New artwork : Pizza Time !

Hello !

Time for a new artwork with only Erry this time 🙂 this artwork is a bit special because I wanted to try some new effects by removing some parts of the lineart and added more shading. Hope you’ll like it :3

See you soon for more !



New artwork : Malika fanart !

Hello !

Time for a new picture of mine (it will be the occasion to work onto something else aside the game) so well it’s a promised picture I did for a great artist : Gumdrop ! The picture features Gumdrop’s OC Malika about to enjoy my little Erry… hope you’ll like it :3

See you soon for more !



New hardware stuff


I got last week a new controller I really wanted and after some tests with it it’s really interesting 😀

The beast :


So yeah a Steam controller, I ordered it some time ago and was really expecting it. About the whole thing it’s a really nice device, the only things that well I found a bit strange are first the direction pad (the top left one) that is a bit ‘big’ and the ABXY buttons that are a bit ‘misplaced’; I used a 360′ controller before and I was maybe too used to it haha :p but still it’s working fine.

The right stick alsdo need some time to get used to since it’s a touch device but in the end it’s reacting well. I moslty tried it on USF4, BlazBlue and Binding of Isaac so yeah some really different games :p

Annnnd that’s all for this review, it’s not really related to the usual stuff I’m posting but well there will be more serious posts soon enough (working a lot on the game these days) and I’ll have much more to say soon too 😉

See you next time for more !


Cheat code !

Hello !

A small news today because I’ve decided to add a ‘cheat code’ on my website… maybe you know it from Contra or some other old games. Just try it if you know it and… enjoy ;D

If you don’t find it easily… just check the message of the day and it will give you more details… 🙂

See you soon!


New Artwork : Tiny Witch !

Hello !

It’s finally Halloween and this year, no one of my girls will be in trouble 😀 In fact Erry got a tiny candy… and she’ll have enough for many days/weeks ! Hope you’ll like this one and see you soon for more ! 😉



New picture : from Pochii ! :)


I got a new commissionned picture from an artist that I really like : Pochii (I talked a bit about her before in some RPG maker blog post 😀 ) so this time it’s a picture I got from her featuring herself about to enjoy my small Erry… really lovely picture :3

Thanks again for drawing it and please be sure to visit her page right here ! 😉

See you soon for more !



New Artwork : Kamille !


Time for a new artwork for someone nice I met on the chatroom where I usually RP : Kamille. She did,some nice Gifs of Erry so I wanted to thank her by drawing her OC 😉 Hope you’ll like it.



Game project updates !


Time for some updates on my game project !

Well currently I’m still working on one of the secret events and it takes soooo much time and pictures that I hope I’ll finish it before the end of the next week or this one.

I also found a nice ‘limit’… another game maker Pochii told me that RPG Maker XP had a hard coded limitation… 999 maps. So yeah I was sooo proud of my 900 maps goal that I started to ‘panic’… xD

In fact my game uses some ‘blank maps’ for some interaction/transitions where no picture is needed. There was a lot of them so… I decided to ‘compress’ all of them into 1 so I could save some maps for the ‘real things’ and after searching in half of the project I finally managed to get from 910 map files to 850 (!!!!!). I still have to check the other half but no doubt that I’ll find some other things to remove.

Aside this I found some other things to correct/debug and it’s going on well… I really hope to finish this event as soon as possible so I could start the work on the last sub event before starting the endings… I’ll also try to do some sound stuff when I’ll have some ideas for those 🙂

And that’s all for today, I’ll post more news about the game soon enough ! 😉


[wppb progress=”100/100″ option=”animated-candystripe blue” text=”Debug mood 100%”]