
She was slowly waking up… Her mind was blurry and she had a strong headache… Putting her hand on her head she let out a small moan of pain… She wasn’t remembering where she was… Looking around she could see only ‘walls’ around her and a wide opening atop of her. The girl tried to climb one of the walls but fall on her back, it wasn’t possible for her to get out. Putting her hand on her head again she was a bit cold, noticing that she wasn’t wearing anything. “Where… Where am I…” Asked the girl… Knowing that no one would give her an answer. She sat on the ground and looked up… From the sun rays it was probably the morning. “Erry…” Said the small girl, remembering her own name but wondering why she didn’t knew how she got in this place and even more naked like she was now. She was also remembering what she was… Something called a ‘tiny’… A little girl just smaller than 3cms but also someone who could be ‘used’ as toy by her worse ‘enemies’… The Humans.

It had been always like this… The ‘tinies’ never stood a chance to change the humans minds… They were just some small edible toys and nothing more. Erry was still sitting… Knowing that she wouldn’t probably get out from this ‘box’. She yawned, wondering now what time it was when suddenly she could hear some voices and a light appeared far above her on the ceiling.

“There we go.” Said a loud voice nearby as another box went above the opening. Erry’s eyes were filled with fear and she couldn’t get up… Her legs refusing to move. Erry let out a scream… The box opened on the bottom and she could see many tiny people… All falling down in her direction. “Kyyyaaaahhh!!” Screamed Erry as she could feel another girl of her size falling on her back then some other people too… Erry couldn’t breath and she stretched her arms to get out. Finally managing to move away from this weight on her, Erry could see many people of her kind trying to get out but fall like she did before… Not really looking in front of her, Erry bumped into another small woman who turned to face her, her eyes filled with anger. “I’m… Sorr…-” Tried to say Erry but the woman’s hand was on Erry’s cheek as she slapped the small girl who fall on her back. “It’s because of you Witch !!” Yelled the woman while Erry could feel much more stares on her… Putting her hand on the bruise that was on her cheek, Erry resumed to walk… Then went to sit in a corner, hearing those ‘words’ again…

Indeed she had white hair… A deep white but… For the small people it had always been a symbol of disaster. No one was remembering why but it was always like this since Erry was young. ‘Cursed one… Witch… Monster…’ Were the words Erry heard too much about ‘her’. Wrapping her arms around her legs she was sitting in her corner, not talking to anyone around.

“Let’s start.” Said another human voice nearby… All the small people had a strong shiver as a human girl’s face was looking into the box from above, wearing a strange ‘smile’ on her face. She was also wearing a white suit and ‘hat’. Erry was looking at this girl’s face who was looking at every tiny one… Until the human girl moved on the side, talking with someone else. The other human was much more listening than talking… The girl was probably ‘teaching’ something because Erry could hear some kind of ‘instructions’ and numbers. Suddenly a giant hand went inside of the box and picked up two small people… The tiny ones screaming as they were picked up between some giant fingers. Erry’s blood ‘froze’… She could hear some loud screams… And the human girl was still talking… Suddenly the screams ‘moved away’… Probably to another place. “What’s happening there…” Whispered Erry as her body was shivering from a deep fear.

“I’ll need 2 number one and 2 number 4 Kate please!” Asked a far voice, Erry didn’t understood those numbers… But again the giant hand came inside, picking up two screaming people before coming down again… Now moving in front of her small self. Erry wanted to dodge… But the giant fingers could feel her tiny leg on the first try and picked up Erry easily with another young girl. Erry was screaming… Trying to get out of this strong grip but she wasn’t strong enough. Looking on the side, the other girl was also trying to get out, she was even younger than Erry… And soon both of them were dropped onto a table. Erry let out a cry as her left ankle made a weird noise… Feeling it break on the fall. Erry gasped… She wasn’t hearing the other girl anymore and looked behind her to know what happened to her.

