned the tiny brown haired girl as her deep blue eyes opened slowly… “Honey…? Are you there…?” Annetta stretched her arms… Wanting to hug her wife that would be at her side on their bed… but Erry wasn’t here.

Annetta stood up… Her body feeling heavy… She was looking around “Erry…?” Before taking some steps forwards… Her mind was blurry… And so, she almost fell off of the side, if it hadn’t been for the fact she caught the wall.  Annetta finally saw some light… Her legs still being heavy as she walked as fast as she could, now seeing the light near. Her small naked form was now in the light, almost near what looked like a door but Annetta stopped to walk… Looking at her left hand.

“What’s happening…?” As her golden ring, her precious memory of her wedding with Erry wasn’t on her finger… Some tears started to form in the corner of her eyes… Annetta decided to walk faster… Reaching the corner she stayed here… Looking ‘outside’ in awe…

“Where am I…?” Annetta had said as she discovered a house… a giant house… and not the one where she’d been living in. Annetta shook her head, thinking about all of this like a dream… though she quickly discovered that it wasn’t one of them, and was really awake. Her small body shivered… but soon calmed down… she had this ‘solution’… Everything would be alright… putting her hands over her face and closing her eyes, she was now ‘calling’ the power within herself… She would grow to her human size and would find where she was. Annetta was still breathing softly… the ‘change’ within her body wasn’t hurting her like the first time she ‘grew’ and soon she let out a single breath… starting to open her eyes to discover where she was.

Annetta’s eyes opened wide… feeling a strong feeling within her… that was fear. “No… What’s happening?…” Annetta was coughing… her body was still in one piece… but she hadn’t grown at all! “Erry… ERRY!!?” Annetta let out tears… calling her lover for help… She was usually really calm in various situations, but this time… Erry wasn’t here and Annetta was ‘stuck’ at this size… the size of one of the small people…

She was now running… she HAD to understand how she got there… Her whole life with her wife… all of the dreams and love they shared… nothing of that was in this unknown place… and her very ‘heart’ was missing too. “ERRY!!?” Annetta screamed again… Her body was shivering… she was living the same fear Erry used to feel every day… and hoped that she would meet someone to help her soon… Annetta reached the end of the giant room… looking behind she discovered the gigantic bed, was not her own…

Suddenly the tiny girl let out a squeak… as she heard something… A sound like a key in a door… and indeed a loud sound was heard, it not just being her imagination. Annetta couldn’t see what was happening but there was now a ‘human’ near… Her face was now wearing hope… she could ask for help and to escape this weird place… Annetta’s tiny heart was beating fast… she was… saved.

“Mii… delicious tiny… I can still feel you haha…” said a loud voice.  Annetta’s body ‘froze’… did she just hear a voice talking about something she heard about many times…?  About Erry’s worst nightmare…? The nightmare of being eaten mercilessly by a human…? Annetta’s legs where shivering and quickly, she fell on her butt… her legs refusing to move… “Yeah… don’t worry, we’ll have some fun hehe~” the voice said again… Getting closer to the room “But… let me just remove those…” Annetta’s ears where now hearing this loud voice… a girl’s voice and some sounds, like if she was undressing herself… Annetta was screaming in her mind… asking her legs to move… she couldn’t stay here!  This human was like the ‘old Saphyr’ she had met with Erry… and was actually enjoying the act of eating the small ones… if Annetta wouldn’t move NOW, she would be the next one!

As Annetta finally managed to stand up, a giant foot landed nearby… Making the ground shake and making the tiny girl lose her balance, soon falling onto her butt… Though before she could see anything of the ‘human’ girl, something heavy landed on top of the small Annetta… The human girl hadn’t noticed anything too, as sat on the bed… looking at the pile of clothes, she let fall on the ground… she then sat on the back of her bed… giggling… “Mii… let’s have some fun shall we…?”

Annetta was coughing… she was under a heavy piece of silk for her small self and couldn’t get out… She had a strong shiver as she heard a loud growl and this girl laugh… a tiny was being digested alive and Annetta couldn’t do a thing about it!! But her body froze once again… she was now under this giant girl’s pants… and remembered something… this warm scent covering her… Annetta’s mind started to feel fear again…was it what she was thinking about…?

“Miii… ooooh yes… die… and feed me…!” moaned the girl on the bed… One of her hands grabbing one of her bare breasts while the other was near her sex… some muffled screams coming out from her stomach… Annetta’s head finally got out… As she discovered the girl, fingering herself on the bed at the other side of the room while digesting a tiny one alive… “It’s impossible…” whispered Annetta… as she was examining this ‘human’ girl.

Blue eyes, deep blue, like the sea… a small body without much curve, but still cute… and deep white hair… annetta almost screamed in fear as she saw this girl on the bed… Erry?!  But something was different… Annetta noticed some ‘details’ that weren’t on ‘her’ Erry… Her way to talk and not caring about someone else’s life, but most important… she had the tail of a cat, and even ears to match them…

Annetta knew of those strange creatures but… Erry? Annetta had a shiver… She knew every curve of Erry’s body when they had their precious times together, oh so many times before… but it was the first time she saw the girl like this… It wasn’t her Erry… it wasn’t her world, and she was stuck here…! Her heart skipped a beat when she was ‘waking up’ from her thoughts, as a loud noise surfaced in Erry’s stomach, her gut was making a loud growl… “Hahaha… so it’s the end tiny girl…? You fought well but… you were just a tiny snack after all… what could you do against the likes of this cute one…” Erry was licking her hand, giving her mocking question… her tail moving with in a sashay of obvious joy… she was shivering…”Hoooo yes… you’ll just be my food… haaaannnn…”

Erry’s finger began to go even deeper within her sex… but Annetta was too scared to move… however, she kept on watching this from where she was, under Erry’s pants… “Miiii… Miiiiiiiiiaaaaaa!!!” and with a small cry, Erry’s lower body arched, and she started to cum… Her giant body was shivering, making her cat ears move along… Annetta’s eyes were wide open as some of Erry’s juices landed on the clothes above her small frame. Was ‘this’ Erry really so much like the humans she’d hated…? Those humans playing with the tiny lives before ending them mercilessly…?  Annetta gasped… but soon, the micro realized that she shouldn’t have made a noise…

The moment the tiny had gasped, Erry’s eyes narrowed… Her tail moving happily as it flicked, she was now looking at something… “Miii… hello little mousie… are you lost…?” she was now looking straight at Annetta. The tiny woman had another shiver, she had been discovered!  Erry ‘jumped’ from her bed like a wild cat, and landed right in front of the clothes she’d removed before… Some of her juices still dripping from between her legs and rolling down her leg… Her hands slammed onto the ground, one on each side of the clothes pile… “Miii… no more hiding Mousie…” and with a fast swipe, Erry removed the clothes aside… Leaving the small shivering girl on the ground, naked, vulnerable.

