1 month left !

Hello !

Yup another SizeCon promo picture but the event is getting really closer !! Just one month left to wait before meeting some of you there and I’m also nearly done with the many goodies that I’ll bring 😀 I’ll be sure to show you some pictures once I’ll have all of them printed so stay tuned ! ^_^

If you need more news about the SizeCon 2017 event, be sure to check the link on the right side of the website 😉

See you next time for more news !


Gun Gun Pixies !! :D

Hello !

A friend of mine told me about a size game that was on PS Vita and since I got one not so long ago well…. here’s the game : Gun Gun Pixies !

I won’t do a test of the game in this post but show some stuff around to show what’s inside 😀 What I really enjoyed in the game was the ‘perspective’ froma  TIny’s view and how you interact with the other characters :p

Sooo is that a clock ? 😀

One of the girls doing some exercise :p

Some items you might find in the rooms sometimes… and yes it unlock you some new outfts… 😀

The ‘bathing event’… :p

Some character you might know from some other game 😀

And well… looks like even the main character is enjoying this… xD


I’ll try to post more screenshots soon but if you can get the game on your vita well it’s worth the try 😀

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


Character update : Saphyr 2017 !!

Hello !

Time for Saphyr to get her ‘old style’ back since many of you asked this haha 😀 in fact I really like this one too and I’ll be drawing like this again in the next pictures featuring her 😉 (except for her tiny victim :p)

See you soon for more ! 😀


New dark zone picture

Hello !

I added a new picture in the dark zone but as usual I won’t display it in the main news feed so you’ll have to go to see it yourself ;p

I’m also working on some new stuff these days and maybe a small animation project that I’ll tell more about soon.

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


The SizeCon app is there !

Hello !

Some news since I now can talk about it 😀 I’ve been workign for some time on a big project for the next SizeCon and it’s now almost ready ! This project is a ‘companion app’ for every SizeCon visitor and will allow you to do stuff like :

  • Faving some panels / artists / activities to plan a bit what you’ll be doing during the 2 days (it workd for the saturday and the sunday as well ! )
  • Check the map if you want to know where will be the next panel / activity/ etc
  • Check all of the special guests and where/when you can meet them
  • Flash many different QR codes that will be displayed around at the con giving you some bonus content in the app, it could be picture, stories and much more ! Once a code is flashed once it will be added to your own colelction.
  • Many more details but you’ll find it by yourself 😉

The app is in fact a small web app but supports fully all iOS/Android phones (I did some tests around so I guess it will be okay :p) and everyone that will be listed as a SizeCon visitor will have a login giving him/her access to all of those features for free ! 🙂

I hope that you’ll like using the app at the con and again I really hope to see many of you there ! 🙂

As usual, be sure to check the links on the right side if you need more information about the event 😉

See you soon for more news !
