Annie and Erry Part 2

A different time but in the same world. Humanity hadn’t changed its mind towards ‘tinies’ it was always ‘fun’ for the young and sometimes older girls to eat them or to just play with their helpless small ‘toys’. But something happened in this world before… a tiny girl named Erry met a human girl… Annetta. Both of them met just for a small amount of time but there was something growing between them… Beyond their genders and size differences the two girls loved each other. In the end Erry wanting to ‘live forever’ within this girl offered her own body to feed Annetta. Of course humans just loved to eat tinies but this situation was different, it was a gift made of love for Annetta and even if Erry’s life ended inside the girl’s stomach, it wasn’t the end of the story…

It was a dark place… maybe some wall where the tiny people would hide from humans… but no one of them were living here. Suddenly on a wall started to glow a tiny flame… Not a flame that would burn anything and it was blue, just like the sky. The tiny flame grew… Taking the shape of a blue wing on the wall, still not burning anything… and suddenly it just disappeared… leaving this place in the darkness again.

But something was different. A tiny naked girl was here… sleeping… but soon opened her eyes… she was in pain like awaking from a really long sleep… her whole body was hurting… but she had to get up… Seeing some light ahead, the girl managed to stand up and started to walk towards it… her vision got blurry… she coughed… taking another step she was so near of this light… but her body didn’t wanted to go further, she fall on the ground… and her eyes closed as she passed out… Erry was back to life. But getting back from the land of the dead had its prize… The white haired girl’s memory was shattered into pieces… She wouldn’t remember anything she lived until now… And her precious memories about Annetta were also wiped into nothing…

Annetta was laying on her couch, barely awake, just watching a sitcom on TV. A coke can in the hand and a plate of pretzels aside her, Annetta was just relaxing. She never have forgotten Erry, but would be shocked if she knew somehow she was still alive. Napping for a bit, Annetta woke up thirty minutes later and headed to her laundry room to start a batch of clothing.

Finally waking up, Erry tried to stand up again and walked outside, in the ‘light’. She was exiting a small crack in the wall and didn’t realized she was in a human house… Still dizzy she rested on the wall then walked forward… Not really looking around as her eyes weren’t used to this ‘light’ yet… just like a baby that was just born…

Annetta finally finished her laundry, taking her clean clothing to hang it up. She was wearing her nightgown with just a pair of panties, yet she had no bra on and was wearing slippers. Going to the kitchen, she got a glass of water, before going back in her room and sitting down on the ground, her butt almost landing on top of the tiny girl…

Erry looked up, opened her eyes wide as she saw this girl literally falling on her tiny self… She managed to jump on the side as this giant girl almost crushed the tiny one by sitting on her, Erry was breathing loudly, trying to stand up again “Huuuh…” But Erry’s body didn’t wanted to move and she could only sat behind the girl… looking at her… she was safe as the human girl didn’t noticed the tiny one, right aside her…

Annetta still was unaware of the tiny who was so close to her arse. If she noticed her she would have picked her up then kissed and hugged her softly… but something was in her mind… she sworn she heard someone just now… A tiny voice… Erry saw the girl moving… “Ho… No…” scared she finally managed to stand up… she wasn’t safe with this giant girl around… Erry took some steps then tried to run… But fall on the ground “Aaahh…!”.

Annetta was sure she heard the voice that time so she turned around just to see Erry running, getting a second look. She then realized it was that cute little lovely tiny…”Oh my God…. Erry…. how? I thought I….” Annetta was shocked her friend was running, maybe, by some weird fate, Erry really didn’t know who Annetta was…Not wanting to lose the fallen girl, Annetta picked her back up before she could run again…”Erry… shhhh. it’s ok… it’s me Annetta, your best friend…”

Erry was feeling the fingers pressure around her body….. she thought she was trapped by the human girl and started to scream “N…no…! Let…me…go…!!” as she was trying to free herself from Annetta’s hand…but she stopped to move suddenly and was now staring in the deep blue of the girl’s eyes… “W- wait…did you just…said my name…?”

“Yes Erry, I’m Annetta, you um… well, let’s just say you used to know me before your change. I thought you were gone… I… kind of…well… ate you… But we did it with the best intent, and you weren’t hurt… you just became a part of my body. When I found you in the park, you were alone and cold, so I took you in to my home and fed you… because you needed help…~” Annetta kissed Erry… hoping to calm her down.