Annetta was afraid… she loved her Erry so much that she couldn’t believe this was actually happening… Hearing another growl from this giantess’ stomach, where a tiny one was already being ‘processed’ Annetta let out a small scream… then had a strong shiver… Erry’s body was getting closer. The cat girl was indeed moving… slowly at first so her ‘prey’ wouldn’t notice… but soon ‘pounced’ and landed right on her knees, approached with her head to the small girl in one fell swoop… Her mouth soon opened wide to ‘catch’ this tiny one. “No…!” Annetta screamed as she jumped to the side… hearing the giant girl’s teeth clattering near, Erry just barely missing her catch… If Annetta hadn’t dodged, she would most definitely have been trapped in this girl’s maw…!

The tiny human let out another scream then started to run to the back… now under  Erry’s body. “Mii… where are you…?” Erry spoke as she was searching on towards sides of the pile, pulling the clothes where the tiny girl could be hidden under but couldn’t find her… Erry’s head finally on the ground, was now looking under her… “F-o-u-n-d you…~” as the white haired girl moved her body down… Annetta was almost under the bed when she saw what was ‘landing’ on top of her… With a small jump forwards, Annetta dodged the giant butt cheeks that almost crushed her… Erry was meowing happily… rubbing the ground with her butt… “Hehehe… I got you…” but soon raised her body to watch… and frowned. “Miii… You’re really something tiny one… why don’t you just give up?…”

Annetta was shivering… tears pouring out of her eyes… she’d almost gotten killed twice now, by the girl she loves…! She was  now under the giant bed but hadn’t a place to hide… Suddenly, Erry wasn’t here anymore… and Annetta could hear a loud noise above her… Erry was back on her bed. “Miii… since you want to play… let’s have some fun!” Erry said  as she put her hand under the bed… Moving it around to catch the small girl. Annetta let out a tiny squeak as she moved to dodge the giant hand… In her mind she couldn’t believe that Erry was still being like this… she was always the shy girl type… Annetta loved this too, because Erry was the submissive type in their relationship and always did what Annetta was sure to enjoy… but today, a girl who looked like her very own wife, wanted to kill her…

“Haaa!” Annetta couldn’t dodge this one… and quickly got bapped and grabbed by Erry’s hand… “Miii… looks like I got you haha~” Erry said as she picked up the girl between two fingers. “Aaaahhh…!” screamed Annetta… The two fingers pressed into her tiny lungs, she was punching the giant thumb with her tiny fists “Er… you’re hurting me… stop…” Erry placed the tiny girl in front of her face… then laughed at her “Miii so you can talk too…? You’re a really smart mousie! But well… It won’t change anything after all…” And soon Erry licked her lips and moved the tiny girl closer of her lips that were slowly parting away…

“No…” Annetta was scared… just like the time where both girls were caught by the evil micro hunter Saphyr… but what was hurting her even more is that it was her lover who wanted to eat her, without any feelings towards her! Soon her legs were in front of the giant maw… The small girl was moved closer… Until her legs could feel the warmth of Erry’s mouth around… Annetta was coughing… her eyes wide open in horror… tears were coming out of her eyes and rolling down her cheeks… and her tiny legs ere moving… kicking Erry’s lip… until she started to scream again… “No…! Nooooo !! Don’t do this !!!” As her body was trapped between Erry’s front teeth on her small belly… Erry wasn’t biting hard, but it was enough to scare the small Annetta. “NO… ERRY…! STOP THIS !!!”

The silence… Annetta could still feel Erry’s breath on her trapped legs… Her tiny hands trying to open the giant jaws… the giant girl wasn’t moving… Soon the girl’s lips closed onto Annetta’s belly and ‘spit’ the tiny onto her hand… Annetta was now out of this ‘hell’… her small self covered with Erry’s saliva… The giant catgirl looking at her with curious eyes. “Did… Did you just say my name… Mousie…?” Erry’s ears were moving a bit… “How did you learn it?”

Annetta was shivering… but looking at Erry so she could maybe try to talk some sense into her… “I know you because… you’re my wife! I landed in this strange ‘world’ and you weren’t the same girl that I know, but I still love you…! I don’t know why you’re so different but I’m a human too! We… learned to change our sizes but… I can’t do it anymore…” Erry’s tail moved in a small circle… And you expect me to believe something like this…?” Erry said with a naughty smile… “It’s the truth…! If you want more proof… I could tell you that you have a sister and she’s named Aya… I met her as well!” Erry frowned… then started to laugh loudly “HAHAHA !!! You’re so funny Mousie! I have a sister now?! Sorry to tell you this but… I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

Annetta’s eyes lost their ‘spark’ of life… Even this was different “What is this world… what is this reality where I can’t be with you?… You were the one who made me feel ‘complete’ again Erry! When I met you… you were lost… So was I… and now… you’re telling me that I’m lost again…? If that’s so… please end this now and eat me… I don’t deserve to be alive like this…” Annetta whimpered.  Erry giggled… “You’re lost Mousie. I don’t know you, and I don’t believe a word of your story but… you’re funny! I think eating you now would be a waste… so I’m going to keep you until I get bored of you, isn’t that nice?” Annetta was speechless, she was what Erry was in her old life… a ‘toy’… just a little piece of ‘fun’, and wouldn’t even be considered as a human…

Erry giggled then picked a small box on the side and opened it.  Finally dropping the small woman inside and closing it before putting it on her night stand.  The box had a small opening so Annetta could see the giant Erry lay back onto her bed, stretching her arms… “Miii… such a good day… ” Erry said.  As she closed her eyes, she went back to sleep… leaving the small shivering Annetta trapped in her box… her mind filled with confusion…

