Erry’s story part 6 : Revival


Sometimes the wheels of the Fate cannot be stopped even if everything managed to slow them down… It’s the story of two sisters that started many years ago, two young girls that met when they were both lost… Two girls that became sisters even if they weren’t blood related. It’s the story of Aya and Erry.

The two girls grew together and learned many things about surviving because due to their bodies they weren’t really ‘fitting’ for this. After all who could easily live if you’re less than 3cm tall… It was unfortunately the two girl’s reality. In this world was not only the humans but also some ‘creatures’ looking exactly like them and in fact they were exactly the same! Except for their sizes…

They were called the ‘tinies’ by the humans, no one remember how they got there but no one really cared about this too. The small ones soon got ‘used’ by the humans as their small toys and in the worse case as their food, their small lives weren’t easy at all and living another day filled with fear to be discovered was their everyday lives… Until a fateful day…

Both Aya and Erry got discovered by two human girls that soon wanted to ‘dispose’ of the two small sisters… And the two tiny ones couldn’t try anything against this… Aya was the first one that got eaten in front of her younger sister’s eyes… As her small life was slowly ending she was listening closely to what was happening… And knew that Erry would have the same fate given by the other girl…

Soon enough Aya couldn’t endure the pain anymore as she was being ‘processed’ by this giantess’ stomach and cursed this very day where the two sisters would die… Aya’s heavy eyelids were closing slowly… Her life already vanishing from her small body… She let out a tear, as she whispered this name a last time… The name of the very girl that Aya found some years ago and that became her very sister… “Erry…”. The small body soon stopped to move… Aya’s spirit already gone from this small body… That was now just a tiny meat piece for the human girl…

But the story wasn’t over yet.

Some time ago when the two sisters were still together… Erry was in a coma state and before she woke up from this acted in a strange way… Her arm moved by itself and she ‘drew’ a shape onto her sister’s back that glowed a bit… At this time Erry didn’t knew about her very self and what she could do… She also didn’t knew that she was in fact the reincarnation of a tiny piece of ‘life’ itself… A small girl having a so giant power for her small self… But she wasn’t able to know this too.

Aya’s body was slowly going deeper inside of the giant girl’s system where she would soon be broken and absorbed like every small piece of food the human girl ate before… But something happened… A small red glow appeared on the girl’s back… That soon vanished along with Aya’s body in the human girl’s depths…

Many years passed… Erry’s power allowed her to revive many times… Each time in a new timeline and in different places but the other side of this ‘power’ was that she wouldn’t be able to remember what happened in her different previous lives… The young Erry would only remember her sister dying in front of her eyes but not what happened next for some unknown reason. Each time Erry was trying her best to survive but every time she failed… And lost her life. During her many ‘revivals’ she started to build a deep ‘hatred’ within her heart even if she wasn’t remembering all of her deaths.

Then one day, all of this hatred turned into another girl looking like Erry: Enaelle that wanted to end Erry’s life forever. Erry knew that this girl could kill her but also couldn’t do anything about that… And finally gave up when Enaelle started to show her her own many deaths, disturbing Erry’s mind deeply and broke her feelings. Erry was now trapped in a deep darkness that was slowly drowning her… Enaelle was laughing loudly in a crazy way… Knowing that she finally won and both of them would disappear from existence forever. Erry was closing her eyes… Her very soul almost ‘gone’, she needed help but who could she call? Her very sister was dead, all of the people that met her wanted her to die because of some rumors around her white hair… She needed help from someone she didn’t even ‘knew’… Because this person vanished from existence when Erry was born.

Erry’s back had a small glow and soon Enaelle was screaming… Erry’s body wasn’t disappearing anymore… Someone was saving her… And soon Erry was out of Enaelle’s body made of darkness. With a loud scream, the giant version of Erry’s hatred vanished… Cursing the one who saved Erry… Another girl with white hair but who also was the ‘creator’ of Erry: Erelle.

Erelle wasn’t supposed to exist anymore because when she ‘created’ Erry she sacrificed all of her powers and even her own soul but somehow Erry managed to ‘call’ her back. The two girls were now facing each other, Erry was confused to be in front of the mother she never knew but it wasn’t the right time for her yet… Erelle had to erase Erry’s memories one more time, removing her own self and what Enaelle did to the young girl. Erry’s soul slowly fall asleep inside of Erelle’s arms but would be told the truth another day… When she would be ready.

After some time it was Erry’s time to go back to life, her back glowing with the ‘rune’ Erelle gave her that was also the mark of her power. Erry’s soul finally vanished from this place, leaving Erelle who will be now watching over her from there. Erelle was now finally ‘back’, she knew well this dark place beyond reality from the many thousand years she spent here before creating her daughter. But something was ‘different’ today… Erelle could feel another lost soul nearby and approached it…

It was another lost girl sleeping… Erelle smiled because she wasn’t the only one that was ‘called back’ and took the tiny soul with her hands. Looking at the small sleeping girl, Erelle saw something on her: the same looking ‘rune’ that she gave to Erry but it was different. “So you’re able to do this too Erry…” Said Erelle as she smiled then kissed the small sleeping body “Alright… I allow you to live again too little girl… I can’t promise that life will be easy for you but I really wish that you’ll be able to find your sister again…” Finally said Erelle while the small body started to glow a bright red, just like Erry when she was ‘traveling’ between two lives. The small soul finally vanished, ready to come back to life, leaving the smiling Erelle until the next time they would meet…

It was a small park at night, no one was around but within a small bush started to glow a tiny light. This small light was in fact a tiny red flame flying a bit above the ground but wasn’t burning anything. Soon it started to grow and took a strange ‘wing’ shape before disappearing… Leaving on the ground a small sleeping girl with long red hair…

