Health again


Another serious blog post about my health state if maybe you read this previous post. So yeah it’s finally there and my lung surgery is planned for this next monday. Meaning that for some time (around 3 weeks) there won’t be any art post because of my time at the hospital and some days that I plan to spend at my parent’s house. I’ll try to post some news on my twitter once I’ll be out of the hospital to tell if everything had been alright. Again I would like to thanks all the friends that accepted to talk with me about this, I really needed that.

See you soon for more news ! 🙂

(picture from my wonderful artist friend Labba ! Thanks a lot !!! 😀 )


SizeCon 2018 !!

Hello !

Here’s some big news because the SizeCon 2018 is now officially launched !!! I’ll try to give more informations as soon as possible but for what I can say now the even twill be again during 2 days, the 28 and the 29 of July 2018. If you want more informations about the whole event or already get your tickets, check the official website and again I’ll do my best to be there this time and meet amny of you again !! 😀

See you soon for more news ! 🙂



Hello !

I finally managed to go to the cinema to watch this movie so here’s a short review of if, and I’ll try not to spoil it too much. I also went to watch the movie in english because I don’t really like how some movies are translated in french :p

The story is about shrinking people to “help the Earth” basically and more people will talk about it later during the movie. This idea is indeed quite good and the hero and his wife are now talking about this shrinking thing seriously because they could be rich and stuff.

Then when they decide to do this, the hero wakes up with his new ‘body’ and see a giant cookie… but it’s just a joke because in fact everything that the small ones need are at their right size. Annnnd that’s where the ‘micro lover’ within me started to be a bit ‘meh’ because yes… even if they’re small and the movie reminds us how they are from time to time well they’re living their life just the way they did when they were ‘human sized’.

I remember some random guy telling “yeah when you’ll be small will you have the same rights as us humans?”. This character gave an interesting question but is easily “get out of there!” xD

The story was yeah interesting and the characters well done but… this movie could have be done without the ‘size’ thing since I counted maybe… 3-4 interactions between humans and the small ones talking during the whole movie. It’s just like if humans and the small ones wouldn’t have to live together !

I know that this kind of movie would be hard to do mostly because of the SFX it would require, still the ones that I saw were correct. I didn’t read the book yet but I would be curious about its content… would it be kinda filled with ‘ecologic things’ like they did for the movie or would that be different.

In any case I recommend this movie because it’s fun and I hope that you’ll enjoy it if you plan to watch it one of these days.




Today’s post will be different because I’m going to talk about something that might delay many of my projects.

I talked some time ago about a problem I have with my blood (did many exams about that…) and it just went away with some pills I had to take for some time. The doctor told me that in the worse case I would need a surgery but since my health went pretty well, the subject just disapeared.

Some weeks ago I started to feel really weird, I couldn’t really sleep anymore and my body started to hurt pretty badly… SO I took another appointment with my doctor and I had the results last week. To say it, I’ll need the surgery I was talking about before. Because of a lot of stress in my life and many things to think about, my health just gave up and the condition went badly.

I don’t know the english word for this infection but the result is that I basically can’t breath like I should. Sometimes my lungs just stop to work and I suffocate until I can get my breath back… the worst is when it happens when I sleep, i just wake up suffocating… not really helpful :/

So yeah I talked with my doctor and the solution is to go under surgery in maybe 3 months depending on how I can get all of the appointments; during that time I’ll have to do many medical visits and I’ll probably have to put on hold some of my projects, the good news in that is that once I’ll be cured from this I won’t need any surgery for this ever again.

Yesterday I had a sort of ‘blues’ about all of this since I’m kinda ‘young’ for all of this but I’m glad that I could talk about that to some friends and I now feel better about this.

In the end, I’ll probably disapear a bit during February, the surgery will take 2 days and I’ll need 3 weeks to recover from i but I’ll be sure to give news in a way or another so yes, thanks for reading this and I’ll be sure to keep all of you informed about this current situation.


Goodies 2017 again !!

Hello !

I’m finally done printing the goodies for the SizeCon 2017 and here’s the result !! I really hope to see many of you there and well… only 4 days left to wait !!!

See you soon for more news and at the SizeCon too ! 😉


Goodies 2017 !

Hello !

I finally got the goodies I ordered for the SizeCon and they finally arrived ! I asked for much more badges than last year’s and with 2 designs but they’re a bit smaller too :p So yeah there will be 40 of them for the convention and… well just 1 last week to wait !!

I can’t wait to be there again and I hope to meet many of you there too ! 😀

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


Gun Gun Pixies !! :D

Hello !

A friend of mine told me about a size game that was on PS Vita and since I got one not so long ago well…. here’s the game : Gun Gun Pixies !

I won’t do a test of the game in this post but show some stuff around to show what’s inside 😀 What I really enjoyed in the game was the ‘perspective’ froma  TIny’s view and how you interact with the other characters :p

Sooo is that a clock ? 😀

One of the girls doing some exercise :p

Some items you might find in the rooms sometimes… and yes it unlock you some new outfts… 😀

The ‘bathing event’… :p

Some character you might know from some other game 😀

And well… looks like even the main character is enjoying this… xD


I’ll try to post more screenshots soon but if you can get the game on your vita well it’s worth the try 😀

See you soon for more news ! 🙂
