Special fanart :3

Hello ! 🙂

A good friend of mine got a white hamster and decided to name it Erry… So well it gave me a stupid idea so here it is… 😀

See you next time for more 🙂



New gallery !


The last part of the big website reworking is now done ! The gallery had changed and you can now find different sections under the gallery tab where you’ll find all of my works and some others too 🙂 Sooo yeah no more ‘allthepicturesonthesamepage’ thing and they’re all sorted from when I did them.

Also. I finally uploaded ALL the pictures I couldn’t before because of laziness or anything so you now have access to ALL of the picutres I did from 2012 on the website and I won’t forget again to post the new ones ! 🙂

Have a nice day and enjoy the visit of the new version of the website 😉


Stories, stories and stories !


I just finished to rework the story part of the website and added 8 news ! I also reworked another one but first, what changed on the site:

– Stories are now sorted by categories where you’ll find Erry’s story, Erry days (new ones !) and Annie and Erry’s stories.

– 6 new chapters of Annie & Erry are now available, I also put all the corrected versions on each chapter and many more pictures in them (a special gallery will also be made for them.

– 1 New chapter of Erry’s story where you’ll learn more about Erry and her sister Aya’s past. This chapter is right after the thir one in the ‘timeline’ 🙂

– A new series of short stories called ‘Erry days’. As you may know, Erry have the hability to revive endlessly but won’t remember anything from her previous ‘life’… those stories will tell more about those small ‘lives’ Erry had in the past… but they won’t really be happy too.

– The story Broken Candy had been updated with a full story but if you’re not into extreme pain/blood or hard vore don’t read it. For every one elese you’ll find it in the ‘Dark Zone’ of the website.

I’ll be again working on some other things on the website and I’ll write more about it soon enough ! 🙂


News !

Hello !

I started to rework the website a bit (a new banner ? xD) and added some new pictures for some of my characters.

I also added a new ‘Links’ page on the website so they won’t be on my ‘own’ page anymore.

I updated all of the ‘Annie and Erry’ stories with the corrected ones from chapter 1 to 10, the 6 remaining ones will be posted soon enough. The chapter 10 is posted too 😉

What’s remaining…? Well first I’ll need to post all of the pictures I couldn’t until now (a lot of them !) and then the remaining stories I wrote until now 🙂

I’ll be working the website a bit more these days again and there will be more content soon enough ! 🙂

See you soon ! 🙂


Hey !! :D

Hello !

Finally back again for more since I finally got my new tablet after sooo much wait. I already started to draw some stuff with it and the quality is really amazing ! S well some new stuff incoming soon enough ! The first one would be the updates on all of my characters design 😉

Another news is that I started to correct some old stories so I’ll update them soon enough and I’ll fill the gallery too ! (sooo much things to be posted xD)

About the game now it’s going on and I’ll start to seriously spend more time on it to complete it as soon as possible.

Hope to see you soon for more !


Baaaaack !

Hello !

I’m finally back. I had some issues with my holidays but it’s fine now; it was some nice time with my family and I got maaaaaaaannnny ideas that I’ll use soon enough for my stories/pictures.

I also got enough to order my new tablet and I’ll also get Sai soon enough too 🙂

I’ll also post some new stories and add some stuff tonight. I’ll write another blog post containing all of this. See you soon for more !


New story : Annie & Erry 9

Hello again !

I just posted the chapter 9 of ‘Annie & Erry’ in the story section. I still have 2 more to post on the website and I’ll try to put them on tomorrow… but for now you can enjoy this chapter with our two lovely girls … :), you can read it by the ‘stories’ tab 😉

See you soon for more ! 🙂


New Story : Erelle !

Hello !

Time for a new story and this time it’s my longest work… 42 pages of text ! But you’ll learn more about the ‘world’ where all of my characters live and how was life BEFORE the humans discovered the small people. you can read it here or access it by the ‘stories’ page here.

I’ll also post more things today and continue the site ‘reworking’ with some new stuff incoming ! 🙂

See you soon for more !


30 Years of Me !

Hello !

The 19 of this month I turned 30… it was hard at first  but well it’s just another year… :p So I also did a biiig picture with all of my characters and friends on it, hope that you’ll enjoy it ! 🙂


30 years of Kreeyz