2 years !



It’s now been 2 years that I met someone really special for me : Annetta ! It all started with some RP sessions with her when we decided to tell more about us and well… I really loved to discover such a good friend in her 🙂

So yes, to ‘commemorate’ this this year again, here’s a picture of our characters having some much deserved fun together and there will be more soon enough 🙂

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


New Story : Erry days 4 !

Hello !

TIme for a new chapter of Erry’s different lives and this time well… let’s say that she’s not really lucky again ^_^; You can read the new story by browsing in the menu or by clicking here !

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


New artwork ‘Just a small gem…’


Erelle was trapped in a jewel that was given to the ‘queen’ and was now just a small gem among some others between this queen’s breasts. Erelle knew that she wouldn’t know ‘freedom’ anymore…

A picture I wanted to draw for a looooooong time for Erry’s story chapter 3 but it’s now finally done, I hope that you’ll like it  ! 😀

You can read the story right here 🙂

See you soon for more !


New Dark Zone story


I added a new story into the Dark Zone of the website called “the ‘Magic’ pill”. This story is well… pretty dark and it’s also my very first try at scat stuff. To tell you the truth it’s not one of the preferences that I have but I really wanted to… try. So here’s the result, I don’t know if I’ll write/draw more stuff like this again but well… I managed to let out this idea out of y brain 🙂

See you soon for more news !


New Story : Erry days 3 !

Hello !

Time for a new story and this time again based on some picture I had in mind not so long ago, hope you’ll like it and see you soon for more stories incoming !

You can read the chapter right here or by looking into the stories menu 🙂


Corrections !

Hello !

Thanks to a really good friend Kiloby, the latest story ‘Rise of Antaria’ is now fully corrected !! The link is the same as before (on the stories tab) but the content has now less mistakes than before ^_^

See you soon for more and have a nice day ! 😀


New story : Rise of Antaria !


Time for a new story and this time in a whole different world ! This story will focus on the past of my character Antaria and how she became this giant evil girl we know… 🙂

You can read the story by accessing it by the ‘story’ menu or by following this link !

I hope that you’ll like it and see you soon for more ! 🙂


New story : Erry’s story part 6 !

Hello !

Time for a new chapter of this tiny girl’s life… but this time without her ! You’ll follow some other character we hadn’t seen for some time and … some many unexpected twists too… hope you’ll like it !! and be sure to read the 5 previous chapters before or you’ll miss some important parts 😉

Link to the story right here !

See you soon for more ! 🙂


A third one ?!



Yes… another Ebook is available on the downloads page ! In fact this story was already corrected so I didn’t had much work to do besides working a bit on the ‘format’… so yeah this book is the third part of Erry’s story that you can also read right here ! 🙂

See you soon for more ! 😉


Another Ebook !



The second Ebook is now available on the downloads page !! It’s the second chapter of Erry’s story and this time featuring herself and Saphyr… Hope you’ll like it if you hadn’t read it yet ! Also the corrected version is now on the website too ! 🙂

See you soon for more !
