SizeCon 2018 Feedback !!!

Hello !

It’s been a full day since the end of the con but I reaaaaalllly needed to rest 😀

So yep as usual here’s my summary of the con !! 🙂

I landed in the US on friday and… I got lost when I was heading to the hotel even if it was really close ! It’s the second time I go to Laguardia airport and that I get lost there but after some searching I finally found a way to reach the hotel ! 😀

So when I reached the hotel I just dropped my bags in my room after meeting some people from the con and around 5 PM we started our first meeting with all the artists and staff. Once it was done, we headed to the room where we had our artist alley and started to set up stuff ^_^

As usual I took only pictures of the booths since we had a no-picture policy during the event 😉

My booth all set up !

Then I started to walk a bit around to see everyone’s booths 😉

There was some nice posters again this time hanging around some walls of the artist alley 😉

We also had a map where we could put where we were coming from, since this time I wasn’t the only one coming from Europe, we added our respective countries on the map ! 😀

During my walk I was really happy that MissKaneda put one of the special prints I did on her stand (even if again on the picture Erry is in a bad situation :p)


First day of the con, I went to the opening ceremony and I saw many new people that I didn’t saw during the firsts events, I really hoped that they would enjoy this edition of the SizeCon 🙂

Then I wen to the writing workshop, it was a really interesting panel because I could learn some new stuff about writing and it really gave me new things that I now want to try 😀

During the afternoon I went to the ‘microphile panel’ that was one of the events I really wanted to see and it was really great ! I wish there was another ‘me’ that could go to the Vore panel that happened during the same time ;p

Then I started to drink some coffee and orange juices because I was feeling the jet lag still it didn’t stopped me to talk with people at my booth or just walking around ;D

The last panel I went to was the ‘Dark Side’, it was the last panel of the day and a really interesting one because even if I draw some cute stuff… I’m really into dark stuff sometimes 🙂

Then the first day ended and I think I fall in my bed… before falling asleep a bit fast xD

The second day started and before the Con opening we talked about old fightings games with Mabo and Scidram, it was great !! 🙂

During this day I mostly walked around and talked with people because there was only a social event I wanted to go to (the dark side social) and I really needed to rest too 😀

Then the last event came… the closing ceremony and I was feeling a bit sad. The event was again really great but even that I know that this event had to end I really enjoyed it to the end 🙂

When we headed back to our rooms… we found that somehow Taedis shrunk in the hall… xD

But even if the SizeCon was over… we wanted to hang a bit outside with Taedis, MissKaneda, Aborigen and a guy named ‘James’ if I remember xD. So we headed to a Coreran BBQ place and it was a really great place ! (even if Kaneda got scared of the scallions :D). Again we had a good time talking about writing and about some techniques, it was really interesting ! 😉 Special mention for the music we heard in the taxi that made us laugh a bit (Peter Gabriel – Big Time)

Once we got back to the hotel I really started to miss those 2 days… they were really amazing and saying ‘good bye’ to people I really enjoyed to spend time with always makes me feel sad but we’ll be sure to keep talking on many medias 🙂

The next day (today) I was really happy to meet some people from the con at the hotel and even when I was going to my next hotel in Manhattan ! We talked about some stuff we could do for the next events and some other random topics, it was really great ! ;D

About the goodies I got, this year we had those nice fans since the place was a bit warm sometimes ;p

I also had this nice print and some badges/stickers from Mabo, thanks a lot again ! 😀

Maaaaany prints I got from Jitensha along with a nice hanging scroll and some badges 😀

A print and a sketch of Erry I got from Candi ;D

A cute print I got from Glowinside 😀

And many books I got from Taedis, MissKaneda and Scidram ! Looks like I’ll have some stuff to read ! 😀

And now… the big thanks to everyone who came to the Con !!! It was really great and it couldn’t have happened if you weren’t there too ! I would also thanks the following (in alphabetical order this time :p) :

  • AborigenGTS : It was really great to talk with you again and I’m really happy that you managed to sell all of you books during the first day of the con ! 😀
  • Alovera : It was great to talk with you in the dark side social and to spend some time with you and the other people from the con today 😉
  • Anoka : I was really happy to see you again !!! It’s been really a pleasure to talk with you during this Con again and I really hope that I’ll be able to come to another one 😉
  • Candi : I’m really happy that you enjoyed the con and thanks a lot again for the picture of Erry you did, it’s really adorable ! 😀
  • Featherpants : My new artist friend from Germany !! 😉 it was really great to talk with you and I hope that we’ll be able to talk again about size stuff ! 🙂
  • Giant Toby : My neighbor !!! It was really great to talk with you again this year and I hope that you’ll have fun with your model convention, it was really interesting to talk about this 😉
  • Glowinside : Thanks again for your print and the time you spent to talk with me, it was really great !! ;D
  • Gomai : Thanks a lot to you again for this year’s event !!! I know it was a lot of work and I would like to thank you again for making it possible ! 😉
  • Iamfilledwithstatic : I’m really happy to have met you !!! And Undertale rocks !!! 😀
  • Jitensha : I would like to thank you again from the bottom of my heart ! Making the first event was such a giant dream… and now we managed to make it happen 3 times ! Thanks again for the ‘idea’ of the SizeCon and for all the things we could talk about 😉
  • M31 : Thanks a lot for the picture edit you made for us, I really love it !!! 😀 I’m really sorry that we couldn’t play in the end but I’ll be sure to take some time next time I’ll come to the SizeCon for that !! 😉
  • Mabo : Thanks a lot for our small talks during those 3 years and I really hope we could talk again about fighting games again (among other things :D). It was really amazing to meet you again and thanks for your kindness… I didn’t expected that you would came this morning to talk a bit with me 😀
  • MissKaneda : My roommate !! It was really great to see you again this year ! I’ll be sure to read your book and your stories and I really hope that we’ll be able to talk about writing again ! 🙂
  • Moe rat : My new artist friend from Spain !!! It was great to talk with you and I’ll do my best to work again on the European version of the Sizecon ! 🙂
  • Praedatorius : MAH BOI !!! It was really great to see you again and I really wish I could come again so we’ll be able to talk again ! 😉
  • Scidram : The panels where you were talking about writing were really interesting and I can’t wait to read your stories ! 😉
  • Taedis : I really missed you during last year’s event but I was really happy that you could make it this year !! I’ll be sure to read your book as soon as I can and thanks a lot again for all the advice you gave me about self publishing 🙂
  • The reducer : Thanks for sharing many advices during the panels we went and I’m really happy that you enjoyed my own story 😉 I’ll be sure to read some of your works !! 🙂

I probably forgot some people… I’m really sorry but I thank you too for being there at the con !! 😀 I don’t know if I’ll be able to travel another time for the next convention but… I’ll be sure to do my best to help the event to happen  another time ! (and even work again on the app :p). Thanks a lot again to every people that made this event happen because it was again some precious memories and even if I had to travel to the other side of the world… it was TOTALLY WORTH IT !!!

See you soon for more news on the blog and until then take care !! 🙂
