Annie and Erry Part 9

It was a beautiful night… Annetta and Erry experienced a deep ‘heart to heart’ feeling… The micro girl finally wanted Annetta to feel even more happier she asked the human girl to eat her… It was now a part of the two girls relation since Erry had the ‘power’ to come back from the death for an unknown reason yet. In this world the humans loved to toy the small people and even eat them mercilessly… ‘Eat a tiny will make your body beautiful’ was one of those stupid ‘legends’ among the humans… Just a stupid pretext to eat the small people without any remorse… But it was different for the two girls… Erry wanted to be a part of the girl she loved, in flesh and in mind… So it happened this night again and Annetta was now peacefully sleeping… The small body of Erry was now melted and absorbed by Annetta’s for already some time… And the human girl couldn’t wait to see Erry again…

Something was ‘different’ this time… Right above Annetta appeared a small blue flame… It was floating in the air and wasn’t burning anything around… Soon the tiny fire started to ‘dance’ and grew taller… Taking the shape of a blue wing… And slowly fading after a bright white flash… A girl made of light was now floating above Annetta… That girl’s body was glowing a soft blue light and her white hair were shining like the snow… That girl was Erry… Not the ‘usual’ Erry Annetta knew… It was much more like Erry’s very soul ‘visiting’ her lover.

Erry’s body started to float down… And soon landed onto the sleeping human girl’s body… Erry’s ‘body’ hadn’t any weight but had the same warmth she would usually have with her skin… Erry smiled and rested Her head against Annetta’s breast… Slowly putting a hand in the girl’s brown hair… Erry was feeling their soft texture with her fingers… Her body glowing a soft blue again…

Annetta was sleeping peacefully for some time, before any of these changes had occurred. Her dreams were filled with warmth and happy memories and future ones that had not yet transpired. Unsure if these dreams were Dj vu or premonitions, Annetta wasn’t one to ignore things, and even if she never spoke about it to anyone else, it always still ever be in the back of her mind. A sudden feeling of warmth and presence, was now in the room with Annetta, yet, it wasn’t an eerie feeling, in fact, it was down right peaceful, never before, had Annetta ever witnessed anything like this. Opening her eyes some fifteen minutes later, a familiar smell, a familiar feeling, was all around her. In glee, Annetta spoke out, yet her voice was soft, but was really surprised “Oh my god… Is that you… Erry…? I mean… You’re … Human sized… Is that a dream…?” Annetta sat on the bed, holding Erry with her arm… Looking at the ‘glowing’ girl she was confused… But it was Erry’s face… Much more taller than her usual self… Annetta had tears forming in her eyes… Wrapping fully Erry in a soft embrace, Annetta was breathing loudly… Starting to realize that her lover was hold right in her arms… Annetta whispered into Erry’s ear “Oh my god… I can’t believe it… Erry… It’s not a dream… You’re really here…” Annetta positioned Erry to be face to face with her and bite her lip… That dream she had already many times… She couldn’t resist anymore… Pulling Erry again in her arms… Annetta smiled… Until the two girls got closer and soon Annetta’s lips met Erry’s as the girl where now deeply kissing…

Annetta broke the kiss after 5 minutes… She had so much questions in her mind… She was wearing a deep passion in her eyes and had a large smile… “A dream couldn’t kiss me like this… But Erry… You’re already there…? You ‘leaved’ me last night…! We could now see each other on the next day…?” Annetta’s heart was racing… “And… Why are you so tall now…?” Annetta had Erry’s hand in hers… Waiting her ‘angel’ to answer…

Erry nodded when Annetta called her name… Then put her hand on the human girl’s cheek… Erry was looking a bit sad… The moonlight passed a bit by the window and made Erry’s hair shine a deep white… Taking Annetta’s hand… Erry placed it on her chest… Where her heart would be… But Annetta couldn’t feel it “Erry you… ” Erry nodded again… The human girl understood that this ‘Erry’ wasn’t a living beeing… “But how… Why…” Erry placed a finger on Annetta’s lip… Then smiled… This warm smile Annetta loved to see “I understand Erry… You may not be… ‘Alive’… But I know that it’s you… I don’t really know why but… I believe you.” Erry smiled again… Then rubbed the girl’s lips with her finger… Soon to move it to Annetta’s chin… Annetta was shivering… Looking at this girl caressing her body like this… She was enjoying this and didn’t wanted to interrupt her… Erry’s finger then moved to Annetta’s neck… Tracing the ‘Way’ she took so many times… Passed between the two cute breasts of the girl before getting down again… Erry’s finger stopped on Annetta’s belly… Erry placed her hand against and rubbed it softly… It was the place she loved to be in… The place where she was ‘feeding’ her lover’s body… Making it even more beautiful… Erry approached her head again and gave a soft kiss on Annetta’s cheek… Now looking at her from a different ‘point of view’…

Annetta was certainly shocked when she got the following answer she’d receive back from ‘Erry’ when the image finally granted her that knowledge. Yet, it wasn’t all in sadness, Annetta would of course however, always be missing Erry when ever she wasn’t a part of her life. Though one thing was sure in these small moments, even though she learned this being / entity wasn’t Erry, it was more like a visitation, and had made her feel like she wasn’t alone in the flesh. Though, from the point of their last meeting, Annetta knew these girls would be together forever, through life or death, it didn’t matter, they were bound to each other. Annetta sighed a bit, taken aback as she felt ‘Erry’s’ lack of pulse and heart within her chest, yet, at least being with this being like she was, was enough for her to be silent, yet not entirely content, as she’d have lied if she had said she thought it was. Annetta then watched the following occur, being priorly kissed but seconds before, ‘Erry’ then began to glow that bright blue burning again, the white haired being apparently about to do something, so Annetta waited patiently, her heart now beating madly in her chest, she was anxious to say the least. Annetta, by now knew, that this being, this visitation, or element of her ‘mind’, could not speak back to her, so she would just have to wait to see what actions would take place in ‘front’ of her as it all unfolded.

Erry sat on the side of the bed, looking at Annetta with sad eyes again, she put her hands on her chest and bowed her head… as she was sorry that she wasn’t able to talk to her lover… as a single tear made of light fall from her right eye… falling and disappearing onto the ground… she was looking her lover and did the same move… wanting to know that she also wanted to talk with her lover so much… but she couldn’t yet… she put her hands before Annetta… helped her tired body to sit in the middle of the bed… Erry didn’t wanted to wake up Annetta this night but Erry wanted to do something for her and she had to do it this particular night… Where the two girls were so close… Erry ‘floated’ again and sat on her lover’s legs… her body not really heavy, just like a feather… she crossed her legs in the back of Annetta then wrapped her arms around her… approaching her head slowly… Erry was now close enough and gave Annetta a deep kiss again… pressing her body made of light against her lover again… another shining tear dropping from her eye…

Annetta was slowly helped up, but not before witnessing some sadness come from her ‘Erry’. Annetta bending an eyebrow, started to feel that same emotion course through her for her lover. She could tell ‘Erry’ was sad she couldn’t speak to her, and Annetta wasn’t about to try and fault her for it. Everything happened for a reason, and there were no accidents. Erry had become a part of Annetta’s life, and not a day would go by when Miss Reese wasn’t grateful for that. Annetta watched her lover cry silently, but wiped the tear from her eye. As ‘Erry’ moved, Annetta felt her lightweight body, as light as a feather even, cross over onto her lap and wrap tightly around her now sitting-up-on-her-bed, body. Annetta went into Erry’s kiss with a deep longing, feeling her body pressed in to the featherweight of this visitation, her lips sucking and pressing within, her tongue licking, pulling a bit at ‘Erry’s’ tongue once it was inside, before briefly pulling away. “Shhhhhh~ Don’t cry baby… it’s ok…~” Annetta whispered, though she wasn’t sure why ‘Erry’ was crying in the first place, she just couldn’t help but want her to be happy, and in some way even now, hoped her lover was. Annetta pulled in ‘Erry’ close, not wanting this moment to end, just nuzzling her, before going back to a full on kiss, this time not breaking it, at least not until ‘Erry’ would deem it necessary.

Erry’s body glowed a deep blue… like the flame she came from… when they were done kissing… Erry put her hands on the girl’s cheeks… putting her forehead against her lover’s… she opened her eyes… and smiled… Annie still loved her even in that strange state… raising her head and kissing her lover’s forehead… Erry ‘floated’… and landed against her lover’s back… hugging her from behind… putting her head on the so soft skin… she was now ‘facing’ it… then started to ‘draw’ something on her lover’s skin with a finger… a simple shape… Annetta could feel the tiny warm finger that was wandering around her back, tracing something… even if the ‘picture’ was invisible… it was now over… Annetta’s back had a glow… a blue wing just like Erry’s but a bit different… Once it was done, Erry went back to her lover’s face… sitting in front of her again… smiling… she put both her hands on her chest… bowed her head… then with a finger pointed Annetta… then herself… and smiled again… she finally took both her lovers hands inside hers… ‘hugging’ them as she was happy to give Annetta that ‘gift’…

Annetta remained silent now, not wanting to miss anything, all of this was a gift to her, She not fully realizing that she was actually receiving a gift far greater than just touch. Miss Reese felt as ‘Erry’ finally pulled away, closing her eyes momentarily while ‘Erry’ stroked her cheek softly, feeling her head taken to her lover’s forehead, she then opened her eyes again. Annetta smiled back, meeting ‘Erry’s’ smile in return, as of course she loved Erry for everything, no matter what ‘state’ of being she was in. That soft gentle kiss briefly upon her forehead, Annetta stayed in position, watching her lover’s ‘form’ slowly rose up and then magically floated behind her. The soft fingers of ‘Erry’s’ hand gave Annetta cold chills down her spine, the brunette unaware what was being ‘drawn’, though it didn’t really matter, anything that was given by ‘her Erry’ to her was sacred and loved. Annetta was an amazed though, as the blue brilliance of the light of Erry could still be seen behind her, once ‘Erry’ was now back and no longer at her backside even, sitting now in front of her, feeling ‘Erry’ taking her hands and embrace them into her own. As ‘Erry’ smiled, Annetta felt some tears of joy come to her own eyes, as they finally came to a cusp and leaked out onto her cheeks as she smiled warmly, so grateful for these few small moments with her sweetest memory and true friend and lover.