Annetta couldn’t sleep at all that night… she was still shivering from fear… “Erry… Is that what you were living every day…?” she was thinking of Erry’s old life… the life of a girl smaller than her thumb… that managed to reach 18 years.  Annetta wrapped her legs with her arms… wondering if all of this was just a nightmare… a horrible twist of their fate… “Erry…” whispered Annetta… thinking of her lover… so far from her… was she safe…?  Was she awaiting her tiny Annetta to be at her side again?  The brown haired girl let out some tears… she wasn’t even sure anymore if Erry’s power would bring her life back if she had to die again… slowly closing her eyes, she started to fall asleep…

The next morning, Erry woke up early… Stretching her arms she yawned loudly… waking Annetta from her sleep… The brown haired girl heard Erry and wanted to hug her wife at her side… but she couldn’t find her… Opening her eyes wide, she realized that it wasn’t a dream… she was still at her small size and was trapped in a small box too. “Eeek!” screamed the small girl as a giant hand closed on the box, lifting it easily from the shelf. Erry was now walking in her room, opening a drawer, she was observing some tiny devices…

“Miii… this one will be perfect…” As the catgirl took one of those tiny pieces of metal and opened the box, giving a naughty grin to the girl inside “Hello Mousie… ready to spend the day with me…?” Annetta was looking sad… but she had no choice, realizing again that she wouldn’t be able to try anything… “Ho, you don’t want to talk…? Bah… I don’t care after all…” Erry said as she was now going into another room, then placed the box and the small device on a table. Erry opened the fridge and soon picked up a milk bottle with a glass. Annetta was remembering that even if Erry wasn’t a cat in her ‘world’ she was enjoying milk… Erry then filled the glass and looked at it…

“Miii…” Erry looked at Annetta… with a strange expression in her eyes, before moving to the side and then picked up something in a drawer nearby. Annetta’s eyes opened in horror again… between Erry’s fingers was another small girl, even younger that Annetta… the tiny girl was screaming… but Erry wasn’t caring about her or maybe was she enjoying this even more…? Erry picked her glass again and dropped the tiny one who landed in the milk with a loud splash… “Aaaahhh… nooooo!!!” screamed the small girl, trying to swim into the glass but knowing that she couldn’t exit either… Annetta looked at Erry as well, “Erry stop please… she’s alive…” Erry laughed again. “And do you really think I would care about this? Should I also feel bad for all the ants I crushed under my shoes too? Don’t make me laugh…” Erry grabbed the glass… licking the shiny surface in front of the tiny trapped girl, “I can’t wait to have you inside me…~” and without another thought and a quick move of her hand, the glass reached Erry’s lips, and she started to drink the milk.

“Nooo-!” the small girl was coughing… she was try to swim to escape Erry’s maw, to keep her away from getting closer… Erry was wearing a happy face… enjoying this sweet ‘torture’… and soon the girl couldn’t swim fast enough and disappeared inside of Erry’s mouth… who quickly swallowed her down, without a second thought, along with her milk… “No… No…!” Annetta shivered as she was looking at the tiny, muffled, screaming bulge, going down Erry’s throat and soon disappearing behind her soft chest.  “Erry you… You ate her…” the white haired girl laughed

“Miii… that’s what is supposed to happen yeah.  Oooohhh I can feel her fighting, yes that’s it, fight back tiny one~” Erry chuckled, then picked up some food and started to eat… leaving a tiny crumb to Annetta if she wanted it, but the brown haired girl didn’t move.  Annetta was thinking of their ‘power’… Erry and herself gave their bodies to each other so many times… it was a mark of love between them, but what Erry just did was just a stupid execution!  The tiny girl could still scream and Annetta was hearing those muffled cries… until they stopped. Annetta had a shiver… another tiny life ended in front of her again and she was powerless to do anything to stop it…

Erry put her glass in the sink then came back near the table, looking at the girl from above. She took up the small device and her other hand picked up the small Annetta again… The tiny girl wasn’t understanding what was happening until the device came closer of her body and her back finally met the cold metallic surface.


Annetta’s eyes opened as she saw a small ring close on her tiny belly… trapping her.  “What… what is this…?” asked the small one as Erry giggled… “It’s a cute jewel… with a cute tiny precious stone at the middle, don’t you think…?” Erry then took the chain and put it around her neck… the small Annetta ‘hanging’ just a bit above Erry’s breasts… she couldn’t move her body from this mechanism, but could still move her arms and legs “No… I saw those, but I didn’t know that they were real, you’re so cruel…” Erry giggled “Miii… you’re making me cuter and you’re complaining now…?” Erry was frowning “But whatever… I’ll have to see a friend today and you’ll be there too~” as she took some steps to another room. Annetta was still looking around, she was so high that if she had to fall she would die on the impact, but her body was safely locked away, and she wouldn’t be able to escape now…

Erry took some things from a drawer and entered a small place, some water started to pour on her… she was in a shower and started to meow happily… Her tail moving along as she took some soap “Miii… be careful not to drown down here…” she mocked, as she spoke to the small Annetta. The micro was looking a bit scared… a shower was something she really enjoyed but now it was different… The water was ‘heavier’ and what was a small drop was like a basketball falling on top of her body… She put her hands in front of her face so she could breathe as Erry was now washing her body… Annetta was coughing from the heat, but the water kept getting warmer… Erry then washed her bright white hair and her ears with some shampoo… not caring that some of it was ‘covering’ Annetta’s body.  After some minutes of this, Erry washed all of the soap away from her body and wrapped herself into a towel… Looking at her pendant with her hand she smiled to the small one, “All clean for a new day Mousie!”  Erry then took some pants and put them on, she was now walking to her room while brushing her hair dry with the towel.

Erry selected some clothes and a small bra, since her chest wasn’t as generous to Annetta’s at her human size and soon was ready for the day. Standing in front of the mirror, she was looking at the small pendant where Annetta wasn’t moving anymore… tired from all of this. With a giggle, Erry picked her bag with her keys and exited her house. She was now walking happily in the city, her tail swaying behind her. Annetta was feeling ‘dirty’… all of those giant humans were looking at Erry… and at her too.  Her small body fully ‘exposed’ was like being abused, treated like an object… but no other ‘human’ cared about this…  Soon Erry was in front of a house and rang the bell, the door slowly opened and a girl with black hair appeared… but Annetta saw that it was another cat girl just like Erry, she just looked a bit older and had some nice curves too…

“Hello Ebby!” said Erry happily to the girl, Annetta reading the name of the girl on the door: ‘Ebenne’. “Mia… hello Erry, how are you today?” answered the girl while inviting Erry to go inside. “Well really fine! I also found a new tiny friend, look!”  As Erry picked up the small pendant and put it in front of the girl’s face. “She’s cute… I know that you’re scared little girl… but would you mind smiling…?” asked Ebenne but Annetta just bowed her head down, not looking at the giant girl. “She’s not really nice but well… she still looks delicious…” Said Ebenne again.

