
Her mind was blurry. She woke some days ago in an unknown place, and couldn’t remember how she got there in the first place… Brushing her white hair, she looked around, hiding in a small bush she had found a little while ago. Atop of her 2.8 cms, Erry was again doing her best to survive in a world way too big for her. Of course there were humans too, but Erry would avoid them in any case because for a ‘Tiny’, being caught would almost certainly end badly… Feeling a bit hungry, Erry could see a human building nearby and wondered if she could possibly find something to feed on, if there was a trash can nearby. Erry didn’t minded eating rotten food sometimes, because she knew that humans didn’t even cared for their smaller neighbors. Looking carefully at the building, it looked safe enough to go nearby without being unnoticed, Erry also thinking how lucky she was, since there weren’t any humans around either. “It should be safe…” Erry thought to herself, while taking some steps in direction of the building, still looking around carefully.

“I-I’ll catch you guys up in class, go on without me!” Ellie wasn’t having the best of days; lunchtime was coming to a close, but she suddenly needed to go to the bathroom, badly. Since the facilities were all the way on the other side of campus, she had to resort to finding a bush far enough away from other students. After a few minutes, she found a space besides the building, and hurriedly ripped her panties down to her knees, squatting down so that she could relieve herself without soiling her uniform. After a few seconds, water started to flow from between her legs, and she sighed while a slight blush formed on her face. “I’m really glad I found somewhere private, I don’t know what I’d do if someone saw me like this…”

But on the other side… Erry didn’t expected to hear a human run towards her, but she kept her calm not to let out a squeak when she saw a giant girl squat down in front of her. Erry was feeling glad that the giant one didn’t noticed her for now and dashed underneath a small plant that was nearby. Erry knew that this plant wouldn’t hide her for long, but for now she was out of sight of the giant girl… The small one looked at the small puddle forming nearby, hoping that it wouldn’t grow too much closer…

Luckily, Ellie finished peeing after a little while, the small puddle she made on the ground just missing the small girl. “Oh dear, I should try to clean up myself, umm…” she said to herself, grabbing the plant Erry was hiding behind as makeshift toilet paper. As she dried herself off, her eyes widened as she spotted the tiny, dropping the leaves in shock just as she’d finished dabbing herself dry. “Y-you were watching me?!? You perverted little girl!” screamed Ellie with a shivering voice, her cheeks becoming red.

Erry let out a small squeak when the giant hand suddenly went down and pulled the small plant out of the ground, with no effort,but also removed her small hiding place! Erry then started to shiver, and fell on her butt when the two giant yellow eyes focused on her… Fearing for her life, Erry moved her arms in front of her face, trying to ‘protect’ herself with them .”N… no… please don’t hurt…me…!”

Still slightly in shock, Ellie wordlessly picked Erry up, pinching her waist with her forefinger and thumb. “I’ve never held a tiny before…and you were practically begging to be grabbed! I won’t hurt you, don’t worry.” Standing up, she pulled her panties back up, smirking as an idea came to mind. “In fact, since your were clearly enjoying yourself, let me put you somewhere safe…” Giggling, Ellie opened her panties once more with her free hand, lifting her skirt upwards, and casually dropped the tiny girl inside, gasping as she let the underwear snap into place, pinning Erry right against her sex…

“Noooo !!!!” Screamed Erry as she got picked up easily, now looking at the girl pulling aside her panties again… Erry was shivering about what would happen to her next, and soon was falling until she landed onto a soft texture, the girl’s panties… Erry was now trying to climb onto the texture, trying to escape this place fast before anything happened but soon was tossed back fast when the girl released her panties, the small one now pressed against the girl’s sex… Erry coughed from the heat and tried to punch the girl’s skin… “Please… you’re going to kill me….!”

Ellie let out a gentle moan as Erry struggled around, her pleas completely muffled and ignored by the cotton underwear. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you out later…” Ellie cooed. Now content with a tiny hidden away, she skipped back to class happily, grinding the small passenger against her sex and giving her even more pleasure. Once she made it to class, she quickly sat down, and blushed as she felt Erry squish against her skin even more, barely kept from slipping inside altogether.

