SizeCon stuff :)

Hello !

We’ve extended the early bird ticket sale to the February 14 so you can still have your pass with a reduced price until then ;D

Feel free to visit or click on the link at the right to check the website if you need more information about this project.

I also started to work on the stuff I’ll be bringing this year and let’s say that it will be much more than I did for the 2016′ edition ! I’ll be sure to give more information as soon as I can about the Con itself too ! 🙂

see you soon for more news ! 🙂


2017 !!

Happy new year everyone !!

Another year ended and well… for 2017 I’ll be working on some new projects and of course try to complete some others. Thanks a lot again for your support and I hope that you’ll like what will be coming soon too ! 🙂


2 Years !

Hello !

A small post to ‘celebrate’ the 2 years of my website !! It’s been already some time and I added many stuff on it but I have much more in mind too ! Thanks a lot to everyone for your support and see you soon enough for more stuff ! 😉


3D !



Time to add a new gallery on the website ! A friend of mine gave some days ago a ‘game’ where you can design many 3D characters then put them in different situations. I was searchign a bit in the options and I found it… the ‘Size scaling’ option ! So yeah you know what I did next… 😀 You can find many 3D pictures I did these lasts days in the new gallery right here and I’ll be sure to post more once I’ll have more ideas ! 😉

See you very soon for more news 😀


Goodies !


Hello !

It’s been now a while that I wanted to do this but you can have now some custom mugs with a Erry design that I made some time ago ! 🙂 Since as I said many times I don’t want to ‘sell’ my art, the mugs will be royalty free (that means I won’t get any money from each sell) and you’ll have the best prices for them too ! 🙂

For now I created a white and black designs but more will be added as soon as I have more ideas. I also tried to do a ‘safe’ design so I could bring that to my IRL work too XD. Hope you’ll them ! If you want to see the picture itself check it right below 🙂


And if you feel to order a mug, please check this link or click on the chibi Erry on the right side ! 😉

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


New Ebook : Erry 7 !


Hello !

Time for another free Ebook file to join the other ones in the Downloads ! This time it will be the latest chapter of Erry’s story and as usual you can also read the story right here. I’ll try to add more series in the ebooks as soon as I can start to correct more of them 🙂

See you soon for more !



New Story : Erry Story part 7 – Past


Hello !

Time for a new chapter of Erry’s life and this time it will happen again thousands of years before Erry’s Era. So who will be about  ? Another girl named Erelle that you already met in chapter 3 and what happened to her right after this chapter.

This chapter will also introduce some big questions you might ask to yourself and some answers will be given but there’s a lot more questions to be answered in the next chapters too ! 😉

If you want to read it click right here or choose it in the menus 😉

I also hanged a bit the stories page so it will fit all of those chapters 🙂

Hope you’ll like it and see you soon enough for more news ! 🙂


Twitter thing…

Hello !

Just a small news to say that I finally managed to fix the Twitter widget on the right of the website and it’s now working again woohoo ^_^

See you soon for more serious news 😀


Pocket Erry Beta !!


The Beta version of Pocket Erry is finally available ! The next version will feature faces changes and many backgrounds but for now you can already try it under the ‘projects’ tab or with this direct link ! I plan to add many more stuff in it but well… I’ll have to ask you to wait a bit before ^_^

See you soon for more ! 🙂