Annetta’s heart was ‘boiling’… she was just a tiny piece of food for the two girls… But couldn’t protest or they could end her life easily so she said nothing for now. “It’s been some time I hadn’t seen you Erry… but I’m glad you visited me today…” Ebenne said as she passed her hand through Erry’s hair… “I missed you during my travels…” Erry smiled while Ebenne was talking about her and then with a happy giggle closed her eyes… presenting her face to the other girl.  Ebenne smiled… her hand coming behind Erry’s head, she closed her eyes too and soon their lips met… the two cat girls meowing cutely as Erry was now licking Ebenne’s other hand… The other girl doing the same to Erry’s face.  Annetta was a bit at peace… she was safe for now and none of the girls was thinking about her.

The two girls enjoyed their afternoon together… drinking some milk in front of a movie and talking about different things.  They were just like some other humans, except their ‘cat appearance’. Annetta was in fact listening to the girls… and this ‘world’ was exactly like her own… she was just not at the ‘good size’.  It was now the evening… Erry was about to go but her heart was beating fast… making Annetta ‘bounce’ a bit… “Ebby I…” Erry blushed a bright red… before going back into Ebenne’s arms… “I missed you too… those two months without you were…” Erry had a tear roll on her cheek… Ebenne took her into a warm hug “It’s fine… I’m here Erry.”  But what she didn’t noticed is that her generous breasts were pressing against Erry’s chest… squeezing the small Annetta between their bodies… “Aaah…!” Screamed Annetta as she was trying to move… Her small body trapped between the ‘mountains of flesh’ of the girl’s breasts… fearing that the girls would crush her…

“Miii…? Do… Do you want some ‘attention’ too Mousie…? ” said Erry with a giggle… Ebenne also looking at the small one. Erry’s hand grabbed the small pendant with the girl and with a clicking sound, let the small one fall onto her open hand. Then Erry pinched Annetta on her hips again, making the small girl squeak. Annetta was held in a way that she couldn’t see Erry behind her from this angle but she was wondering why Erry removed her of the pendant.

“Aaahhhh?!” screamed Annetta as she was feeling something closing on her small belly again… Erry’s lips. “No please… don’t eat me!!” screamed Annetta… trying to pull herself out with her arms… but it was only making Erry who was giggling while licking her small legs… Erry winked to the girl in front of her that was actually purring… Ebenne’s ears twitched a bit as she was blushing… Looking at the trapped Annetta then into Erry’s eyes… Ebenne nodded slowly then got closer… Wrapping her arms behind Erry’s body, her head was getting closer. “No… What are you doing…?!” screamed Annetta… feeling now Erry’s tongue between her legs… licking her ‘privates’. “Aaahh… Aaahhh… S-stop this…!” but before Annetta could scream again… Ebenne’s lips were now wide open in front of her and the giant cat girl kissed Erry again, trapping Annetta’s upper body inside of her mouth.

The two catgirls were now kissing each other deeply… Their mouths ‘locked’ together, Annetta was now between two giant muscles playing with each other… Erry and Ebenne’s tongues. It was an amazing feeling for Annetta… She never lived something like this… but also couldn’t enjoy it since the two giantesses were just looking at her like a tiny piece of food. She was feeling violated… Her body was just licked everywhere… she couldn’t resist and couldn’t protest… Her own body started to betray her by releasing some juices out of her tiny sex… but she wasn’t enjoying this. Annetta’s ears were soon filled with many loud moans all around her… her tiny body soaked by the two girls drooling on her…

Suddenly, Annetta could feel a ‘change’ in the gravity as she was now inside one of the girl’s mouth… Hearing a loud giggle all around her she was now ‘moved’ around by the giant tongue… Her small body was pressed all around in the girl’s cheeks and against her palate. Annetta was lucky that this giant girl ‘around’ her didn’t decided to chew on her small victim… Annetta was soon ‘hit’ by a loud voice… the girl was now talking. “Miaaa… she’s so tasty that I might just gobble her up~” it wasn’t Erry but the dark haired catgirl Ebenne. The tongue where Annetta was on started to raise… she was looking at the throat opening coming near… Annetta started to scream in horror… She was about to be eaten by an unknown girl… now feeling the same fear Erry had to ‘endure’ for all of those years… Annetta’s body was slipping… Hearing the girl humming all around her from her taste… “No… Noooo!! Stop this…!” but it was useless… This girl was about to swallow her…

“Noooo!!!” screamed Annetta as she was now ‘guided’ by her instincts… dashing forwards and dodging the giant tongue that in a soft move swallowed… Annetta heard this monstrous noise… but she was alive! She started to punch against the closed teeth in front of the girl’s lips “Please let me out…!!” her whole body shivering… her eyes filled with tears… she punched again.

“Miii… looks like she won the fight against you Ebby…” said Erry with a giggle. “Well… I could just tilt my head back and swallow again, I’m sure she won’t get out this time but…” said Ebenne as she opened her mouth and picked up the shivering girl between two fingers “She’s yours after all Erry… she’s really delicious but I think it would be better if you were the one who would enjoy her…” Erry giggled “Well, if you say so Ebby. I’ll be sure to bring you another tiny treat next time then, they’re so easy to catch after all…” Annetta was now inside of Erry’s hand… Her whole body was coated by the two girls’ saliva, she was still shivering… catching back her breath she almost died again…! Erry had now a naughty smile “Miii… that means I’m not done with you yet Mousie. We’ll have some ‘fun time’ again before I eat you…”

Erry grabbed her tiny dress and pulled it down a bit, she did the same with her pants and let the tiny Annetta fall into them. The small brown haired girl was now ‘sitting’ under Erry’s lower lips… Erry was smiling at her.  “You’ll be traveling here while I’ll be heading home, stay alive please…?” Erry laughed, while grabbing her pants and pulling them back up, trapping the small Annetta against her flesh.  Annetta coughed… she was in a dark place… moving her arms she could feel something dripping on her…  As Annetta’s eyes got used to this ‘darkness’ she realized that her legs were trapped between Erry’s lower lips… the cat girl’s giant sex leaking some juices onto tiny frame… Annetta loved this when she was with her lover… she’d even ‘inserted’ the small Erry within her body some times too, but she couldn’t enjoy this today. ‘This’ Erry wasn’t her lover… and she was now pressed even more against Erry’s skin as the giant girl took some steps forward.