Erry was feeling a strong pressure all around her when the girl was walking, it was almost suffocating Erry because of the pressure against her. Still, she was safe for now… That was, until she could suddenly feel something behind her… a hard surface that was, in fact, the wooden chair! Erry tried to scream, but only gasped when she noticed that half of her body was stuck between the girl’s giant lower lips… Erry shuddered, now feeling even more heat from the human girl’s body…

As class started, Ellie couldn’t help but keep getting distracted by Erry’s movements. Ever so quietly, she tucked a hand underneath her desk, and pressed a finger against Erry. Trying not to moan loudly enough for the other students to notice, she pushed the tiny deeper inside her sex, sighing as the tiny shaped bulge on the inside of her panties disappeared and Ellie was left with an incredibly flushed face. She hoped that the tiny would survive until the school day ended, because she wasn’t sure if she could ignore her all day otherwise…

Erry wanted to scream again but only gasped as she was getting pushed further inside until she disappeared within the human girl’s depths… Erry wanted to move, but was again being pressed deeper, the human being way stronger than her… Erry coughed as she was unable to move, and was now fearing for her life while she was trying to look around. Erry’s eyes opened wide…she was really inside this girl’s vagina! Feeling the girl’s muscles pressing against her from all sides, she could even feel some juices ‘coat’ some parts of her body since the human surrounding Erry was enjoying that… Erry shivering from fear, she didn’t know how the day would go on, but only hoped that she would stay alive for another day…

The next hour or so was almost unbearable for Ellie, even when Erry had settled down she couldn’t help but think about the fact there was a tiny down…there. Once her lesson was over, she had one last class for the day: PE. Her face went red just thinking about what was going to happen, but nonetheless quietly went to it with her friends, not mentioning the little person hidden inside of her body. After changing into her sports uniform, Ellie went outside with the others. They had long distance running, something she wasn’t particularly found of, but first they had warm up stretches to do… Carefully, Ellie lifted her legs one at a time, as well as spreading them wide in preparation for the run. Every movement sent tingles up her body, Erry’s body being tossed all over the place and occasionally falling to bounce back up from her panties. It was incredible, and gave Ellie lots of ideas for what she wanted to do once she would be alone…

Erry wasn’t able to move but could soon feel more pressure on her, even though she couldn’t see the ‘light’ behind her anymore when the giant one put her sport uniform on. Soon after, Erry could feel the giant thighs from each side of her move, and the girl’s muscles pressing on her small self even harder! Erry was now screaming between two coughs, hoping that some other human might hear her… But Erry’s screams fell on deaf ears, since she was completely muffled by Ellie’s sex and panties. By the time they’d finished running, Ellie was absolutely exhausted…and unbearably horny. Luckily, they were free to head home as soon as they had changed back into their school uniforms, so Ellie made her way home in record time, giggling each and every time she felt Erry bounce around inside her. Once she made it home, she told her Mother that she’d be up in her room until dinner, and quickly ran to her bedroom so that she could get started… “So, I don’t know about you…but I think we’ve waited long enough to start playing, don’t you?” Ellie asked as she locked her bedroom door, looking down and patting her panties expectantly. She quickly discarded her skirt as she clambered onto her bed, and peeled down her already slightly damp panties to see how her tiny toy was doing. “Are you still alive? Because I’m ready to start playing little one~”

Erry was drenched by the girl’s sweat and some juices that covered her from where she was… She could hear muffled voices and the pain she was feeling was making her feel  dizzy… Still, she could feel the girl’s hand patting the small shape she was making onto the giant girl’s panties… Soon, Erry could hear the girl talk to someone, before moving quickly to another place, the girl’s muscles squeezing the small one deeper each time…until she heard the girl talk to her. “What does she have in mind…?” Erry wondered, afraid of what the human would do to her next…

Unable to tease Erry out, Ellie shrugged when she looked down to her crotch and couldn’t find her. She could at least feel the tiny girl struggling around, which pleased her greatly, so Ellie decided to take advantage of that. “Well, if you’re not coming out yet, I’ll help you come out~” Ellie cooed, giggling as she gently rubbed the tip of her finger in circles over her clit, sighing as she lay back on the bed. Moving a little faster, she guided a couple fingers inside her lips, panting as she started undoing the rest of her uniform, moaning harder as she warmed up. “I…hope you survive…this!” she cried out, giggling as she kept pleasuring herself.

