New story : Rise of Antaria !


Time for a new story and this time in a whole different world ! This story will focus on the past of my character Antaria and how she became this giant evil girl we know… 🙂

You can read the story by accessing it by the ‘story’ menu or by following this link !

I hope that you’ll like it and see you soon for more ! 🙂


Updated profile : Erry 2016 !



It’s been nearly 1 year now that I got my new drawing tablet and Sai software so well… why shouldn’t I update some character’s profiles 🙂 The first one will be Erry with a slightly improved design, hope you’ll like it ! 🙂

More to come soon ! 🙂


New Artwork : ‘Antaria’s playground’


Hello !

Time for a new artwork and this time featuring my giant girl Antaria ! It’s been a while I created this character and she just had one picture so well… let’s have more of her haha 😀 The background picture is in fact one of the pictures I took in the plane when I went to the US some weeks ago… 😀 Hope you’ll like it !

See you soon for more ! 😉


Pocket Erry Beta !!


The Beta version of Pocket Erry is finally available ! The next version will feature faces changes and many backgrounds but for now you can already try it under the ‘projects’ tab or with this direct link ! I plan to add many more stuff in it but well… I’ll have to ask you to wait a bit before ^_^

See you soon for more ! 🙂
