New artwork : Erry in NYC !


Hello !

Time for a new picture and this one was for the SizeCon poster contest so here’s my ‘little’ Erry visiting New York ! 🙂

I also did a better quality picture but it’s really heavy (30 mb ! ) but if you want to see it click right here 🙂

I also hope that you’ll like this one ! ;D


New artwork : Tiny drink


“A cocktail with a Tiny one inside…? why not after all… they can’t even flee from this. and you’ll be able to select yours, just pick up your favorite glass.”

Based on an idea I had while talking with someone on Twitter, hope you’ll like it ! 😉


Next month !


Hello !

The SizeCon is getting closer and I really can’t wait to go in NYC !!!

We had a Skype meeting last week and it was a really interesting one (even more to talk with all the other people from the convention staff ! 🙂 ) So yeah it’s getting really closer again ! 🙂

I met some more fans of my works and well… I’m really happy to know that *blushes*, I also plan to bring more Erry badges to the convention for all of you ! 🙂

About the prints now, I’m almost done with them and well I hope that you’ll like them too ! 🙂

For the ones still interested or want to know more about the SizeCon, it will be on the April 23th 2016 in New York City. You can find more information and reserve your tickets right on this link 😉

See you soon for more news about this and well… see you soon ! 😀



Happy Birthday Jitensha !!


Hello and I would like to wish a really great birthday for one of the artists I respect the most among our community : Jitensha !

I really wanted to do somethign for her so… here’s a picture of her OC, hope you’ll like it :3


20 Years of Pokémon !


Hello !

Today is a really important day since Pokémon is now 20 years old ! Whew… I remember when I was playing on the first games on my gameboy for hours… just to level up and find all of them… So much memories… 🙂

So yeah Here’s my little tribute to celebrate this day, but well since there wasn’t any girl in the first generation (we had to wait Crystal for this) well Erry is dressed as Red… hope you’ll like it !! 😀

See you soon for more !