Erry could feel the muscles all around her pressing on her small self roughly… She was being tossed onto the moist walls over and over, and the scarce oxygen was also incredibly humid all around her… Erry was feeling her body being pushed deeper, but with a scream, she tried to crawl out of this place as fast as she could. But soon, she could feel something…it was the giant girl’s fingers that met her small head and pushed her back!! Erry let out another scream while these fingers were now pushing her deeper inside of this giant girl’s body…

Ellie was surprised when she felt Erry bump against her fingers, but giggled at the sensation of Erry trying to fight them, to escape… Tauntingly, the schoolgirl tucked her back inside, moaning as she felt the tiny girl struggling inside her folds. Unable to take it any longer, Ellie arched her back as she finally reached her peak, climaxing all over her bed, and pulling her fingers out so that Erry could crash onto the mattress below. “Oh…that was… I mean I…I’d never even done that b-before…not with a tiny, at least…” Ellie mumbled, her face flushed as she sat up, kneeling a little as she stared down at Erry, beaming. “Thank you…so much…~”

Erry screamed while she fell hard upon the mattress… Feeling her body hurting her everywhere and covered by the girl’s juices, she wanted to take back her breath but coughed loudly some of the girl’s juices that entered her mouth when the giant girl came… Erry now looking back at the girl staring at her small self, she had now a furious stare “Why… why did you do THAT… You almost killed me…”. Ellie simply blinked a couple times at Erry, unsure how to respond. She tilted her head slightly, confused, and pouted back at Erry’s glare. “Umm, well, you are a tiny. I’ve never… even held one before. And all my friends talk about how fun it is to play with tinies! To eat them, crush them… Do… this with them. I-I didn’t mean to hurt you too much, I was just… really excited. We can, umm, clean you up, if you’d like…?” Ellie blushed a little as she kept staring, taking in the mess she’d made on the bed. “I-I really ought to clean up anyway, my Mom is going to be furious if she finds out I dirtied the sheets…”

“And do you think it’s the best thing to do with us ?!” yelled Erry, now looking really furious. “Since when is killing someone who is ALIVE fun ?! Just because the humans decided that for us it’s the best thing to do!” Erry looked down while removing some of the girl’s juices “Why… do all humans do such monstrous things to us…”. Ellie bit her lip, still unsure how to respond to Erry’s line of questioning. Tentatively, she pinched the tiny girl by her waist, and dropped her into her left palm, petting Erry’s head with one finger as she tried to find an answer. “I-I don’t think it’s right to kill you, you’re just… a tiny person, that’s all. I-I’d very much like to keep some of you, like pets! But my Mom would never allow it, so I’ve never… been able to touch one of you up till now. So, please, don’t be too mad at me? I know I was very rude, I shouldn’t have said ‘hello’ by putting you in my panties, it’s just all very exciting…” Ellie sighed as she stroked Erry’s body with one finger, trying to help wipe some of her juices off the girl. She did feel bad… but also wanted to do so many things with Erry, things she’d only dreamed about up till now.

“Why don’t you just leave me then….? I mean I’m not a pet… And I was really scared… you can kill me easily after all…” Erry didn’t moved and just let the girl clean her while looking on the side, not really wanting to say more since she knew that defending her small ‘life’ wouldn’t be taken seriously by a human. “Well, yeah but… couldn’t you just die if I left you out there? I mean, sure you might survive… what if the next human is worse than me? What if it’s one of my friends, and they just decided to eat you or crush you on the spot?” Ellie sighed, almost at the verge of tears, as she frowned at the girl. “Please, just… try staying with me, for now. I know you’re not a pet, you’re a living thing, but… I need to treat you like one, so you don’t get in trouble. My Mom doesn’t like me interacting with tinies after all, if she saw you in the house she’d… well, if you’re lucky throw you out the window.”

“And…? what are you going to do if you wanted to keep me…? Put my name on a leash and just walk me around like a real pet until you get bored of me and… dispose of me?” Erry was feeling still angry but now started to calm down “Yes… outside is dangerous for us… but inside a house is still more dangerous too, even more when humans don’t notice us…”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay? I promise I won’t try to be too controlling, and I will listen to you. But for now…how about I run you a bath, okay? You can wash yourself, I’ll just get some warm water and things for you to clean yourself with.” Ellie offered, smiling genuinely. Erry just looked down. “Just let me live… and don’t decide things for me, please… I have feelings too….” said Erry while now listening the girl “Yes…. I need to clean YOUR mess, after all…” said Erry with an ironic grin…

“I’ll try my best to, promise. But, if you want to live… being with me might not be so bad for you.” Ellie said, beaming when she saw Erry smile, if only ever so slightly. Getting off the bed, Ellie tiptoed out of her bedroom, and slipped into the nearby bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she set Erry down on the edge of the sink, and started pouring some warm water into the basin. While it started running, she chipped off a little soap for Erry to use, and got a face cloth for her to dry herself with from nearby. “Heh, I umm, never asked you your name, did I? Mine’s Ellie, what’s yours?”

