New Ebook (part 4) !!



Time for a new Ebook to appear on the downloads page ! This time it’s again one of Erry’s Story chapters, the fourth one, but it’s also a chapter that a great follower Kiloby helped me to correct so thanks a lot for this !!! :3

As usual if you don’t want the ebook version of this story you can still read it right here ! 🙂

See you soon for more news !! 🙂


New Artworks : For Tyrion ! :)



Hello !

Two pictures today for a really good follower : Tyrion13 ! I also started to stream (since apparently my connection allow it) and you can watch me there when I’ll be streaming ! (I’ll also post the link on twitter too) You can also favorite my channel if you have a Picarto account so you’ll be notified by mail when I’ll be doing stuff 🙂

See you soon for more ! 🙂


Another Ebook !



The second Ebook is now available on the downloads page !! It’s the second chapter of Erry’s story and this time featuring herself and Saphyr… Hope you’ll like it if you hadn’t read it yet ! Also the corrected version is now on the website too ! 🙂

See you soon for more !


Downloads !


A new section opens today : the downloads page ! Currently there’s not much stuff on it but there will be more soon ! Currentyl I’ll be putting some free ebooks featuring my stories (corrected and with some pictures !) but since I’m pretty new to create ebooks I’ll probably put many versions of them 🙂

I also plan to add much more stuff too soon but I’ll be sure to post a blog with it every time ! 😉

See you soon for more news ! 🙂


Dark Zone updated


Yesterday I decided that well since usually I don’t post anything to tell about the new stuff in the Dark Zone I’ll do it from now. It wasn’t something I didn’t really wanted to talk about on the blog before since it’s well mostly hard and bloody stuff but since it’s a part of my works I’ll be now talking about this as well but without any picture related on the blog 🙂

Besides yeah I posted a new story in it called ‘Meat…’, it’s based on a picture I did at the end of last year and will be… cruel again but well ^_^;

I’ll also post some more news about the website today so sty tuned 🙂


Updated the Dark Zone

Last news for today… I updated the Dark Zone with a specific gallery and I’ll be posting there all the stuff I can’t post in the usual gallery. As usual, I won’t be telling in the news when I’ll add some stuff to it since well it’s not something I enjoy much to talk to but I’ll probably tell this on Twitter or somewhere else.

See you soon for more news 🙂


A bit of myself.

Hello again!

It’s a big day… since I finally posted something about me again and basically what is ‘macrophilia’ for me and ho it is a deep part of my life. This page is really ‘special’ since not everything I tell here is happy stuff but well it was important for me to tell to everyone why 🙂

You can read all of this right here and I hope that it’s not too ‘hard’ to understand 🙂

See you soon for more news 🙂


Website updates


While I was working on my latest video I had an idea… about putting a small ‘living’ Erry on my website as well, so here it is… I’ll try to add more ‘stuff’ to her soon like some new expressions or clothes but for now she’ll be watching you on each page if you have a HTML5 compatible browser 😉
See you soon for more !


Stats ! :D


Since it’s been now a year that I created this website to host all of my stuff it could be nice to see a bit how it evolved and maybe give you some stats as well ;p


So first the visitors, for the last year I got 14151 visitors and a total of 88105 visits (but well if you remove the bot attacks and things like that… 😀 for the top ten countries, well no surprise about the USA (but come one we’re just at the 4th place !! where are all my French friends ? xD)


The top 3 pages now (without some ‘special pages I created like the disclaimer and such)

  • Game projects (you really want this game that bad…? But well soon enough haha ^_^; )
  • The Gallery (well it doesn’t really surprise me there ;D)
  • The Videos (again not really a surprise ;D)

Then come the characters’ pages and the sub galleries.


What’s next, the browsers you’re using 🙂 I’m kinda happy to see MSIE slowly fading away since well… I work on Mac first then since I work in the IT domain… you might guess why xD


And I think it’ll be enough since some stats doesn’t really seems to work yet ;p I still want to thank my regular visitors and don’t worry I’ll be posting more stuff soon ! Until then, take care ! 😉


Happy New Year 2016 !!



A new year so yeah, a new gallery is opened and from today I’ll be posting in it too for this year 🙂

I’ll be posting some new stuff soon enough again (stories / pictures or anything else) so again to every people visiting this website and see you again for more !! 🙂
