News !

Hello !

I started to rework the website a bit (a new banner ? xD) and added some new pictures for some of my characters.

I also added a new ‘Links’ page on the website so they won’t be on my ‘own’ page anymore.

I updated all of the ‘Annie and Erry’ stories with the corrected ones from chapter 1 to 10, the 6 remaining ones will be posted soon enough. The chapter 10 is posted too 😉

What’s remaining…? Well first I’ll need to post all of the pictures I couldn’t until now (a lot of them !) and then the remaining stories I wrote until now 🙂

I’ll be working the website a bit more these days again and there will be more content soon enough ! 🙂

See you soon ! 🙂


30 Years of Me !

Hello !

The 19 of this month I turned 30… it was hard at first  but well it’s just another year… :p So I also did a biiig picture with all of my characters and friends on it, hope that you’ll enjoy it ! 🙂


30 years of Kreeyz

New Artwork : Bigger Appetite

Hello !

A different picture for today since I wanted to try same size vore pictures and here’s the result with Rubbie and Eve :3 Rubbie wanted to hunt that cute human girl down but Eve’s hunger was way greater than the young naga girl… and before Rubbie would understand what was happening, Eve swallowed her whole… 🙂

More picture to come soon ! 🙂


Bigger Appetite

New Artwork : Eve fanart


Another artwork and this one is featuring another artist’s character : Eve. I really loved her design and wanted to do a fanart of her so here she is with Erry and her sister… 🙂

More to come soon !


But they tasted so good...

New Artwork : Naga Lollipop


Time for another picture and this time featuring Rubbie and the human girl Mei (a roleplay character played by a friend 🙂 ) and yeah looks like they created some new candy with some tiny naga inside :3

More to come soon 🙂