Erry’s body was shaking as she had a flash when the girl’s lips touched her… “Aaahh…” as she grabbed her head with her both hands…”What…no…you……ate me…..? that can’t be possible…..I’m right….here…..!” Now staring at the human girl with angry eyes “You’re……..lying to me…….right…..? how could I be alive right now then…..?! ” She had another headache…. and grabbed her head again….some tears falling on the big hand that was holding her tiny body…

“Awww, I’m sorry sweetie, I’m not trying to make you sad, I was just trying to help you to remember…~” Annetta grabbed a tiny handkerchief and wrapped Erry in it, “It’s ok to cry honey… I’m sorry you’re hurting…” Annetta didn’t really know what to do. But she felt bad for what ever Erry was going through. She wanted to joke with her, but Miss Reese knew this wasn’t the time or place for that right now. She began to stroke through Erry’s hair with one finger.

Erry was still crying…her head down… Sobbing loudly “Who…who…are…you…” She tried to push the finger on her head at first then let the girl’s finger’s brush her bright white hair “Why are you so kind to me… I’m just a tiny… And I don’t deserve all of this…”

The human girl answered the tiny confused girl ” My name is Annetta Reese. And I’m being nice to you, because in your past life we were friends, and I hope that we still can be even now..~” Annetta allowed Erry to get her tears out, She was beyond rejoiced that Erry was alive again. Erry saw the girl smiling gently… but she couldn’t remember anything from this ‘past life’, she was wondering how she could have got here in the first place… She removed her last tear with her hand “And….I’m Erry……. nice to ….meet you……? Now looking at the whole girl’s body she was still not sure “Hmmm so we….were friends..? close ones or just …friends like that…..?”

Annetta explained “Well, a bit more simple than that. You were alone in the park. I saw you and I wanted to help. I took you home and made you some food. We got to talk for a while, one thing led to another. You saw my mouth, and you seemed curious about it, so I stuck it my tongue out for you. You climbed on top of it, and we had tongue sex. Then I asked if I could eat you, and you seemed to think that was ok I guess. I just couldn’t help my self. You were just so cute, I knew I couldn’t live with my self if I couldn’t eat you. I was relieved when you said I could do that… so I swallowed you down whole, and after a while, of course with you feeling no pain you got absorbed by my body… I was so happy I was able to eat you and have you become a part of me forever. Then here you are all back amongst the living and all. We didn’t know each other real well. In fact, we had just met but what we lived together was like we knew each other for many years…”

Erry put a hand in front of her “Wait…….” as she was now thinking hard “It’s a bit too much for me… we were lovers….? and……I accepted to be eaten by you…..?” that was a crazy story for the tiny one… “But in the end…we were happy together…hmm…” Taking a minute to think about all of this, she tilted her head back as another flash came in her mind “Hnnng…!” Erry didn’t wanted to show that strange pain to Annetta she tried her best to hide it. Annetta was a bit curious… Indeed she knew Erry for just the time the two girls spent together… And it was so short …! “Erry… If possible… I would like to… hear your story please.”

Erry nodded, willing that girl to know her ‘life’ and was searching in her mind what happened but every time she tried to remember a big white flash came into her mind…”Huuuh…..” Erry’s breathing was now faster “Wha…why…can’t I remember anything… I just… don’t know… why I’m here… I’m sorry I really want to tell you but….I just can’t remember…….. do you know anything that could help me…..? we were lovers you said…… if I had such a relation with you…… I kinda miss something in my heart right now” Shivering she wrapped her arms around herself “I….I just want to…remember…” as she put down her head… having loud sobs…

“Shhhhh, it’s ok honey, don’t think… I can tell you’re in pain.~” Annetta kissed the girl on the head… she wanted her precious tiny girl to feel good at all costs… then had the idea to help her remember the precious moments they shared together even if they were so short… Annetta moved the tiny girl so she could sit in her palm… The small naked girl still shivering while removing her tears… Annetta was feeling sad for her tiny friend… Now approaching her hand to her chest… she pressed carefully her hand containing Erry between her breasts… placing the tiny girl against her soft and warm skin… Erry closed her eyes… breathing softly… trying to remember why she loved this girl as much as she was been told… soon the ‘giant’ girl had a soft moan… then moved her hand on her nearest breast… Erry now under a giant nipple… The tiny girl pushed back the girl with both of her hands… Annetta was looking a bit surprised… Observing this tiny one from above…