The moonlight came again from the window… making Erry’s hair to shine like a deep snow white… her body surrounded by blue… with a hand she pointed herself, then the sky… she couldn’t stay much longer with her lover… but she wanting her to feel not sad for her ‘departure…’, she could see Annetta beeing a bit sad that even if she would come back to her soon… Erry approached her face closed and kissed on the girl’s lips… Feeling Annetta’s soft skin… It was so different at this size… Erry put a gentle arm behind her lover’s back and layed her on the bed… Annetta was surprised at first, blinked a couple of times before letting her lover fully take care of her… Erry saw Annetta shivering… The human girl was always the ‘tall one’ so there was no doubt she was the ‘dominant’ in the girls relation… But Erry never complained about this… She loved beeing submissive to her lover and helped her many times to enjoy herself… But this time Annetta opened her arms and soon her legs too… Waiting her lover… A single tear rolling on the human girl’s cheek as she ‘wanted’ to be loved… Before ‘Erry’ would go back where she came from…

Erry had this beautiful smile… In her current ‘spirit’ form she wouldn’t be able to feel everything… But she was feeling the girl’s so strong bond in her ‘heart’… At least she could help her lover… Erry was sitting in front of the shivering girl… And soon heard her plea… “Love me… Please…” Erry closed her eyes… Her light body ‘floated’ again… As she passed Annetta’s knees… And ‘landed’ on the human girl’s body… Fully laying on her… Erry’s tiny breasts pressed against Annetta’s skin, their sexes ‘meeting’ together… Erry placed one hand on each side of the girl… And started to move… Rubbing her body of light against Annetta’s… Before feeling the girl… Wrapping her arms around Erry… Looking in her deep blue eyes… And breathing loudly… Annetta moaned… She was enjoying this and Erry wasn’t done yet…

All at once Annetta understood what it all had meant, Erry was pointing out things with her hands when she wanted to speak, the gift Annetta had been given was like the gift Erry received when she ‘came back’, and it was now ‘a part’ of Annetta, even if she didn’t fully understand how it would all work, she now knew that if she died, she could come back, as she was connected to Erry in that very same way. When Erry pointed to the sky, and then to herself as the brilliant light came to the window, Annetta knew that that meant that her lover had to go, very soon. Gulping hard, Annetta was about to cry, but then as Erry layed her on the bed and pressed her light body against her sex meeting against Annetta’s own, Annetta understood. Whimpering and choking back a few sniffles, Annetta began to grind her sex hard down against Erry’s own, humping her madly with a passion, unsure how much longer she had with Erry, she was hoping to reach this orgasm her lover was slowly building for her. As Erry’s bosom pressed into Annetta’s own, she kissed Erry just as passionately, not wanting to let her go. Annetta gave into the moment, pressing down harder, yet not painfully so, than she’d ever pressed her body up against another person’s sex in her entire life, taking advantage of these few moments she knew remained, she gave into sexual abandon, roaring out just above a soft whisper “Please… Let me feel it… Let me feel… you…!” Annetta begged, humping so roughly and vigorously, Annetta couldn’t stand it any more! Annetta’s legs moved and wrapped Erry’s body… Pressing her harder on her own skin… Before Annetta’s body shook… A violent spasm traveled onto her body… As Annetta let out a loud cry… She was cumming… Spraying her love fluids all over her bed sheets and onto the ‘body of light’ of Erry… She was about to pass out from such a strong release… But could feel a gentle hand behind her head… Laying it softly on her pillow…

Erry’s body raised… her mouth opened but even if no sound came out… she was shaking like she was cumming too… strong shivers running onto her glowing body… now looking at Annetta falling back onto her bed… Erry put her arm behind so she wouldn’t fall hard… Annetta’s eyes looked tired… she was exhausted and her body wanted to rest… Erry put her face above her lover… rubbed her cheek with her hand and gave a soft kiss on her lover’s lips… then going on the side of the bed… she layed by the side… putting her head against Annetta’s belly… that absorbed the ‘real Erry’ earlier this night… where the 2 lovers found themselves back after the previous ‘incident’… Erry put also her hand on her lover’s belly… looking her right in her tired eyes… another light of the moon and Erry’s ‘body’ started to vanish… she wasn’t suffering from that… she did what she came her for… looking a last time her lover’s beautiful face between her 2 breasts… Erry closed her eyes, gave her lover her most beautiful smile… and disappeared in the moonlight… leaving a tiny flame in the air that soon disappeared too… As a promise of getting back to her lover soon…

Even though Annetta had passed out, in her non-waking moments, somehow, she knew… she knew she was being looked after. Before this had happened though, Annetta beared witness to the most beautiful thing she ever saw, as she saw Erry’s body of light raise and letting out a silent scream… knowing now that ‘Erry’ had came with her before she passed out. Before Annetta was gone though, from the conscious world, she never remembered her head falling or hitting anything, as if some unknown presence had guided her body back safely onto her bed. Like she could still feel the presence of ‘Erry’s’ being, just before it disappeared altogether. Annetta was having such a lovely dream, and feeling Erry’s presence, that she dreamed of the white haired beauty all over again, as they were laying next to each other, as Erry’s ‘powers’ were laying next to Annie even now… In Annetta’s dream she was staring at Erry in the eyes, a tear coming down her cheek in her dream, it had actually happened in real life! While sleeping, it was almost as if Annie’s spirit was talking for her, as she talked in her sleep just before ‘Erry’ disappeared… “I… love… you…” came a voice so soft, it could barely be heard as the brunette’s lips moved. A soft voice echoed inside Annetta’s mind from a place far away from her… Far from the ‘world of the living’ too… A voice from a girl that would come back to her soon… The soft voice of Erry… “I love you too Annie…”

Another blue flame appeared on the night shelf… right aside Annetta’s bed… the tiny handkerchief the girl placed to sit Erry when she was furious before was still on it… slowly… the flame came down… and disappeared… leaving the small body of the peacefully sleeping Erry on the tiny piece of silk… Erry didn’t came back with pain this time… tired of her last encounter with her love she was peacefully sleeping here… Whispering her lover’s name in her sleep… “A…nnie…”

Annetta was so exhausted from the gaining of this new power and the wonderful sex her and Erry had together, even if it was brief, it had been powerful and beautiful, that she would be unaware that another blue flame had appeared in their room. On her back now, as she was ‘alone’, it was her most natural position when she didn’t sleep with others in the bed, if her eyes were opened, she would have been staring at the ceiling. Annetta however did wince, but not uncomfortably, once Erry had called out her name, connecting it mentally as just another portion of her own dream. Annetta was in a hallway, and Erry was far ahead within her slumber… almost beckoning her on, calling her forward. So in her mind, Annetta began to follow Erry, responding in her dream as she saw a smile appear on her ‘lover’s’ face. Annetta tossed and turned in her bed, but it was brief and not very predominant, just a bit of a soft tussle as she stirred.

Erry’s eyes still closed shivered… she wasn’t on the tiny handkerchief anymore… in fact she could feel something grab her kindly and she was now sleeping peacefully on her lover’s cheek… near her nose. laying here like that she was breathing softly, her tiny naked body laying on her lover… she was shivering… even if she was warm… she was dreaming of her lover again… as they were at almost the same size… Erry was taking her lover’s hands in hers… saying something she didn’t understood as she hadn’t a voice back then… and wrapping her sitting lover in her arms kissed her… such a wonderful dream… she could hear someone really close breath… this soft breath was her lover’s… but she didn’t wanted to wake up… just beeing happy that they were again… together.

It was nearly the afternoon, the sun slowly sneaking up on Annetta’s floor, the birds lightly chirping in the trees… The girl had been sleeping like an angel, all the while her little Erry was resting on her cheek. Annetta woke up slowly, not shifting, and opened her beautiful eyes. Blinking several times, she then realized where she was, wondering if this had all been dream, but when she opened her eyes for the last time, her vision was clear, she could see Erry on her cheek. She fought the urge to wake her up as she almost gasped in joy, though, instead just gently stroked her lover, and grabbing the handkerchief, she wrapped Erry up in it, placing her between her breasts. Annetta just stared down at her lover with a warm smile, knowing last night couldn’t have been a dream, because she felt a presence inside of her that she had never felt before, she knew it was a part of Erry, and now in every sense, the two girls were bound to each other and now a part of each other for good. Annetta sighed quietly, yet warmly, her lover rising and falling with the breaths of her lungs, as each respiration caused her large chest to move up and down… just as she watched ceaselessly over her little Erry. Annetta would wait for how ever long it was going to take for Erry to finally awaken as well. If the brunette had guessed right, Erry was at least as exhausted as she had been, if not more so for having had to depart part of her ‘magic’.

Erry’s eyes opened slowly… she blinked twice… “Hmm…wh…where…?” Her mind was blurry… not fully remembering what happened… she was in a warm place… the handkerchief was so warm… then she finally raised her tiny head to see her lover’s face… giving her a cute smile… “Am I in heaven yet…? I could see one beautiful angel just here…~” As Erry crossed her arms and rested her tiny head on them…right on Annetta’s skin… she was looking at the smiling human girl…

Annetta finally smiled when she watched her little Erry stir, seeing her lover blink, and trying to figure everything out, she knew Erry soon would have it all in her grasp. Waiting for Erry to get situated, more or less, Annetta smiled back at Erry, just before responding in return. “Morning beautiful, it’s so good to see you today. When I came to, you were on my cheek, and I didn’t want to wake you until you were ready to be so. I figured after the night we had in the middle of the night, after you gave me your gift, that you’d be extremely tired, so I wanted you to wake up when you were ready, so I placed you between my breasts so you could sleep a while longer..~” Annetta said quietly, not wanting to jar her lover’s ears with anything but soft words. Annetta was in a very wonderful mood right now, feeling her lover on her bosom. “Do you remember last night at all? I have felt so at peace since the event, your ‘visitation’ gave me something, I am assuming like the one you already had… you know… to reform and all.. I saw a brilliant light coming from behind when your ‘visitation’ wrote on my back.., we also made love~” Annetta said briefly, just waiting to see if Erry remembered any of this… or if it was more of a visitation like Annetta thought it was, but by any other right, Annetta was very curious now more than anything else.