The tiny girl shivered… Slowly opening her eyes she wanted to get up but her arms didn’t allowed her to stand and she fall back on the ground. Her head was giving her a great pain and she couldn’t think straight… Finally managing to sit she was looking at her arms then her hands… Noticing that she was still wearing her clothes from before. Suddenly a strong headache assaulted her and she put her hands on the sides of her head… Her eyes moving in every direction… “What… No… Where…” The girl then started to move her hands on every part of her body… “I’m… Alive…?” She wanted to remember more but another big ‘flash’ hit her mind “Aaahhh… How… How is that possible…” The girl had a shiver… Remembering just a detail from before “I… Died…” Some tears starting to roll out of her blue eyes, her voice was shivering “I died… How is that possible to be there…?” She was now looking around, wanting to know something important for her “Erry…?” But she hadn’t any answer… She tried to stand up again but only to fall on her knees, it was no use to try anything for now. Looking a bit around again she knew that she would be safe for now, taking a big leaf that was nearby, she covered herself and closed her eyes… Her mind still filled with questions but she couldn’t find any answer… Her whole body was hurting her from being alive again and soon she fall in a deep sleep…

It was a weird dream… Filled with old memories but the only difference was that her sister wasn’t with her while she was sleeping. She was living again all those days she spent with her younger sister, remembering when she was playing with her and the happiness they shared even if the world hated them… The young white haired girl was now in front of her and closed her deep blue eyes to smile… Just saying the name of her dear sister… “Aya.”

Her eyes opened… The dream vanishing… The small Aya brushed her eyes with her hands… A sun ray warming her she sat on the ground “So I’m really back to life…” Said the girl while passing a hand in her long red hair “It’s… So unreal… How could I…” But she couldn’t finish her sentence, hearing some noise nearby. “A human…” Said Aya as she stood up carefully… Noticing that she had one of her small blades on her belt, taking some steps aside, she went near the bush’s roots and hid behind. Aya was now looking ‘outside’, it was the morning so there was some humans in the park. Even if her mind was still blurry and confused, Aya was still one skilled ‘raider’ and was used to survive in such situations. She finally noticed the human walking away, she was safe.

Some hours passed and the park was now empty, Aya decided to exit it and find any small ‘hideout’ where she could meet some other small people. She was now near some giant buildings in a street, Aya was still walking carefully not to be found when she found something on a wall “I see…” Said Aya when she read the small mark on the wall telling where was the nearby hideout. It was a good thing that the humans couldn’t read those marks or they would find more small toys… Aya nodded and saw a small dark street, it was the right place.

From the look it was like an old street with many trashes and some broken items scattered on the ground. There was also some buildings’ exit but no one would use them. Aya was now following a wall, looking at some marks again until at a corner she found a small crack in a wall. She had to crouch to go under it but this way the ‘entrance’ couldn’t be seen by the humans.

It was a small place hidden behind the wall but tall enough for what looked like 4 small houses made of rubble and other things, Aya took a step and saw a middle aged man going outside of a house. Aya was used to talk to people because of her ‘job’ and have the man the raider’s salute. “Good morning mister. Can I ask you some questions please?” The man stopped in front of Aya and looked at her. Even if she was only 18, Aya was a skilled raider and had an athletic body people would know who they were talking to. The man nodded his head “Good morning Raider, of course you can ask me some things, I’ll be happy to help you… In fact we had some people these days that pretended to be raiders but it was some lie and I think they got caught… But well what did you needed?” Aya nodded and answered “I’m sorry about what happened… But I’ll be sure to help you too. To tell you the truth I’m a bit… Lost, can I ask you where are we and maybe… Did you saw a young girl about this height with white hair…? Her name is Erry.” The man’s eyebrows reacted when Aya asked about her sister but he still answered “We’re in the north part of the city and I didn’t saw anyone like this. But maybe you’ll have more luck if you go there…” The man took what looked like a small map “There’s some raiders there and maybe one of them saw her.” Aya Bowed her head, she knew that asking about her sister wouldn’t be easy because of those disaster rumors about her white hair but Aya never trusted these and Erry was her sister. She memorized the place where she would maybe find something more, knowing that the ‘raiders network’ had always some information to share.

Before going Aya wanted to do something since some people helped her today, going carefully outside she saw something interesting. It was maybe just a small crumb from a sandwich for a human but for some tiny people it was food and they needed this, even if it was some rotten food sometimes. The only detail was that it was atop of a nearby trash and Aya would have to climb to reach it. Taking her small blade she made it sink into the plastic bag and started to climb it, even if it was so high for her, Aya was used to do this because of her ‘job’. Soon she was atop of the bag and walked towards the small food piece, still looking carefully around, then she pushed the small crumb to the ground since she couldn’t bring it when she’ll be climbing down then took her blade from her belt again. In a skilled move she started to climb down, her blade ripping a bit the plastic bag but nothing that a human would notice. Soon she was on the ground again and picked the small food piece before going to the small hole and started to crawl under it when she heard a noise…

“I’ll just check here!” Said a loud voice as a giant shoe landed near the wall where Aya was behind. Aya knew that it was a human girl and stayed silent… Still peeking out carefully… Watching just a human girl but she knew that there was more of them because of a special ’emblem’ this girl was wearing… She was one of the ‘micro hunters’, some stupid ‘club’ about humans enjoying hunting the small people and sometimes even creating some traps for them. Aya was out of sight but knew that this giant girl in front of her was skilled too… She was looking at everything in the street that could betray the small people living there, looking at every wall too. She was a regular human girl in her 13-14 years and had dark blue hair, her deep blue eyes were still looking around while she was humming a soft song, Aya was wondering if she noticed the small hole where she was…

“Did you found anything Saphyr?” Asked another loud voice nearby, the girl in the street shook her head “Not here… I guess we’re not lucky today but well there’s not much on them in the north too…” The girl named Saphyr took another look around then leaved the street… Aya was safe. Going back to the small place, she saw some young kids going near her while she was holding the small piece of food, the same man from before was here too “It’s a small gift for all of you for your help, but I saw some hunters nearby… Do you think you’ll be safe?” Said Aya as she put the food on the ground, some kids happily taking some piece of the bread and ‘hugging’ Aya’s legs. “We’re used to this miss… There was always hunters everywhere and with out tiny selves we can’t do much against them too.” Aya bowed her head “I understand, I’ll be leaving now and I wish you luck for your future.” Said Aya while she was patting a young one’s head “Good luck to you too miss and I hope that you’ll find this girl you’re searching for.” Said the man while smiling, Aya bowed again a last time and taking some steps to the exit she would now go to the other place where she would maybe find some answers.