“Please… I could understand that we were lovers but… Is that okay…? We’re so… different…” Said Erry, putting her head down… “Don’t talk about such silly details Erry… I don’t care about them… I love you just the way you are and I don’t want you to say such things please…” The giant Annetta was talking like she was really loving Erry… And the small white haired girl wasn’t unsensitive to this… she put her tiny head against the soft skin… Not pushing the girl away anymore… Annetta’s body was getting warmer… A tiny sweat ‘pearl’ formed on the massive breast, rolled down… and poured right on Erry… The tiny one had a shiver… Finally trusting this human girl’s feelings… She raised her tiny head… and gave a kiss on this giant nipple… that was as almost as big as Erry’s body…

Annetta was smiling… she was giving pleasure to this sad tiny girl… but it wasn’t enough for the human girl… Slowly moving her other hand she pressed her pinkie finger against the so tiny body… feeling her small chest… a perfect body even if she wasn’t human… her finger slowly going down Erry’s body and reached the ‘place’… between her thighs. “Aaaah … Aaaah….!” Was moaning the small girl… the feeling if this human’s finger against her tiny sex was amazing… she was leaking some juices on it… getting more excited as Annetta was rubbing her tiny ‘lips’… Erry started to have some strange flashbacks in her mind as Annetta was keeping doing her ‘job’… Erry was remembering herself laying on a soft wet texture… pleasuring herself… and hearing a moaning voice she already heard before … The tiny white haired girl had another flashback… From a long lost past this time … she was in pain… surrounded by… some strange moving walls… those walls were made of flesh… and Erry could remember her body screaming from a deep pain… Another flash in her mind… a bright white one… she was ‘back’ with Annetta that was currently pleasuring her…

Erry changed her position and literally ‘sat’ on top of this gentle finger… then started to rub her small sex on it, riding this beautiful girl like a tiny hand puppet… Erry kissed the so giant nipple that was in front of her again… Annetta was feeling all these ‘attentions’ towards her and smiled… this small girl was loving her… wanted her… a human girl to feel good even if Erry was so tiny… She was really trying her best for that girl so she could enjoy herself too… Annetta moved her finger a bit and put it carefully in front of her smiling face… Looking this tiny girl ride her finger in a so lovely way… The human girl pinched the tiny girl between 2 fingers, still rubbing her sex and her tiny breasts with just two ringers… “Mmmmm, how are you feeling sweetie?~”

Erry could only answer with a moan… her eyes half closed, her tiny body shivering… Annetta smiled… she heard hat she wanted to… slowly moving the girl to her chin and spitting her tongue out she started to lick the small body… Erry welcomed this ‘feeling’ by putting her tiny feet on the human girl’s tongue… rubbing the soft texture with her sole… then put her head back “Aaaah… Aaaaah !” Erry with a fast move put her head up… looked deeply into Annetta’s eyes and with her hands… spread her legs wide open… breathing loudly…

Annetta smiled and understood what her tiny girl wanted… moving her tongue down the small body and reached Erry’s sex… now licking it and pouring warm saliva onto the tiny girl… Erry’s body was shivering from pleasure… More and more flashes in her mind… still not remembering Annetta yet … But she was so close now ! Erry’s body started to move… Annetta was a bit surprised and stayed still… Her tongue still sticking out from her open mouth… Erry stood up… the same half closed eyes… and fall forwards… Right against the human girl’s tongue… her tiny chest landing on that soft and wet skin… Erry’s mouth opened… and she started to drool from pleasure … right on this girl’s tongue… Annetta was feeling something… that same feeling from before… that happiness she had when her tiny girl was pleasuring herself inside her mouth when they first met… then brought her tongue back in her mouth, the tiny girl still on it… Annetta also closed her lips right on the middle of Erry’s body, started to ‘suck’ her in and out… rubbing her upper body on her porous tongue… Then with a strong sucking, Erry softly ‘landed’ on the middle of Annetta’s tongue.

She was breathing in a strange rhythm… her body filled with spasms… laying on this wet mattress… Erry was fingering herself hard… tears flowing in her cheeks she was moaning loudly… surrounded by the girl’s pearl white teeth and bathing in her warm breath… “Nnhhhh aaaahhh !!!” The back of this tiny body raised… as Erry came inside this girl’s mouth… watching her cum flowing into the giant throat opening right in front of her… Annetta was drooling on the tiny girl… remembering how good it was to feel this tiny girl going down her throat… as she tasted Erry’s warm juices… Annetta didn’t rejected her ‘human feelings’… she wanted to do it again… slowly raising her tongue to the back of her mouth… Erry would be swallowed again easily, now slowly slipping toward the human’s throat… Erry would probably wanted this too…