“I… I came back here…? Ah…so it wasn’t a dream… ” Erry was blushing “It… it was… like me yeah…I could feel everything… but I… can’t remember all the details… I’m sorry Annie… it’s not a thing that I can control… but I gave you a gift you said…? I never had the chance to see it myself… but you told me that I appeared as a ‘tiny fire’ if I can remember… and you have the… same power now…? I’m really happy Annie… the ‘Fate’ we broke last time together seems to want us to be happy now I guess… but… is that the only thing ‘I’ gave you…? don’t you feel anything different dear? ” Erry was curious… and wanted to know more.

Annetta coughed a little bit, but it was true, she did feel different. “Yes dear, you did come back here, you gave me a gift… we made love and had passionate sex, it was brief.. but it was beautiful.” Annetta looked into Erry’s eyes. “I am sure of it Erry, you came back to give me your reform gift, even if it wasn’t you in the flesh, it was your soul, and you came in your magic to help me… to make all of this possible. You were normal sized, just a head shorter than I am now, when you were here last night…” Annetta finally remember, and then moved around a little, placing her lover on the bed near her knee. “I don’t know… I almost feel as if the fates want me to try to move… to change something, urging me to try the gifts I have been given. I almost can see something in my mind… but it’s blurry and unclear… what if… What if the fates also gave me the ability to change my size?” Annetta looked down into Erry’s eyes… “I mean, if you… if you came to me in a normal woman’s size… perhaps I can shrink… or even grow if I wanted?” Annetta looked, half asking, half reasoning… a bit unsure of herself now.

Erry looked up that so big Annetta she loves… sitting right aside her knee “Hmmmm I remember this part… I sooo loved it… and… you think you can change your…size…? I would love to see that… that would be so…wonderful… ~ and ‘this’ time it would be… myself with you… And I could hug you with those tiny arms of mine… and… don’t worry it’s not any silly idea Annie… I believe I you.” Erry was looking at her, smiling as she was trusting her lover from the bottom of her excited tiny heart…

Annetta nodded as she looked at Erry’s face, happy that Erry began to remember the love they had before the end of last night’s episode, of change and passionate sex. “Indeed, I do think I can… I have never done it before, but… it’s almost as if someone is willing it… like they want me to try… like they are cheering me on… some unknown being, that I have never heard or have felt in my entire life… but somehow I just know that they are there..~” Annetta sighed. She heard Erry say that she believed in her, so the brunette closed her eyes, focusing, thinking on the invisible symbol on her back.. Unawares to her, at least at first, her entire body began to burn a bright brilliant blue as if it were just pure magic! Suddenly, Annetta screamed out as her vision blurred, as she felt a little bit of pain, but it was more so just a shocking feeling of amazement, than actual agony… It was too much for her to bear… And in the end passed out. When she came back to, it had been a good 5 minutes, the brightly glowing blue flame finally dissipating, as she was now standing just a head taller than her little Erry was, on their now very gigantic bed… Annetta coughed, rubbing her eyes, slowly getting up… until she realized the change! “OH MY GOD… Erry… it… IT WORKED…!! Wow…~ Do you know what that could possibly mean for us… This was your magic after all you know?!… maybe you… Maybe you can change too!…~” Annetta giggled a bit, finally running up to Erry and ‘tackling’ her, she was so freaking excited… Giving her a loving warm bear hug! Annetta could feel her eyes fill with tears… As she started to cry… She was so happy to finally ‘feel’ her dream… Holding her lover in her arms… Feeling her skin against her and… Feel Erry’s heart beating onto her small chest… Pressed against Annetta’s…

As for Erry, she gasped in amazement as she saw the bright blue around her love… then fall on her back as she saw Annetta’s body starting to shrink… “Wha…-” But she stopped… looking at her lover getting smaller… then stopped… laying here unconscious… she let a tear out… “A…Annie…you…did it…” Erry not wanting to wake up her lover… she sat aside her… putting her tiny hand in her lover’s brown hair… she was now like her… but the two tiny girls were now on a gigantic bed… so unreal for her when she would wake up… but Erry would also be here… waiting her… when finally Annetta ‘came back’ to herself and hugged the young white haired girl… Erry was stretching her tiny self on the tip of her toes… as she reached her lover’s face with this ‘size’ and kissed her…”Annie…Annie!… It’s…amazing!… and… my… no… our dream came true !!… I’m…I’m so happy Annie !” Erry wasn’t caring that she was a bit smaller but tears of joy were dripping on her cheeks… “I guess I can say it…one more time… at this perfect size… I love you Annie.”


Annetta was laughing now she was so happy, this had been in her dreams for so long, it was finally happening, she still crying tears of joy as she embraced her lover now that she was finally back from her small unconscious spell. “It’s sooo amazing, I… I almost don’t have any words… and right back at you babe… I LOVE YOU… More than anything…~” Annetta said, as she finally made it to her feet with Erry in her arms and threw her light body up in the air and then caught her, holding her in a passionate embrace, once Erry’s feet had softly landed back on the giant mattress. “I’m so happy right now Erry… Jeez… just look around… so this it what you see our world like? This is so cool!~” Annetta sighed in excitement, her heart now racing, but because she was happy. Finally pulling Erry in, Annetta began to kissing up her lover’s neck as she bent, and then up her chin, finally kissing on her cheek, and then briefly nibbling on Erry’s right ear, giggling as she played about.

Erry was bright red on her cheeks… “Aah… yeah it’s… How my life looks like… but it’s so dangerous too… I’m glad that your home is safe for both of us…aaah…” as she was feeling her lover’s kisses… Erry was feeling this wonderful love even closer to her heart… she was hugging her lover as tight as she could… put her head against her soft skin… and could soon feel her lover’s leg between hers, Annetta ‘exploring’ the now same sized private parts of Erry that let a small moan as she leaked some juices against her lover’s leg… “Kyy…kyaaa… An…Annie… It’s so…unreal… aaaah…”

Annetta watched as Erry’s cheek lit up a bright red, making her giggle and blush back, as she bit her lower lip sexually. She just took every word her lover Erry had been saying in, appreciating all of these moments they could have together, indeed, they were in a safe home, Annetta’s and her own. Never having to worry about getting caught by ‘Iris’ ever again, or that type of horrible person… and even if that were the case, Annetta could shrink and grow at her leisure and keep Erry from harm, no matter where they went. Annetta could feel Erry’s wetness between her thighs, making Annetta’s heart race, that familiar musk she loved so much, except now, she could smell it a lot more predominantly now, that both girls were near the same size. Gently laying Erry’s naked body down, Annetta looked down at the small body, making sure not to bother Erry’s hairband, she knew it mattered a lot to her, after hearing such a story, just yesterday. Once both girls were now looking deeply at each other, Annetta laid on top of her, squishing Erry into the soft mattress below, but she was almost slightly on the side, on Erry’s left side and on her right. “Mmmmmmm~… Yes… this is sooo unreal, but true… I can smell your scent, and see your beautiful face smile… you’re so gorgeous Erry… can… Can we…~” Annie gulped and bit her bottom lip, she wanted to sex her Erry up so badly… she could hardly stand it, looking into Erry’s eyes with a longing.

Erry’s hands where on her tiny breasts as she was layed down by her lover… breathing loudly… she wanted to feel that so badly… and was so excited… ‘Her Annie’… so close… and… so ‘real’… hearing her lover’s plea… Erry blushed… opened her arms… welcoming her love… “I’m all yours Annie… forever… even if I’m younger and smaller than you… I will love you FOREVER Annie… I don’t care about what people of my or your kind might say… it won’t ever break our beautiful bond… I love you Annie… do… what you want…please… I…I…need it so much…”

Annetta’s mouth opened slightly agape as she lusted for her Erry, every word her precious white haired lover spoke, was like honey dripping off of morning dew in the beautiful afternoons of a mountainscape… purely magical. Annetta began to breathe in and out rapidly, hearing everything, all of her lover’s beautiful noises and seeing her shivering body underneath her own, all words that had been spoken were true. The way Annetta felt about Erry, no one could stand between that and their love. Lifting Erry’s right leg, Annetta put her left leg underneath, carefully holding her in that position, as Annetta’s right leg finally went underneath Erry’s left leg, wrapped up and padded into blankets, to help support their bodies in this position. Annetta began to smush her lovely softly and firmly into her breasts, her body looming slightly over Erry’s, Annetta’s larger legs and body able to take Erry in between where ever she needed her to be, becoming close, becoming one. “I need you sooo much too my lovely Erry… I… I want this sooo bad… thank you… ~” Annetta whispered as she had but little words to speak, but if a picture could capture a thousand words, than these women could speak to each other forever through their minds and their motions. Annetta’ sex, once it was locked in with Erry’s, as they began to ‘scissor’ crossways a bit, Annetta began to jerk her sex back and forth, rubbing it into Erry’s vaginal lips, against her labia, rubbing roughly against Erry’s clitoris… and Annetta, her own as well, as she felt it just as much… her body was on fire! “Mmmmmmm~ Erry… Sooooo good… Awwwwwwww… Mmmmmmmph.. I don’t… I don’t want this to ever end…~” Annetta cried her lover’s voice as she began to pick up on her pace, squishing Erry below her in the sheets and blankets and mattress below, grinding her sex hard over and on top of her lovely Erry.