The younger girl wasn’t moving… Her body was lying on the ground and Erry could see some blood pouring out of the girl’s mouth… She took a step back, discovering he fact that the other girl fall onto her head and due to the height… Probably died on the hit. Erry clenched her teeth… Then tried to stand up just to fall again, her ankle not moving. The human girl looked busy and just took a peek on the table to check if the two girls were there… “Don’t move. You can’t really try anything after all…” Said the giant girl with a smile… Looking at the small Erry trying to get up again to fail another time… The human girl then placed many things around the small girls… Flour… Eggs… And many other ‘ingredients’…

“What’s the meaning of this…” Said Erry with angry eyes… Her hand still placed on her broken ankle, the human girl smiled then picked the other girl between two fingers “You don’t know where you are…? That’s funny because well… You won’t spend much time ‘here’…” Erry could now watch the giant girl checking the small body “I won’t need to do anything for her… Good.” Said the human girl as she took a small plate and started to mix some ingredients inside. Erry watched this girl soon place the small body withing and started to ‘prepare’ her… Erry clenched her teeth again “Is that a joke… You’re really ‘cooking’ her…? She’s dead you know…!” The human girl smiled… “I know what I’m doing and well… I would love to explain what we do there… But I have two clients waiting their meals so… You’ll just have to discover this by yourself…” Said the human girl as she had now the small girl in her hand, ‘coated’ by many things that made her body ‘hidden’ under all of this. Then she turned a small switch and Erry could hear something boiling near… The human girl smiled to Erry… Before dropping the small girl inside a weird liquid, making a loud splash and now some other noises Erry didn’t knew…

The human girl was humming… Still preparing more ingredients around Erry but also watching her watch… “She’s ready…” Said the girl while she took a big spoon, removed the girl from before and placed her in a box… Erry let out a scream… Looking at the ‘texture’ around the girl… She understood what happened… And started to yell “You’re kidding me… You… You fried her …?!” The human girl had a naughty smile… “Yes tiny one… You’re tasting even better like this you know…” Erry screamed again and tried to get up… To fall again… The human girl put her hand above the small Erry and closed her fingers on her leg. Now holding her in front of her face she put her other fingers on each of Erry’s shoulders… “It seems I’ll have to be less gentle with you…” Erry could now feel a weird pressure on her arms… Making her cough… She was moving her legs, trying to kick the girl’s fingers but soon started to scream louder… Feeling her small bones hurting her…

“AAAAAHHHHH !!!” Screamed Erry as she could feel both of her arms break… Her head falling forwards… Sobbing loudly… The human girl giggled… It was so easy for her… Moving her fingers again to pinch onto Erry’s legs, the small girl started to cry… “No… No… NOOO !!! AAAHHHH!!!!!” Screamed Erry again as she could feel her legs breaking too… She was about to pass out… Her whole body hurting her… “Haaa… Aaack… Why did… You did that…” Moaned Erry in pain… “Well. That’s because you would probably wanted to run away… Furthermore it will be easier to cook you if you don’t move.” Said the human girl as it was something she had done many times already… Erry was still crying… Her body not moving anymore she was at the complete mercy of the human girl…

And soon it was her turn… Erry got placed in the plate and the girl was now pouring different things on her small body… Spices, floor a bit of an egg… Erry was still screaming… Trying to resist as much as she could… Then the giant girl started to make the tiny body roll into this mix… Erry’s body was still hurting much… Her small body getting covered everywhere… She was slowly disappearing under the texture. And soon, she was completely inside… There was just a small hole near Erry’s eyes so she could see outside and was also feeling all of those ingredients ‘glued’ on her small body… After some long minutes, the girl picked Erry again and turned on her chair to face what would be the end for Erry… “No… Don’t do this… DON’T KILL ME !!!” Screamed Erry as she could see the boiling oil below her… If she had to fall into this, she would die from an extreme burning and would be fried just like the other tiny girl that was now in a small box… The human girl smiled… “Time for you to become a lovely snack…” As she released the pressure onto Erry’s body and let her fall…

“AAAAAAHHHHH…!!” Screamed Erry as she could see the boiling oil splash all around as she fall inside of it… A strong burning sensation onto all of her body… She wanted to scream… She so wanted to survive another day… But after 3 seconds, the tiny girl stopped to breath… Now boiling within the oil… Erry’s body was now wearing some burns… Her tiny closed eyes wouldn’t see the light again… The texture all around her was almost fried enough… And after 2 minutes, the human girl removed Erry with the spoon from the oil and placed her into the box before closing it and putting it on the counter. “Order ready!” Before taking another box, the girl was now looking at a note showing how much other tiny ones she had to ‘prepare’…