Erry waved to Ebenne, “See you soon Ebby! I’ll be sure to call you soon enough!” then walked the streets, feeling the tiny Annetta squirming inside of her clothing… Erry giggled while her tail was moving happily going to and fro “Miii… feel free to move Mousie… It’s much more enjoyable like this.” Annetta’s body was pressed from all sides from each step of the giant Erry. It was very hard to breath… some pain cries coming too, from her small mouth… Annetta’s mind was just getting more and more ‘crushed’… was all of her love… all the things she lived with her lover, really over…?  Was she really about to die from this monstrous girl…? Annetta clenched her teeth… some tears falling from her eyes… her own feelings were slowly breaking…

“Aaah?!” suddenly screamed Annetta while coughing hard… she was now feeling a strong pressure on her whole body… Her tiny fists were punching into Erry’s skin… sending her more shivers of pleasure… Erry was now in the bus. She was lucky to find a free seat and sat on it… Aalmost crushing Annetta with her sex… Her ears twitched as she was hearing the tiny girl’s painful moans… Erry giggled and moved her hand to her pants… patting the small girl underneath them. “Shhhhh little one… we’ll be at home soon.” Erry moved her butt a bit… noticing that it was making the small one scream from terror again, “Stop this Mousie!” Erry looked around and she was now alone in the bus. Moving her hand in a smooth move, she inserted the tiny girl inside of her sex up to her chest “Aaaahhh… ~” Erry blushed. “You really make me feel good Mousie… it’s just too bad that I’ll be eating you soon… but well you’ll be a part of this beautiful cat forever!”

Annetta was shivering… her body was now halfway within Erry’s hungry sexual depths… she couldn’t move anymore and could only cry… “Erry why?…” she still wanted this giant girl ‘outside’ to be like her lover.  Annetta was coughing from some juices that were pouring into her small mouth… Erry was enjoying this… having this tiny one trapped within her body… and soon after some more minutes… Erry was back home.

The feline was slowly removing her clothes again… just like the previous day but kept on her pants… “Don’t worry, you’ll be out soon Mousie…” Erry let her clothes fall on the ground… now in her room, she sat on her bed… Taking a position that made her feel nice.  Her hands went on her hips… Slowly following her curves until she reached her pants… Now removing them slowly but surely, she’d grabbed the tiny Annetta within her fingers, and looked at her… Annetta’s face was wearing a neutral expression.

Her blue eyes now empty from any life sign even if she was still alive… Erry licked the small girl saying, “Miii… time for some fun!”  Erry placed Annetta on her left breast while she took a small box from her night shelf and opened it.  Between her fingers were now 3 small girls… Annetta’s eyes opened as she was looking at every one of them “No… please… don’t hurt them!” but Annetta’s words sounded fell on deaf ears… Annetta knew that she wouldn’t save them, but she was still begging the giant catgirl to spare their lives.  Erry giggled… looking at the 3 of them, it was a mother and her two young daughters… Erry opened her mouth wide under her hand… “Haaaaa ~ let’s play a bit… ~” as the 3 of them were crying…

“Mo… Mommy !!!” screamed a young blonde girl as she was falling from Erry’s hand to her mouth “SARAH !!!” screamed back the older girl… Looking at her daughter fall into Erry’s mouth. “Mo… Monster !! Release my child immediately!!!” but Erry pouted… and with an exaggerated noise, she swallowed the tiny, screaming girl… “No… what have you done?!!! MONSTER!!!” screamed again the small mother.  Annetta stood up and wanted to run to Erry’s hand but the white haired girl stared at her, “Don’t move.” Annetta’s body ‘froze’… not wanting to see what would happen next… The other young girl’s arms were getting tired… “Mo… Mom… Help…” but Erry made sure the mother couldn’t reach the girl… Annetta on her side was falling on her butt… hearing some muffled screams from below Erry’s skin…

“It’s all right Jenny… catch my hand…” said the small mother before Erry giggled “Miii. Not. A. Chance.” before moving her finger and letting the girl fall. “Kyaaaaaa!! Mom!!!! Mo-” screamed the small girl as Erry closed her lips on her then swallowed her loudly… Annetta looking at the small bulge going down Erry’s throat, her mouth open, tears rolling on her cheeks… “EAT ME TOO STUPID MONSTER!!”

Suddenly screamed the small girl still trapped between Erry’s fingers “Why would I do that…? Your two girls were already good enough.” said Erry while frowning. “You… My girls were just your food…?! YOU’RE REALLY THINKING THAT I’M JUST GOING TO WATCH THEM DIE INSIDE OF YOU?!” Erry frowned again “Miii… You’re boring… but I’m not going to eat you yet…” Erry moved her hands down her body… Annetta could hear a loud scream as Erry ‘inserted’ the small girl within her sex while moaning loudly… “Aaah yes tiny one… move… while I digest your so precious girls…” Annetta wanted to run but a giant hand landed on her.

“Aaaah …!” cried Annetta… now trapped between Erry’s hand and her breast… Still hearing the two girls crying inside of Erry’s stomach… she wasn’t enjoying a second of this… Erry started to moan… the small girl was still within her vagina while Erry’s finger was going in and out… Erry was now moaning louder… also letting out some meowing sounds.  Her body shivering more and more… Annetta had her eyes closed… her body getting a bit soaked by Erry’s sweat… she wanted to be anywhere else but not here… “Miaaaa… haaaaa!!!” cried Erry… her hand grabbing tighter onto her breast… pressing more of Annetta against it… she was shivering more and soon her body arched a bit… “Aaah… AAAAHHHHHHH !!!” screamed the white haired girl… Her body ‘falling’ onto her bed as her sex started to pour out her love juices… but also with a small body that landed onto the bed with the cum… not moving.