As a tiny one, walking in the city was really dangerous because Aya didn’t wanted to be found but also was thinking a lot… Why did she came back to life…? She was looking at her own body, remembering it ‘melting’ as she was being digested alive in her previous life but erased this idea from her mind… She was dressed exactly as in her previous life, some small figure’s used clothes and no shoes since they weren’t helping when Aya had to run. Looking at the so tall buildings Aya was always ‘fascinated’ how tiny they were… But also how close they were compared to the humans too, the same body and blood… Just smaller…

Many times she heard some humans walking and she had to hide. Aya was great at hiding herself and she wasn’t noticed once, no looking at the sun going down it would be the night soon and Aya was now searching for a place to rest. It was easier when she was in a park or with some trees since they could hid with Erry but in the city it was harder… Because the small ones could be found not only by the humans but also by some stray animals. Aya was carefully looking at the walls but she couldn’t find anything. Suddenly something fall in front of her and splashed on the ground… “Ho no…” Aya was now looking around her to see more things fall nearby… And she knew that she had to find a place to hide immediately because rain for a tiny one was really dangerous. She was now running… The rain getting heavier around her, Aya turned to a dark road then was looking what was in front of her.

An old TV was on the ground… from the dust on it it was there for a long time already and the screen was broken in a corner. Taking her small rope, Aya sent the hook upwards and managed to put it in the screen hole. She was now climbing fast… Not wanting to be seen but also to dodge most of the rain drops since they were ‘heavy’ for a small one. Aya was finally inside of the TV… It was filled with dust and there wasn’t anything that could betray a micro hunter’s trap around. Sitting on the ‘ground’, Aya was looking a the rain… It would fall for some time so maybe she could rest for a while. Removing some dust from the wall behind, she rested her head on it, listening to the rain but also wondering if Erry was alive too just like her… Aya yawned and closed her eyes… Her mind still confused but she was really alive but wanted to know how and why… But for now she would rest and fall asleep soon.

“Aaaaaah…” Was moaning Erry… She was trapped in a dark place… Like a cave but the walls were made of a soft texture… But didn’t allowed her to escape… “No… Nooo!!” Was screaming the small white haired girl… She coughed… Her whole body in pain… She was crying loudly “Let me out please… I don’t want to be… Digested… Please…!” But only a loud giggle was heard all around… Erry was now slowly dying… Coughing from the lack of oxygen… Her body covered by burns made of the fluids she was ‘bathing’ in… Erry’s eyes looked tired… About to pass out. She hit the ‘living wall’ with her tiny fist… “Please… Let me live…” But nothing happened… And soon Erry’s body stopped to move with a last cough… Then fall into the juices that were biting her… Her spirit leaving her now lifeless body…

“Nooo!!!” Screamed Aya as she woke up in a fast move… Looking all around while tears were filling her eyes she was looking for Erry… Feeling something coming fast from her own stomach, Aya couldn’t resist but to let this come out of her mouth… And coughed loudly… Not noticing the soft red glow on her back… “What… Aaaahhh… Was that…” Aya coughed a last time, cleaning her mouth… Her whole body shivering… “I… I could feel it… Her pain…!!” Aya was checking her own arms… She was shivering as she was feeling her own body being melted like her nightmare… But… Something was different. “Erry…” Whispered Aya as she let out tears… She wasn’t used to cry, she wanted to look like the ‘strong’ older sister for Erry but today she couldn’t resist… Remembering what happened it was different, Erry had the same voice she knew but she was looking… Older? Aya turned her head to the side to spit a last time… Before resting her head again back on the wall… “What happened…?” But knowing that she wouldn’t have the answer, she closed her eyes again and tried to sleep… Hoping that she wouldn’t had another nightmare like this…

The morning finally came… Aya didn’t slept well this night. Looking outside, the rain hadn’t stopped and there was even some hail falling from the sky. Aya frowned a bit when she understood that she would be stuck there for another day. She was now ‘exploring’ the broken TV from the inside, wondering if she could pick some things from it. The small people hadn’t much ‘technology’ around but they could use some small devices, Aya smiled while she removed some lights and some small parts that she could trade later. She took a small metallic string and tied everything together, she even managed to make a small space where she could put her arms. Aya’s mind was busy enough so she wouldn’t have to think too much today… And soon the night came, the rain slowing down too. Aya looked again outside, there wasn’t any human around and the next day would probably be nice to travel again. Aya sat at the same place and rested her head, wondering if the night would be peaceful this time.

Her eyes opened again early in the morning, it wasn’t raining anymore and from the light outside it was nearly 5am so traveling now would be safe for the small girl. Stretching her arms and legs it would be some walk before reaching the other tiny ‘city’. Aya didn’t wasted time and packed her stuff among with the small TV parts she picked up the previous day. Letting her small rope go down the giant screen, she started to climb down, still looking around not to be seen. Finally on the ground, her small feet were on the wet floor, she removed her rope in a skilled move from the TV and started to walk. Aya had to hide some times because some humans were already in the streets but not so much too. There wasn’t any signs of some hunter’s traps as well, this part of the city looked a bit more peaceful than the places she used to live with Erry…

Soon she was in front of a big old building. The walls were covered by creaks and the paint was worn off… Aya was looking at the walls, searching what she came here for and found it. A small mark on the wall giving the direction of the small hideout, Aya was following the wall… Still looking behind her. Another mark on the wall, it was the right place. A crack on the wall tall enough for a small one to go in, Aya moved on the side since she was carrying many things on her back and soon was behind the crack. It was a tall place this time, in fact the small people were skilled enough to dig into the walls and make some small ‘houses’ to live in. One of the people that were doing the ‘security’ job went towards Aya, who answered by the raiders salute “Raider Aya, I’m here to trade some parts and ask for some information.” The man nodded “Welcome to our hideout, the raider’s place is near there at the back.” Aya bowed, giving her salute again “Thank you mister.” And started to walk to the place. She was looking around and indeed there was much more people than the last place she visited. Soon she was in front of a small place made of wood and stone, there was a small writing near the entrance and Aya knew it was the right place. Going inside, there was two people, a man who had almost the same age as Aya and a woman who had probably 3 or 4 more years than Aya. Aya put her legs together and moved her hand to her head, saluting the two people who answered by the same move. “Raider Aya from the west.” The man presented himself as Jo but had to leave for a mission, leaving Aya with the woman “Raider Anna, you’re coming from a long walk… We’re pretty far in the north you know… But what are you doing over there…?” Aya couldn’t really answer since she didn’t knew how she got there… “I’m a bit lost… I had a sort of amnesia some days ago so I don’t really know… But I’m searching someone… Maybe you could help me.” The woman nodded “Sure, our network is for this after all.” Aya grabbed her belt, knowing that this question would be a bit ‘hard’ to ask “I’m searching for my sister Erry… She’s tall around like this… And she… Has white hair and blue eyes, maybe you saw her around…?” The woman sighed… “I’m sorry but no. People would be afraid of her so I don’t think you’ll find much… And I didn’t saw her too.” Aya looked down “Yeah, our world is so gigantic after all… I’ll be searching around then. Thanks for your help.” Aya bowed again. “I’ll let you know if I find something while you’ll be around Aya.” Said the woman as she was looking at the red haired girl walking away.

