Annie and Erry Part 6

Annetta was at her favorite Coffee shop, just relaxing, sipping on a cup of a deep black coffee. The petite brunette wasn’t really expecting any company, as she had come here alone. Yet, the sweet girl she was, she would never shove anyone away, as Annetta could sense a need when there was one present. Having made several friends over the years, out of the clear blue, she often found texts from friends in high school, as well as people that lived near her, sometimes wanting to catch up on old times and hang out, so nothing really ever surprised her, even long lengthy like phone calls that went clear into the dead of the night, in some cases. Annetta always trying to make time, so long as she wasn’t busy, often found herself happily bending to the idea of having a friend over for dinner, or, at the very least, going for a movie or to get a quick bite to eat. She was generally an all around over all very pleasant girl to be near, many people seemed like they always wanted to flock to her, her magnetic personality always shined out, she always seemed to be so positive, and that had a good influence on others. People often found themselves just begging for a chance. Though, as busy as Annetta was, sometimes she couldn’t always fit everyone into everyday, yet, usually by the end of the week, She made all efforts possible to do so, and most times, did. Now with her cup in her hand and having sipped it halfway down, the young woman looked outside at the sky, it was a beautiful out, the clouds painting the blue in a picturesque masterpiece of perfect, the hard working business woman was happy to finally be off her heels, as her stilettos were killing her, finally able to break away for her much appreciated and needed weekend.

Jayce was back in the country after some years spent in another country for her job, she had deep green eyes and her long blonde hair floating behind her as she was walking… Those streets, those places, everything changed so much… But it was really the same city. Wandering around she was feeling a bit alone… Beeing back after all of those years wasn’t easy for her and she was wondering if she could meet some old friends if they were still living around… Passing by a coffee shop she used to go with her friends she stopped walking after a few steps… This girl inside looked familiar… Going back and approaching this girl inside “A… Annetta…? Is that… You?”

Hearing a familiar voice, one that Annetta hadn’t heard in well over 8 years, the small brunette’s heart rose in triumph and excitement. “OH MY GOD… JAYCE?” Annetta paused, having to get a good luck, Jayce had matured in all of the right ways, she was a spitting image of a goddess. “Oh my God…HONEY!… It’s been sooo long… where have you been?~” Annetta gulped, her mouth gawking cutely a little bit, getting out of her seat at the diner, as she practically threw herself at the girl, though not quite so physically. Still, the joyous reunion of a great ‘best friend’ from high school, was well met and well received. Wanting to hug the girl, Annetta’s heart was fluttering, her heart racing, she wasn’t sure if the girl would want to hug her back. But in fact, Jayce took a step forward… Wrapping Annetta in her arms and giving her a strong hug… Letting some tears flowing out of her eyes… “It’s been so long without you my dear Annetta… I really wanted to see some old friend but I just found this precious old love of mine” then Jayce hugged the girl again… Kissing her on the cheek… Even if that looked a bit ‘immature’, the girls loved each other some years ago and they were still sharing this bond. Annetta was shaking… She didn’t expected to see her again… But it was real, her old lover was just here, hugging her… Annetta couldn’t resist to answer this sweet kiss by kissing the girl back on her cheek…

Then Annetta went up to the register and bought her friend a tea of her favorite choice, ordering them both a cookie. “I’m buying your drink and cookie… and you can’t tell me no!~” Annetta giggled cutely… “I didn’t really expect to see you here either. God… you’re so beautiful..~” Annetta smiled as she finally made her way back to her diner booth, before sitting down, waiting for her friend to join her, if she would. Jayce sat in front of the girl, smiling warmly “You hadn’t changed dear… you’re like I remember you… so nice to everyone and so lovely for your friends…”. The girls started to talk… Jayce’s life when she was so far from this country, the ‘good old times’ when the 2 girls were sharing this strong love and Jayce coming back here… The blonde girl took her cup and took a sip in the tea… “Hmmm it’s really nice here… But it miss a little ‘something’…” Opening her bag, Jayce took a tiny box, enough to put some pills or anything that tiny in it…opened the box and picked something from it with two fingers…

Between her two bright painted nails was a tiny girl… screaming and trying to get out… Jayce gave her a naughty smile… tossing the girl in her cup… ” it’s perfect now…” as she drank her tea in one shot… making a loud gulping sound as she swallowed the tiny screaming girl within her tea… “Pfaaaaaahhh that hit the spot ! ” Jayce was now looking her friend, giving her a warm smile. As Jayce began to talk, sitting there with her friend, Annetta was almost at a loss for words, staring almost dumbfounded. It felt like yesterday, like they were just lining the isles of the school halls together, doing their own thing. Even as her beautiful friend complimented her and finally took the tiny from her purse, it began to remind her of the times that she had been with Erry. The first time Annetta had met Erry even, the tiny finally offering herself up as a meal. Yet, Jayce was being a bit cruel about it, still, the way she did it, simply tossing the tiny woman into her cup, began to turn Annetta on to no end. The giant girls in comparison to the tiny, both smiling on, Jayce for her normal reasons, Annetta, for her fascination of this entirely new experience. Watching as Jayce took the cup of tea to her mouth, and swallowed the girl down without a thought, without mercy. Annetta was about to yell, and growl at her friend for doing so, but when Jayce’s throat began to reflect the girl within, as the tiny silhouette began to pass down her esophagus, Annetta’s mind went blank, her body shifting as cold chills went down her spine, causing Annetta to gulp and look at Jayce wide eyed in lust. “Oh my god… did you just…~” Annetta’s mouth opened into a slight gawk, staring at her friend, her words barely above a whisper.