“Haaaa… Khhh…” Erry was crying out ecstasy… Her body filled with shivers… her stomach growling now louder… the two girls inside of it still screaming from probably a great pain… Erry picked up the small girl that exited her sex and looked at her… “Ho… I broke her… bah… you’re not really strong in the end…” she laughed, and seconds later, she sucked the small lifeless body between her lips and swallowed hard, her in the same motion…

Annetta covered her ears… not wanting to hear this, but as soon as she removed her hands from her ears… she heard some tiny screams from below… the screams of two girls discovering what happened to their mother… Erry moved from left to right a couple of times… allowing the young girls and their mother to be covered by her strong digestive fluids…

And after some long minutes, Annetta couldn’t hear them anymore but just loud growling sounds… she had another shiver “You… you killed them?!…” Erry was coming back from her orgasm… and thus looked at Annetta with a small laugh, “Well… Mousie, it’s what happens to food right? My body is just doing its ‘natural’ job after all…” Erry then moved her head closer, opening her mouth wide in front of Annetta “But since you’re talking about those snacks… wanna join them now?” Annetta who ‘enjoyed’ this with her wife wasn’t sure anymore… it was so wrong… and she bowed her head.

“Miii… thought so… but well… since you’re here…” Erry picked the girl between two fingers and ‘sat’ her on her erected nipple… the small Annetta literally ‘riding’ it. “Pleasure my body Mousie… and I’ll allow you to survive another day,” Annetta had a shiver… a small tear rolling on her cheek as she put her hands on the pink skin and started to rub her small sex against it… still wearing her sad expression… Erry was purring… her eyes narrowing a bit as she was letting out some tiny meowing sounds… “You’re really good at this Mousie… I’m lucky to have found you…”

Annetta wasn’t smiling… Her body was getting a bit more excited… but she didn’t enjoyed a second of this… Some sweat drops were forming around the tiny girl… if only… if only it was her Erry, both of them would have enjoyed this… but now… Annetta was just some slave, a tiny ‘toy’, and she started to ‘accept’ this… If she couldn’t use the power Erry gave her, she wouldn’t be human again and would be dead for real.  Annetta kept moving her hips… feeling the giant nipple ‘poke’ against her tiny sex… that was leaking some juices. Annetta closed her eyes, thinking… “I can’t enjoy this… I… I can’t love you… my memories with you are now broken… and won’t come back… Erry… I… hate you…”

Erry let out another tiny meow… Looking at the girl not moving anymore “Miii? Why are you stopping?” Annetta stood up and had now her eyes filled with anger. “I won’t do this again! I don’t want to be your slave forever Erry… I loved you… we were wives ! You don’t know any of this maybe… but I can’t endure more… kill me… now !” Erry’s eyes opened again… “And who do you think you are Mousie…? Do you really think that I’ll stop like this…?”

Annetta was still having anger in her voice, “I’m not a mouse ! My name is Annetta and I’m a human! If you want to end my life… then fine and be sure to DO YOUR WORST!! I won’t resist you… but now… GO ON AND KILL ME NOW !” Erry frowned… then grabbed the girl with two fingers before placing her in front of her face, “I won’t kill you now… but be sure that I’ll enjoy breaking you M-O-U-S-I-E. I don’t care about your stupid stories, do you really think that I would have accepted to marry such a girl like you? You’re just food for me… and nothing more.” Erry started to press harder on the small girl… making her cough from the pressure “But well… you can be sure that I won’t keep you forever… In fact… we hadn’t had fun together yet…”

Erry opened her mouth wide and closed her lips onto Annetta’s chest, just leaving the girl’s head and shoulders outside… Annetta started to move… not wanting to be ‘played with’ again… but Erry closed her front teeth on her… not hurting the small Annetta… but nibbling on her tits, her chest, while she started to lick Annetta’s private parts with her giant tongue… “Nnnhh… aaahh… St… Stop this Erry !!” Yelled Annetta as Erry was moving her tongue faster… feeling the small tiny body shivering inside of her mouth… Erry hummed around her ‘victim’… Now forcing her tongue between Annetta’s legs… “Stop… This!!!” screamed Annetta… her body being ‘raped’ by this giant girl…

Erry started to suck on the small one… Feeling Annetta’s mind breaking slowly… she kept licking her… nibbling the girl’s breasts… Erry was also drooling on the tiny body… Annetta managed to move her arms from the giant lips and wanted to push herself outside, but Erry was sucking even harder… A strange wave of heat moved from Annetta’s head to her feet… as her sex started to cum… “No… Nooo…!!! I don’t want it…!” But Erry was still sucking… enjoying these tiny drips of Annetta’s juices rolling towards her throat… her left moaning from the taste… Erry’s head raised as she closed her eyes… swallowing the small girl’s juices like a sweet nectar from the heavens… Erry’s mouth slowly opened… releasing the small Annetta that fell directly onto the giant bed below.

“Aaahhh…!” cried Annetta as she could feel her shoulder make a small ‘creak’ from the fall on the giant bed. Her mind was blurry… Erry… her very own lover, violated her !! Trying to get up… Annetta took two steps forwards as she fell to the ground… now witnessing a giant shadow covering her… “Miii… Where do you think you are going?…” said Erry, as she ‘landed’ on the small girl… her vaginal lips ‘covering’ Annetta’s body whole… “Noooo!!!” screamed Annetta… trying to crawl outside… she couldn’t feel her legs moving…

“Know your place… Mousie,” the feline smirked.  As Erry started to grind her sex against Annetta… her hips moved in a sweet move.. her tail moving along with it. “Yesss… keep going… pleasure this cat, Mousie… and… aaahh…  I don’t care if you die because of this… Aaahhh… that’s the only purpose of your tiny life… Hnnn… Aaahhh… To feed us… and to be our toy.” Erry moved faster… Annetta feeling Erry’s skin getting warmer… Erry ‘sat’ all of her weight down onto the tiny one… her vagina lips ‘swallowing’ up all of Annetta as she started to cum onto the small girl “Miii… Aaaahhh !!! AAAAHHHHHHH !!!” screamed Erry as she could feel the girl getting came on… Annetta trying to catch her breath… She was bathing in Erry’s juices and couldn’t breathe… Her whole body felt as if it were under the ‘water’… she was forced to swallow some cum or risk drowning… and soon, her body started to move even less… until it stopped… as finally she passed out…

“Oooh yessss… make love to me mousie…” the cat girl said, as she raised her body from her bed… the small girl’s body ‘glued’ to her sexual lips… Finally falling onto the bed texture again… Erry was looking a her. “Don’t tell me that you’re already broken too…” Erry picked up the girl and could still feel that she was alive… but unconscious. Erry opened he box aside her bed and dropped Annetta inside… not caring from the height and closed it again while looking at the small one…

Rubbing her rumbling belly, Erry lay on her bed and yawned… Putting her head on the soft pillow, she rubbed her cheek and closed her eyes, letting out a tiny burp… her body would finish the ‘process’ onto the 3 small girls melting within her body.

