Getting ready…


Hello !

Everything’s ready… so I just now need to pack all my stuff and well… wait for 2 days… 😀 I’ll be sure to write a looooong article about the SizeCon when I’ll be back (or in NYC) and to post many pictures of my travel as well ! 😀

See you soon ! 🙂


7 days left !


Hello !

Yes… 7 days until the SizeCon !!! I’m getting realllllly excited by this and I can’t wait to be on thursday to take my plane to the US !! I’m also really excited to meet some of my fans too since I met already some in the SizeCon Chat 🙂

So yeah… goodies and stuff. I’m currently working on the prints and the first went out perfectly ! (the 79 other ones are now being printed) but please remember that I won’t be able to bring too much stuff too since well I’m not a professional artist at all xD


Also I got this week some little things for all of you too… I hope it will be enough for the people visiting my stand at the con 😀


For the ones that will be in the ‘Vore Panel’ well.. let’s say that you might find me there too… 😀

And that’s all for the news for now sicne I’m a bit in a rush haha, I’ll try to post more as soon as I can before I leave for the US ! 😉


Mousepad… :3


Hello !

I finally got a mousepad from Cysh and I really love it… but well I don’t really plan to use it too but to keep it, hug it and love it hehehe :3

If you want one of those, feel free to visit Cysh’s page right here !


Next month !


Hello !

The SizeCon is getting closer and I really can’t wait to go in NYC !!!

We had a Skype meeting last week and it was a really interesting one (even more to talk with all the other people from the convention staff ! 🙂 ) So yeah it’s getting really closer again ! 🙂

I met some more fans of my works and well… I’m really happy to know that *blushes*, I also plan to bring more Erry badges to the convention for all of you ! 🙂

About the prints now, I’m almost done with them and well I hope that you’ll like them too ! 🙂

For the ones still interested or want to know more about the SizeCon, it will be on the April 23th 2016 in New York City. You can find more information and reserve your tickets right on this link 😉

See you soon for more news about this and well… see you soon ! 😀



20 Years of Pokémon !


Hello !

Today is a really important day since Pokémon is now 20 years old ! Whew… I remember when I was playing on the first games on my gameboy for hours… just to level up and find all of them… So much memories… 🙂

So yeah Here’s my little tribute to celebrate this day, but well since there wasn’t any girl in the first generation (we had to wait Crystal for this) well Erry is dressed as Red… hope you’ll like it !! 😀

See you soon for more !


A bit of myself.

Hello again!

It’s a big day… since I finally posted something about me again and basically what is ‘macrophilia’ for me and ho it is a deep part of my life. This page is really ‘special’ since not everything I tell here is happy stuff but well it was important for me to tell to everyone why 🙂

You can read all of this right here and I hope that it’s not too ‘hard’ to understand 🙂

See you soon for more news 🙂


It’s getting closer !


Hello !

A small reminder for the ones who hadn’t saw this before 🙂

The SizeCon project is going on really well and we have already maaaaaaaaany people that will come to the event. I’m getting a bit more excited every day and I really want to be there as soon as I can haha 😀 For the ones who will be there I really wish to meet some of you and I’ll be sure to give you a little something too (if there’s still some stuff remaining xD).

For the ones still interested or want to know more about the SizeCon, it will be on the April 23th 2016 in New York City. You can find more information and reserve your tickets right on this link 😉

See you soon for more and now less than 2 months to wait !!!


Goodies and stuff :)


I’m getting really ready for the SizeCon event in April (check this link to know more about this or click on Erry in the right menu ! ) and I started to work on some stuff regarding this.

So first I’ll bring some goodies for my fans (and every people interested in what I work on) and there will be some badges (a few of them !) and maaaaaany prints that I’ll do in the nexts days. Those prints will be on a special photo paper and will look like this (there will be around 3-4 different designs) :


I’ll also wear a special shirt that I received today (but I’m a bit sad that I can’t wear this one every day at work xD) and some badges as well. I wanted to check the ‘quality’ of those before ordering more of them and I kinda look the result (the picture is dark because it’s night time here :p)


And a closer view of the badges, it’s the same picture as you can see on the right but I’ll try to do maybe another design too 🙂


I’ll try to post more stuff as soon as I’ll draw more designs and prints 🙂

See you soon ! 🙂


New Video : SizeCon 2016 !!

Hello !

Finally it’s done after many days working on it… my new video on my channel and this time giving more details about the SizeCon and what I’ll bring there 😉


See you soon enough for more news !