“Hhmmm…? ” Jayce was looking her friend… “is there something wrong Annetta ? ” the brown haired voice was still really low “Did… You just eat her like this…? Why did you do that…? ” but Jayce opened her eyes wide as she was looking at the girl in front of her “Well… Of course…! They’re just here for this after all… Those tinies…” Jayce was still staring deeply “Don’t tell me you’re one of those… I mean… Do you feel anything for them…? I guess you’ve changed… Don’t you remember when they were our toys…? And besides…” Jayce moved a bit forward and showed her generous chest “Look how nice all of those tinies were to help them grow like that… Don’t tell me that you’re like those people that try to protect them… It never worked… People can’t go against their own human nature…” Said Jayce, playing with her long shiny hair…

Annetta didn’t know what to say, but, she couldn’t lie, all of her time with Erry, really did mean something. “No… I mean yes… I mean… I DON’T KNOW..~” Annetta sighed deeply, shouting briefly, looking down. Finally raising her head a minute later, looking into a pair of the most amazing breasts she’d ever seen, she couldn’t deny that Jayce was absolutely adorable and perfect in every physical way, but it just didn’t seem right, she had to tell her. “I… Y-y-y-yes. I have a girlfriend, Erry, who is a tiny. We make love… and then… generally she wants me to eat her. But… I never do it out of force. I feel like everything has its own right to be, to live… Tinies are people too you know. You can’t say they don’t have feelings and aren’t worthy of being loved.~” Annetta gulped, sighing and then looking into Jayce’s eyes again. “I know we fooled around a lot and had sex, and that you were my first lover… but… I can’t deny that I still love Erry now too.. Yet, it was sooooo hot to watch the way you ate that tiny woman.. Like… she didn’t mean shit to you…~” Annetta’s eyes went wide as she said that, hardly able to believe that those words came out of her mouth. She was now staring at her friend’s neck and breasts, remembering the tiny that went past them only moments ago…

Jayce put a hand on her mouth as she let out a soft burp “Aaah she’s fighting hard down there… But I’ll be the winner in the end… Soooo you love… A tiny …? And you ate her many times …? Ha… Haha…! That’s so funny… I didn’t knew that you were so good with those jokes.” Stretching her body, Jayce’s mouth went right aside Annetta’s ear and paused for a second “Listen to me carefully cute girl… The tinies are our food and nothing more … They’re what makes our bodies gorgeous … It was always like this, our ancestors enjoyed them as much as us now… they’re even making some nice dishes with them in some restaurants… And they could have feelings…? well sure… but their shorts lives are so… Short that maybe you just crushed some of them under your shoes when you came here without even noticing them… They’re nothing more than some delicious candy for us… You don’t have to feel sad for them, they’re not humans like you and I…” As Jayce was whispering into Annetta’s ear, a tiny glow appeared inside the brown haired girl pants… She didn’t noticed the tiny light coming from below… Focused on what Jayce was telling her… Some seconds later the glow disappeared… Leaving a tiny girl deep inside Annetta’s vagina… Erry was back to life and like she wished last time she saw her lover… The small girl’s eyes opened slowly… Feeling the warmth of Annetta’s ‘depths’… Knowing where she was, she smiled and took a fetal position… Wanting her human lover to feel her… Not saying a word…

Annetta looked into Jayce’s face, unable to say a word, her friend constantly throwing logic and truth into her own face, even if the brown haired girl didn’t fully agree with every single aspect, she couldn’t deny the sense of it all. Yet, she was absolutely serious when she spoke of Erry, and, even if her mind was clouded right now, she still felt that way, in her heart of hearts. “So wait a minute… if… if I were tiny… Even as much as we’ve been friends together over the years… Or if somehow I just shrunk and… a-a-a-and was tiny like t-t-t-that other girl… would you still be my friend?… Or…” Annetta gulped her eyes going wide, unsure if she really wanted to hear what her friend was going to say, yet she asked, continuing on anyway… “Or would you just eat me like we never had anything, no love… I would just be your… meat?…” Annetta finally said, being so blunt, hardly able to believe the words that left her lips, unsure how her friend would take it all. “It’s not nonsense, I eat Erry every time she comes back to me… she sort of … ‘reforms’… but… only if she wants me to eat her. I do it out of love… because she wants it, not because of force..~” Annetta said quietly, looking at the ground, not so fully resolved after hearing her friend’s convincing words. A sudden jolt of pleasure, Annetta gasped out as she moaned, unable to understand what was currently happening. “OH MY GOD…~” Annetta yelped, starting to slowly rub her sex, looking right into her friend’s eyes, her friend Jayce possibly thinking she was losing her mind, screwing herself in a public place like this! Yet, both girl’s had no idea that Erry was inside of Annetta’s womanhood, causing the girl to swoon like she was currently doing.

Feeling the girl’s skin pressing all around her, Erry started to kiss the wet walls all around her… Massaging them with her tiny hands… Erry couldn’t hear anything from the outside but she knew that she was within her lover… Outside, Jayce was surprised “Annetta…?” She stood up and went aside her “Are you alright…?” Annetta’s eyes were looking like empty… But looking at Jayce’s face. The blonde girl looked at the girl who was breathing faster and noticed what she was doing… Jayce was blushing and approached her lips to Annetta’s ear “Did I missed you that much…? Well… We could finish this together… Let me help you…” Jayce’s hand grabbed gently Annetta’s, inviting her to follow her long lost friend… Then talked to her again “Don’t say silly things Annetta… I would never do something like that to you… and don’t worry… you’re the Annetta I know and you’re a human… not one of them… so… wanna… enjoy …our friendship… like we did some years ago… hmmm?”