“Erry.” said the girl while looking at the water pouring in the sink while wondering how she would wash herself in such a big bath “We usually don’t really need names since well… our lives are pretty limited still… Erry is my name.”. “Oh, we have really similar names!” Ellie commented, giggling. “That’s pretty cute actually, it’s nice to meet you Erry, and I hope I get to know you better in time.” Turning off the tap, Ellie sat herself down on the toilet seat, and started grabbing some nearby toilet paper, to clean up her crotch a little after the mess from earlier. “I’m just going to stay in here, so you don’t get spotted by my Mom. Feel free to ignore me though, unless you’re struggling to get washed. Okay?”. Erry looked at the girl doing her stuff… “Can you just tell me how am I supposed to wash myself…? This sink is quite big for me….” said Erry while now feeling shy to undress herself in front of the giant girl who didn’t really looked concerned by Erry’s intimacy.

“Oh, yeah sure, one second…” Getting up from the toilet, Ellie walked over to Erry, and encouraged her to try and start undressing. She smiled as she waited, hovering near the sink. “If you climb into the water, I’ll pass you the soap, and you can rub it on your body to help clean out any mess, okay? We could try shampoo too, for your hair, but it’s difficult for me to help since you’re so small.”

Erry just mumbled something before she started to remove the parts of her torn dress… now walking towards the human while ‘covering’ her lower body with a hand “As long I can remove this… smell…. anything is fine for me.” said Erry while waiting the girl to pick her up. “No of course, of course… Alright, let me move you in.” Carefully scooping Erry up in one hand, Ellie lowered her into the water, and shortly after making sure Erry could float well enough, passed her the soap too. “I didn’t ask, but you can swim in water alright, yes? I don’t want to leave you and find out you’re drowning, or something…”. “I can swim but it won’t be the best way for me to wash myself…. can you just leave your hand there while I do that…?” asked Erry while feeling some shivers when her body went into the warm liquid… “Oh, umm…sure? Sorry I just…assumed you’d prefer some privacy.” Ellie said, blushing. She let her hand hover just underneath Erry, so she could lie on top of it, and tried her best not too look too much. “I promise I’m not being perverted, I just have to look every so often so I don’t move my hand by accident…”. Erry was washing herself while hiding her intimacy the best she could do… “Heh… I’ve been inside of your sex… and now you’re feeling shy about my condition…?” said Erry while turning herself to show her back to the girl, Erry now washing her body with the soap… feeling the girl’s juices go away… leaving a better scent on her skin.

“I-I umm, well it’s not like…that.” Ellie tried to explain, blushing like an idiot. “I’ve just…never seen another person’s…parts before. Y-you know, I’m far too young for that yet!” Ellie sighed, trying to get more comfortable, casually looking at Erry like this. “You’re still mad, aren’t you? About earlier, I mean… I-I really am sorry.”. “We’ll see.” said Erry while now taking care of her white hair “I don’t trust humans… and even if for now I agreed to listen to you… I don’t trust you yet.” Erry said while now putting some water in her hair, washing the lasts drops of the girl’s juices remaining in her white hair. “O-of course, I don’t need you to trust me right away, I get it, I’m scary to you. But thank you, for at least listening to me.” Ellie said, smiling as she watched Erry finish getting washed. “I’ll lift you back out, when you’re ready. Do you want me to dry you off in here, or would my bedroom be nicer so you can use that time to rest properly once you’re dry?”