“Ahhh…aaaaahhh…aahhhhhh… ” Erry was moaning loudly… Grabbing hard on the mattress… feeling her body squeezed… between the soft bed and her lover above… like when she was pressed on Annetta’s palate inside her mouth some time ago… her juices now pouring onto her lover’s sex… she wrapped her arms around her lover… bringing her closer… letting out tiny moans in her ear… “Aaahhh… Annn… Ann…iie… Annie… aaaaaahhh…” Erry’s face bright red as she was about to ‘explode’…lifting her head she trusted her tongue as far as she could inside her lover’s mouth… licking her soft lips… her white teeth… her beautiful tongue… tasting her saliva…so warm… this ‘place’ she loved to be in… and now at her own size… “hmmm… hmmmmm…!!!!” Erry’s body was getting warmer… having some pleasure spasms on her whole body… She was getting closer to the edge… Almost ready to ‘spread her love’ onto her lover…

Annetta could hear her lover’s moans and sighs within her own ear as she was pressed into her lovers body from above, Annetta pressing down just that much harder, wanting her lover to truly feel her care and love, humping like a blaze of perfection and light, Annetta’s back began to glow a bright blue, her entire body tingling as she curled her toes. “OH MY GOD ERRY… I can’t… I … I AM GOING TO CUM…~” Annetta sighed out, her breath becoming far more labored as she gasped for air, yet it was all wanted and out of their sexual fire. Annetta pulled Erry into her from behind and allowed her lovers tongue to enter into her mouth, sucking it in as deep as she could, she began to swallow against it, drinking in her lovers saliva… nothing forced or strong, just a slight pull a tug from Annetta’s throat was all the was felt, as during this usual moment, Erry would be tucked away inside of Annetta’s mouth by now, getting ready to be swallowed down her throat, but now, both girls were near the same size, and it was beautiful, and right now, Annetta wouldn’t have it any other way, she began to buck excessively, her body with so much sexual heat, her entire body had warmed up to a fever pitch as she sweated, the droplets flowing onto her lover and the sheets below. All at once, Annetta’s grinding her sex over her lover came to a holt, but not the pressure Annetta was applying over her lovers sex, as she smashed her pussy lips up to Erry’s own, calling out her name… “EEEEERRRRYYYYYYY…~” just before cumming hard, spraying her love juices out on the bedsheets and all over Erry’s waist and sex… Annetta’s entire body was trembling, as she orgasm several times, before she finally came back down from her sexual upheaval, her mind was buzzing, her vision was blurred, as she finally closed her eyes, and just put her bodies next to Erry’s, panting… laying there in the afterglow of their sexual escapade.. “Ohhhhhhhhhhh…phewwww.. WOW… That was…~” Annetta gulped, her voice still just above a whisper… “That was beautiful my love…” Annetta said as she pulled out between her lovers legs and pulled her into a passionate hug, coming in from behind her and groping her body, as she slowly kissed her collar bone and neck from behind, just as Annetta rose her left leg, pulling Erry in ever so softly, yet firm “I love you sooo much baby..~” Annie whispered, kissing her lover on the cheek, gently caressing her hair with her left hand while her right hand explored her lover’s body gently.

It was too much for Erry… putting her head back… “hnnn…Aaaaahh… ANNNIIIIIEEEEEE !!!!” As Erry heard her name from this so beautiful voice as Annetta started to cum… Erry’s body lifted a bit… And started to cum on her lover too… feeling her lover’s warm juices pouring on her tiny body… and also giving hers to her lover… her eyes half closed… as she was feeling Annetta’s love… not some stupid ‘love game’ but the real thing… she let Annetta grab her tiny body… kissing it… and hugged her back… “Ky…kyyaaa…” As Erry was feeling her lover ‘exploring’ her… she also moved her right hand a bit… also caressing this beautiful girl… from her breasts to her private place downwards… she was breathing, slowly…exhausted… she wanted to rest…but also giving her body to her lover… she was now rubbing Annetta’s wet ‘lips’ with her finger… those lovely lips she entered before… now soaked with their mixed juices… with her left arm she got closer to her love… her white haired head between the two huge breasts… resting on them… “Ann…ie…”

As Erry pulled Annetta in, the girl welcomed every last motion, the brunette feeling drained again, she was getting ready to settle in for an afternoon nap. Feeling just moments before, her own lover reach her orgasmic bliss, finally coming back down with Annetta from paradise, she sighed out, removing her tongue so her lover could speak, Annetta continued to caress Erry with soft moved of her hands. Annetta’s body tingling a bit as Erry began to do her own bodily discovery and exploration over Annetta, this new experience completely new to this pair, feeling it for the first time, it was magical, enchanting, Annetta couldn’t seem to get enough of it. As Erry began to rub Annetta’s sexual lips, Annetta pushed her hand inside briefly, as she had somewhat of an ‘aftershock’, the brunette’s body shook as she softly humped her lover’s hand, having a mini orgasm, as some more fluids briefly splashed out onto Erry’s arm while the beautiful white haired angel explored. Annetta bit her lip, and looked down embarrassed a tad, but then smiled as she bit her bottom lip, “Sorry my love, when your hand was near my sex, I just wanted more, so I used your fingers as a toy for moment, I hope you didn’t mind it..” Annie whispered into Erry’s ear, as she licked her lover’s cheek, allowing Erry’s hands to go back to exploring how she saw fit. Finally feeling as Erry placed her face between her breasts, the very breasts that had been made excessively quite a bit larger from all of the times she had devoured Erry, each of them almost as big as Erry’s head, Annetta could tell her lover wanted to be a bit sandwiched in between, so she did, but she also made it so Erry could breathe just fine… “Yes love… what is it?” Annetta asked as she stroked Erry’s white hair with her hands from behind.

Erry was getting sleepy… she let out a single tear of joy… resting on this soft skin she helped to be that beautiful… she closed her eyes… now talking not only to Annetta… but it sounded like a small prayer… “A…Aya… you gave me so much… that I can’t ever thank you… but… I’m still alive dear sister… and I found a so beautiful love… she’s a girl… her name is Annie… I know that you don’t mind that we’re from the same gender but… she’s sooo kind… caring for me… wiping my tears… and warming this tiny heart that I have… if you were still here… I know that you also love her… and now…Annie… you…you’re the…sister I miss so much… but not only you’re… the only one I love on this so gigantic earth… nothing and no one could tear us apart now… I just want to be at your side… forever… my…beautiful girl… ” And with a soft whisper that was her lover’s name… the tiny Erry fall asleep on the soft breast… feeling even more this beautiful love the 2 of the girls shared… dreaming of her until she’ll wake up and live another wonderful day with her…

Annetta sighed deeply, looking into her lover’s mind as she spoke of Aya, she knew this to be her loving sister, and was astonished when Erry had said in likeness, that she too, felt that Annetta was like as unto her own sister to her. Annetta could feel that void in Erry’s soul slowly fill up with Annetta’s love for her. The brunette, more than grateful to be a new part of Erry’s life, and not just a small part at any rate mind, as that was wonderfully apparent. As Erry spoke, the words ‘lover’ and ‘nothing could tear us apart now’ were spoken, causing Annetta to let loose a single joyful tear out of her own left eye, as it dropped silently onto the mattress below. The girl just held Erry there, in that quiet soft lover’s embrace, for what felt like an eternity. Annetta all at once began to hum that familiar lullaby her mother had done for her when putting her to sleep after being tucked in, all whilst growing up. She felt that same connection with Erry, but in a different way, knowing she never wanted to separate from her lover again, this woman able to connect with her on a level no other man or woman had in her entire life, it was as if it was meant to be, of that which Annetta had no doubt now. “I will look after and watch over you for the rest of my days… my love.. as I too, want to be by your side… forever…~” Annetta said, pausing her humming briefly as she kissed her lover on the crown of her head from above, while both women were still on their sides. Seconds later, Erry had fallen asleep, Annie smiled brightly, beaming internally with so much joy, she could have died happy if she had to, right in these small moment.. Yet, she was grateful for her life… and wanted to spend many, many years with her lover Erry, just like this… and hopefully much longer… more like forever… because this world wasn’t enough for their love.

Erry was sleeping deeply… dreaming about her lovely girlfriend… she was hugging her… kissing her soft skin… she was like her lost sister… but even more… Erry opened her eyes… her head was still resting on the soft breast of her lover… hearing her soft breath and her heart rhythm. Erry wasn’t dreaming after all… they were both ‘tiny ones’ now and Erry so loved this ‘new feeling’ they were sharing, still not really understanding what happened to them but she didn’t really cared for this, her lover was the only thing she needed… Annetta still sleeping, Erry wrapped a bit tighter her arms around her to feel her warmth on all her tiny body, she needed to feel her so much now… she was just laying here… against her… just hearing the soft rhythm of her body… her eyes half opened, not wanting to wake her…

The next morning finally came, Annetta and Erry had just shared the most magical evening of their lives together, however, it was far from over. Not the beginning of the end, but the beginning of a new lover’s era. The passion between these two, these two women coming together from two different worlds, meeting down the meridian of time, to be where they were when they had been there. It was no accident that they had met on that one fateful evening… Annetta didn’t believe in accidents, she believed in divine province. Erry was now a part of her life, the girls having experienced each other, still learning even, more and more about each other every day. As Annetta had been dreaming, her dreams were somewhat troubled, at least in the first portion of the night, but as the middle of the night came, towards morning, her troubles, having been processed in her mind, her heart had taken over her mental capacity. Dreaming of Erry, of all of the things that they could do and hopefully would, dreaming that she was alone in her house, somewhat sad, but then Erry showed up, to hold her, kissing her on the lips as they laid down in bed next to each other, praying in her mind that she wouldn’t wake up, only having had all of this be a dream. Yet, when the brunette finally looked, the white haired angel was on her side, as she opened her eyes into her pure perfection. Seeing her smile, feeling the warmth of Erry pull her in some, it was a wonderful thing to wake up to, a living, dream come true. “You… You really are here?… Erry…!” Annetta gulped, looking into the girl’s eyes, tears coming down quietly as she sniffled, as she finally smiled back, pulling Erry into her even harder, smashing her breasts up against her form, brushing her hair out of her face, and stroking down her cheek and neck, Annetta’s heart now racing incredibly so. Looking Erry directly into the eyes, Annetta closed the distance, and kissed Erry directly on the lips, holding the back of her head softly, before pulling away some ten seconds later. “I love you so much… I want to spend the rest of my life with you… it… wasn’t… it wasn’t a dream..”