Annetta looked into Jayce’s eyes, unsure of how to answer as she didn’t even know what was going on with her own body, certainly, unable to relate to her friend what was going on of course. “I… I don’t know… I just.. starting feeling this sexual drive within my body..~” As Annetta listened to Jayce’s words, they at least filled her with reassurance, knowing Jayce wouldn’t eat her if somehow she had shrunk, relating her as a human, and tinies as not, even if Annetta didn’t really believe that about tinies, she knew she couldn’t force Jayce to see it any other way. It didn’t really help matters that Annetta was slowly approaching her own climax. Gulping as she got up from her booth like a zombie and made her way into the woman’s restroom, carefully locking the door behind them, as Annetta really didn’t want to get into trouble for a lewd display of graphic sexual behavior in trouble. Even before, Annetta looked around, noting some people heard her sexual moans. Yet, to everyone else, it appeared that Jayce was just trying to get her friend to go to the bathroom, perhaps Annetta was just experiencing a ‘discomfort’ in her sex. Now without prying eyes, Annetta began to look over Jayce’s body, having no idea that Erry was to blame for this sexual ‘melt down’, entirely contributing it to how she was currently feeling about Jayce. Looking into the girl’s eyes as her heart began to pound, she was at her best friend’s mercy, and happy to be so, at least so she thought. “Just like old times…~ Right..~” Annie gasped as her mouth stuck open slightly, leaning in to hold her friend, kissing her neck, grabbing Jayce by her ass and squeezing her left ass cheek firmly, Annetta rubbing her own sex as she looked into Jayce’s eyes after pulling her lips away and started to moan…

Jayce was blushing as she kissed her friend… Forcing her tongue info the girl’s mouth… playing with Annetta’s… holding her tight in her arms’ embrace… then after a long kiss…she whispered into the girl’s ear…”could…you sit here…?” While pointing at a table. Deep inside Annetta’s body, Erry was happy.. feeling the vagina’s walls squeezing her tiny body… Annie’s was feeling her…probably answering her too with these squeezes… Erry just layed her body down against the soft skin … wanting her lover to enjoy herself more before getting crazy …

Annetta gulped, her eyes blurring slightly, for a second, as Jayce blushed. Finally the blonde taking her into a deep kiss as her tongue forced its way welcomely inside of Annetta’s mouth. The brunette finally closing her eyes as they played ‘tongue hockey’, the slightly larger girl easily taking Annetta into her embrace, hugging her amorously. A sudden whisper into her ear, told Annetta all that she needed to know. Finally sitting where instructed, Annetta waited, playing with herself intensely, hardly able to know what to do in this moment of indecision. Taking her friend’s breasts, she began to grope them, taking her right hand to Jayce’s left ass cheek, she smacked it playfully, yet, never broke eye contact, as her right hand went back up to Jayce’s left breast once again. Annetta’s mouth slightly agape again, She just waited for what her friend was about to do, all the while, Erry continued to wiggle, and move inside, Annie unknowingly carefully ‘crushing’ her sexual core all around her girlfriend within. Annetta contributed most of what she was feeling to the way she felt about Jayce… “Did you cast a sexual spell on me?… my vagina feels like its on fire!..~” Annetta moaned, her tongue almost sticking out as she looked like she’d been drugged.

Jayce was looking deeply at her friend enjoying herself… “no dear… it’s… our long lost love… you’ve been… probably lured… away from me by this… ‘Erry’… or whatever…” Then Jayce crouched… removed kindly Annetta’s hands from her sex… licked her lips… Pulled Annetta’s skirt down, then smiling to her she removed her pants slowly… Allowing the blonde girl to see this dripping sex… then started to approach her head…

Finally putting her bright red lips against Annetta’s lower lips… “Hmmmm… you’re… still… Delicious…I might eat…you up hahaha…” She finally trusted her tongue all the way inside… sucking hard on her friend’s sex… Not deep enough to feel Erry’ body but it was still deep inside Annetta…

The brown haired girl didn’t have to wait long for what Jayce had actually meant, this next few moments really ‘taking her back’, as the blonde girl easily lifted her down carefully to the floor, before settling her head onto the tiles of the bathroom. Looking up into Jayce’s eyes, gasping, unable to speak, but hearing every word, Annetta didn’t want to believe what Jayce was saying, she still loved Erry so much, but in a moment like this, Annetta was literally, weak in her knees. Forced down hard, Erry and Jayce, literally, double teaming her as the one who truly loved her, assaulted her sex from the inside, and her best friend assaulted her clitoris and labia from without. Annetta gasped in her mind, hoping one day she wouldn’t actually be small enough to be around Jayce when tiny, unable to gauge just how serious the blonde had been about saying she ‘might eat her up..’, maybe she really could… even now, what a shuddering, shivering thought. “Unnnnnnngh~ Jayce… if … ~mmmmmmmm~ god… If you don’t stop!… I-I-I… I don’t now how much longer I can last..~” Annetta was already ‘dying’ inside, having been sexually built up so wonderfully from the inside by Erry from the time that they were at the table, even no, while they were inside of the woman’s restroom. Only to be forced beautifully by her best friend’s mouth into slowly heaving her body, Annetta’s sex dripping with a fervent intent to cum, in quite the near future. If Jayce had been looking, she’d notice Reese’s toes curling, the thick beautiful blonde mercilessly licking and lapping and sucking away… “Mmmmmm … Sooooo good… IF YOU DON’T STOP… I AM GOING TO CUM IN YOUR MOUTH..~” Annetta roared, even if her voice was barely above a talking volume, it was still quite serious and intent, not mad or threatening, yet, Reese was hardly able to take in all of these magnificent, fantastic, sensational feelings.