Aya was now in a small market and managed to trade what she found for some food and a small blanket. She was now walking around in the hideout while eating a small crackers’ crumb… She asked to some people about Erry but the only reactions she had were some hateful comments and fear from people… Aya knew that because of her white hair, Erry was seen as a ‘witch’ but Aya never believed this… She took another bite and was walking to a place where she could rest.

“Aaah..?” Aya’s hand started to shiver suddenly and made her drop her food… Her legs started to shiver too and she fall on her knees… “Wha… What…” Aya let our a weird scream and fall on the ground… Her hands on her head… Her eyes moving in every direction… Some people were gathering… Wondering what was happening to her… Aya was now drooling on the ground… Before her eyes closed… Not wanting to see what was happening in her mind…

She was feeling her legs getting broken… A giant girl’s shoe crushing them… She was looking up… Screaming from the pain… Tears rolling out of her eyes… She wanted to escape… Putting her small arms on the shoe, she wanted to push it back but the human was pressing harder… Making her small bones break one after another… She was screaming… The pain getting unbearable for her small body she wouldn’t last long… “Please…!” Tried to cry the small girl but it was useless… The human was smiling… Enjoying this torture. Her white hair was now covered by dust… Her tiny arms hurting her too, she was now watching something unexpected… The giant shoe started to raise… She wasn’t feeling her legs anymore… But she didn’t wanted to stay here… “No… No…!!” Screamed the girl in horror as the giant shoe was now ‘hovering’ right above her… She would be crushed soon… And no one would save her… The shoe started to come down… Filling the small girl’s vision all around, in less than 30 seconds she would be dead… The girl closed her deep blue eyes… And screamed… Calling a name from a long time before… “A… Ya… Aya…!!” And with a loud sound, the small girl disappeared under the shoe… Crushed easily by this human who let out a giggle as she went away… Leaving the small body on the ground…

“Erry!!!” Screamed Aya as she woke up, breathing loudly. She was looking around in panic… She coughed loudly… But her heart was still beating fast… “No…” Said Aya as she was looking at her body… She could actually FEEL what happened to her sister this time. “How could this be…? It never happened!” Started to talk Aya… She knew that her sister actually died right after her… But was now remembering something. It happened a long time ago… When Aya and Erry were younger, Erry woke up many times like this… Always having some nightmares and in fact… One of them was really like when Aya got killed the first time… “What is the meaning of this…” Said Aya with a strong shiver… Until a small door opened and an old woman came in.

“Do you feel better young girl…? You looked like ‘possessed’ before… But don’t worry our small hospital is there if you need anything.” Aya bowed her head down. Grabbing the small cover made of a single piece of cloth. “I don’t know… There’s so much questions in my mind… And I can’t find any answer…” The old woman grabbed another cover and placed it on Aya’s legs “You were screaming a name when you were sleeping… Erry right…?” Aya looked tired… But was listening the woman “I met a girl named like this… Was it like 3 hears ago…?” Aya’s eyes opened wide… “Where?! Is that… My sister?? I mean… I’m sure there’s a lot of girls who might have this name…” The old woman smiled “Looks like your body is getting back its energy, but please rest… And for this girl well… It was really strange… Because it was the first time I saw one with white hair…” Aya couldn’t resist but to jump out of her bed, grabbing he woman’s shoulders with her shivering hands… “Are you sure…?! Was it really her?? Did she had any other signs that you might remember ?” The old woman was surprised… But with Aya’s urge to know she tried to talk again “She… Had some deep blue eyes if I remember… And she also had something in her hair… It was a tiny hairband, a memory of her sister she said… But is… Is that really you…?” Aya started to cry out tears “Yes!! She’s my sister ! Where is she please ??” The old woman looked now sad… “Well… To tell you the truth… She got caught… By a human and… Ho my… Poor child…” The old woman bowed her head down “She got eaten… I’m sorry to tell you this…” Aya let her arms fall on her sides… “No… It’s not possible… It can’t be !!” Aya closed her eyes, letting some tears fall on the ground before putting her hand on the woman’s shoulder again, looking deeply at her “Believe me or not. I died… And Erry died right after me… I somehow came back to life and Erry might have the same power or whatever because… I saw her and I’m sure that she’s alive now !!” Aya’s back started to glow red… “I know it sounds crazy… But it’s true ! Please… Tell me where you found her !” The woman took a step back… Looking at the bright glow that disappeared “Who are you… What was this…?” Aya didn’t understood… “Is she… I mean… It’s just a kid’s tale but… Is your sister one of the ‘old gods’ ?” Aya looked confused “A what…? What is that all about…?” The woman calmed down “Listen to me… When I was young we heard a tale about five gods… They were like your sister with white hair… It’s said that they had incredible powers but because of this, the humans started to hunt us… It happened maybe thousands of years ago but it’s just a tale…” Aya nodded “I lived all my youth with my sister and I hardly believe this… My young sister would be a goddess…? I don’t really think so… But something happened when I died it was…”