Erry answered the kiss of the girl… feeling her soft lips on hers… “Annie… it’s…Real… we’re here…together…” Erry feeling the girl’s embrace all around her “Me too… you gave me a new ‘life’… and I want to spend it with you… everyday we could see each other… and since we’re stronger than Fate itself together, I’m sure it will be a wonderful adventure for both of us…” Erry raised her tiny head, she kissed the girl’s lips again, blushing a bit “Do you really think that a ‘dream’ could do this…? I love you too Annie.” Erry’s eyes now fully awaken she looked around… both of them were now so tiny… but Annie was able to change her size… it clearly wasn’t an accident… but … was Annetta the only that could do such a thing…? Erry was wondering… “Annie… is…is that okay for you to stay at this size…? well… It’s not against you or anything but… you’re human after all… living as a ‘tiny’ isn’t something I really enjoyed until I met you… but life would be so dangerous for you… I don’t want to…lose you too…” Said Erry while squeezing her tiny body against her lover… not wanting to lose her…

Annetta heard every word her lovely Erry had spoken to her, cooing as she felt the kiss, indeed, this was no dream, just the beginning of perfection. Sure, some days there might even be sadness, but there was no other person in the world Annetta wanted to experience life with… it was there for her and Erry, and them alone. They would take on the world together. “No my love… it cannot be a dream, you have my heart, I can feel your embrace, your touch… your kiss.” Annetta listened on to hear Erry’s questions, but she wanted to challenge her lover’s thoughts. After all, if it was no accident Annetta was her current size now, it was divine fate. If Annetta got small by focusing, using Erry’s magic and her gift… what was stopping Erry from doing the same?… “Erry, I won’t try to force you love, but… think about this. When your spirit gifted me with your magic, I was forever bound to you. But not only was I bound, I was given the ability to control my size… Why therefor, if you and your spirit are connected, couldn’t you be a normal sized girl? It’s a lot to take in, because you were born at your current size you are now. And as you say it is dangerous for me… isn’t it dangerous for you too? I don’t want another day to go by, when you don’t feel safe. I love you more than life its self, but I want you to be happy and feel safe.” Annie paused, gently stroking near Erry’s forehead, kissing her on the cheek. “For me… would you try? Would you be willing to try and grow… to be as a… human girl?” Annetta awaited Erry’s Answer, unforced, just cautioned, She was desperately wanting her girlfriend and lover to experience happiness, in every way possible…

“Do…do you think… I could…do this…? ” Erry’s eyes where wide opened… “I…I could be…Human…? that would be…so amazing… we could be the same ! and…and…we wouldn’t have anything to fear anymore…! ” Erry was blushing bright red… “I…I would love to try Annie… but…how do you did that before…? I would…try…for you…for us… but I have no idea how you did that…” Erry was holding her lover’s hand in hers… the eyes full of joy tears… she wanted so much to be… like her.

Annetta smiled like a big sister, a caring mother, but most of all, a loving spouse. Erry and her were one, everything Annetta knew, soon, Erry would too. Even if they only took it one day at a time, every moment, Annetta would always cherish her perfect lover. Hearing all of Erry’s questions, her concerns, she could feel that longing in her own heart, as well as Erry’s. It was true, the both of them could be safe, Annetta thinking back on what she did, it would take her some time, but then it all made sense… it was true love… true love had done it all! “Oh my dear woman, my love… Erry. I remember… I remember everything!…” Annetta held her lover’s hands as her heart skipped a beat, caressing Erry’s hands back in likeness, just so. “I… I closed my eyes, I thought of the most perfect moment, I remembered the person in my life who mattered the most to me… it was you Erry. I saw you in my mind… we were together…” Annetta’s heart raced. “I focused on the most important thing that we had, even beyond life and death, beyond everything… above the world. IT WAS TRUE LOVE… Our love!… And then… well… It just happened. I passed out, and when I came to… this…” Annetta’s eyes filled with tears, but they were of joy, as her lips and chin quivered. “This happened, we happened, this is real… there are no mistakes Erry, this was meant to be..” Annetta said, her mouth slightly agape now, as she breathed into Erry’s face, before a warm and loving smile appeared upon her lips. “Do you understand my love? Do you understand what you must do to make this work?” Said Annetta while gulping hard.

Erry nodded “I…I understand… don’t worry Annie… I’m going to try… but even if that wouldn’t work… that won’t change anything for my love about you… I…I’m going to try… stay back please… I wouldn’t… crush you my love… I just want you to be…Safe…” Erry now standing she walked a bit away… looking behind her “It will be okay… I trust you…” Erry took a few more steps… she was far enough… sitting on the soft silk of the bed… she was remembering everything the 2 girls shared… the first time Annetta cared for this tiny ‘insect’… the promise to meet her again … the promise to remember everything about their story together… this so beautiful ‘human’ she saw every time… smiling at the so tiny girl… the feeling of Erry’s second birth from Annie… this so stupid girl that made both of them suffer… but in the end Annetta protected her … this hate… that she never wanted to feel towards her lover that disappeared… and … the most important thing… this ‘love’… this ‘true love’… the 2 girls beeing together… this ‘pure feeling’ they shared… beyond their bodies that ‘mixed’ so many times… Erry put her hands on her chest… closed her eyes… crying joy tears… let out a single word… that very word that was the most important thing of her tiny life… “Annie.” As Erry could feel a deep warmth in her body… that started to grow… Erry still in this ‘unconscious state’ she grew… more and more… not noticing anything… then a ‘flame wing’ appeared on her back for one second… then faded away… Erry opened her eyes… looking at the ceiling… now not so far than before… she opened her mouth, tried to talk… but her eyes went empty… her young body falling towards her lover… her mind went blank… leaving her body fall… with a shock on the bed… Erry was lucky to change her direction while she was falling so she hadn’t crushed Annetta… the girl was safe… between the tiny breasts of the white haired girl… that was breathing softly… still ‘sleeping’ after this so big change in her body…

Annetta looked into Erry’s eyes, it was clear to the brunette that her lovely white haired woman understood everything that had been spoken. As the event began to unfold, Annetta watched as Erry moved away from her, and Annetta also listened to the instructions, for safety sake. Nodding her head as she gulped, the human girl’s heart beat insanely rapid. Reese could hardly believe it, Erry was about to try something for the first time in her life, and she trusted Annetta, leaving only the girl trusting in her. Hearing her name called out as her lover focused, Annetta smiled brightly, a tear falling from her right eye onto her cheek, as she knew to Erry, beyond the shadow of any doubt now, Annetta was Erry’s greatest memory and true love! Sniffling as small brunette watched in amazement, the change that began to transpire on their bed. Before her very eyes, Annetta witnessed her lower slowly growing, her heart racing a hundred miles per hour, as it was apparent Erry wasn’t going to stop growing, until her body had reached it’s full potential, not only was it possible, BUT IT WAS HAPPENING! “Erry, you’re doing it… I… I am best your best memory!?” Annetta sniffled as her tears came down. As the blue flame brilliantly glowed, her lover continued to grow, yet, it appeared her lover had reached maximum capacity of size, noticing the blue flame dissipate, her lover grew no more. As Annetta looked up into Erry’s eyes, she saw them open, though, they appeared empty, her body now seemingly falling in slow motion, right towards her! Only to land RIGHT ON TOP OF HER!… once she settled… It all played out as if time stood still, but Annetta wasn’t scared, if anything all she did was let out a slight eep, hoping her lover was going to be ok. An ‘UMMMPH’ and a happily squished body later, Annetta lay underneath her lover’s perfect breasts, her heart still racing, the warmth of Erry’s body atop her own, it was heaven in it’s own right, at least as far as the brunette was concerned. Reese couldn’t move much, but she was safe, safe in her lover’s warmth… It then all began to make sense to her, this was why Erry loved being around Annetta like this, it was perfect, wrapped her warmth, knowing no one else in the world could love her more than Annetta had, that’s what Annetta was feeling from Erry now, like the tables turned! Annetta didn’t seem to have to wait long, as she heard the respiration in Erry’s bosom continue, she knew her lover was alive and ok, wondering when she might come back to her. “Erry… my love… Are you … ok? You… YOU DID IT!… You are huge now… like a normal human girl… You… did it!~” Annetta said smiling as she sighed, loving how her body was smashed into their mattress, under her lover’s huge and powerful yet gentle frame.

Erry had a small gasp… “ahhh…ahhhhh… where…where…am…I …? ” Erry was opening her eyes slowly… the feeling of the bed texture was different… but something was wrong “An…Annie…?” Her eyes opened wide as she could feel a tiny body shape against her chest “ho… no… No !” Erry raised her body with a Fast move, sitting on the bed as she saw her tiny lover… her so tiny lover… her hands shivering… she put them under her Annie… raised them in front of her face… “no… don’t tell me …I… killed …” Erry was looking really sad, tears forming in her eyes… looking at the tiny body that was laying on her hand…

Annetta had only fallen asleep as she was smothered wonderfully by her large Erry, yet was roused when Erry began to cry for her, still unconscious, but she was breathing, and unharmed, her mind slowly taking her awake. As Erry gently picked Annetta up, she heard a deep concern, finally arousing her out of her sleep like coma. Opening her eyes, she finally smiled into Erry’s, as she hoped she wasn’t dreaming… “Is… is this a dream? Erry, did you really do it? I… You called my name, was I… Am I your greatest memory… your truest love?” Annetta said as she sighed, deeply breathing, now that fresh oxygen was flowing into her lungs. She thought she was looking into the eyes of an angel, as she looked into Erry’s concerned eyes… “You… You’re so beautiful Erry, this can’t be a dream, the warmth on my body from your hands… it’s like, a role reversal. When you passed out, when fell upon me, I felt your warmth, your love… your peace… You… this… This is real!” Annetta smiled as she sighed again, coming back more fully awake. “I’m so proud of you Erry… I love you so much.. I knew you could do it!”

Erry bowed her head down “I’m…sorry I didn’t wanted to hurt you Annie… but” Erry lifting her head again, looking with deep blue eyes at the girl “Annie… you’re more than a ‘memory’ for me… you’re…everything… you’re the reason why I live Annie. I love you.” Looking around the room… she was so big now… and everything was at her size now… “I…made it yes… thanks Annie… I… didn’t knew I could do that too… but…I’m finally…human…just like… You.” Erry was blushing… not sure… but put her tiny finger on the girl’s head “Annie… it’s… unbelievable… your tiny body… sitting on my palm… it’s so…amazing… were you…also feeling that when I was in your situation…?”