Erry was smiling… Her Annie was probably happy… all she could hear was her fast bumping heart and feel the girl’s vagina pressing her gently from all sides… she was deep enough not to feel Jayce’s tongue… as she was now bathing in the early cum of her lover… she was still laying inside… a deep pleasure on her face… feeling Annie’s warmth… Jayce was also blushing… sticking her head out… smiling as she licked Annetta’s juices that were on her lips… “A-…Annetta… just do that… like the…good…old…times…” As she put her mouth back against Annetta’s sex… forcing her tongue inside again… wriggling it fast… as she was rubbing her own sex with her right hand… moaning too as she was sucking hard… her eyes closed… feeling a deep pleasure too…

This was it… this was all Annetta could stand, finally almost violently wrapping her legs around Jayce’s head, Annetta lost it! “FUFFFFFFMMMMMMMMM~ GAAAAAAAAAAAAH~” she screamed, bucking and humping her friend’s head, she took the blonde by her hair and pressed her face even deeper against of her sex as it parted another inch on either side, leaving the girl’s entire mouth, within her sexual lips. “I CAN’T… I … I CAN’T… I CAN’T STAND IT… I’M CUMMING… AHHHHHHHHHHHHH~” Annetta screamed again as she slammed her hips and thighs against her friend’s head, finally forcing her friend’s mouth deep, cumming violently, spraying her fem cum deeply inside of her friend’s mouth, hardly knowing if Jayce was ok, certainly not knowing there was a little Erry, ‘fishing’ around inside of her sex, Annetta was nearly blacking out, erasing everything else from her mind, the brunette was ‘done for’. Torrent after torrent of feminine cum came splashing and coating against Jayce’s mouth, Annetta expecting her best friend to pull away any moment, yet, welcoming the stay of her face and tongue and lips, if Jayce wished to keep them there. Finally letting the girl’s head go, Annetta had no choice, as she fell back exhausted, her mind in a haze, as her vision blurred, her eyes barely open, as her heart was pounding away at eighty miles per hour in her bosom, her entire body was warm, laying their basking in her sexual afterglow, finally coming down some few minutes later, still tingling all over. Wanting to return the favor, Annetta pulled her friend’s panties down, and began to force her head between the blonde’s tights, drunk on lust and sex, Annetta licked mercilessly, playing with the hood of her clitoris, fingering the girl’s sex, piercing her deep with her left hand’s fingers, all while laying the girl back carefully and grabbing the girl’s butt with her right hand… “Mmmmmmm~You taste delicious…~” Annetta moaned muffled as her face was already buried ‘deep’ in Jayce’s sex. Hopefully slowly giving back to her friend, or at least trying to start, what her friend had already beautifully given her.

Jayce was moaning loudly… Enjoying Annetta giving her own love back … Moving her tongue around her mouth, she swallower hard… Finishing to ‘drink’ Annetta’s juices… Her mouth slightly opened. Meanwhile Erry was slowly waking up… She was remembering that she passed out as Annetta came… Expelling the tiny girl out of her vagina… Erry was trying to stand up… Then fall on a soft texture… But also wet … With the light coming in she discovered that she was into a human mouth … Blushing at first, wondering if Annetta wanted to feel the small girl in her mouth again… But Erry stopped to move… This ‘place’ was different… She could hear some moans coming from the back of the ‘cavern’ but… It wasn’t her Annie’s voice… Something was wrong … Erry started to shiver… When she saw two enormous fingers coming inside and grabbed her between… Erry let out a small cry as she was pulled out…

Jayce’s eyes opened wide as she saw that… between her two bright red nails was a tiny shivering girl… soaked in Annetta’s juices and Jayce’s own saliva… “Well… hello little girl… were you in my love’s sex too…? you’re a really naughty girl hahaha ~…” as Jayce was brushing Annetta’s hair… That was working nicely on Jayce’s sex…

All the while, Annetta’s mind was in a fuzz, still sexually on fire, wanting to eat Jayce out more than anything, not even registering that the tiny Jayce was talking about or to, was actually none other than Erry. For the one important fact, Annetta having had no idea that Erry was even inside of her sex to begin with. “Mmmmmmmm~ So yummy… don’t push me away..~” Moaned Annetta as her mouth’s voice came out emanatingly muffled, her face so far pushed against Jayce’s lower lips, not even her eyes and ears could hardly be seen, her friend’s sex even bigger and her body larger, Jayce was after all a whole head taller, and probably at least another 30 to 40 pounds more than the tinier brunette now ‘eating’ at her sex. Annetta’s intent was clear, she wasn’t about to stop until Jayce had finally came, continuing to press her ‘agenda’, as the brunette pierced three fingers within the girl’s sex finally, slowly stretching her out, and feeling against Jayce’s nodules and bumps, pressing to finally find her friend’s g-spot. Finally finding that spot located inside of Jayce’s pelvic urethra, Annetta teased mercilessly, trying to bring her friend over the edge, not knowing just how close Erry was to danger. After all, Jayce wouldn’t even know who Erry was, so to Jayce, Erry was just like any other tiny was, a cute tiny edible toy !

