New Story : Erry Story part 7 – Past


Hello !

Time for a new chapter of Erry’s life and this time it will happen again thousands of years before Erry’s Era. So who will be about  ? Another girl named Erelle that you already met in chapter 3 and what happened to her right after this chapter.

This chapter will also introduce some big questions you might ask to yourself and some answers will be given but there’s a lot more questions to be answered in the next chapters too ! 😉

If you want to read it click right here or choose it in the menus 😉

I also hanged a bit the stories page so it will fit all of those chapters 🙂

Hope you’ll like it and see you soon enough for more news ! 🙂


Hype !



I’ve been drawing again these lasts days mostly for the next SizeCon but well even if it will be next year I’m already sooo hyped for it ! So yeah this time I did a picture for my vore fans and I hope that you’ll like it ! Also tried some new effects on this one 😉

Remember for the ones interested to visit the official SizeCon website or click on the heart icon on the right of the blog ! 😉

See you next time for more !


SizeCon 2017 !


Hello !

You hadn’t seen me these last days because I was working on something really big…. the SizeCon 2017 !! I’ll be talking a lot about it in many posts but well here’s already some informations : The event will be on 2 days (29-30 July 2017) and there will be a lot more than the first year !! if you want more information about it please check the official website and YES I’ll be there in NYC again next year !! I can’t wait to meet some of you again !

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


2 years !



It’s now been 2 years that I met someone really special for me : Annetta ! It all started with some RP sessions with her when we decided to tell more about us and well… I really loved to discover such a good friend in her 🙂

So yes, to ‘commemorate’ this this year again, here’s a picture of our characters having some much deserved fun together and there will be more soon enough 🙂

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


New Story : Erry days 4 !

Hello !

TIme for a new chapter of Erry’s different lives and this time well… let’s say that she’s not really lucky again ^_^; You can read the new story by browsing in the menu or by clicking here !

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


New Ebook : Antaria !


Hello !

Another ebook is now available on the Downloads page and this time it’s the story of Antaria (you can also read it here as well). As usual this ebook is all free and there will be more coming out soon again ! 😉

See you soon for more !


New ebook : Erry 6 !


Hello !

The chapter 6 of this tiny girl is finally available in a new ebook file that you can find under the downloads tab ! If you prefer to read the story directly on the website, follow the link right here 😉

See you soon for more !


New artwork ‘Just a small gem…’


Erelle was trapped in a jewel that was given to the ‘queen’ and was now just a small gem among some others between this queen’s breasts. Erelle knew that she wouldn’t know ‘freedom’ anymore…

A picture I wanted to draw for a looooooong time for Erry’s story chapter 3 but it’s now finally done, I hope that you’ll like it  ! 😀

You can read the story right here 🙂

See you soon for more !