Annetta smiled warmly, unable to choke back her tears, “Yes love… it’s how I felt every time I saw you, your perfect little body, the time we got to spend together the way your caress felt against my skin, how wonderful it felt to hold you in my hands and against my body. My body was your wonderland, we were able to do anything we wanted… Even like the way you are holding me now, with such love, the way your touch feels against my skin… so this is what heaven is like?… With you.. This is what you felt when I was holding you?…” Annetta sniffled as a tear came from her eyes, she was so happy. “Yes love… you, you are human now!” Annetta closed her eyes as Erry placed her finger upon her head, smiling, as she sighed deeply, before staring back into her lover’s eyes. “I couldn’t be more happy than when we are together, regardless of our size, and also, yes, I was feeling all of it, from the time your body burned bright brilliant blue, watching as you changed, as I was underneath your flesh, even now as you hold me… I think we both understand how beautiful it is… how wonderful I feel being loved by you… I couldn’t ask for a better partner Erry… I want to be with you forever…”

“And I… want to be with you forever too Annie…” Said Erry while moving her head… Hesitating a bit… she kissed the tiny body… feeling it on all over her lips… she let out a tiny moan… “Huuuuhhh…” then looked back at her small lover… she put a finger on her lower lip… “Hmmm… An…Annie… be…before you get back to… your size… do…do you want to…? ” Erry was blushing… bowing her head… wanting so much to ‘try something’ but… she couldn’t say it…

As Erry spoke her words, that she too wanted to be with her Annetta forever, the human girl was without words, her little heart racing, she felt so loved in these ‘small’ moments. As Annetta was easily but carefully lifted, she felt her body kissed tenderly and affectionately by Erry’s lips, her entire body wrapped up in that perfect kiss, hearing her lover moan, sending tingling sensations all over her body. Looking into Erry’s eyes, Annetta sighed deeply, licking her lips and biting her lower one with lust, that kiss was wonderful and hard to describe for her. Annetta smiled sexily and with concern as her lover was trying to ask her a question, Annetta of course was all ears, finally regaining some of her composure, she had to asked… “What… What is it love? You know I would do anything with you… I know that I am safe with you, I feel loved and protected… please… speak your mind Erry..” Annetta smiled as she looked into Erry’s eyes, wondering what was on her mind, rubbing her hands over her lover’s skin, trying to comfort her.

“A…Annie… I…I… ” Erry was now bright red… looking aside as she was deeply embarrassed “Before you get back to your human size… I would… ” Erry closed her eyes and bowed her head “I want to … please your body at this size… ! It’s the …first time for us… and I want you to feel… that incredible feeling I had with you when I was like you right now !… It’s not…only for me… but for …you… ” Erry bowed her head down right in front of her lover “Please… let me… do that… for you…for us…”

All at once, it made sense to her, Annetta realized what Erry had been getting it. It wasn’t what Annetta could do for Erry at all, it was what their love and Erry’s current body size, could do for the both of them. It was magical, but so real… it was happening! That question, the ‘ice breaking’ question having already been asked by Erry’s lips, Annetta couldn’t have been more thrilled, her face, just as Erry’s face had been, blushed dark shades of crimson red, her mouth agape as she looked into Erry’s eyes, she could hardly stand it… she wanted to try this soo badly. “YES… YES LOVE… I WANT THIS… FOR US… I want to try this out soo much. To tell you the truth, I thought about it before you even asked, I apparently wanted it just as much as you do… This is the perfect size for that.” Looking into Erry’s eyes, Annetta nodded her head a solid YES! in answer.. “Please… do not hesitate… take us to that magical moment, to those feelings of being one, with another. I want to feel how you felt when I loved you that way… as I love you now..” Annetta said, smiling brightly, her mind filled with both love and lust for her Erry.

Erry kissed the now small lover “Thank you. I’ll be really careful… and… if you feel bad…tell me please… you’re not… just a tiny toy for me… you’re… my only love…” Erry put her head on the soft pillow and fully layed on the bed… she made the tiny girl sit on her breast… looking at her… she was breathing loudly… excited by this all new ‘experience…’ her right hand grabbed the other tiny breast… squeezing it between her fingers… moaning softly… her other hand went down her body… playing with this tiny erected bit of flesh… then rubbed her ‘lower lips’… she was getting wet already… “Enjoy…yourself An-… nie… I’m…I’m…getting ready for you…”

Annetta felt the kiss of angel against her whole body, the brunette turning into a passionate one as she kissed back the giant lips just as warmly. “I have no doubt you will be careful with me love, I trust you more than anything, more than anyone else.. I hardly believe I will have to ask you to change anything, I am sure it will be just as perfect as both of our mind’s have imagined it to be.” Annetta said quietly as she was sitting on Erry’s free breast. Annetta could hear her lover moan, knowing she was trying to make herself wet, to prepare Annetta for her vaginal canal. This, causing Annetta’s face to grow bright red as her heart raced, her own sex starting to get wet at the idea of knowing where she was going to be placed, with love and finesse. The way her lover’s lips moved, her perfect skin, her wonderful white hair, her arms, everything about her, was beautiful. “Yes… and when you will, when you wish it, I will be ready to meet you within that desire, to be one with you… Erry, how is it that you are sooo beautiful, so wonderful… I am the luckiest woman alive…” Annetta said, rubbing her own small body against Erry’s breast that she was upon, licking over her nipple, waiting for it to grow erect until she placed her sex upon Erry’s nipple, feeling it against her sex, moaned aloud… “Mmmmmmmm~” Annetta cried out, as she began to thrust her body back and forth, up and down, humping her sex over Erry’s nipple in a frenzy, until she came hard, for the first time that day… spasming as her sexual fluids gently sprayed out over her lover’s breast… “I… I am sooo excited… Erry… I can hardly wait..”

“Hyyy…hyyyaaaaa… “Erry’s young body was shivering… feeling her lover pouring her juices onto her… she opened her eyes… “I’…m all yours now…” kindly grabbing the tiny body and putting it on her palm… Erry moved her hand and the small Annetta in front of her vagina… spreading it with her other hand… there was just a small ‘different detail’… “Ann…Annie… even… if we shared so much… together…I’m still…virgin… this is something… I want to give you… do what you want here… my body belongs to you now… and… make me feel like… a ‘real girl’…please…” Erry was holding her ‘lips’… ready to feel the small girl… shivering from pleasure… some pre-cum dripping out… making the way easier for her lover…

Annetta smiled in her mind as she heard her lover’s moans, feeling her lover’s reactions as she had previously had sex on the girl’s nipple, readying her own body to be taken in. It wasn’t something she had to wait for long, as it was apparent that Erry wanted this just as much as she. Now in her lover’s embrace, once gently grabbed, Annetta was now on her lover’s palm, slowly being lowered, until she was just before Erry’s sex. Annie didn’t judge, nor did she want to speak, yet every word Erry had asked, every request she had made, would be granted, because she loved her. “I will do all that you ask, for I want this just as much, I will make you perfect, and I will be perfected in you…” Spoke Annetta softly, her little heart racing, as much as she accepted her ‘role’ here, it was an impressive sight to behold, to see such a large sex before her, Erry’s sex dripping wet with excitement, Annetta’s face turning bright red as her entire body warmed up, even before she approached. Slowly onto her knees, and began to crawl forward, until she reached the girl’s sexual lips, they were very warm and smelled of womanly musk. Standing up now, rubbing at the edge, her entire form directly pressed into those nether lips. Annetta reached up and grabbed the erection of flesh, Erry’s clitoris, as she rubbed against the hood shaped dome of a skin, rubbing her body against it, trying to get the white haired Angel excited. Finally, Annetta slipped in one foot inside of the lips, and then her other, slowly moving herself inside, her body now halfway in. “Erry, are you ok? Are you ok for me to proceed inside of you, to take your pedals, and cause you to blossom into a fine radiant flower? Are you ok with all of this?” Annetta said, unable to see her lover’s face, hoping Erry could still hear her.

“Haaaa haaaaaa…!” Erry was shivering from a deep pleasure… feeling her lover as she never felt her like this before… moaning loudly… feeling the tiny body at work down here… she nodded… “hyaaaa…! Annie… make me beautiful !…for you !… ” Erry was now ‘opening’ her young sex with her both hands… stretching the soft warm flesh around Annetta… so she could go easily inside… “P-please… Annie !” Erry’s head fall on the pillow as she could feel her lover going inside… Breathing loudly and grabbing the pillow with her hand… Her whole body now shivering…


Annetta hesitated not a second longer, hearing how her lover was excited beyond words, her body language, her motions, Annetta desperately wanted to give that to her now, even feel it for herself. Like a perfect unity of two bodies, both women wanting this moment to be perfect for Erry, and Annetta herself. Annetta continued to rub, finally forcing her head and then her entire body within, she continued to press forward, until she found Erry’s hymen, just inside of Erry’s vulva, not wanting to press too hard too fast, because she knew it was Erry’s first experience, wanting Erry to have all of the time she needed to adjust. Knowing this was going to change Erry’s life forever, Annetta wanted it to be just right for her, a happy memory. Bringing her body slowly forward, she felt her entire body become swallowed up inside of Erry’s sex, her small body slowly moving deeper, now that she was past Erry’s hymen, unsure of how this would effect Erry in the long run, if the girl’s hymen would be appearing as it no longer existed or, if Erry had enough elasticity in her skin for it to form back to normal, once penetrated, time would tell. Annetta’s vision now entirely cut off from the outside world, sealed into beautiful darkness, so much warmth and peace was all around her. The tightly gripping sex, made it somewhat hard to proceed, yet with the pre cum now lining the walls of the membrane and beyond, the canal seemed like it was ready for Annetta to continue. Moving forward, Annetta crawled in, until she was so deep, her head finally reached the edge of Erry’s cervical wall, kissing it, tickling it with her tongue, rubbing her hands and moving her legs about. Annetta moved her little body in fluid motions, nothing too fast, but wanting to provide her with enough stimulation, the movements most likely still more than noticeable… “Erry… are you ok my love… do you feel good.. is this what you imagined it would be like? I’m not hurting you am I?” Annetta asked, hoping her lover was having a wondrous life changing experience, one she could look back on and be proud and happy to remember, the time of two lovers becoming at once, one entire being.