But Erry stopped to move. She was right under Annetta’s uvula… the tiny girl had a small scream then started to cry… her body shivering … Annetta a bit confused opened her mouth to hear the small one ..”Are you okay honey?” But the tiny girl was now crying louder… her happy memories with Annetta mixing with another ones… where a girl just eat her tiny body only for her pleasure… not caring about killing the tiny girl in her stomach… “Wah……waaaaaaaahhhhhh !!!” Erry was screaming… trying to step back from Annetta’s throat… slipping and falling on her tongue… her voice was trembling… “Was… was…it you…? ” Erry grabbed her head with both of her hands… shivering from fear… her memories messed as she was remembering many times where she… died…?

“What do you mean honey? ~” Said Annetta, carefully picking the tiny shivering girl between two fingers , taking her out of her mouth then putting her on a tiny handkerchief “Are you remembering something? ” still looking at the crying girl… Annetta wanted to help the girl to remember… not to scare her in any way, she approached her face to see her … Erry’s memories were now coming back in the wrong order… “Are… are you … the one who just… ate me for… pleasure only…? where you that girl !?” as Erry’s eyes and mouth were trembling while she was staring at the girl … “No honey, I ate you because I was in love with you! Did someone eat you with ill intent?” Annetta asked. “I would never have done anything to hurt you. Before I ate you, I asked, I will never eat you again… Wait, do you reform every time someone eats you? If that’s the case, maybe in another life, you were betrayed~ ” Annetta frowned, kissing Erry on the head. But the tiny girl screamed… pushing away the giant lips that were trying to kiss her… her mind totally confused… “Wait…No… where am….I…. Where…. Who… are you… Lill…y.? … Sa…sa-… Iris…? Ky….. kyyaaaahhhhh !!! “Erry’s body ‘froze’… her eyes getting empty…. the tiny body took a step forward… then backwards… looking around… crossing Annetta’s stare… Erry sobbed loud… “Ahhh…. Ahhhh !!”falling on her knees… Erry’s eyes closed… as she fall on the side… passing out in front of the human girl.

Annetta frowned as Erry was getting a dizzy, hearing another girl’s name or at least part of one. “Iris… who?” So that’s the bitch that hurt her friend’s feelings. “Wait…” Annetta watched as Erry passed out, gently wrapping her up, she took the girl in her bosom and lays down on her couch, with the little passed out friend. Cooing to her, Annetta allowed Erry to rest kissing her as Annetta too, began to rest, taking a light nap.

Some time passed… Erry’s back started to have a light blue glow that immediately vanished… the tiny girl woke up… not feeling anything… she looked right aside and there was a giant girl… a human girl…. who was she … already…? Her memory was messed… and she couldn’t remember anything… no more flashes in her mind… Erry walked without really thinking… then started to climb on the girl long hair… now walking on her face carefully trying not to wake her… Erry reached Annetta’s nose where she sat on… looking at the girl’s closed eyes… she was still sleeping and didn’t noticed the small one ‘climbing’ on her… Erry had a new flash… she saw her before… not so long ago… but….who was that girl already… turning back she was looking the giant body from here… the girl’s lips… her chin… and further her so giant breasts for the tiny girl… suddenly Erry’s sight got blurry… she had a strong headache… falling forward… landing on a soft ‘pillow’… she was … on the human girl’s lips…

Annetta turned a bit in her sleep, her head all the way back now. Her mouth was forced to open, Annetta unaware that tiny Erry was upon her lip, was sleeping like an angel. In her dream, she was thinking of Erry smiling, calling out her name in an incoherent whisper. “E.. rr…. y…~” Annetta let out, sounding very drugged, yet at peace. But as the lips parted away… Erry was forced to land on that giant tongue again… a new flash… she was here before… enjoying this…? but when she tried to stand she slipped on the wet texture… Shivering again as Erry was getting scared again… She so wanted to scream that girl’s name she used to knew but couldn’t remember… her fear now preventing her to scream anything too… Annetta’s slumbering was in too deep off a trance to break out of her mind what was really happening. Her dream shifted to where she was tasting a juicy steak, the flavor making her go mad with cravings. Moaning in her sleep, Annetta began to suck the girl around on her tongue moving her about, sucking the girl lightly up to the roof of her mouth, Annetta was in heaven.