“I prefer to dry with my clothes if possible but I need to wash them first.” said Erry while covering her body again, “I wouldn’t put them on right now… and I don’t like having this ‘smell’ on them too.”. “Oh of course, we can do that now if you’d like..” Ellie said, using her free hand to pick up Erry’s clothes, and hand them to the small girl. As she did so however, she heard her Mom calling her for dinner, and Ellie’s eyes grew huge as she looked back down at Erry, unsure what to do. “S-sure thing, I’ll be down in a minute!” Ellie cried out, biting her lip and whispering to Erry, “C-can you hurry up? She’ll get concerned if I take too long. And umm, sorry, you’ll probably want to have something to eat too, right? I hadn’t thought about that, I wonder if I can get you some food without my Mom noticing…”

Erry was washing her clothes before answering “Just leave me in your room and it will be fine… I don’t want to get closer to a kitchen… I might see some stuff that I don’t want to.” Erry now almost done cleaning her clothes. “Oh, umm, right, well my Mum doesn’t cook tinies, if that’s what you’re wondering. After all, she doesn’t want me to… even see tinies, if possible.” Ellie tried to explain, smiling weakly. As she did so, her mother shouted for her to come to dinner, NOW. Ellie started panicking, and quickly pulled the plug to drain the sink. Quickly dumping Erry on the face cloth, along with her clothes, Ellie scooped the cloth up, bundled it tight, and shoved it deep into her cleavage, so it wasn’t visible from the outside. “I’m REALLY sorry, I just don’t have time to leave you in my room before dinner. Just try not to get too hurt, okay?” Ellie whispered downwards, dashing out of the bathroom and quickly grabbing her discarded clothes to get fully dressed, before running to dinner…

Erry let out a surprised squeak when she was grabbed by the girl but was now trapped between the girl’s breasts. Erry was still undressed and could feel the girl’s skin press her all around… “Ahhh….!” screamed Erry because of the pressure… but tried her best to stay silent… she knew that another human was nearby and she didn’t wanted to be noticed… As Ellie finally settled down for dinner, incredibly flustered, she tried her best to smile like nothing was wrong to her Mom, and started tucking into dinner. It wasn’t anything fancy – just some mashed potatoes, vegetables, and a steak – but with every little movement Ellie made… she was painfully aware that Erry was struggling around in her breasts. She answered questions about her school day, ate another mouthful… and blushed at the tiny feeling of Erry’s wet body rubbing against her skin. Taking a deep breath, Ellie ignored Erry for now, and tried to make it through dinnertime…

Erry could hear some noises nearby… the sounds of the girl eating her food. Right besides her, Erry could hear the girl’s body working on its food while Erry was stuck between the two mountains of flesh… Erry was trying to move but her body was slipping and pressed from all sides… Her body now hurting her, she tried not to make a noise but the pain was now getting unbearable for her small self… Just as Ellie was getting comfortable, she felt Erry beginning to slip further down. It wasn’t too fast, or too far… but soon Erry would either run out of breath…or slip out of Ellie’s cleavage completely. Hurriedly, Ellie tried to eat just a bit faster, without choking, so that she could leave the table just a little sooner. However, every other bite, Erry slipped slightly faster, and Ellie started panicking even more. “Y-you don’t mind if I have my pudding in my room, do you Mom?” Ellie fumbled quickly, eating the last of her dinner and trying to stand up to leave. Luckily, she was allowed, and quickly but quietly made her way back to her bedroom…

Erry could feel the girl move… her wet body was slipping when Erry tried to grab onto anything but it wasn’t working… Erry was still being squeezed by the girl’s breasts… now looking a bit below, Erry could see the girl’s bra… Erry extended her legs and managed to ‘grab’ a small part of the bra, Allowing Erry not to slide further down for now. Just as Ellie finally made it back to her bedroom, she sat herself down at the foot of the bed, and cupped her hands underneath her shirt, where she just felt Erry slipping out from between her breasts. “F-feel free let go now Erry, I’ll catch you!” Ellie exclaimed, panting a little from dashing back to her room like she had. Erry could see the giant hands below and it wasn’t too high, moving a bit, she slid onto the girl’s belly skin and soon landed into the giant hand with a soft sound. Erry was looking around and she was somehow safe… even if she didn’t knew where her clothes were now, her body now hurting less than befor. Sighing once she finally caught Erry, Ellie delicately placed Erry down on the bed, next to where she was sitting, and passed the tiny girl the cloth and clothes from earlier, albeit slightly warm and sweaty from being trapped in her cleavage along with Erry. “Are you…are you okay..?” Ellie asked, still trying to get her breath back. “I’m really sorry about all that I just… didn’t know what else to do…”. Erry grabbed the clothes and turned herself a bit to put them on, they were feeling a bit ‘heavy’ because they were still wet and a bit drenched because of the girl’s sweat… Erry then turned back to face the girl “Yes… I’m okay” said erry while feeling her arms, still hurting her a bit “Well… next time, just hide me somewhere safe… while you were in the kitchen your mother didn’t go anywhere right…?”

