New Artwork : Lovely micro girls…


Hello 🙂

Time for a new picture and this one features Erry who found another girl who could ‘shrink down’ to her size… and now the two girls would enjoy themselves with love… The story featuring this will be written soon, be sure to read it once it’s posted 🙂

I would also wish a really happy birthday to my friend Ypza who is the owner of this character and who is a really great friend… so again, a really happy birthday to you !!

There will also be more news soon enough on the website, see you later for more of them !


Stats ! :D


Since it’s been now a year that I created this website to host all of my stuff it could be nice to see a bit how it evolved and maybe give you some stats as well ;p


So first the visitors, for the last year I got 14151 visitors and a total of 88105 visits (but well if you remove the bot attacks and things like that… 😀 for the top ten countries, well no surprise about the USA (but come one we’re just at the 4th place !! where are all my French friends ? xD)


The top 3 pages now (without some ‘special pages I created like the disclaimer and such)

  • Game projects (you really want this game that bad…? But well soon enough haha ^_^; )
  • The Gallery (well it doesn’t really surprise me there ;D)
  • The Videos (again not really a surprise ;D)

Then come the characters’ pages and the sub galleries.


What’s next, the browsers you’re using 🙂 I’m kinda happy to see MSIE slowly fading away since well… I work on Mac first then since I work in the IT domain… you might guess why xD


And I think it’ll be enough since some stats doesn’t really seems to work yet ;p I still want to thank my regular visitors and don’t worry I’ll be posting more stuff soon ! Until then, take care ! 😉


SizeCon news !



As some of you have noticed, the Kickstarter for the SizeCon hadn’t reached its goal. But ! Almost 9000 $ of 15000 $ have been reached and they were 82 people supporting the kickstarter at its very end. That means that the project isn’t dead, and it could still be done maybe in another place than the one that was decided by the Convention staff.

So yeah, you can ‘officially’ buy some tickets for the convention (with the same rewards as before) or just give 1, 2, 5$ or any amount that you want if you feel to support this project.

Again it’s a first time in the world that something like this will happen and if it’s successful enough there might be more events like this maybe in the world too !

And yeah I’ll be doing some ‘reporting’ there… be sure to see maaaany pictures from my NYC travel in April and maybe some pictures from the convention too if I can take some 🙂 I’ll also be there to show some stuff and probably an early version of my game too, I would also really like to meet many of the people I know and maybe some of my own blog readers haha 😀

So yeah, here’s the details :

You can buy a ticket or just show your support right here : EVENTBRITE PAGE and remember that any help is really precious and will give support for something really ‘big’ ! 😉

See you soon for more news and thanks again for reading !!


Happy New Year 2016 !!



A new year so yeah, a new gallery is opened and from today I’ll be posting in it too for this year 🙂

I’ll be posting some new stuff soon enough again (stories / pictures or anything else) so again to every people visiting this website and see you again for more !! 🙂


New Story : ‘The Show’


Time for a new Erry Days chapter… and this time it will be about a picture I posted not so long ago… and again the poor Erry won’t have much luck… feel free to read it right here ! 🙂

See you soon for more ! 🙂


Messing with my head !


I saw something during the Steam sales and… I was curious. So yeah I bought ‘Facerig’ and installed it to try this…

I never really tried that ‘motion capture’ thing before but well… it was worth the try… 😀 soooo here’s some results of my stupid face on it… I’ll try to post more serious stuff soon enough xD

Kreeyz.FaceRig_29_12_2015__1_0_23 FaceRig_29_12_2015__1_2_52 FaceRig_29_12_2015__1_5_42 FaceRig_29_12_2015__1_6_48

New Collab and stuff !


Hello !

Time for a new collab work with the wonderful ‘CutenessOverlord‘ featuring our main OC Erry and Plume. Erry was surprised to see someone smaller than herself but in the end wasn’t watching behind them too… :p But it was a wonderful collab picture : I did the lineart and rough while he did the color work and all the details, hope you’ll like it !


Also ! I added a new short chapter of Erry Days based ona  picture I completed today… It’s a hard thing to see but well… something I wanted to get out of my mind… :p

See you soon enough for more ! 🙂


New artwork : Xmas Candy !


Hello again!

Time for a new picture and this one is based on one of my friend Ypza’s character Palmira enjoying a small candy cane and with Erry now on it as well it will be twice candies :3

More to come soon ! 😉