“Kkhhh…” coughed Annetta… her mouth was still filled with Erry’s juices and kept trying to spit them out… trying to take her breath back.  She was laying on her side in the darkness and her while body was hurting her… coughing again, she tried to stand up but fell onto the ground immediately. “No…” Annetta was looking at her left leg that was hurting her but also that wasn’t moving… putting her hand on it she was feeling the place where it was hurting and realized that her leg was broken. “No… please…” Annetta tried to stand up again but fell on the ground… her whole body ‘exhausted’ from what Erry did to her before… annetta was drooling from pain… Some tears were coming out if her eyes, and with another cough, her head hit the ground and she passed out once more.

A sun ray passed into the window… and soon reached Erry’s sleeping face that let out a tiny meow… her ears twitching a bit, as she soon opened her eyes… Licking her hand, only to rub behind her ears, she yawned a bit before standing on the ground and stretched her whole body. “Ah that’s right…” Erry crouched in front of the small box then removed the lid to see the small girl. With a single finger, Erry ‘poked’ Annetta on the side, noticing that the girl hadn’t died from what she had done the previous day. “Miii…” thought Erry as Annetta gasped and opened her eyes… “Oh… You’re awake Mousie…?” Annetta’s eyes were filled with terror again… wondering what this girl wanted to do with her small self again but when she tried to stand, she quickly fell to her butt… “Aaah…!” Annetta’s eyes were now focused on her left leg… it wasn’t a dream. “Hooo?” said Erry as she looked at the small girl then poked the leg with her pinkie, making Annetta moan from pain… “So you broke Mousie… you won’t really be useful like this now…” Erry said while sighing… taking the small box, she went to the kitchen again and placed the box on the table, now searching for some food in the fridge.

Erry came back to the table with a bowl full of milk and a box containing some cereals. “Well well… I think I’ll have to eat you Mousie… you won’t really be a good pet like this…” Annetta shivered… “No… I can still do things for you… please don’t kill me…!” Erry sighed then picked up the girl on the hips with her fingers and placed her in front of her face “Yes… you can still do something for me… and we’ll be doing this now..” Erry giggled as she placed the small Annetta in the bowl… watching her trying to swim… “Be a good girl and… a good breakfast please…?” Said Erry with a smile, laughing softly… now opening her box and putting some cereal flakes in the bowl, some of them landing around and on Annetta’s head, making her sink for a second… Before she went back to the ‘surface’, only to see Erry’s naughty smile again.

Suddenly, Erry put a spoon in the bowl and turned it around… Making Annetta feel a bit dizzy from this stream… The small girl could now see Erry lick her lips while looking at her bowl… she was about to enjoy her breakfast and Annetta would be a part of it… The spoon finally went down near Annetta… Going up filled with milk and cereal… Erry soon putting it in her mouth, started to eat… “Hmmm… I can’t wait to reach the ‘best’ part ~” she taunted, making Annetta shiver inside of the cold milk… Then another spoonful was taken from aside Annetta… Erry chewing loudly these cereals… teasing the small girl inside “Hehehe… that could be you Mousie… but don’t worry I won’t chew you… you’ll be ‘traveling’ safely…”

Erry was finallydone with her cereal… She then took the bowl with her two hands and put it in front if her face, her lips closing on the edge, she started to drink the remaining milk, making loud, purposeful gulps… Annetta’s body was moved closer… she tried to swim against this strong current and flow, but it was useless… However, Erry’s lips were still closed and Annetta couldn’t be sucked inside of this giant mouth nearby… Finally putting her bowl down with Annetta sitting at the bottom, Erry patted her belly… “Aaah so good… but… I still have a small extra space for you Mousie…” Annetta could feel tears coming out of her eyes again… “So it will end like this… I can’t believe it…” Annetta put her hands on her chest… “Please… spare my life… I beg you…! I’ll do whatever you want… everyday but please…! Don’t eat me…” Erry closed her eyes to take a deep breath… “No.” said the white haired girl, as she moved her spoon to take the small Annetta onto it… now holding her in front of her face… Opening her mouth WIDE…

Annetta’s eyes were now empty… It was the end… It was HER OWN end… She didn’t want to resist anymore… Her mind and body were broken… Annetta just stayed here… sitting in the spoon that entered Erry’s mouth slowly, the giant catgirl drooling again on her small victim.  Annetta was soon removed from the spoon, and then ‘landed’ onto Erry’s tongue… Her leg hurting her again as it was no gentle fall… Erry hummed from the girl’s taste… not wanting to waste another second… “Well… you were fun Mousie… and it’s a good thing that you’re delicious too… but well… you were supposed to be eaten someday, let’s say that it wasn’t your lucky day today…” Erry smirked cruelly.  Moving her tongue to make the small girl slide to the back of her mouth as she opened it to accept her… Annetta was now under Erry’s undulating uvula… not wanting to fight back… Erry then took a deep breath… just before saying…. “Goodbye… Mousie.” And tilting her head back fully, she allowed Annetta to fall inside of her throat, and then gave an unceremonious swallow, a giant *GULP* resounding all around her victim…

Annetta was going down, again… she was going down inside of this girl’s throat, a throat that just ate her…! The throats peristaltic motions were rough and Annetta’s small body was being pressed on all sides… The tiny human let out a sharp cry of pain from the pressure of her broken leg being sqoze so endlessly… Extending her arms to the side, and moving her right leg, she managed to stop her ‘descent’… but she still trapped in the narrow pulsating tube… Erry was feeling the small bulge going down her throat, but briefly stopping… still purring happily she could feel the girl resisting her… and with a smile, she swallowed again, HARD… feeling Annetta going down deeper within her, soon resuming her descent…