A loud noise… Aya turned her head to watch by the small window… One of the guards screaming… “HUMANS!!!” While the wall that were protecting the small city shattered… Allowing the small ones to see two human girls… Maybe more but they were wearing an emblem on their chest… “Micro Hunters…” Said Aya while clenching her teeth… She started to run outside “I’ll be back later, stay here !!!” Yelled Aya to the woman while she was running towards the small market. The human girls were giggling… And were ready to catch many small ones as possible but the people living there were prepared for an attack like this and one of the guards activated a small mechanism… Suddenly a dark smoke filled the place… Making the human girls cough loudly “The Pepper trap is used… Everyone RUN !!!” Yelled a guard to the people that started to run away… Passing under the girls that were coughing from this… This trap was really effective and made the human girls close their eyes… Tears forming in the corner of them… They were trying to catch their breath back. Aya smiled… It was a nice idea against the humans… But for now she was helping people and some kids to escape… “Run…!! And don’t turn back !!” Yelled Aya, noticing some other raiders helping the small ones…

A giant hand came near the people near Aya… Who didn’t saw it coming. But before she could reach the small people, Anna jumped from behind and landed onto the giant hand… Piercing in the human’s skin with a needle “Run everyone!!!” Yelled Anna as she jumped off… The hand moving away fast… The smoke wasn’t as dense as before and one of the hunters went away to chase the small ones that escaped before, the other girl stayed here and removed the needle… Sucking onto her wound she had a furious expression while looking at the small people… And hit in a fast move the edge of the broken wall who started to collapse onto the small ones… Including Aya. The red haired girl was dodging the parts of the wall falling on her… It was almost done when a large part of the wall started to fall… Aya turned her head to see it coming… Onto two small children… “No…!!” Screamed Aya while she dashed towards the kids and pushed them back… While the rock fall on her…

Aya’s vision was blurry… It was so heavy on all of her body… Feeling some of her blood coming out of her head she coughed from the pressure… Looking at the kids that were now hiding in a small hole where the hunter wouldn’t find them… “At least they’re safe” was thinking Aya while her vision was getting dark… Her eyelids closing as Aya passed out…

“Damn!” Yelled a girl… Walking besides another one “I can’t believe they created something like this!” The other girl coughed a bit “Yeah… It’s the first time I see something like this… But in the end we still got some of them… Is your hand feeling better Lyn ?” The first one rubbed her hand… Still hurting a bit from before “Yes Jess… They’re really annoying when they do that… They should realize that there’s no hope for them.” Jess nodded “And our ‘work’ would be easier too… But I didn’t expected to find some here it was a nice guess from this girl.” Lyn put her hand on the small bag on her side “Yes. Saphyr is really skilled for this. I’m glad she decided to spend some days in the north, she have so much to teach us haha ~” Jess was now looking at her own bag “Even if many of them escaped we’ve still got some of them here… And they won’t escape ~” Lyn nodded and soon they were near a small building. Putting her shoes in the entrance, Lyn waved to the other girl and went to a small hall “See you later Jess !” Said the girl while opening the door to a small room. Inside of it, Lyn removed her jacket and put it on a chair, sitting in front of a computer. She typed some words and she was now on the ‘network’… One of the many tool used by the Micro Hunters. Displaying a map, she added a small check in the street they visited today and started to write a comment “They set up a trap there… Be careful for your future hunts.”. Stretching her arms she was a bit tired… Looking at the computer’s clock she still had some time before going back home. Opening a new tab on her browser she went onto some social network where all of the hunters could meet across the world… Suddenly she could feel a small rumble from her belly… Putting a hand on it she picked up her small bag from her belt and placed it on the desk. She untied the small rope closing it and put her hand inside to pick something. “Hmm?” Said Lyn while she was looking at a tiny girl held between her fingers, the small girl was unconscious and had a small bloodstain on the side of her head… “Bah… It’ll be easier…” Said Lyn while with a small move, tossed the tiny girl within her mouth and swallowed her immediately… Now resuming her search on the computer…

“Huuhhh…” Moaned Aya… She was trying to open her eyes but her head was hurting her… A loud sound echoed all around her… Making her eyes pop open… She let out a scream… “Aaaah?!” Aya started to shiver… But even if her head was making her suffer she had to stand up fast… Looking around she knew exactly where she was… And never wanted to be there again… Inside of a human’s stomach. “Eek!” Squeaked Aya as some juices were now burning her feet… She was so small that reaching the top exit would be impossible… Soon the whole place started to move, making Aya fall on her back… The human probably noticed that she was now awaken… “It’s… A nightmare…” Whispered Aya… Knowing that she would die… Again. But this time would she be brought back to life again or disappear forever…? She shook her head… Her sister was there… Somewhere outside and she had to find her ! Aya clenched her teeth… When her eyes stopped onto something that fall on the ground when Aya fall too…

A small blade. Nothing that could kill a human but still something sharp… Aya grabbed the small blade… Then closed her eyes… It would be her only try… If she failed she would be digested alive again… And would suffer the same horrible pain she felt once… Opening her eyes, Aya stood up… A serious look on her face as she would fight back for her life… Started to run towards one of the living walls… And made her blade sink into the human’s skin deeply… The ‘room’ started to move… A loud scream echoing inside of the giant body… It was working.

“Aaahhh!!!” Screamed Lyn… “What… AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” As she could find another peak of pain… Making her cry some tears… “Hnnnggg !!!” A third time… “What are… Aaah you… Doing…” The human girl was feeling a deep pain she never felt before… And started to punch back onto her belly with her fist… Wanting to ‘stimulate’ her stomach to finish her small victim “Digest…! Just die !!” Was screaming Lyn while feeling more ‘cuts’… Inside of her body Aya was doing her best… Making the human feel this pain too and hoped that the human girl would spit her out… Aya made the small blade sink inside of the ‘wall’ again when a loud rumble was echoing around her… More juices pouring all around her… But also a strange reaction… Aya was now moving upwards ! “Bhh… Gghhh…” Was moaning Lyn… Putting her hands in front of her mouth… Knowing what would happen… Aya was now traveling fast upwards Lyn’s throat… Her body now within the girl’s digestive juices that were burning all around, she closed her eyes… This pain would be over soon… “Ghhh… Gaaah…” Moaned Lyn… That fall off her chair on the ground… Feeling something coming up fast… She closed her eyes, her mouth opening to let out what was now splashing onto the ground. Aya opened her eyes just to see that she was inside of the girl’s mouth and soon exited it… Now free falling to the ground ! Her shoulder made a small creak when she hit the ground… Lyn’s juices all around her, Aya’s body was a bit numb but she managed to stand up and started to run away… She didn’t knew this place but she had to go away fast ! “St… Stay there !!” Yelled Lyn who moved her hand above Aya before feeling another rumble and started to spit again… Leaving Aya out of her reach…