“Umm, no, I think we’re safe. I cleaned up the bathroom before we left, so the only evidence that we’ve… done something, is my dirty bed.” Ellie said, breathing out a sigh of relief, and picking up her pudding. It was a simple pot of yoghurt, so she peeled the film off the top, and grabbed the spoon with her other hand to start eating. “And yeah, umm, hopefully it won’t happen again…” Ellie sighed, even though she was blushing a little, “you felt…kinda, nice between my breasts, though.”. Erry winced “And I didn’t really enjoyed that… you know that you could have… crushed me between your breasts….?” Erry then could feel her belly rumble but she just looked on the side. “You should be careful with me if you really want to keep me…”

“I-I know, that isn’t what I meant… I just mean, you know, if you were put there without my breasts crushing you so much it could be… fun?” Ellie tried to explain, before noticing the look on Erry’s face. Placing the yoghurt pot down on it’s side, so it faced the tiny girl, Ellie smiled at her new tiny friend, and encouraged her to start eating. “I’m sorry, I really did want to feed you sooner, it’s just… difficult around my Mom. I don’t even know how she’d react if I told her I was having you here, like this…”. Erry looked at the giant pot before just looking back a the girl “Do you think that killing me is fun…? I wasn’t born to entertain some giant one…” Erry then sat on the ground. “But well… I doubt I could change your mind about that… I’m just a stupid girl smaller than your thumb…”

“No! L-look, I don’t want to kill you. I don’t want to… hurt you. Not really. I just, have all these urges? I’ve wanted to talk to a tiny since… forever. And to hold you alone has been a dream come true. Just… be patient, okay? I have urges, and they’re hard to… keep in control.” Ellie hung her head, feeling awful for everything she was doing, even if it was out of her control. “Just…eat whatever you want, okay? If you don’t like it I’ll… I’ll try sneaking you some more food, when Mom isn’t looking.”. Erry looked at the giant pot again “Will I be safe…? I mean you’re not going to leave your room if I take some…?” Erry now looked really serious “I don’t really want to be eaten by accident after all…”

“No, I’m going to sit right here, promise. I need to clean the bed eventually, but feeding you is important, and making sure you’re safe is even more important. Okay?” Ellie was trying her best, and hoping she could keep Erry safe for as long as possible, even if she also hoped Erry would let her play just…a little more. Erry looked at the girl before at the pot again, extending her arm, the yoghurt was a bit too far so she took a step inside before extending her arms again. she was now ‘holding’ some of the milky texture so Erry ‘bit’ into it. Her face was now a bit white, but Erry didn’t really care about that and bit again, feeling her belly fill slowly…

Ellie watched on as Erry started eating the yoghurt, and part of her got so excited seeing the tiny girl slightly inside the pot. In fact, it gave her a terrible idea… A delicious, but terrible idea… “I-I promise I’m not going to eat you, I just want a taste!” Ellie exclaimed, bringing a hand behind Erry, and pushing her back with a couple fingers, to knock the tiny girl inside the pot, before tilting it upright and bringing it to her face, along with her spoon again. There was something…exciting about having Erry trapped inside her yoghurt, like a simple topping… Just looking down, giggling, made Ellie instinctively lick her lips. “You’ll be fiiiine, it’s just a taste, I promise~”. “Ahhh !!!” squeaked Erry while feeling being pushed inside… now ‘bathing’ in the yoghurt… she was hearing the girl and shivered “You… you got to be kidding right…? You’re not really thinking about eating me NOW ?!” Erry was trying to climb the ‘wall’ all around her but only to slip and fall back inside of the white texture… “No stop….! Don’t do that….!!”. “You’ll be okay, don’t worry! Come on, let’s get you in my mouth, hmm?” Ellie said, laughing as she lifted her spoon up, and effortlessly scooped Erry out of the yoghurt, and starting moving her into her mouth. “Ahhhh….” Ellie teased, getting the spoon between her lips, and closing her mouth before she pulled the spoon back out, leaving Erry and the yoghurt lying on her tongue. Ellie’s entire body shivered in delight, as she realised what she was doing…

