New artwork ‘Twitter addict !’

Hello !

It’s been some time I created a Twitter account for Erry and since I had an old phone that I don”t use anymore I gave it to her so she can tweet more often 😀

You can follow her twitter account right here 🙂

See you soon for more ! 😀


Game sprites update

Hello !

I really wanted to update the sprites of my game project since the ones I did before were getting a bit ‘old’ so here’s the 2018 version of Satoko sprite ! (the other characters will follow soon enough 🙂 )

See you soon for more ! 🙂


New artwork “Sharing You…”

Hello !

Time for a different thing this time ! I got a challenge about re-drawing some old picture I did some time ago so I wanted to rework this one with better hardware/software and skill ! ;p

I hope that you’ll like the result ! 😀

See you soon for more news !


New artwork ‘Tiny Dancer’ !

Hello !

Time for a new fanart and this time about some games that I really like ! In fact I started to play Shantae on my GameBoy and it’s been maaaaany years 😀 Besides I finished the last game 2 weeks ago and I really loved it ^_^

See you soon for more ! 😉