“Good girl… Aahhh…~” Said Jayce as she was pressing Annetta’s head against her own sex with her right hand… Now looking at as the tiny girl between her fingers in her left hand… “You’re cute… tiny white hair… It’s the first time I find a tiny like you but… should you join your friend inside of me…? she’s probably within my intestines now and she’ll be a nice poop later…~ ” Erry’s eyes opened wide as she saw this cruel human girl… Still not understanding what was happening to her “N…Nooooooo !!! Don’t…!” Screamed Erry but it was too late… Jayce tossing her back in her mouth…closing it right behind her… Erry didn’t saw Annetta… she knew there was another girl… but couldn’t scream for help… she was now trying to get out of the closed lips… punching them with her so small fists… “Hahaha…you’re really combative… haaann…” Said Jayce… Still enjoying Annetta’s massages… But now also feeling Erry trying to fight back the blonde ‘giantess’…

Annetta was transfixed literally, almost attached to Jayce’s sex, like she was an appendage of the girl’s own body. It wouldn’t have helped matters much anyway, Jayce’s thighs raised so high, and Annetta’s head still beeing held by Jayce’s hand, the larger girl easily keeping her head pinned to her sex. It would have been a fearful thing, even for Annetta, if not for the fact that they were friend’s and in the middle of such a beautiful moment. Sure, Annetta could hear Jayce talking even if her mind was blurry, but to just another tiny that had been in her bag probably, at least as far as Annetta guessed, having no idea that Erry was in danger. Had she, Annetta would most likely have stopped Jayce… or could she have? The brunette was so lost in her lust, perhaps she might have been caught in the moment, while not helping her lover out, she may not have stopped Jayce from swallowing her, after all. These dark thoughts were actually true than Annetta gave them credit for. Mostly not even in her mind at all by now, as her thoughts were clouded, her entire face ‘glued’ against the tanned flesh and in the blonde girl’s pink sex, literally drinking and breathing Jayce’s vaginal fluids and more. “Mmmmmmmm~” came Annetta’s own moans, between that and Jayce’s own moans and her words, Erry’s voice was drowned out nearly entirely. Annetta could barely make out the frantic cry for help, the voice almost sounding like one that she thought she knew, but it was muffled, as of course, the blonde’s voice being much louder. And once Jayce had the tiny Erry within her, popped entirely within her mouth, Erry’s muffled voice was as good as ignored.

“Aaaannnhhh …!” Jayce cried as her body shivered… Putting both of her hands on Annetta’s hair and moaning loudly… Finally reaching orgasm… Then started to pour her own warm cum onto Annetta’s face and inside of her mouth… A strong flow forcing the girl to drink some of her juices… Jayce was shivering from pleasure and soon… Her tongue started to raise… Wanting to add more pleasure to herself by swallowing this tiny whole and alive… Erry screamed as she was about to be eaten by this unknown girl… In a desperate move she dodged the giant muscle… Ran toward the gaping opening between Jayce’s lips and jumped out … Before getting stopped between Jayce’s rows of front teeth…that closed right on the tiny girl… Pressing Erry’s body from above and below her lungs… Erry screamed from pain as she was trying to get out of this white hell… “Aaaahhh !!! N- nooooo !!!” Erry’s eyes opened wide… As she saw her lover’s face under Jayce’s breasts and thighs… “An… nie… Annie !!!! Help me !!!!” Jayce had an angry look as she pressed the tiny body again with her teeth… Making Erry cry as her body was about to get crushed… “Shut up little snack…” Sucking easily Erry inside her mouth… Passing the giant red lips… Erry landed on the giant tongue, shivering from a deep fear… Suddenly falling on the side as Jayce moved her easily… She landed this time on something hard… And soon the ‘upper row’ fall on her… Erry was squeezed between the cruel girl’s molars who was now chewing her lightly… Not hard enough to break the tiny body but enough to shatter Erry’s mind apart… The tiny girl was screaming… Wanting this horrible giantess to stop… Begging Annetta to help her… Jayce heard this and placed Erry’s body now full of bruises on the middle of her tongue “Hmmm? do she know you…? could that…be…”


Annetta squirmed, almost panicking as she couldn’t pull away, yet, was instead forced to swallow her friend’s cum, coughing a bit as more and more seemed to come out, until Annetta’s stomach bulged lightly with the amount of Jayce’s juices that had filled it. Annetta’s ears were still hearing Erry’s screaming voice, yet not. To Annetta, it sounded like a frantic scream, reminding her much of the girl that was at the table, floating inside of Jayce’s tea. Hearing Jayce’s words, uncaring a bit, even as she threatened that she might even actually eat Annetta, gave her almost no pause in thought, that if she was small like the other tiny had been, Annetta would be swimming around inside of Jayce’s stomach as well, or instead of. Annetta no longer filled with lust, but slight fear, she began to try and pull away, hearing the way Jayce was belittling the tiny, turned her from lust, and wonder, to just rage and fight! The smaller Annetta began to struggle, trying to get away from Jayce’s powerful thighs… “Mmmmmph… mmmmph mmp mmm mmmmmpph.” Annetta had asked, wait, what are you doing, who is that…?, yet her words were muffled and her head was still pinned, she began to try and kick away, this wasn’t her friend that she used to know, Jayce was different somehow. Maybe, this whole time, Jayce had been showing her fake side, only just now, to show her ‘true colors’, as she dominated Annetta’s smaller frame, even her much smaller and tinier lover, that was now entirely within the blonde’s mouth. There would be no doubt now to Jayce, that this tiny had had a connection with Annetta, Annetta able to break away enough now, to finally hear that that voice was indeed Erry, her heart lurched… “OH MY GOD… HONEY… IS THAT YOU ERRY?…~” Annetta screamed, trying to punch her ‘friend’ away, but Annetta was already too weak to resist much, her heart thumping, she could hardly believe it… “Please… let me go Jayce… please don’t hurt my little Erry… this isn’t fun anymore..~”