Erry didn’t answered … just letting out a strong moan… “Aaaaahhhh… !!” Erry was now feeling the whole small girl inside of her… pressing her tiny body against the ‘living walls’… Getting soaked and bathing into Erry’s warm juices… Erry’s body was getting warmer… pouring more juices on the tiny Annie… she couldn’t resist but to put 2 fingers inside of her sex… Pushing the small girl deeper and pressing her against the wet texture… “haaaannnn hhhhaaaaa…” Erry closed her teary eyes… feeling for the first time a so strong pleasure… was that the feeling her lover was feeling before…? when Erry wanted so much to feel her new ‘birth’ ? she was rubbing her insides faster… getting warmer… feeling this tiny girls ‘attentions’ towards her so big body now… she was almost done for… wanting her lover to enjoy this too… “hhhnnn… Annn… nnie…”

Hearing all of the noises around her, her lover’s voice, the bodily ambient noises of Erry’s sex, and the white haired angel’s moans, Annetta was without words, she knew what she was doing was right, and it was right for the both of them. Annetta knew she was where she was supposed to be, finally giving into the lust, even as she felt two fingers brush up beside her in the canal, yet not touching her, Annetta then inserted her own two fingers within her sex, hearing her lover call her name, causing her eyes to bulge wide in excitement, she knew she was slowly bringing Erry over the edge, so she smiled happily while moaning, biting her lower lip. Even if this wasn’t the first time Erry had ever cum, Annetta knew this would be Erry’s first ‘real’ sexual experience, truly one with another body inside of her, and it would change her forever, but Annetta knew she’d only ever get better with age and love. Slowly bucking her body and arching her hips, Annetta gave into her own lusts, still hoping by her body being there alone, she was giving her lover enough stimulation… perhaps Erry was even enjoying Annetta’s squirming when she was slowly bringing herself over the edge. Annetta cried out her lover’s name… “ERRRRRYYYYYYYYY, I CAN’T … I’M… I’M GOING TO CUM… BEING INSIDE OF YOU LIKE THIS, IT IS TOO MUCH TO BEAR, I LOVE IT SO MUCH… I CAN’T STAND MY LUST ANY LONGER…AHHHHHHHH… I LOVE YOU…~” Annetta cried, giving into sexual abandon, rocking her body, until she finally spasmed, her entire body in throws of passions and utterly pure ecstasy, her toes curling as her whole body shook, finally tensing up as she broke like a dam, her fluids gushing out over her pussy lips like the raging waters of a heavy river. She moaned out, climaxing multiple times, wiggling about, over and over again… until she finally calmed down, coming down from her sexual upheaval, some moments later, wondering when her lover Erry would reach her in the same fashion.. her body now going back to rubbing hard, and wiggling her body around, wanting to send Erry over the edge!

“Hy…hyaaaa… hhaaaaaaa…!” Erry was feeling something deep within her… moving around… her…lover… she was feeling something warm… as the tiny voice echoed inside her… she couldn’t resist more… “Aaah… Sorry Annie… but I can’t stand this any…more… aaaahhhh AAAAAAHHHHHH !!!” Erry’s lower body raised… her toes gripping the bed’s cover… Her hand grabbing the pillow so hard that she could rip it easily… She had a gasp… Her arms fall on her sides… As she reached the heaven’s door and started to cum… filling her vagina canal by her juices… feeling the tiny body beeing carried away with her juices… just…hoping that her lover would not drown inside of her… finally she could feel the tiny girl exiting…hanging from the giant ‘lips’ … then falling on the soft mattress… but not from too high… since Erry put one hand just in front of her sex and caught Annetta as she exited it… Erry was still pouring warm juices on Annetta… as she let out a loud cry… “Annn ANNNIIIEEEEEEE…!!!” Erry came again… Loving this now small girl… words couldn’t describe more this intense emotion she had… her body was filled by spasms. As her juices stopped to flow… removing her hand as Erry’s lower body finally fall back on the bed… she brought the tiny girl between her breasts… still covered by her juices… looking the tiny girl… that was so giant for her before… breathing loudly…

Annetta gasped, knowing Erry was finally there. The tight walls of of the canal surrounding an encompassing her entire form, spasming as they clenched down over Annetta’s form, taking her breath away. Annetta wasn’t panicked however, as there was still air inside, but only briefly, Erry’s pre cum washing back down around her, as her whole body shook, but the forward pressure was enough to send her rippling back up the vaginal walls, until her little body slowly began to exit, along with the explosion of cum, now landing inside of Erry’s warm and loving hand, her body slightly cold now as her skin and inner temperature had changed, forcing Annetta to have to try and get used to the climate. Endless cum was shot and sprayed against her little body, but Annetta was just fine, no worse for the wear, having held her breath, as she knew her lover had to cum, finally letting it out, as she gasped, feeling all of the fluids against her skin now. The fluids now on Annetta’s bed sheets, her little body still glistening with layers of cum, Erry had picked her back up, grabbing her gently into her embrace, finally placing her between her breasts… Annetta just stared with longing into Erry’s eyes, she couldn’t be more happy. Leaning into her lover’s flesh, she kissed her before looking back up into Erry’s eyes, going into a sitting position, with her legs crossed. “Mmmmm~ that was magnificent Erry, soooo beautiful, almost as beautiful as you. Yet it was you, I was inside of… You… my perfect flower, are now a woman… a woman who’s heart I hope that I still have… one that I will always cherish, if she allows me.” Annetta smiled amorously into Erry’s eyes. “Was it everything you thought it would be? Did I make you happy my love? Are you happy knowing now, that you are a woman… do you still want to be with me…?” Annie began shivering in the cold of the room, having been warm, and now back at room temperature, even if her lover’s body was below her, it was no longer surrounding her.

Erry was still breathing loudly… “Th…thank you Annie… is that… what you were feeling too right…? And… I’m now… a real…girl…too… Thanks to you … and I can’t thank you enough for this… I love…you so much” Erry was hearing the tiny girl’s question… “What a question Annie… you’re the only one in my life… and you will also be the ONLY FOREVER. you’re the one I love… nothing and no one will change this fact… but…ah…” Erry put her hand around the tiny girl… “are…you cold Annie…? ” Erry could feel the tiny body shivering under her hand… she took deep breaths… and blew a warm wind on her lover… “Can…can…I do anything for you to feel good? ” Erry still looking at the tiny girl… a bit confused…

Annetta smiled, hearing Erry’s breath and feeling it against her skin, listening to Erry unfold to her how she felt about the entire event. Erry thanking her profusely for what little gift she gave, as it was an important one, but Annetta felt just as grateful for the ones she’d received, all at her lover’s ‘hands’. “I thank you too, for letting it be me, to have me be the one to share those special life changing moments with you, they will be with you forever now… just as I shall be.” Annetta sighed, smiling, tears coming to her eyes, as Erry then began to tell her that there was no one else she’d rather be with, ‘her Annie’, and only her, for the rest of their lives, and far beyond. Annetta then heard the concern in her lover’s voice, over Annetta’s chilled little body and her shivering, the brunette feeling the warm breath over her skin, looking into Erry’s mouth as she spoke, her heart now racing again, an idea forming up inside of her mind. “Mmmmm~ thank you for blowing your warmth into me, your hot breath on my skin… it helps, but still… I think there is one more thing that we’ve not experienced together… and if you are willing, I would love to explain my idea, and experience it.” Annetta looked into Erry’s eyes, hoping it wasn’t going to be something of a request that would trouble her. “We’ve loved, we’ve lost, but we’ve also gained sooooo much together. We will never part, no matter where life takes us. As we are bound, I know that if I was to pass, through your magic, I would reform again… I…” Annetta gulped “I guess what I am trying to say Erry, is that there is something you haven’t felt before between us, and something that I haven’t felt yet. I want this, I just don’t want it, if you don’t, but I want you to want it…” Annetta sighed, finally trying to get to the point of her desire. “Feeling your breath on me, looking into your mouth, I now understand the desire you had for me to devour you alive, to digest you down and absorb you entirely, to form you to my breasts, my fat… my soul… In these moments, where I am so small, and you are by my figures, about 1 and a half meters and a tad more in size, I was hoping you would be willing to eat me alive. I don’t want to do it if it’s something that upsets you… or makes you sad though.. my love. You and how you feel about this is more important to me than anything…” Annetta said, waiting for Erry to take her time to think this request over…

Erry had a shiver… some tears rolling on her cheeks “Annie… I… I would…love to… accept your request but… I’m going to lose you… I don’t know if you can come back like… my body does… and…” Erry looked deeply into the tiny girl’s eyes… “I would…have… to…eat you whole…?…It’s…it’s…so cruel Annie… I… don’t want to hurt you my love… this… ‘experience’ isn’t something that will make you feel good you know… you’ll be digested into nothing… and my body wouldn’t make the difference for your tiny self… you would be …just food for it… but you’re so much more than this … !!” Erry was still looking at the tiny girl… sadness in her eyes… “Annie… I am the one who feed your body… making it so… beautiful… I’m not sure of that ‘power’ I might gave you… but… is that really what you want my love…?”

Annetta smiled, a warm smile as she tried to ‘help’ Erry “You just have to have faith Erry, I remember the first time it happened for us. When I thought I would never see you again, but you told me not to worry, and that everything would be ok. Somehow, I don’t know how to explain it Erry, but I feel that now for myself, I just know that I am going to be ok, it’s hard to explain.” Annetta paused for a brief second before she continue “I expect it will be just as you have said, as you have already experienced it, I’m not afraid… I want this. Yet, how will I know, unless I to, myself, experience what you have already, so many times. The fact your body only sees me as food, doesn’t change the fact that you will ALWAYS love me.” Annetta paused, gently rubbing her lover’s breasts as she sat between them in Erry’s bosom. “I realize you will have to eat me alive and swallow me whole, and I know I am so much more than this to you. But… this girl you see before you, it is just a physical body, your stomach can’t take our love from us, we will never be far apart… do you believe me Erry?” Annetta said quietly, as she smiled, looking into Erry’s eyes. “I know you have fed me several times in the past, but it is my turn to give to you. I want to gift my body to yours, I want you to experience what it is like to swallow someone else whole… to have your lover in your body, like I have had my own lover in mine… even you… ERRY, my precious girl…” Annetta gulped, smiling… “Don’t cry beautiful… this isn’t sadness, I haven’t been more happy in my entire life. If you would allow it, I would love to go through with this not just for myself, but for your as well. I want you to feel pleasure, dominance, sation, a full belly filled with your lover.. And for myself, I want to feel what it’s like inside of your mouth, to feel what it’s like sliding down your throat as your powerful muscles force me down, I want to hear your heartbeat from within… and if you were willing, I want you to trace my bulge that I make inside of your neck, with your own finger, I want you to ‘feel’ me… And please… if you accept, once I am that far down your esophagus, once I splash inside of your stomach… I would love for you to gratify your carnal desires. For as long as they are about me… about us… these feelings are pure, they are filled with purpose and love and a perfect lust… You are for me Erry, and I too, am for you… forever and always..” Annetta gently continued to rub her Erry’s flesh tenderly.