Aya was running fast… Her small heart hurting her chest… She saw a door and jumped below it… Leaving this room and the girl behind her. She was now in a long hallway… With nowhere to hide, Aya decided to keep running… “Ho…!” Suddenly Made a loud voice as a giant shoe landed in front of Aya. The small girl fall on her back when the shoe almost landed on her and was now facing another human with dark blue hair… Saphyr. Aya stood up… Looking at the girl in front of her… Then took her small blade… Putting it in front of her to protect herself. “What are you doing there…” Said Saphyr… Hearing the girl from the other room… “Ho I see…” Saphyr raised her shoe… Placing it above Aya… Who didn’t moved. “You’re not going to run…?” Aya stayed here… The same anger in her eyes “If I run away I won’t be worth to protect my sister Erry… Come at me giant monster !!” Saphyr had a weird reaction… She put her shoe away and crouched to see the girl closely “What did you said…?” Now looking curious “In fact she told me once about a sister of hers… But her memory was messed… Could that be…” Aya clenched her teeth “You’re lying ! There’s no way she had met someone like you !!” Aya’s arms were shivering… But was still holding tight onto her blade, Saphyr was now looking at her again “You’re not going to give up I see… You’re really like her…” Saphyr then moved her hand fast, faster than Aya’s reaction who let out her blade… When two giant fingers closed on her sides. Saphyr placed the small girl in front of her face… “You’re not looking much like her… She had white hair…” Aya couldn’t resist… It was true, Erry met her ! “Wha… How… How is that possible for Erry to meet someone like you…” Saphyr was about to speak when she heard a noise… Opening a small purse, she dropped Aya inside “We’ll talk later.” Said the human girl while putting he purse in her pocket.

“Saphyr… Did you… Saw a tiny just now?” Said the girl near her… She looked tired “Lyn…? What happened to you ?” The other girl clenched her teeth “It’s a tiny… She made me… Uughhh…” She wasn’t looking good… And was holding her belly with her hands… “Tell me if you found her please… I want to kill her. She cut me from within with a blade !! I want to show her what it is to make someone suffer like this…” Saphyr bowed her head down “I’m sorry Lyn… I didn’t saw her, I just came here now… Maybe she’s in a room around, do you need some help ?” Lyn shook her head “Thank you Saphyr but your taxi won’t wait much… But I’ll be sure to crush every bone of her body…! YOU HEAR ME TINY GIRL…?! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU SLOWLY AND THIS TIME I’LL DIGEST YOU FOR REAL!” Aya who was inside the small purse had a strong shiver… Saphyr bowed, “Alright I leave this to you Lyn then. I hope that you’ll find her, she won’t be able to leave this place alive after all…” Lyn put her hand onto Saphyr’s shoulder “Thank you… I hope that we’ll be able to meet again soon Saphyr.” Saphyr bowed again “Yes, see you soon on the network Lyn.” Saphyr leaved the girl who started to run… To the nearby bathroom… Saphyr was now curious… How can a tiny be this strong ? But for now she took the small bag she brought here and went into the small taxi waiting for her.

During the travel, Saphyr was looking at her pocket from time to time… Remembering when Erry told her about her older sister… But something was different… Saphyr turned her head and was now watching to the road, it would wait… And soon enough the car stopped in front of a house… Saphyr paid the taxi fare then exited the car with her bag, taking her keys from her other pocket, she opened the house’s door then walked inside. She removed her shoes and looked at the ground, her mother wasn’t here today. “Looks like she’ll be working late again…” Said Saphyr while taking a step inside. She climbed the stairs that were in front of the entrance then came into her room, closing the door behind her. Putting her hand in her pocked she put the small purse on her desk then removed her jacket, Before sitting at her desk.

Saphyr opened her purse and picked the tiny girl inside before placing her on her desk. Aya was still really curious about this girl and about her relation with Erry… Saphyr then rested her arms on the desk… Looking at the small girl. “Well. I should start.” Said Saphyr “My name is Saphyr and… I’m a Micro Hunter. But when I found Erry 3 years ago I wasn’t in this position yet. I decided to keep her and we talked a lot… Until a day when I started to have some ‘different’ ideas for her. Furthermore I didn’t had any friends back then…except some girls that understood what I was feeling… And helped me…” Aya was sitting on the ground… Listening to the girl’s story but some questions started to appear in her mind… “Then…? What happened…? What happened to my sister…?!” Saphyr smiled… It was a naughty smile… “Well… My friends helped me… I accepted to become one of them and… I didn’t felt that I would need my tiny friend anymore… So I went back to my house… Picked Erry in my hand and…” Saphyr took a deep breath “I ate her.” Aya jumped on her feet… “You did WHAT?!” Saphyr was still looking careless “Hey tiny one… Erry was alone. She told me that she saw you DIE in front of her eyes… And she had nothing left… I guess I helped her like this.” Aya started to yell “You’re a monster !! How would Erry accept someone like you… Tell me !! If she was there with you it was because she trusted you !! There’s no way you could that to her…” Saphyr looked a bit pissed off “Listen. I was alone. My only friend was her. I wanted to spend some time with some humans too but I was ‘different’. You don’t understand little girl… I HAD TO do that…” Aya took some steps… Still yelling “Hooo and killing people helped you right ?! Becoming one of those monsters was your ideal ? Even if… I was dead back then… Erry was alone… She needed someone because of those stupid rumors about her hair… And she wanted this ‘someone’ to be you ! You… Betrayed her !!”