“NOOOOOO !!!” Erry screamed from the bottom of her lungs when the girl put the small one inside of her mouth…. Erry was now stunned, she was in the worst place she wanted to be in… Looking around she could feel the girl’s breath hitting her small self while she was looking at the giant teeth surrounding her… Some drool poured onto Erry’s shoulder, waking up Erry from her thoughts… She suddenly let out a  scream and dashed towards the girl’s lips. Piercing through them with an arm, she tried to ‘crawl’ between, her hand and her upper body now outside… “Stop… ! Don’t do this….! I BEG YOU DON’T EAT ME !!” screamed Erry while shivering from a deep fear…

Ellie looked down with surprise when she felt Erry dash for her lips, and even fought her upper body out between them. However, the schoolgirl just giggled, pushing Erry back inside with one finger, and pursed her lips a little to make it much harder to escape if Erry tried again. Immediately, she pinned Erry to the roof ot her mouth with her tongue, tilting her head back to swallow as much yoghurt as possible, and humming as she rubbed the tip of her tongue over the tiny girl. “You taste so good…” Ellie said, in more than a whisper, before sealing her lips once more, and starting to toss Erry around with her tongue playfully, carefully trying to slip off the clothes that stopped Ellie getting to the…juiciest parts.

Erry was tossed on every side… slamming once again against the girl’s teeth, hearing the giant girl swallow the yoghurt Erry shivered before screaming “STOP THIS !! I’M SCARED !!!” Before noticing that the giant girl all around her wasn’t caring for her… the giant one now trying to find her way toward Erry’s body, Erry punched back the giant muscle “STOP THIS STUPID GAME I’M NOT A CANDY !!!!” screamed Erry while coughing… more of the giant girl’s saliva pouring onto her small shivering self. Completely lost in Erry’s flavour, barely able to hear her cries because of how muffled they were by her lips, Ellie continued to taste Erry with added enthusiasm. She shuffled up the bed, so her back could press into the wall, and with her hands frantically started to undress herself, tugging off her uniform in layers as her tongue expertly started to strip Erry. Not necessarily ripping them, but getting them wet enough that soon…Erry was left lying in the middle of Ellie’s tongue, stark naked and drenched in the schoolgirl’s saliva. Erry was now shivering from a deep fear… she could see her clothes now a bit far from herself… but too close to the girl’s throat opening so she wouldn’t go near there… she was now tired of the girl’s roughness… and couldn’t much protect herself from the girl’s assaults… Erry still screaming from fear from time to time…  starting to realize that… she might get eaten by the giant girl if she got too excited…

Now stripped down to little more than her own underwear, Ellie hummed in delight as she started to taste Erry fully, now unrestricted from the clothes that were blocking the cute girl’s taste up till now. She prodded, rubbed, and caressed Erry’s body, making sure to focus on the miniscule breasts and pussy on offer. Even though Erry was small, Ellie’s tongue was sensitive enough to feel it, and as she started to moan Ellie started to play with herself, groping her bra-clad breasts as she made sure to truly savour every part of Erry’s bare body…

Erry wasn’t feeling good at all… The girl’s tongue was too invasive and licking her private parts… Erry tried to push back the muscle, even tried to bite it, but it didn’t really seem effective. “Stop… stop…. please… STOP THIS…!!!” Erry tried to punch back the giant muscle again… her body now drenched by the girl’s saliva…

Ignoring how much of a fight Erry was clearly trying to put up, Ellie continued, diving the tip of her tongue between Erry’s legs, and forcing it as far as it would fit, to taste the tiny girl’s innards. The sensation was immediate, and Ellie shoved a hand down her panties, playing with her privates while she played with Erry’s… “No…. NO !!!” screamed Erry, feeling the girl licking her privates… Erry could feel her nipples getting harder and still pressed against the girl’s tongue… she was leaking some juices too… but didn’t wanted to enjoy this… the small girl now crying loudly… still begging the girl all around to stop this…

Trying to finish things up, for both of them, Ellie persisted, and kept Erry ‘riding’ her tongue, always applying pressure as some fluids start to leak onto Ellie’s tongue. She rubbed the rest of her tongue against Erry’s hardened nipples, heightening the sensation… Ellie too was getting wet, by pleasuring herself through it all. She was close…but wanted Erry to finish, first… “St…ahhh… op….!” Erry could feel the girl hurting her all around, the giant tongue pressing a bit too much on her small self… She was getting really tired, and didn’t want to enjoy this… her body still was getting warmer.. and soon Erry could see the girl’s teeth part away… Maybe she could hide somewhere… Erry was now moving quickly to the side, until she hit a fleshy wall and fell inside of the girl’s cheek, where she was safe for now…

