Featured on VGGTS World !!

Hello !

I totally forgot to post something about this before but some of my old pictures got featured on the VGGTS and Anime GTS world websites for this week’s updates. I really thanks Cubed Cinder for selecting some of my works for this !! 😀

And yeah I’ll have to draw more anime/video games fanarts… if you have some ideas for me to draw, please leave a comment with them 😉

More news to come soon!


Progress bars everywhere ! xD


A short news for today since I decided to show more informations about the current game project progress. So the page changed and you can find now some progress bars telling you where I am on the different parts of the game development.

Some parts won’t take much time but some others like the endings will take some days of scripting before being included but I’ll try to update this page as soon as I put more stuff in the game files.

Maybe I’ll use those bars too to show some other things… I don’t know yet 😀

See you soon for more news !


[wppb progress=”100/100″ option=”animated-candystripe green” text=”Current Motivation 100%”]

New artwork : Nalimi

Hello !

Time to add a new picture in the gallery and this time it’s a picture I did for a friend : Ypza . It features her character Nalimi who is a girl who a a power to open ‘portals’ to many different worlds and dimensions. But this power wasn’t something she really wanted… it was a part of a dark experiment and she was unfortunately the subject… You’ll learn more about her if you read Ypza’s stories ! 😉

See you next time for more !



Game updates :)

Hello !

I’m working a lot on the game these lasts days and I started one of the lasts events of the game. In fact some of them are a bit ‘hidden’ and you’ll have to find them with some choices you’ll have to do in the game. Those events will be optionnal and you won’t need to finish them to complete the main story. I’ll try to post more news as soon as I can and until then take care ! 😉


Characters updates !


I updated a bit the website and also updated some characters (also added the adult version of Erry ) but it’s still in progress ! Some characters still don’t have their new designs but I’ll do them as soon as possible 😉

More news to come soon!


New staff member !


Today is a big day because ‘officially’ I have a new staff member to help me on the game project ! The youtube user ‘HakoniwaShoujo‘ (the old Pokejon) decided to help me on the game project and we’ve made already some progress together ! I’m also working a lot on it every time I can soooo expect more news about it soon enough ! 😉

Again I’m sorry for the wait of this game but I really want it to be perfect for the day we’ll release it ! 🙂

More news to come soon ! 😉