Saphyr stood up and was yelling on the small girl from above “And what about you Aya! Where were you?! You were supposed to be dead but you were probably hiding somewhere ? I can’t give you back your sister… And she’s now a part of my body you hear me ? I… Digested her alive and I ENJOYED that ! But maybe you want the same to happen to you…?” Aya took another step “She’s not dead. I somehow came back life because of something I can’t explain but… I saw Erry alive too and she was… How she would be supposed to look like today ! In fact… Before she met you she died too once… Maybe you saw her when she was trying to remember…? It was the same with me. She never could remember some parts of her own past but she kept living on. I won’t allow you to kill me Saphyr… I’ll find Erry… And I’ll do this alone.” Saphyr’s cheeks became red “Fine then… You’re both immortals…?! And I would trust this ?! Hah what a joke…!” Saphyr’s voice became strange… As she wasn’t controlling herself… “Aya… I ate your sister… I killed her… I broke her body and absorbed her… And what remained of her…? I shat that out ! It’s how it’s supposed to work… RIGHT ?!” Aya took a step back… Saphyr’s eyes were like becoming ‘black’… The human girl’s arm was moving in a strange way… Coming to catch Aya… “You’re going to die Aya. I’ll kill you too and… I’ll forget about both of you forever. I’m… A human and I don’t need tinies to be my friends.” The girl’s hand was now surrounding Aya… And started to close on the tiny girl that let out a squeak…

Saphyr’s body ‘froze’ when her hand closed on Aya… She wasn’t moving anymore… The same happening to Aya like as both of their minds weren’t here… Leaving their bodies while she were now ‘sharing’ something…

Aya was facing Saphyr… they were looking like ‘ghosts’… but at the very same size! Aya and Saphyr were looking at their very bodies and were trying to talk… but nothing happened. They were both in a dark place… surrounded by weird sounds and they couldn’t move… Aya was wondering what was the meaning of this… while Saphyr seemed lost… Aya suddenly had a shiver… She was remembering something from not so long ago… She was in a place like this… But why the two girls would face themselves like this in a giant stomach…?

“NOOOOO!!!” Screamed a voice… A small body ‘landing’ between the two ghosts… Both of them still watching this but couldn’t move… The girl sat in the place… Not being able to see the two girls that were with her, she started to cry… And scream… “Saphyr…! Why did you do that…!! We’re sisters… And I trusted you! I… I still trust you… And you’re going to let me out right…?” Aya’s eyes were focused on this small girl… She had bright white hair… And had a small hairband in her hair that Aya knew… “Er…ry…?” Said the small ‘ghost’ but no one could hear her… Except Saphyr that was in front… Stunned to see this happening ‘again’… Just like in her memories but this time from Erry’s point of view… ” Saphyr ! What’s gotten in your mind ! You were so kind to me… and… you promised to protect me… was is just a game… all this time we shared together…? ” the girls could now hear a loud giggle from ‘outside’… Saphyr couldn’t lie that she enjoyed this but not this time… Erry’s screams were now weaker… The small girl coughing from the lack of oxygen and a progressive burning feeling was now on her body… Aya had now a hateful stare towards Saphyr’s ghost… Who didn’t wanted to watch this… It was so different from the last time… Something from the past hitting the Micro Hunter’s feelings.. Memories of her time spent with Erry… Was she even more happier than she was now…? But soon it would end… With Erry’s life.

“No… NOOOOOO!!! I… I had so much to live… my life had just begun… you… you can’t just do that Saphyr… Stop…this…” But the girl outside was now smiling “I’m sorry… but it’s better like this… you were going to be eaten one day by some girl anyway… It’s better if I just do this myself for you…” Saphyr’s ghost wasn’t moving anymore… Closing its eyes, knowing that after these lasts words… Erry died within her.

“Aya…” Whispered Erry… Not loud enough for the giant version of Saphyr so the ‘ghost’ version never heard this before… “Aya I… Can’t resist much longer… And I’ll join you soon… But if you’re watching me from the sky… Don’t hate Saphyr for this… I still… Believe that my dear human sister is within her even if some people made her believe just a lie… And for you Saphyr… I hope that someday you’ll be able to be this kind sister I spent some time with… And that you’ll be able to love some tiny one again… Like you did with me…” Erry was looking tired… Her eyes empty of any life… They slowly closed, and Erry’s body fall inside of the digestive juices all around her… Aya was ‘screaming’ her sister’s name… But no one would hear her… Except the ghost of Saphyr… Who was on her knees… “What… What have I done…” Was whispering Saphyr while looking a Erry’s body slowly getting melted… Aya was screaming… “What did you do Saphyr…!! She was loving you!!” Saphyr raised her fist… “Stop saying this…!! I… I… I don’t need any tiny to be my friend…! I never loved Erry !!” While a tear appeared from Saphyr’s eyes… Aya calmed down… Looking at her sister she loved so much… Then at Saphyr “You’re lying… Some people broke your mind and you’ve became weak… You never wanted to eat her… You just followed some people’s desires for your life… And you never accepted this… Am I right… Saphyr?” The young girl started to cry even more… Aya’s words sinking into her soul like knives… Was she right…? Saphyr raised her head “NO… Noooo ! It can’t be… I hate her…!! And I hate you Aya !! You’re just food for us… There’s no way I could love someone like Erry !!” Again Aya said a single word… “Lies…” Making Saphyr scream… As her fist fall down… Saphyr could feel something… While Aya’s ‘ghost’ disappeared… A surprised expression on its face…

Saphyr’s eyes opened wide… She was still in this place… Looking at the girl in front of her disappear… More tears were rolling out of her eyes… “Aaaah…?!” Suddenly let out Saphyr as she was now witnessing something unexpected… Erry’s lifeless body started to glow on its back… A small blue symbol appeared on it like a small flame that soon vanished… Making Saphyr close her eyes due to the light…

Saphyr’s eyes opened again… She was in her room, sitting at her desk. “What was this…” Said the girl while thinking… Wondering what happened just now and why… She saw Erry very death and something else happening onto her… Looking down, Aya wasn’t here. “Aya…? Where are you…?” Said Saphyr while she was now feeling something… “No…” Said Saphyr… Some tears forming at the corner of her eyes… She was raising slowly her closed fist… To reveal a tiny girl… With her body broken… Saphyr sobbed… She was now feeling weird… “No… Why did I did that…” Saphyr closed her eyes and started to scream… “Aya…! You were right…!! I couldn’t forget Erry!! But I… Never wanted his to happen… I’m… I’m…! I’M SORRY !!!” Finally screamed Saphyr… Her arms falling in her sides while she was now crying loudly… She took the small girl’s body within her hands… Stroking it slowly… Trying to ‘fix’ it but knew that she killed Erry’s sister… And now she would be alone again forever…

