New Ebook : Erry 10 !

Hello !

Time for a new ebook to join the others on the downloads page ! This time it’s the last chapter of Erry’s Story and with the lasts corrections too ! (But they might remain some mistakes that I’ll be correct later :p) and I aslo added the cover of this book too so I hope taht you’ll enjoy this story if you hadn’t read yet 😀

See you soon for mroe news ! 🙂


New Ebook: Erry 9 !

Hello !

Time for a new ebook to join the collection on the downloads section and this time it’s the almost last chapter of Erry’s story 🙂

i’m also working a lot on chapter 10 these days and I hope that you’ll like it once it’ll be released 😉

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


New Ebook : Erry 8 !

Hello !

Time for the 8th chapter of Erry’s story to join the other ones in an ebook format. You’ll find the book as usual on the downloads page and I also added all the updated corrections of this series.

I’ll also put more ebooks soon enough so stay tuned for more 🙂


New Ebook : Erry 7 !


Hello !

Time for another free Ebook file to join the other ones in the Downloads ! This time it will be the latest chapter of Erry’s story and as usual you can also read the story right here. I’ll try to add more series in the ebooks as soon as I can start to correct more of them 🙂

See you soon for more !



New Ebook : Antaria !


Hello !

Another ebook is now available on the Downloads page and this time it’s the story of Antaria (you can also read it here as well). As usual this ebook is all free and there will be more coming out soon again ! 😉

See you soon for more !


New ebook : Erry 6 !


Hello !

The chapter 6 of this tiny girl is finally available in a new ebook file that you can find under the downloads tab ! If you prefer to read the story directly on the website, follow the link right here 😉

See you soon for more !


New Ebook (part 4) !!



Time for a new Ebook to appear on the downloads page ! This time it’s again one of Erry’s Story chapters, the fourth one, but it’s also a chapter that a great follower Kiloby helped me to correct so thanks a lot for this !!! :3

As usual if you don’t want the ebook version of this story you can still read it right here ! 🙂

See you soon for more news !! 🙂


A third one ?!



Yes… another Ebook is available on the downloads page ! In fact this story was already corrected so I didn’t had much work to do besides working a bit on the ‘format’… so yeah this book is the third part of Erry’s story that you can also read right here ! 🙂

See you soon for more ! 😉


Another Ebook !



The second Ebook is now available on the downloads page !! It’s the second chapter of Erry’s story and this time featuring herself and Saphyr… Hope you’ll like it if you hadn’t read it yet ! Also the corrected version is now on the website too ! 🙂

See you soon for more !
