New artwork ‘Mega Erry’ ! :)

Well… looks like my tiny one got taller again… but she’ll stay the same sweet girl ^_^

Another small reminder for the upcoming SizeCon coming on since it’s getting really closer ! As usual if you need any details about it, click on the link on the right part of the website 🙂

See you soon for more artworks ! 🙂


SizeCon 2017 : Reminder ! :)

Hello !

A small reminder for the ones interested in the SizeCon 2017 : the early ticket sale is ending in 2 days ! So if you want to grab your pass at the reduced price it’s the right time ! 🙂

About the convention itself I finally booked everything on my side so now I just have to WAIT until I’ll be in the US again (and I can’t really wait too xD)

Again if you want more information about the SizeCon, feel free to visit the website or click on the link on the right of the website.

see you soon for more news ! 🙂


SizeCon stuff :)

Hello !

We’ve extended the early bird ticket sale to the February 14 so you can still have your pass with a reduced price until then ;D

Feel free to visit or click on the link at the right to check the website if you need more information about this project.

I also started to work on the stuff I’ll be bringing this year and let’s say that it will be much more than I did for the 2016′ edition ! I’ll be sure to give more information as soon as I can about the Con itself too ! 🙂

see you soon for more news ! 🙂


Bring your 3DS ! :D


Hello !

Last year I totally forgot my 3DS charger when I came to the SizeCon so I couldn’t play :'( but next year I won’t forget it !! And well it will be enjoyable for your Tinies too so yeah bring them if you can so we could maybe do a small game between two panels ! ^_^

More serious stuff now 😀 if you’re interested to go to the SizeCon 2017, check the official website right here or cliek on the logo on the right side 😉

Again I can’t wait to be there and meet some of you again it was sooo amazing !! 😀

See you soon for more news ! 😉


Hype !



I’ve been drawing again these lasts days mostly for the next SizeCon but well even if it will be next year I’m already sooo hyped for it ! So yeah this time I did a picture for my vore fans and I hope that you’ll like it ! Also tried some new effects on this one 😉

Remember for the ones interested to visit the official SizeCon website or click on the heart icon on the right of the blog ! 😉

See you next time for more !


SizeCon 2017 !


Hello !

You hadn’t seen me these last days because I was working on something really big…. the SizeCon 2017 !! I’ll be talking a lot about it in many posts but well here’s already some informations : The event will be on 2 days (29-30 July 2017) and there will be a lot more than the first year !! if you want more information about it please check the official website and YES I’ll be there in NYC again next year !! I can’t wait to meet some of you again !

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


Getting ready…


Hello !

Everything’s ready… so I just now need to pack all my stuff and well… wait for 2 days… 😀 I’ll be sure to write a looooong article about the SizeCon when I’ll be back (or in NYC) and to post many pictures of my travel as well ! 😀

See you soon ! 🙂


7 days left !


Hello !

Yes… 7 days until the SizeCon !!! I’m getting realllllly excited by this and I can’t wait to be on thursday to take my plane to the US !! I’m also really excited to meet some of my fans too since I met already some in the SizeCon Chat 🙂

So yeah… goodies and stuff. I’m currently working on the prints and the first went out perfectly ! (the 79 other ones are now being printed) but please remember that I won’t be able to bring too much stuff too since well I’m not a professional artist at all xD


Also I got this week some little things for all of you too… I hope it will be enough for the people visiting my stand at the con 😀


For the ones that will be in the ‘Vore Panel’ well.. let’s say that you might find me there too… 😀

And that’s all for the news for now sicne I’m a bit in a rush haha, I’ll try to post more as soon as I can before I leave for the US ! 😉


New artwork : Erry in NYC !


Hello !

Time for a new picture and this one was for the SizeCon poster contest so here’s my ‘little’ Erry visiting New York ! 🙂

I also did a better quality picture but it’s really heavy (30 mb ! ) but if you want to see it click right here 🙂

I also hope that you’ll like this one ! ;D


Next month !


Hello !

The SizeCon is getting closer and I really can’t wait to go in NYC !!!

We had a Skype meeting last week and it was a really interesting one (even more to talk with all the other people from the convention staff ! 🙂 ) So yeah it’s getting really closer again ! 🙂

I met some more fans of my works and well… I’m really happy to know that *blushes*, I also plan to bring more Erry badges to the convention for all of you ! 🙂

About the prints now, I’m almost done with them and well I hope that you’ll like them too ! 🙂

For the ones still interested or want to know more about the SizeCon, it will be on the April 23th 2016 in New York City. You can find more information and reserve your tickets right on this link 😉

See you soon for more news about this and well… see you soon ! 😀