Saphyr let out a surprised scream… She was still holding the small girl but something was happening… A soft red glow onto Aya’s back… That soon surrounded her fully… Saphyr wasn’t feeling any burn but Aya was now covered by red flames… And with a bright flash vanished… Leaving Aya within Saphyr hands… “What was this…? It was just like…” Said Saphyr… Remembering what happened to Erry in this ‘vision’… She was looking over Aya from above… One of her tears falling onto the small girl’s body…

“Hmmm…” Said a tired voice… Opening her heavy eyelids she was looking up… To reveal Saphyr’s crying face… Who cried out a name… “Aya…!!” The red haired girl was back to life again… Not understanding anything… But noticed the girl so cruel before crying… “What happened…” Said Aya… Saphyr closed her eyes again… “Aya… I’m sorry… I’m really sorry for everything!! You were right… I never deserved a sister like Erry… I’m just a monster !!” Aya listened closely… Then sat to face the girl. “Saphyr… I can’t explain how but… When I just… Died… I saw all of your life’s story… Everything you lived with Erry and… I understand now. You were just being ‘used’ by those people… And you did your best to protect Erry…” Aya stood up “We shared something… And I saw Erry telling me to accept you like you were before all of this happened… So I’ll follow what Erry believed.” Saphyr shook her head “NO !! You can’t…! I’m a monster !! I killed many of those people since then just because… I wanted and nothing more ! I can’t be forgiven for this… And I don’t deserve to face you or Erry… Again…”

“I forgive you Saphyr.” Said Aya “But you have to give up everything of this stupid ‘life’ those people gave you. And only by this condition. I somehow… Know that Erry is alive somewhere but I can’t really know where yet…” Saphyr nodded slowly… Still holding the girl within her hands… “I… Saw something… During this ‘dream’ about this… Erry was… Ack-…!!” Saphyr coughed… She put her hand above Aya, cupping her within while she fall on her knees… “Aaaahhhh… Aaaahhhh…” Saphyr moaned… Feeling in pain while she put her hands on the ground, allowing Aya to take some steps back… “Saphyr what’s happening…?”

“Aaaaghhhhh… Haaaa!!!” Saphyr had the same ‘black eyes’ that she had before their shared vision… She punched the ground not far away from Aya… “R… Run…!” Aya shivered… Watching the giant girl drooling and breathing loudly… “Aya… RUN !!” Said Saphyr again… While starting to cough… Aya turned back and ran… Dodging another giant punch on the ground… And was wondering what was happening to Saphyr… “RRRRAAAAAAAGGGHHHH !!” Screamed Saphyr… Not looking like a human girl anymore… Aya was in a corner… And Saphyr right in front of her. “Saphyr stop !!!” Screamed Aya… Making the human girl stop… Aya fall on her back… Looking a this giant girl looking now like a wild beast…

“Aaarrrr!!” Yelled Saphyr while putting her hands on her head… She smashed her head onto the wall… Screaming again… Until she started to cough again… And spit something onto the ground… Aya was looking at this from below… The small black mass that Saphyr spit started to burn… A black flame. The flame soon grow up and took the shape of a girl… Standing there without wearing anything… But with white hair and black eyes… Her body still surrounded by what looked like a black smoke… Aya had a shiver… “E… rry…?

The girl turned her head around… To look into Aya’s eyes… A deep hatred expression on her face “Tsch… What a joke… It would had been easier if you were still dead Aya…” The girl then turned to watch Saphyr who wasn’t moving anymore… “Stupid slave… You almost killed her for real… Those tinies I fed you during all this time weren’t enough to make Erry disappear from your mind in the end…? But it’s over…” The girl turned to face Aya again.

“My name is Enaelle… But you won’t be able to know much about me Aya… Because you’re going to die today.” Said the girl… Moving her arm, this simple move making Saphyr stand… Her face not wearing any expression but her eyes still tainted a deep black… Saphyr raised her feet… Placing it above Aya who couldn’t escape. “Now… Kill her Slave!” Yelled Enaelle… Her voice echoing with a deep hate… But Saphyr wasn’t moving… some tears forming in the corner of her black eyes… Enaelle moved her hand again… This time ‘controlling’ Saphyr again… her giant feet getting closer to Aya…

Aya didn’t moved… she saw something into Saphyr’s eyes… and whispered… “I trust you Saphyr… just like Erry did…” Enaelle started to laugh madly… “Do you really expect Saphyr to help you…?! She was my puppet… from the start!! And now Saphyr… hurry and kill this girl… so we’ll be searching for Erry next… and end her life forever too !” Aya froze… realizing what was this girl’s goal… and that Erry was really alive…! But for now she would have to deal with Saphyr… That wasn’t moving again… Enaelle winced… “Useless to the end heh…? After the many tinies you killed before you can’t even end this one’s life…?” Saphyr blinked… and looked down, her eyes were blue again… “I can… let me show you…” As she moved her feet fast and made it land heavily onto Enaelle… “Stu…pid puppet… you’re trying to go against your master….? The one who gave you everything….?” Saphyr had now an angry expression… “I never wanted all of this… you took, EVERYTHING from me… even my own sister…. I… HATE YOU !!!” Screamed Saphyr… while raising her feet and made it land hard again on Enaelle… crushing the girl immediately. When Saphyr raised her feet, just a small black mass was here… that took fire and burned down to nothing in a black flame… Saphyr then turned to watch the small Aya on the ground.

Saphyr crouched… putting her hand onto the ground… Aya looked at her but didn’t moved… Saphyr started to talk… “Aya… thank you for… ‘calling me back’… I’m sorry about this… I never knew that it was… this monster that made me kill my own sister many years ago… but… Now I know that she’s alive… and… I would like to apologize to her… for all the horrible things I’ve done… and to… bring her sister back to her… If you still want to accept me Aya…” Aya nodded… took some small steps and climbed into Saphyr’s hand… soon Aya was in front of Saphyr’s face… “Saphyr. Now I know that you’re honest with me… I forgive you and I accept you as my friend… It’s a bit fast I know but I… believe you now, because of everything you’ve shared with my dear sister…” Aya smiled… then raised her hand… “Now… let’s go… to find Erry together!!”

End of part 6.