“Mmm…no…no you don’t….” Ellie panted, feeling Erry trying to move away between the girl’s moans. She pulled Erry out of her cheek with her fingers, pulling her into the cool air of the bedroom, and forced her to dangle in front of her lips as she continued. Licking over Erry’s body, circling her crotch, and pushing against it with her tongue. All the while, her free hand was rapidly playing with her own sex, only holding on from sheer will alone. She needed Erry’s flavour, to finish up…

“No… NO !! You’re VIOLATING ME !!!!” Erry screamed… kicking into the girl’s tongue… now looking at the girl enjoying herself “You.. ahhh.. you’re kidding me…” Erry’s mind was now feeling lighter… her sex pouring more juices… Erry managed to ‘remove’ one of her hands from the girl’s fingers… before she placed it in front of her sex… ‘protecting’ herself “Stop this… now…”. When Erry, finally, couldn’t hold on any longer, Ellie lapped up her juices readily, scooping as much she could on her tongue… and swallowed them all, along with the tiny’s clothes. But, her mind was still a haze, she needed… something else. “N…not done…need…more flavour…” Ellie mumbled, her smile turning into a bigger grin as she tilted her head upwards, and dangled Erry over her waiting maw. “Come on Erry, you know you’re tasty~”

Erry kept her hand onto her sex, preventing the girl to lick her again “Stop this… I don’t enjoy that… and you’re just like those stupid humans that I hate so much…” Erry looked at the giant maw below her… looking at her clothes disappearing for good inside of the girl’s throat… “Please… if you really care about be… stop this…”

Erry’s words were completely lost on Ellie, far too numb to the plea to even process what was being asked. After all, Erry was just a tiny, surely Ellie could get another, someday… So, without another word, Ellie let Erry go, and after a few moments of Erry sliding down her tongue… Ellie easily swallowed the tiny girl down with a moan echoing all around her. Erry was gone in an instant, but the sensation of her tiny self sliding down Ellie’s throat was what she needed, crying out as she finally climaxed. It wasn’t till she came down from her high that she noticed she’d eaten Erry, but the tiny girl had been sitting in her stomach for a couple minutes already…

Erry screamed when she heard this horrible sound all around her… now going down inside of the girl’s throat, hearing many unknown sounds around her… Ellie’s loud breath and her heart bumping while Erry was passing by them gave her even more shivers. Soon the small one was suddenly falling and splashed into the girl’s digestive fluids while she realized that she was inside of Ellie’s stomach…! the girl ate not so long ago and her ‘stimulation’ made the giant organ surrounding Erry really active… Erry could see a part of her dress that was already dissolving… soon she could feel a burning sensation on her skin and tried to ‘climb’ a bit away from the deadly fluids… “Wh.. why did you do that… !!! You’re going to kill me !!!” Erry punched into the stomach wall “You promised to keep me safe.. and you’re doing this….?! WAS IT JUST A LIE !?”

Ellie was still not even realising she’d just eaten her new ‘friend’, and soon would be killing Erry. She was far too tired, and after about ten minutes, she’d more or less forgotten what she’d done, since Erry had mysteriously stopped talking or making an effect inside her belly… “Sorry, were you saying something Erry…? Mm, that was really good, I’ll…I’ll try talking to you again in a bit. Need to… clean the bed, I’ve dirtied the sheets twice now…”

Erry screamed when the girl stood up, the small one falling back into the girl’s juices… now burning her all around.. Erry coughed from the pain… but the girl ‘outside’ didn’t seemed to care for her.. Erry closed her eyes… hearing some horrible noises around… feeling her body about to break… there was nothing she could do… letting out a long cry, Erry’s mind was getting lighter. Within some minutes, Erry couldn’t feel most of her body… coughing from the lack of Oxygen, Erry asked her lost sister many years ago to take care of her… because she would be dead soon. With a last Erry fall on the side… her face now splashing into the acids… she soon passed out… not being able to fight the girl’s stomach now digesting her small self… Erry’s life soon ended with a deep pain and leaved the giant girl’s body taking care of this tiny extra piece of meat Erry had become for Ellie’s body…
The end.