New artwork : In your hand…


She’s sitting in your hand… she’s scared because it’s the first time she sees someone that huge so close and because of knowing what the humans usually do to the ones of her size…

Will she be eaten mercilessly…? Used as a small toy ? Crushed in your hand or will be spared…? It’s your choice after all…

Based on a comment I got from my latest picture and it would be cool to see how people react to this ‘choice’ if they were the one holding this tiny girl… 😀

More to come soon 🙂


New artwork : Digesting away…


She had been swallowed so easily… and couldn’t do anything about it… Erry was now inside of a large room bathing in somethign that was starting to burn her skin and melt her ripped dress… she started to cry as she realised that soon she would be no more…

New picture featuring Erry about an idea I got for her… hope you’ll like it 🙂


So it happened… :)


I finally reached 1 Million views on my Eka’s gallery… I really didn’t expected this but it’s a big day !! 😀 So to celebrate this… Erry decided to take her ‘revenge’ on me… :p

Hope you’ll like this one and see you in another million of views !! XD


New Artwork : The Tiny and the Slime



Time for a new picture and this one features A slimegirl named Enda meeting a tiny one for maybe the first time… Erry never met a girl like this before but well what could happen to her after all….? 😀 Enda belongs to an artist friend (Sergit) and is used with permission 🙂

I also plan to upgrade a bit the website tonight, I’ll write another blog post about this too 😉

See you soon for more 🙂


Goodies and stuff :)


I’m getting really ready for the SizeCon event in April (check this link to know more about this or click on Erry in the right menu ! ) and I started to work on some stuff regarding this.

So first I’ll bring some goodies for my fans (and every people interested in what I work on) and there will be some badges (a few of them !) and maaaaaany prints that I’ll do in the nexts days. Those prints will be on a special photo paper and will look like this (there will be around 3-4 different designs) :


I’ll also wear a special shirt that I received today (but I’m a bit sad that I can’t wear this one every day at work xD) and some badges as well. I wanted to check the ‘quality’ of those before ordering more of them and I kinda look the result (the picture is dark because it’s night time here :p)


And a closer view of the badges, it’s the same picture as you can see on the right but I’ll try to do maybe another design too 🙂


I’ll try to post more stuff as soon as I’ll draw more designs and prints 🙂

See you soon ! 🙂


Website updates


While I was working on my latest video I had an idea… about putting a small ‘living’ Erry on my website as well, so here it is… I’ll try to add more ‘stuff’ to her soon like some new expressions or clothes but for now she’ll be watching you on each page if you have a HTML5 compatible browser 😉
See you soon for more !


New Video : SizeCon 2016 !!

Hello !

Finally it’s done after many days working on it… my new video on my channel and this time giving more details about the SizeCon and what I’ll bring there 😉


See you soon enough for more news !


New story : Annie & Erry chapter 17


I finally completed it so yeah the latest chapter of our ‘adventures’ with Annie is here. For my new ‘visitors’ please remember that this story will be much more enjoyable if you read it from the chapter 1 😉

About this chapter, it will feature the next day of the girl’s wedding and the world had finally started to change… be sure to read it there ! 😉

I’ll also post another blog post later today about more stuff so see you soon ! 😉