Annetta’s eyes were tired… her body still moving down, she was hearing all the noises around her… Erry’s heart and all of the rhythms of her body… but she hated them now. Annetta knew that she wouldn’t be considered by Erry as a human but just as a tiny living piece of food… Erry felt her prey slide down behind her breasts, the tiny forced to listen to the loud sounds of a pumping heart all around her.  With a last squelch and a slurp, soon, Annetta fell… only to land in a warm ‘pool’ made of Erry’s digestive fluids and the milk she drank from earlier.  With a sealing suck overhead, Annetta knew she was in Erry’s stomach… A stomach she once loved to be in… but not today. Looking at the food melting all around her, she would be no more, and soon too…

She was ‘floating’ in this strange liquid… made up of Erry’s breakfast and her bodily fluids… Annetta was crying… She had been eaten… and mercilessly… just like in ‘her’ Erry’s nightmares… But why?… Annetta had so many questions and she wouldn’t have any answers… Soon the ‘room’ around her let out another loud groan… and Annetta fell into the juices, again… Erry was probably moving ‘outside’.  Erry was now on her couch… poking her belly with a finger. “Miii…  Are you still alive…?” but Annetta didn’t answer… Erry shrugged and rested her head on the seat… feeling her stomach ‘welcoming’ her breakfast…  she could now hear some tiny cries…

Annetta was doing her best to stay at the surface of the liquid… as stronger digestive juices now poured onto her small body… ‘biting’ into her skin… Annetta let our another scream of agony… she was being digested ALIVE…! Her whole body was getting numb… her arms were moving in every direction… she was wanting to stop this ‘process’, or grab onto anything… Annetta’s mind was filled with fear… fear that she would DIE forever… and would never see ‘her’ smile again…

Erry was laughing… “Miii… Keep going! You feel sooooo good inside of me haha…” Erry was feeling the small girl doing her best inside of her stomach to stay alive, Erry soon letting out a tiny burp… removing the precious oxygen Annetta had left to breathe and survive… The small girl was now ‘swimming’ like before… but she couldn’t feel her legs anymore… her head was burning too… some of her long brown hair probably digesting away too… Annetta’s right arm then stopped to moving… she was coughing again… just having an arm left, she didn’t wanted to die like this, it wasn’t ‘her’ time!!  Though as unfair as it all seemed, Annetta coughed, for the very last time last time…

Her eyelids feeling very heavy… she started to close them… feeling her body getting digested from the ‘inside’ out… some juices filling her tiny sex… Annetta wanted to scream… but her left arm stopped to move as well… Her body now sinking into the churning pool that was surrounding her… Annetta’s face was soon under the ‘water’ and her mouth started to fill with Erry’s corrosive fluids… burning her deeply from within… Her whole body now suffering a pain she’d never felt before… Annetta was finished.  She began to close her eyes for the last time… her body not moving anymore… Some tiny bubbles of oxygen leaving her small mouth… As life itself left the small girl’s body… a body, Erry’s snack, just a piece of food, now hitting the bottom of Erry’s stomach.

The catgirl was in front of her TV, her hand still rubbing her belly as she noticed that the small girl that stopped to move within her… Erry jumped on the ground and stretched her body… yawning loudly. Picking some clothes from her drawer, Erry went into her shower and washed herself… her belly still rumbling a bit… Erry smiled too, it as she dried her body and put on her clothes for the day.  Now taking her keys and putting her shoes she exited her house… humming a soft song and forgetting the tiny girl that died today…

But it wasn’t the end for Annetta… her small body was still floating around in the warm room… strong digestive fluids working on her small body… slowly breaking it to nothing.  Soon, the small melting girl got sucked deeper within Erry’s digestive tract, and reached for the intestine’s entrance, the pyloric sphincter waiting in anticipation to swallow her all over again. Soon, stronger acids were now breaking the small Annetta apart, turning her from girl into chyme… feeding the very catgirl’s body she’d hated… and soon wouldn’t be even a memory inside of Erry’s mind… her only purpose to live this strange ‘life’, was to be her food and nothing more…Annetta finally ‘vanished’ inside of Erry’s depths… nothing left remaining of her except for some fat on Erry’s skin, thighs, and butt…

A dark place… a land filled with darkness… a tiny soul was lost here… Annetta opened her eyes… she was scared… and didn’t know this place… but she knew that she was now dead… she wanted to scream… feeling something upon her body made of light… looking at now something that looked like a girl… a giant girl holding the small soul between her hands… this giant girl wasn’t looking anyone Annetta knew… and was furthermore made of pure ‘darkness’. The girl had a naughty smile… some of her shadow body starting to ‘cover’ Annetta’s body… making its light slowly fade… Annetta wanted to escape… she knew that if the shadow fully covered her she would leave the whole existence forever. Annetta’s legs and arms were now ‘coated’ by this darkness… the shadow ‘eating’ more of the tiny body each second… until only her small face’s light remained. Annetta wanted to scream… feeling her soul disappear in the darkness… no one would come here to save her… her eyes slowly closing as her mouth was now in the shadow too… only her two eyes remaining of her…

“Stop Enaelle !!” Screamed suddenly a distant voice. The shadow that was covering Annetta vanishing… leaving the small tired soul floating in the darkness again. Another giant girl came in front of the tiny soul… an angel made of light… looking worried about the small Annetta “Annetta my child… how did you came here…? I couldn’t feel you anymore…! “ The angel now looking on her side “So she finally started to ‘move’…“ Taking the small Annetta in her loving hands she was giving her some warmth “Annetta. I saw what happened to you… but… I can’t let you remember this… it wasn’t ‘your world’ and I don’t want you to feel this fear again…” The angel placed her other hand onto Annetta’s small head “Now… sleep my child… “ As the angel made the small soul sleep… removing all of those painful memories that happened in this twisted world… The angel then placed the small soul against her heart… rocking her slowly from all the mother’s love she had for Annetta… and soon the small soul started to vanish… leaving this land of darkness for another ‘life’…

Annetta’s room… Erry was sleeping on the bed… wondering when she would see her wife again… suddenly a small light appeared in the room and Annetta’s body started to ‘exist’ again… lying on the side on the bed she was sharing with Erry… The white haired girl somehow knowing that Annetta was back… she extended her arms and wrapped the brown haired girl in a soft embrace from behind… Erry’s soft chest pressing against Annetta’s back… As Erry let out a soft breath into Annetta’s hear… calling her name in her sleep… and not wanting to leave her side for the rest of her life…

End of part 17.5.