Erry gulped hard as she rubbed the tiny body against her breast with her hand… then looked at her… both eyes filled with tears… “Promise…promise me…that you’ll come back to me Annie… living without you would be… like death for me… but… as you just said…I’m putting all my trust in you … and…let me grant you… this wish…” Erry carefully picked the girl and sat her in her hand before putting it in front of her closed lips… not really smiling… but… also wanting to feel her love like this… Erry slowly parted her lips apart… “Aaaaahhh…” Erry was showing her mouth insides to the girl in front of it… then grabbed her tiny legs… in a kind move… she placed the tiny foots on her tongue… pushing the tiny girl deeper inside… her tongue raised suddenly… as Erry had a gasp… and let the girl fall back in her hand again… outside of her mouth… “What…what is my body thinking…I was about…to swallow you whole… but… but !” Erry was crying “I will do it Annie. but…please… promise me !! I can’t do that if I know that… you’ll… never…come back to me…”

Annetta heard the nervousness in her lover’s voice, it was natural, Annetta couldn’t blame her, she understood what it was like, so she wasn’t going to try to pretend to know how Erry was feeling about it, at least for the first time, but she kept an open mind, loving her. “Don’t cry baby… my love… I promise… I will come back, I would never… EVER… leave you alone, and I thank you for your trust, for I will never betray it..” Annetta reassured Erry as she finally picked her up. The brunette girl was quickly grabbed and now in front of Erry’s lips, watching as they slowly parted to take her in, seeing her ‘aaaaaahhh’ as her lover’s mouth stood widely agape to take her in. After a bit, the inside’s of Erry’s mouth were breath taking, magnificent and beyond compare, Erry felt like a goddess to her! Finally feeling her legs grabbed, as she was slowly pushed inside of the warming maw, it was a welcomed sensation to the coldness of the room, the hot breath from below bellowing up against her welcomingly, beckoning her ‘home’. As the tongue rose, Annetta prepared herself for what she had asked, but something happened.~ Feeling her body slide softly back into Erry’s hand, she looked up, bending her head with a thoughtful grin, wondering what the matter might be. Hearing Erry’s continued concerns, Annetta wasn’t mad, not even impatient, it only showed to Annetta that Erry loved her so much. “Ohhh Erry, what would I do without you?… You are so precious and beautiful and kind and thoughtful. My soul would never rest, I am bound to you!… I have faith that I will come back to you, we will never be far apart!…” Annetta wanted to show Erry her powers, the very powers Erry had given her. Closing her eyes, Annetta’s entire body began to glow a bright blue, it was brilliant in lightness, certainly undeniable. This would last a good thirty seconds, all while Annetta spoke, “I promise you Angel… My dearest sweet lover… I will come back to you… I will NEVER leave you alone..” Annetta’s voice seemed to be filled with magic as it echoed quietly by Erry’s face, the power these two had together, Erry would hopefully now be able to feel, it was the same energy Annetta felt the night she was visited by Erry’s spirit. “I love you so much…” As Annetta finally finished, the glow coming from her body finally dissipated, leaving her naked and vulnerable but safe, she was ready to be eaten alive by her very own lover…

Erry slowly nodded… not talking anymore… she picked up the girl’s legs… putting them before her giant lips… parting them apart again… she let the tiny body lay on her giant tongue… making it the most comfy for her lover… she couldn’t resist but to drool on the tiny body… her own mouth ‘welcoming’ the tiny girl… Erry’s lips closed on the girl’s chest… licking her lower body from everywhere… raising her head a bit… she opened her mouth… allowed Annetta’s legs to hang over her throat… and with a move of her tongue the girl was now fully inside of her mouth… probably hearing Erry’s fast breath… she was excited about that… but also a bit fearing what could happen… she closed her eyes… calmed herself down, her breathing getting slower… suddenly talked… something she heard… a long time ago… this sentence where everything started for both of them… the very…first time… “M…Mind if… I… eat you…now… Annie…? I want and I’m ready to… Eat you… My love.” Erry’s face was blushing… living this day again… but this time on the ‘other side’… she was trusting her lover and finally ready to do it… Now wearing a warm and sincere smile…

Then it all happened, Annetta not having to wait for another second to go by, her lover having listened and apparently, having heard every last word to the letter, knowing her lover would now be ok, the lovers could rejoice in these final moments, just before the event that would change both of their lives forever, only making them grow stronger as a couple. Slowly being sucked inside, Annetta laid down, her head facing towards the outside of the room, she could see her and her lover’s mattress, her heart racing, hardly able to believe what was about to happen to her. Yet, both girls wanted this more than anything now, Annetta could tell Erry was loving her body within her mouth as she started to drool, the spittal within her maw dripping down over the little brunette’s body. Feeling her lover’s lips close over her breasts, the tongue beneath causing her face to burn, her entire body growing warm, it felt so wonderful to be warm, and having the slick tongue against her skin. Annetta could feel those licks against her breasts, her sex and her skin… leaving her to shudder out and gasp at the wondrous sensations of stimuli. Feeling and seeing her lover open her mouth again, Annetta looked on, but she was happily, excited and thrilled beyond compare, to know what her lover was about to do! As Erry tilted her head back, Annetta’s heart raced, feeling her feet finally slide inside of her lover’s throat, the little ‘human’ was now inside of her full sized lover’s mouth, just awaiting the finality of this perfect moment. Almost as if from a book, some words began, yet, once they were spoken, after they were taken into Annetta’s mind, the brunette remembered… everything… She laughed out, smiling in joy, as she heard those same few words she’d asked from Erry, once a upon a time. The answer was an obvious resounding… “YES… PLEASE… I am so happy for us… I am so excited… Please… eat me alive Erry …! Swallow me down whole… My perfect lover…” Like the edge of a storm right before the rain began to pelt the dusty dry ground, Erry and Annetta awaited… Erry waiting to devour her lover for the first time… Annetta waiting to experience the devouring… neither women could have been happier! Reaching down to her sex, Annetta began to rub, already being savored, tasted and relished like the food she now was in body, she still knew her lover would love her in spirit, she spasmed, climaxing hard on Erry’s tongue, hoping the taste wasn’t unwelcomed, nor her body unsavored… “Mmmmmm, sorry Erry, I couldn’t hold back, your tongue feels so good… I can’t wait to feel your throat..~” Annetta sighed out, preparing herself for the beginning of the end of this ‘special event’.

Erry lifted her tongue with the small sitting girl towards the front of her mouth… Making sure the tiny body was safe as Erry drank those wonderful juices… humming … she finally moved back the girl to the back of her mouth, ready… then… with the most beautiful voice Erry had… “I love you …Annie…” Then slowly lifted her head back… allowed the tiny body finally to slip down… as Annetta could hear the loud gulping sound all around her… Erry finally swallowed her… she did exactly what her lover asked… tracing the tiny bulge on her throat with her finger… making her lover ‘feel’ this on her body… Annetta was going deeper… as Erry let out another moan… surrounding Annetta’s so small body… That soon went behind Erry’s collarbone and finally disappeared behind Erry’s tiny chest…


The time for the beginning of the end of this event was upon them, each girl playing their role magnificently. Annetta the perfect little prey, loving her Erry Hohhot so much, now inside of Erry’s throat… Erry, the ever unsure yet always so sweet, but now content predator, giving Annetta her wish. It was apparent to Miss Reese that Erry had indeed loved her taste, as she readily swallowed the brunette’s fluid release, right after she expelled it, finally, Annetta was at the edge of the cliff of Erry’s fantastic esophagus. Quickly replying back, for Annetta knew she’d not be able to before they met again, Annie yelled out too, in her loudest voice… “I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH BABY… MY SWEET LOVE… MY PRECIOUS ERRY…” Then with that, Annetta felt the white haired angel tilt her head all of the way back, forcing it vertical, Annetta’s little form left only to glid down, as her bulge was swallowed nearly effortless. Just as promised, and as Annetta had requested, Erry traced her bulge downward, as the small girl heard that classic gulping sound all around her. Hearing just as she thought she would, the powerful sensation of the pulsating heart muscle directly in front of her face. Just as she thought she would, Annetta heard the bodily ambient noises of Erry’s form all around her. The breathing, the gastrointestinal noises overhead, Annetta was now on a one way trip towards the heavens. Sighing to herself, Annetta couldn’t have been any happier, hoping Erry was just as happy, hoping, that if Erry wanted to, she could sate any carnal desires, if she felt the urge. Finally being pulled down by peristaltic motions and rippling all around her, Annetta’s little form fell inside, landing with a splash as the overhead sphincter sealed shut with a soft noise, trapping her inside of her temporary fleshy ‘home’. Whether Annetta’s lover heard her voice, Annetta was to try anyway, saying her ‘goodbyes’, but not forever. “YOU DID IT ERRY, YOU SWALLOWED ME ALIVE… I AM IN YOUR STOMACH, IT’S BEAUTIFUL… EVERYTHING I DREAMED… THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A WONDERFUL ‘PREDATOR’…” Annetta sighed out, eeping a bit as she could feel the gastrointestinal chamber around her begin to churn and knead against her skin, the walls claiming down on her, it was apparent Erry’s stomach was ravenous for nutrients, ‘Erry must be starving when she comes back from a reform’, so Annetta thought to herself. The acids began to seep into her body, tingling but then going into a full on burn, her body would rapidly melt… Annetta cried out briefly, but she wasn’t in much pain, as she passed out, before any real agony began. Annetta’s small body now just awaiting her lover’s digestion of small frame, to be added for the first time, to the woman she loved more than life its self..

When Erry heard and could feel her lover ‘landing’ inside of her… she nodded her head… and wanted to ‘help her’ to feel good to her very end… Erry started to sing… that very song Annetta was humming some time ago… her mother’s song… Erry wasn’t feeling guilty anymore… she did what the girl wanted… all she wanted to feel… then a small tear rolled on her cheek as the tiny body deep inside of her… stopped to move and fall on the wet stomach texture… “Farewell Annie… for now… I’ll… see you… soon my love… and… we’ll be together again… I promise…” Erry was feeling the tiny body beeing pulled deeper inside her as she was ‘starving for Annetta’ … Erry had a big yawn… tired from all of this… changing her size was in fact really exhausting for her… the day had just started but… Erry started to fall asleep on the girl’s bed… feeling her soft scent on the pillow… sorry that she soaked the bed with her own juices… closing her eyes… she was dreaming… her lover coming back in that blue flame… hugging her young body… kissing it… and … feeling her warm love again… a last tear rolled on her cheek as she said that wonderful name again… this name that represented everything for her… more than her life and everything she could do… “Annie.” Erry’s body finally sleeping, the digestion cycle started… pulling the small girl’s body deeper… breaking it and nourishing Erry’s young body… leaving nothing left… Erry blushed in her sleep… even if the girl’s body was now gone… she would see her again… soon… And they’ll be together again… Forever.

End of part 9.