Jayce opened her mouth wide… showing a sad vision… Erry’s body was full of bruises and pain spasms due to what Jayce just did to her… she was hardly breathing, her eyes empty… “So… do you want her back…? it would be so easy to swallow her whole… but… she could also… be… your… food.” Jayce said with a severe stare “Just tell me that she’s just food for you… and I’ll give you back this tiny tasty girl… but… you’ll have to prove me that she’s just that for you… food.” Annetta looked up at Erry, whimpering, frowning deeply now as she began to lightly sob. “Why are you doing this Jayce… I thought we were friends… Friends don’t hurt friend’s lovers. What did she ever do to you? This is my little Erry… if we were such good friends, how could you knowingly hurt my greatest love so much… I HATE YOU… PUT HER DOWN… DAMN YOU..~” Annetta struggled… “I want her back yes… but now how you are forcing me to ask for it… I want her alive… she’s a person. I love her… not you… I love ERRY… Please… just let us go… YOU MONSTER..~” Annetta cried, feeling like it was all in vain, hoping Jayce wouldn’t hurt her little Erry. The bruises and pain spasms making Annetta violent with rage and feeling deep feelings of sadness and other such terrible emotions. Annetta tried to struggle free, trying to grab for Erry, to pull her away from Jayce, and to somehow get out of the bathroom, all while the bigger much less tired blonde was upon her, all while the bathroom door was already locked, but try as she might, all she got was scorn and laughter. Annetta felt hopeless, not know what to do. “I don’t want her as my food, she is my lover… do you even KNOW what love is Jayce, or are you just COLD?~” Annetta cried.

Jayce had the same severe stare… “I know what is love Annetta. I loved you so much… Gave you my body and my feelings… And you’re betraying me… With this tiny ? I… I may be jealous… But just now weren’t you much more interested in me rather by your ‘Erry’…? You didn’t listened to her pleas and I could have eaten her that you wouldn’t notice that … Annetta you’re the one breaking my heart right now… This girl… Is nothing more than food for us, humans. Should I just eat her now to show you …?” Erry was shivering… Jayce’s mouth was open so the tiny girl sat hardly on her knees… Looking at Annetta… Erry’s body was covered by bruises… Her eyes empty of any life… But she was smiling… “P-p-please A-nnie… remember last time we met … I wanted to be your food at this time …So I am now … Don’t let that… cr-…azy girl eat me… she’s heartless… and I’…m not sure I could come back this time… we’ll see each o…ther…so… Do it please… Eat me Ann- ” Erry couldn’t finish that sentence… Jayce’s mouth closed on her, clattering her teeth around Erry to scare her “Shut up I told you already…” Erry’s body was now laying on Jayce’s tongue… Her mind was broken… “Annie please…” Jayce answered for her “Well? Just act as a human. They’re food. they say it themselves… their goal is just to feed us… and make our bodies beautiful hee hee hee… How funny she is…” Opening her mouth and putting two fingers in it, she picked Erry’s body between them then… put it in front of Annetta’s face… “Eat her.”

At this time, the only words that had registered was Erry’s, Annetta was far too pissed off to have even heard a word of Jayce’s, even as she threatened her tiny lover. Suddenly, as Erry was sucked back in to the blonde’s mouth, Annetta panicked, “PLEASE DON’T~!” Annetta gulped, in tears, sad her little Erry was so mercilessly abused. Trying to listen to Erry as much as she could, still at least, Annetta had heard enough. She wasn’t about to do this for Jayce, she was beyond pissed at her, threatening in the back of her mind, not doing it with her mouth, that she would never be friend’s with this bitch again if she ever made it out of here alive. With tears in her eyes, Annetta begrudgingly accepted Jayce’s proposal. Not doing it at ALL for the cunt the blonde was acting like, but because she loved Erry more than life its self. Annetta wouldn’t be able to forgive herself, if somehow, Erry was unable to reform. Watching helplessly as her chin quivered, Annetta looked as Jayce had pulled Erry from her mouth and put her in front of Annetta’s own. Sighing deeply, sobbing, Annetta opened her mouth wide, hardly able to fight back the tears, even the tears that she was currently slightly choking on. Hearing those final words, ‘eat her’, Annetta knew she had no other choice… “I love you Erry… I am sooo sorry…~” Annetta cried, her tongue sticking straight out, Erry would be able to see all the way to the back of the brunette’s throat, Annetta’s breath assaulting her with warmth, yet hopefully a wonderfully familiar smell, a small piece of something familiar that could feel Erry’s heart with peace, in all of this hell. “Shhhh, Erry… it’s ok… your lover is here with you now… I won’t let that bitch eat you… I will do it instead…” Lifting her head, Annetta slurped Erry up from Jayce’s fingers, before she had the chance to pull away, before the blonde had had a chance to change her mind.