“Yes Mindy ! It opened last week and they have a lot of customers ! In fact… It’s something I always wanted to try and when I came from the opening it was sooo amazing…” Said a black haired girl… Looking at her friend, a long blonde haired girl while they were walking back from college “I don’t know Fio… I well… Used to eat some already but not like this… Isn’t that too weird…?” The first girl had a giggle “No don’t worry…! You’ll be fine ! And well I’m happy to get here again with you this time!” Mindy smiled as she heard her friend wanting to spend some time with her “I’m really sorry I couldn’t be there last time… My guitar lessons takes so much time somedays…” The black haired girl, Fio resumed to talk “I’m sure you’ll be a great musician Mindy… Ah there we are.” Before the two girls stopped in front of a restaurant. It wasn’t too crowded today and looked like a usual fast food restaurant, but something was different here. “Mona’s Tinies…” Said Mindy as she was reading the sign… Fio waving her hand while holding the door “Come in Mindy ! I can’t wait to show you this !”

The blonde girl went inside, closing the door behind them, she was looking around. It was an usual restaurant, nothing too spectacular and there was some other girls in it. Mindy waved to a girl that was in her class, she didn’t knew that this place was so popular in her college but since it was the thing ‘in’ why not after all… Mindy then took some steps forward and was back to Fio’s side, now reading the menu above them… “Hmmm… Fio I don’t really know… Is there something you would recommend ?” The other girl turned around and smiled “Of course ! Let me take care of it !! I’m sure you’ll love this !” As it was now their turn. A smiling woman was at the counter and while closing her eyes, greeted her two customers.

“Welcome to Mona’s…! Is there something you want today misses ?” Fio smiled and started to order “Yes, I’ll be taking two number 4 and I’ll take two number 1 for my friend. With this we’ll take two portions of cheese fries and 1 bottle of water. Mindy do you want to drink something ?” The blonde girl was looking at the card and nodded “I’ll take a Fanta please.” The waitress smiled again “two 1… Two 4… Cheese fries… A bottle of water and another of Fanta. Is that all ?” Fio smiled “Yes it will be perfect, thank you.” The waitress said the order to the other staff members in the kitchen and finished to count “It will be 13$ for this please.” Mindy was about to take her wallet out but Fio stopped her “It’s for me Mindy ! I really wanted to come here with you so let me take care of you please.” Mindy smiled… “Okay thank you Fio but I’ll be sure to sing you something tonight then!” Fio smiled… As she gave the amount to the waitress with a nice tip… She loved to hear her friend sing… And after 3 minutes, the waitress put all the boxes and the drinks on a tray and bowed again “Thanks for coming again !”

Fio took the tray and the girls sat at a table, Mindy was wondering if what they were selling in this restaurant was really so ‘excellent’… Opening the small box, she was looking at the two small ‘nuggets’ but would keep this for later, she started to pick some cheese fries and hummed from their taste “Wow… It’s really good !” Fio smiled “Indeed ! Ah… You’re keeping the best for the end I see !” Before taking a small nugget from her own box and tossing it into her mouth “I can’t really wait anymore hehe… I so waited to come here again since last week !” Mindy smiled while she saw her friend enjoy her food, she sucked a bit on her straw, enjoying her iced drink “It’s a bit… Exciting in fact… It will be my first time like this haha~” said Mindy, blushing a bit. Fio smiled and placed her hand onto Mindy’s “It’s alright. I’m sure you’ll like this and we’ll come back again together!”