Erry closed her eyes… she was feeling the girl’s body against her again… but with mixed emotions… she was enjoying this but was so scared too! The reality finally caught her back… Annetta was drooling on her… enjoying this tiny piece of ‘living meat’… Annetta rose her head, causing the tiny to slip towards the back of her throat, yet only so slowly as Annetta was still sucking on Erry, her tongue seemingly found the girl’s sex, sucking against it, as she seemed to taste even more flavor there. Small popping and sucking noises could be heard all around Erry.

“Aaah….!” Erry was getting excited again… not really controlling how she was acting, she started to rub her tiny body against the tongue… Erry had a strong flashback… that made her scream as she couldn’t resist anymore “Aaaahhh… AAAAhhhhh !!” The tiny girl’s sex pouring again its juices … directly inside the girl’s throat that was ahead… Erry was looking her juices slowly disappearing inside that giant ‘pit’… she was feeling dizzy again… and falling on her back on the giant muscle she was too tired… and let her body beeing coated by the girl’s warm saliva…

Annetta shifted her head back… closing her mouth and trapping the tiny girl inside that warm darkness… the flavor sensation she had from her tiny girl cumming inside her mouth made her bit her lower lip… “Ohhhhh,Erry…~” Annetta called out in her mind, remembering when the two had first met, yet Annetta was still dreaming…half awake..”Can I eat you please~ ” Annetta wanted to finish the rest of her dream before she woke up, hoping the Erry in her dream would answer yes.. “Can I eat you… I want to swallow you whole my love~ ” Annetta said in a quiet sleep induced voice.

As she spoke… the girl’s tongue made Erry slip under Annetta’s uvula… right in front of her throat… her tired body was half hanging above a dark pit… the girl’s throat… Erry tried to scream… but her body refused to react… she could only make some small cries… useless to warn the girl “Aaaahhhh Aaaahhh…..” and that were the only sounds Erry could do… Inside Annetta’s dream… ‘her Erry’ answered the same answer when Annetta begged her small girl to eat her… ‘Yes.’… Annetta had a smile on her peacefully sleeping face… not knowing that she was about to eat her tiny angel whole and alive… without warning she lifter her tongue, pressed the tiny shivering girl against her palate before sending her back again… and swallow her.


Annetta had a moan… as in her slumber she moved her hand to feel the tiny form going down her throat… her eyes popped wide open “Shit ….!” The human girl tried to cough… gagging herself as she was panicking… and feeling her tiny girl going deeper inside her body… Annetta didn’t had a gag reflex …”No no no no no no… this isn’t happening… No….Erry…. I’M SORRY ! I didn’t wanted this …!” Annetta whimpered. Crying as she finally felt Erry slip into her stomach… and splash inside a pool of digestive fluids…


Erry looked around… her whole body feeling heavy… she was really inside this girl’s stomach… hearing her crying as her tiny body was about to be melted down and soon absorbed by this human girl’s body… Her skin was itching… Annetta was sleeping so her digestion cycle was aware of the presence of some food inside the giant stomach for the tiny girl… Erry stood up still… a big flash in her mind… “An…. netta……” she was remembering… “Annetta !!” The human girl was surprised… her name was beeing said… “Erry…? You… you do remember…me…? I’m so… sorry…” The tiny one started to walk … wanting to rub the girl’s stomach wall… to bring peace in her heart… her foot was stuck… in fact both of her legs… looking down she opened her eyes in horror… she was standing on the girl’s intestine’s entrance and was beeing sucked inside… feeling a deep burning on her tiny body… Erry was screaming “An-… Annetta ! I… I remember everything now …! I don’t know I got back… to you but… ! Don’t be sorry… I… promise you that I will be back again….! And this time, I’ll remember everything !!” Erry tried her best to fight back the sucking… but soon her thighs were inside… her chest…. and soon her shoulders… her head a bit above the burning juices… “Annetta… I Promise !!! I… still … love you !!”

The burning was too strong… and Erry couldn’t hold on her hands anymore… and her body was easily sucked inside the canal… coughing as Annetta’s digestive fluids filled her lungs… Erry drowned… her spirit leaving this small body that just became a tiny piece of meat for the human girl… Annetta was crying… when she heard her little angel’s voice.. gasping she listened the girl remembering everything even if it was too late for her… Annetta believed everything she heard… wiping her tears she knew it would be okay… she sighed gently… “I love you too Erry… thank you… I know that I will see you again soon love…” Annetta smiled… knowing that her tiny lover would be back to her somehow… her body digesting all of the tiny girl… absorbing everything Erry could gave to her body… adding more beauty to it… Annetta rubbed her belly…. she knew everything would be alright.

End of part 2.