Erry slipped her body aside… rubbing her lover’s cheek with her tired arms… whispering so only her Annie could hear… “It’s alright Annie… you… saved me…but…I’m…hurt… I can’t …go like this… in your stomach… it would hurt me so much…” placing her tiny body on Annetta’s molars “please…finish this .. don’t think too much and just do it… then swallow my body… I…I won’t hate you for that… I love you Annie… and …I’ll see…you again… we’ll be so happy… hhaaahhhh… ” But Annetta couldn’t bear the thought of chewing or crunching on her lover what so ever. So instead, she took Erry to the roof of her mouth, pressing carefully but enough the tiny body… and quickly suffocated her, forcing saliva into her lungs and then trapping off all air for three minutes, then, just like that, Erry was gone. Whimpering as she looked up into the cruel blonde’s eyes, Annetta was almost devoid of emotion, looking plainly at Jayce’s face, she tried lashing out, to get away from the blonde woman, but couldn’t seem to get away from her powerful grasp. Playing Erry’s words in her mind as Erry had said, ‘I will see you again’, was the only thing that brought comfort in this dark moment, finally replying back to Jayce, with a pained expression and much colder words. “The deeds done Jayce… what now? Where do we go from here? Are you going to kill me too? Or… am I never going to speak to you again and pretend like this miserable day never happened? I guess I remember why I stopped hanging out with you.. I just figured by now, that you’d mature and grow up, and stop thinking about yourself so DAMN much!” Annetta growled, just before she frowned in thought, as she finally swallowed Erry down whole, the lifeless bulge forced down past her ample breasts, until Erry’s lifeless body finally landed with a splash inside of Annetta’s stomach. Not much time passing, as the blonde was still looming over her nearly helpless and exhausted ‘friend’.

Jayce’s reaction was strange… she was smiling… “well… congratulations… you’re a human Annetta… you did right… just look at yourself… it was just one tiny…ONE ! there’s so many outside… see how you ended her life so easily… ? I… just wanted to cure you from that… ‘fake love’ you have for her… Don’t you feel better now…? Feeling this tiny body going deep inside of you ?” Jayce approached Annetta… wrapping her in her arms…putting her tongue inside her mouth…kissing Annetta’s again… one of her hands rubbing the brown haired girl’s belly… If there was one thing Annetta was, it wasn’t ‘cured’ of her love for Erry, if anything Annetta hated Jayce more than ever now, cementing in her mind, that once these two had separated from this diner, Annetta would never speak to Jayce again, if she so much as caught her view from a nearby city street. Jayce would see no verbal reaction come from Annetta as the brunette just laid there like a fish out of water. Feeling the blonde impose her larger body upon her own, wrapping her up tight in an unwelcomed embrace, the blonde’s tongue forcing its self inside of Annetta’s body, the brunette no longer seeing any sex appeal in Jayce’s own body, and feeling violated as she was glomped onto and smooched against, her own belly massaged by the cruel bitch as she rubbed over the spot that now contained her rapidly digesting Erry. Jayce would only see tears in Annetta’s eyes, Annetta closing them as she pretended that she was enjoying this moment. Fake moans of fake lust escaped her lips as in her mind, she wished upon a star that Jayce was somehow, small now. Annetta would MUCH love to get that revenge, giving the blonde bitch a taste of her own medicine, but nothing like that was possible… or was it…

Jayce stopped… “You’ve changed dear… was she so important for you…? you didn’t even cared for her from the start ! I…I love you Annetta…for real !! I hadn’t saw you in years… it was…such an unexpected encounter… And you’re… refusing my love now…?” Looking at Annetta’s cold stare, tears started to form in Jayce’s eyes “but… I still love you so much… if she’s really capable of going back to you…so be it… but… ” She stopped… silently standing in front of Annetta that wasn’t moving nor answering her… Jayce now looking less assured… “I’m sorry dear if I hurt your feelings… if you don’t want to see me anymore …that’s fine… but I won’t forget that I loved you… I’m not some kind of monster you know…I just act as humans are supposed to…”

Annetta looked into Jayce’s eyes, “I’m the same Annetta you first saw when you walked into the diner. I told you that I had a lover, I told you that that lover was a tiny, and STILL, you forced me to eat her.” Annetta looked into Jayce’s eyes, as she was about ready to assault the girl with words, yet suddenly, Jayce began weeping tears, perhaps she really was sorry, but Annetta was still rather pissed. Still, she’d known Jayce for years, even if she could never forget what horrible things Jayce had done this day, she knew she had to forgive her. Annetta sighed, thinking deep, long and hard. “I will forgive you for this, but I don’t think I can ever see you as the same person again. After what you showed me today. You say being human is to do what you’ve done today. I say being human is being unconditional… filled with love… FOR EVERYTHING. Least of all, I would consider a tiny, the closest thing that resembles a human, to have great meaning… I just can’t shake the thought that no matter what, if we’d never met each other, and I was tiny, you’d see me no differently, than a tiny girl you’d eat. I mean… how could you tell? What if I had been cursed, shrunken beyond all hope, you’d just see me as a tiny and not a normal sized being with bad luck, and you’d have swallowed me whole… ME… the same girl that used to fix your bruises with bandages. The very same girl who stuck up for you when no one else would. Back before you had the beauty you have now, at least on the outside… You may have been ‘growing’ into your beautiful body when you were a girl that was unpopular whom I took under my wing, because I didn’t care who saw me with you. But now… you seem almost uglier on the inside, which is far worse than being distasteful on the outside. I can’t help but feel a deep retardant for you Jayce… so no. I don’t hate you, I pity you. If you ever needed help in the future, though, I would be there in a heart beat, AND YOU KNOW IT… In fact, you still have my cell phone, and it’s still the same number, and you can always call me when you need someone to talk to. Yet, if you ever wanted a lover, you’d have to look elsewhere…You’ve already crushed that part of me. I can’t see you any more, in a sexual way. I’m sorry…” Annetta gulped hard, as her own tears began to fall from her face, thought silent. As she was now standing with her arms crossed, unable to reach in and hug Jayce now, her only thoughts upon Erry and how much she couldn’t wait to see her again. Staring at Jayce in the eyes, Annetta awaited her reply.