Mindy was now done with her cheese fries, it was also the best she had until now. Opening the small box again, her eyes were looking at the two tiny pieces… Before biting her lip… “Hmmm… So that’s this…” Fio smiled “Yes. It’s really two tinies… I’m sure you’ll like this.” Mindy took one of the two small pieces between two fingers, now looking carefully at it “Hmmm we can’t really tell that they’re inside… But well… Ho…?” Mindy had a small gasp as a tiny part of the golden texture detached itself and fall, she put her other hand below to catch it and was now looking at the small ‘nugget’ again… Showing the upper part of Erry’s body from the chest, Mindy poked the tiny head with her finger “Too bad… She looked so cute…” Fio was staring at the small girl then at her friend again “Yes but well… They’re our food after all, you don’t have to feel sad about this.” Mindy nodded “Yeah, it’s also a bit weird… It’s the first time I see one with white hair… It must be a special kind…” Fio took her other own ‘nugget’ and tossed it in her mouth… “I wonder yeah but it’s the same meat after all.” Mindy stopped for a second… ‘Meat…’ This word sounded in her mind again. Indeed she was used to enjoy some tinies before but it was her first time she would eat one of them that was cooked just like the small girl she was holding in her hand… But in the end it would be the same result and her body would ‘process’ her just like any other food. Slowly opening her mouth and approaching the tiny nugget, she closed her lips on it and sucked it inside.


“Wow…” Let out Mindy with a surprised look… “Isn’t that awesome Mindy…? I told you haha~” answered Fio as she was looking at her friend “The taste… The texture… It’s just perfect…” Said Mindy… It was indeed the best part and she would be sure to enjoy it to the end… Slowly moving the tiny nugget with her tongue, she was tasting all sides… Drooling from this savor… Until she pushed the small snack on the side… Ready to ‘bite’ in it. Slowly, the upper row of bright white teeth came down, grinding onto the soft texture… But also against Erry’s skin. Mindy let out a small moan… It was beyond everything she had tried before… And couldn’t resist this ‘urge’ building up within her… Raising her teeth again… She let them ‘fall’ again… But harder this time as she started to chew onto the small snack. Erry’s body was now covered by bruises… Some of her blood pouring from some scratches but just adding a little ‘extra’ taste…

Mindy wasn’t much caring for the tiny girl… She knew that Erry wasn’t alive so she could do whatever she wanted with the tiny body… Now feeling some of the small bones of the girl shattering between her teeth it was giving Mindy some chills on her spine… Fio was looking at her friend deeply… Knowing that she was really enjoying this “I’m glad you’re enjoying this Mindy… I wasn’t really sure about bringing you there at first… But I’m happy that we could share some time again haha~” Mindy smiled and nodded… She was almost done with the small Erry… The tiny body now broken almost everywhere, Mindy moved Erry to her molars and started to chew harder… Erry’s cute face was now covered by large wounds… The pressure of the giant teeth was breaking more and more of the tiny girl… Mindy was still humming from this amazing taste… And soon started to press harder on the small girl… Wanting to finish the job…

And with a tiny snapping sound it was over… What looked like a tiny girl before was now just a small broken mass between the human girl’s molars… Mindy smiled then resumed to chew her food along with Erry… Mixing the small one’s remains with it… Taking her bottle, she started to drink her soda… Swallowing her food while she was drinking… She wasn’t feeling anything from the small girl she just broke and picked the other one from her box… Placing her directly between her teeth, Mindy bite hard and broke almost immediately the other girl’s body… Just enjoying this cruel delight…

Inside of the human girl’s body it was almost over for the two small girls… Mindy’s stomach was really active and between two half melted fries were some tiny broken bones… Also melting with Erry and the other girl’s remains… In the end they were just a small snack for Mindy… And would be absorbed and forgot by this human soon enough…

Mindy stood up and cleaned the tray while she was still blushing from this ‘experience’… The two girls soon exited the restaurant “Thank you Fio again… I never expected them to be this good… And I’ll be sure to come again with you if you want of course.” Fio smiled “Of course! After all they have enough tinies to feed us for years ! Besides…” Fio blushed a bit, her cheeks becoming red “I’ll be happy to listen you sing again tonight if you still plan to do this…” Mindy giggled and answered as well “I promised to practice a bit tonight with my guitar and since we’re roommates I don’t really have a choice here haha~” as the girls resumed to walk… Not thinking anymore about the small lives that ended again today… In the end they were just some small pieces of meat…

The End.