7 days left !


Hello !

Yes… 7 days until the SizeCon !!! I’m getting realllllly excited by this and I can’t wait to be on thursday to take my plane to the US !! I’m also really excited to meet some of my fans too since I met already some in the SizeCon Chat 🙂

So yeah… goodies and stuff. I’m currently working on the prints and the first went out perfectly ! (the 79 other ones are now being printed) but please remember that I won’t be able to bring too much stuff too since well I’m not a professional artist at all xD


Also I got this week some little things for all of you too… I hope it will be enough for the people visiting my stand at the con 😀


For the ones that will be in the ‘Vore Panel’ well.. let’s say that you might find me there too… 😀

And that’s all for the news for now sicne I’m a bit in a rush haha, I’ll try to post more as soon as I can before I leave for the US ! 😉