“I’m sorry Annetta… I can’t… express much more… and my place in your heart… is taken… maybe I was blind…with this ‘human definition’ too… I’m sorry I forgot that you were here for me when I needed you… but…I’ll become a… better person… I’ll be so nice that you’ll…be jealous of me…!” Wrapping Annetta’s body with her arms… Jayce kissed her own fingers… then put them on Annetta’s lips… “It’s…over with this… I’m sorry to have made you suffer… But… I’ll do my best… to be worth to be your friend again…I’ll call you when I’ll be ready… And please… Tell Erry that I’m sorry… I didn’t saw that bond you were sharing… I just saw her as a toy and… Not as your lover.” Jayce closed her mouth, put her clothes back on… Not wanting to say more words since they weren’t needed now.

Annetta sighed deeply, nodding her head, she was still in a really bad frame of mind, but with all of the adrenaline in her body, at least Annetta had gotten off her chest what she needed to say. And it appeared, her words really had made a difference, she hoped at least. Everyone had room to change, Annetta knew she wasn’t anyone’s judge, she just called things like she saw them. Looking into Jayce’s eyes, even as the girl kissed her finger’s, to put them on Annetta’s own lips, the brunette didn’t moved much, but closed her eyes briefly, taking herself back to when she remembered Jayce being sweeter and more full of life and love, that would be the last memory she would keep in her mind, replacing that with the hatred she felt for the blonde woman today. “Very well Jayce. Let’s see that you do, PLEASE… make me jealous of how good and wholesome you can truly be, let me love that part of your personality again, that sweet girl I fell in love with, at least for her sweet heart, back in seventh grade.” Annetta nodded, as Jayce said she’d called her when she was ready, and willing to change. “Let’s see that you do… gods be willing… let’s see that you do.” Annetta took her hand, and gently placed it on the girl’s left cheek, just like she had when they first met, before carefully and softly pulling away, forcing that memory into Jayce’s mind, that Annetta still cared. It was a time back when Annetta remembered Jayce crying, because she was all alone in a hall, with people picking on her, and the boys mocking her. Annetta coming up to her, and not giving a damn what anyone else thought, and stroked her left cheek, just like she had a second ago, even now in the this thought, that had happened some 10 years ago. Annetta still remembering the nerdy girl that had potential, her thick glasses and her unkempt hair. Annetta had taken the girl and loved her, just for being herself. Taking an ugly duckling and turning her into a beautiful swan, hoping the same Jayce was still inside there somewhere. Still looking in Jayce’s face, not in a sexual way, yet, more like a sister. “I still love you like a sister sweetie… never forget that…~” Annetta gulped hard, finally hugging the blonde before pulling away again. Quickly putting on her clothing as she got dressed and grabbed her stuff to leave for the day. Looking back at Jayce’s face, she briefly smiled, at least it didn’t feel forced anymore.

As Annetta began to make her way home from the diner, she got into her car, as Erry continued to stew away in her stomach, digesting almost fully now, as the girl’s were about each other for the last hour or two, leaving the prior mangled body that Erry was, completely turned into chyme. Once home, Annetta sat on her chair, thinking quietly to herself. At least Erry had been giving her lover’s body in the end, hoping some day soon, Erry would join up with her on a happier moment. Hoping Erry would remember not the fear of that day, but how sick Annetta had been when she found out how Erry was being treated, and how Annetta had defended her honor, regardless of how mortally vulnerable the brunette had felt, she loved Erry more than life its self. Finally as Annetta began to grow tired, she went to her room, lacking luster, but still, she could see Erry smiling in her mind, crying a few silent tears, hoping her precious tiny would come back to her some day. Putting on her nightgown and then heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth and pee before settling in, she then headed back to her room. Getting to her bed, Annetta wiped the tears from her eyes, as Erry’s body was sucked inside of her intestines, getting digested on a molecular level, erasing all of the girl’s prior body, giving that essence back to the blue flame, praying to someone that Erry would reform, remembering how much Annetta loved her. As Erry was entirely absorbed now, the brunette finally fell asleep, but just before she did, she said her last goodbyes, at least for the evening. Kissing her hand, she placed it on her stomach upon the sheet that was already over her body, the gown over her skin, and spoke… “Goodnight Erry… I love you girl… I will see you soon… I promise…” And with that, Annetta fell to sleep, dreaming of happier times until she’ll meet with her tiny angel again someday…

End of part 6